41 resultados para RUGOSA

em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"


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Fruits have been considered an important feeding resource used not only by frugivorous birds, but also by omnivore and some insectivore species. In the present paper we are reporting the behavior of birds consuming fruits of Davilla rugosa (Dilleniaceae). Handling behavior and visits frequency were analyzed in order to infer about the potential ornithochoric seed dispersal. Focal observations were carried out from October to December 1999 in a cerrado fragment located in São Paulo State, Southeastern Brazil (21°58′S, 47°52′W). In 60 h of field work we recorded 241 visits of 13 passerine bird species consuming the fruits. The mean number of visits per hour and the standard deviation were 4.01 ± 4.88. All of the species were considered potential seed dispersers, since no pulp mashers or seed predators were observed. No temporal difference in visit frequency was found when all of the species were analyzed together or when they were individually considered. Generalist species were responsible for 68.5% of the visits, followed by frugivorous (22.82%) and insectivorous (8.71%). The main potential seed dispersers were Elaenia spp. (Tyrannidae), Tangara cayana (Emberizidae), Empidonomus varius (Tyrannidae), Turdus leucomelas (Muscicapidae) and Vireo chivi (Vireonidae). The high visit frequency observed suggests that D. rugosa fruits may be an important feeding resource for birds in the cerrado ecosystem, in the manner that this plant can be considered in management plans which intent to maintain or rescue bird communities.


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The aim of this study was to report the occurrence of Anaplasmataceae-like organisms in monocytes from the hybrid surubim catfish. During the hematological evaluation of fish infected by Pseudomonas sp. in a fish farm located in the State of Mato Grosso do Sul we observed into the monocytes the presence of numerous pleomorphic inclusions of various sizes, rough in appearance which presented basophilic staining. These inclusions were similar to elementary bodies, initial bodies and morule of the bacteria from Anaplasmataceae family, often diagnosed in domestic mammals. This is the first report of its occurrence possibly belonging to the family of Anaplasmataceae in cultured fish in Brazil. Additional studies are necessary for molecular characterization of this bacteria, pathogenic potential, life cycle and impact on the intensive production of fish.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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A semente de milho doce é leve e rugosa. A rugosidade torna difícil a classificação das sementes quanto à forma e ao tamanho e isso dificulta a semeadura. Uma solução para esse problema seria a utilização da técnica de revestimento. Assim, este trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar diferentes materiais de enchimento, cimentantes e corantes na peletização de sementes de milho superdoce e verificar quais combinações de materiais seriam eficientes na manutenção da qualidade fisiológica das sementes após o armazenamento e que permitissem vazão e distribuição uniformes durante a semeadura. Foram então testados doze materiais de enchimento (calcários 1 e 2, caulim, carvão vegetal ativado, areia, vermiculita, fubá de milho, farinha de trigo, polvilho de mandioca, amido de milho, celite e terra de diatomáceas), dois cimentantes (goma arábica e cascorez extra) e seis corantes (tintas guache, acrílica, plástica e para tecido, corante para alimento e gelatina). As avaliações da qualidade física e fisiológica das sementes revestidas e nuas foram efetuadas por meio dos testes: teor de água, fragmentação, peso de mil sementes, volume aparente e plantabilidade, germinação, primeira contagem da germinação e emergência de plântulas em campo. O revestimento de sementes de milho superdoce proporciona homogeneidade de forma e tamanho às sementes, melhora a vazão e a distribuição dos péletes na semeadura e não compromete a emergência de plântulas em campo depois de quatro meses de armazenamento.


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The aim of this study is to describe the degree of yeast-colonization in diabetic and hemodialysed-users of dental prostheses. Individuals (306) were examined using an oral rinse technique in order to evaluate the incidence of yeast-carriage, and genotype of C. albicans. Yeasts were isolated from 68.4% (91/133) individual's dental prostheses users. Dental prostheses were found to be a significant factor for the yeast colonization (P < 0.05). Overall, the intensity of carriage was higher in diabetic patients as compared with health and hemodialysed individuals (P < 0.05). The isolation rates were: C. albicans (51.7%), C. parapsilosis (20.9%), C. tropicalis (14.3%), C. glabrata (6.6%), C. krusei (3.3%), C. rugosa (1.1%), and Pichia (Pichia ohmeri, 2.2%). Ready-To-Go RAPD Analysis Beads were used and primer OPJ 6 distinguished the C. albicans isolates found in prostheses users. All the isolates were grouped into 11 RAPD profiles in four main clusters and, the average S (AB) for the entire collection of 47 C. albicans isolates were 0.779 +/- 0.178. Over 85% of isolates had a similarity level higher than or equal to 0.8 reinforcing the idea that the use of dental prostheses, independently of the host's clinical condition, probably provides the necessary conditions for these strains to gain a growth-specific advantage over others.


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The aim of this study was to investigate oral yeast colonization, antifungal susceptibility and strain diversity in insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus patients (175), as well as to evaluate the influence of dental prostheses. Oral rinse samples were cultured on selective media, in order to isolate, count and identify the yeasts recovered. More than half of the diabetic subjects (53%) carried significant amounts of Candida cells in the buccal cavity and these organisms were recovered at higher densities in diabetics wearing dentures. A total of 93 yeast strains were isolated from these patients, including: Candida spp. (n = 89); Pichia (n = 02); Trichosporon (n = 1), and Geotrichum (n = 1). C. albicans represented 56% of these strains, non-albicans Candida 39.8%, and other genera of yeast 4.3%. C. albicans was prevalent, followed by C. parapsilosis, C. tropicalis, C. glabrata, C. krusei, C. rugosa and C. guilliermondii. Agar disk-diffusion tests of the susceptibility of non-albicans Candida and other genera of yeast to fluconazole showed resistance in 21.9%, mainly in C. rugosa (100%), C. glabrata (57%) and C. krusei (50%). Local oral factors, such as the presence of dentures, in association with diabetes, seemed to have the effect of increasing the amount and variety of Candida species in the oral cavities, mainly those with lower drug susceptibilities.


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Legume pulvini have a clearly delimited endodermis, whose variable content has been associated with the velocity and type of leaf movement: pulvini in leaves with fast nastic movement contain starch grains; pulvini in leaves with slow nastic movements have calcium oxalate crystals as well as starch grains in the endodermis. However, the studies carried out to date have involved few legume species. This study therefore purported to examine the consistency of this hypothesis in other legumes. Thus, the structure and content of the pulvinus endodermal cells of nine legumes of the Brazilian cerrado, with different types and velocities of leaf movement, were investigated: slow nyctinastic and heliotropic movements (Bauhinia rufa, Copaifera langsdorffii, Senna rugosa - Caesalpinioideae; Andira humilis and Dalbergia miscolobium - Faboideae; Stryphnodendron polyphyllum - Mimosoideae), slow heliotropic movement (Zornia diphylla - Faboideae), and fast seismonastic and slow nyctinastic and heliotropic movements (Mimosa rixosa and Mimosa flexuosa - Mimosoideae). Samples were prepared following standard plant anatomy and ultrastructure techniques. The endodermis of all the species contains starch grains. In the species displaying only slow movements, calcium oxalate prismatic crystals were observed in addition to starch grains, except in Zornia diphylla. in conclusion, oxalate crystals occur only in endodermal cells of pulvini that display slow movements, while starch grains are always present in pulvinus endodermal cells of plants with any kind of movement.


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Previous studies on legume pulvini suggest that the vascular system plays an important role in the redistribution of ions and transmission of stimuli during leaf's movements. However, the number of anatomical and ultrastructural studies is limited to few species. The aim of this paper is to investigate the structure and cellular features of the pulvinus vascular system of nine legume species from Brazilian cerrado, looking for structural traits pointing to its participation in the leaf's movements. Samples were excised from the medial region of opened pulvinus of Bauhinia rufa, Copaifera langsdorffii, Senna rugosa (Caesalpinioideae), Andira humilis, Dalbergia miscolobium, Zornia dilphylla (Faboideae), Mimosa rixosa, Mimosa flexuosa and Stryphnodendron polyphyllum (Mimosoideae), and were prepared following light microscopy, transmission electron microscopy and histochemical standard techniques. The vascular system occupies a central position, comprises phloem and xylem and is delimited by a living sheath of septate fibers in all the species studied. This living cells sheath connects the cortex to the vascular tissues via numerous plasmodesmata. The absence of fibers and sclereids, the presence of phenolic idioblasts and the abundance and diversity of protein inclusions in the sieve tube members are remarkable features of the phloem. Pitted vessel elements, parenchyma cells with abundant cytoplasm and living fibriform elements characterize the xylem. The lack of lignified tissues and extensive symplastic continuity by plasmodesmata are remarkable features of the vascular system of pulvini of the all studied species. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Ainda que aranhas Thomisidae sejam comumente encontradas em flores, as associações desses aracnídeos a espécies de plantas e às suas características florais foram pouco registradas na região neotropical. Observações do hábito das plantas, visitantes florais, e também das características florais, tais como antese, odor, forma, cor e recursos da flor, foram assinaladas para espécies floridas de uma área de cerrado presentes em uma trilha de 2 km de extensão. Misumenops argenteus e Misumenops pallens representaram 62,86% das aranhas habitantes de 22 espécies de plantas floridas. As plantas Senna rugosa (Fabaceae), Styrax ferrugineus (Styracaceae) e Banisteriopsis campestris (Malpighiaceae) abrigaram, individualmente, cerca de 10 a 17% do total das aranhas e, nestas plantas, a antese diurna; flores de coloração atrativa a abelhas, como amarela (S. rugosa), branca (S. ferrugineus) e rosa (B. campestris) e as anteras poricidas, bem como a visita das flores por abelhas reforçou a evidência de síndrome de polinização para melitofilia. Este é o primeiro levantamento de espécies de aranhas Thomisidae associadas a plantas do cerrado brasileiro.


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The purpose of this study was to isolate yeast (Candida) from the quarter milk of cow udders from 37 dairy farms in Brazil and to identify the different species involved in mastitis. The samples were collected between October 2002 and February 2003. Two-hundred-and-sixty milk samples from cows with clinical and subclinical mastitis were examined. Milk samples were plated onto Blood agar, Mac Conkey agar and Sabouraud dextrose agar. Forty-five (17.3%) samples were positive for the genus Candida. The Candida species isolated were C. krusei (44.5%), C. rugosa (24.5%), C. albicans (8.9%), C. guilliermondii (8.9%), and others (13.2%). We also isolated Escherichia coli (26.5%), coagulase-positive Staphylococcus (25.0%), Streptococcus spp. (8.1%), Enterobacter spp. (8.1%), and other fungi (8.1%), among others.


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The development of the ovule and of the fruit of Hypolytrum bullatum and H. schraderianum (Mapanioideae) and of Rhynchospora consanguinea and R. rugosa (Cyperoideae) are described. All species share anatropous, bitegmic and crassinucellate ovules, funicular obturator, megagametophyte of the Polygonum type, presence of starch grains in the mature megagametophyte, free-nuclear endosperm, Onagrad-type embryogeny, testal-tegmic seed, and a simple fruit of the achene type. Rhynchospora species have characters typical of the family: micropyle formed by the inner integument alone; 3-4-layered parietal tissue; and hard achene. Hypolytrum species differ in those characters by presenting a slightly zigzag micropyle formed by both integuments connected with the funicular obturator, 5-8-layered parietal tissue, and fibrous-spongy achene. The peculiar formation of the micropyle in Hypolytrum is a feature reported here for the first time in the family. The ontogeny provides evidence for a better understanding of the dispersal unit in Hypolytrum supporting the classification as a true achene, like that of Rhynchospora, which is characteristic of the family.