290 resultados para RESIDUAL ALVEOLAR

em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"


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The use of teeth-implant, mucosa-supported removable dentures for rehabilitation of partially edentulous patients involves highly complex biomechanical aspects. This type of prosthesis associates 3 kinds of support that react differently to the functional and parafunctional forces developed in the oral cavity. Although the construction of removable partial dentures may seem paradoxical when osseointegrated implants are placed, in some cases, this option is an excellent alternative to solve difficulties related to the anatomic, biologic, psychomotor, and financial conditions of the patient. This article reports on a case in which a teeth-implant, mucosa-supported removable partial denture was the option of choice for a patient with financial and anatomic limitations, having a large structural loss of the residual alveolar ridge caused by trauma by a gunshot injury at the mandible. The 5-year follow-up did not reveal any type of biomechanical or functional problem. Copyright © 2006 by Lippincott Williams and Wilkins.


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Objective: To compare the healing and bony crest resorption at implants installed conventionally or applying an edentulous ridge expansion (ERE) technique in the maxilla.Material and methods: In six Labrador dogs, the first and second maxillary incisors were extracted bilaterally. In the left side of the maxilla (Test), the flaps were elevated and the buccal plate of the alveoli and septa was removed. After 3 months of healing, partial-thickness (split) flaps were dissected and the residual alveolar bone was exposed. In the right side of the maxilla, an implant was installed conventionally (Type IV; Control) while, in the left side, the ERE technique was adopted. Hence, an expansion of the buccal bony crest was obtained, and the implant was subsequently installed (Test). After 3 months of healing, biopsies were obtained and ground sections were prepared for histological analyses.Results: A buccal vertical resorption of the bony crest of 2.2 +/- 1.2 mm and 1.6 +/- 0.7 mm was found at the test and control sites, respectively. The difference, however, did not reach statistical significance. The coronal level of osseointegration at the buccal aspect was located at 3.1 +/- 1.0 mm and 2.2 +/- 0.7 mm from the implant shoulder at the test and control sites, respectively, the difference being statistically significant. The mean values of the mineralized bone-to-implant contact (MBIC%) ranged from 43% to 48% at the buccal and lingual sites. No differences reached statistical significance.Conclusions: Implants installed by applying an ERE technique may osseointegrate similarly to conventional implant installation. However, vertical and horizontal resorption of the displaced buccal bony wall occurred as well.


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The residual alveolar ridges may be unfavorable for implant placement. The edentulous maxilla is often challenging for the oral surgeon because of the lack of bone as a consequence of alveolar ridge resorption and/or maxillary sinus pneumatization. Accidents or complications may occur when some of these issues are not being known. This article reports one case of implant displaced into the maxillary sinus, 27 days after sinus bone augmentation with simultaneous dental implant installation, causing moderated sinusitis symptoms. The implant was removed through oral cavity access to maxillary sinus.


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Aim To evaluate the soft tissue and the dimensional changes of the alveolar bony crest at sites where deproteinized bovine bone mineral (DBBM) particles, concomitantly with the placement of a collagen membrane, were used at implants installed into sockets immediately after tooth extraction. Material and methods The pulp tissue of the mesial roots of 3P3 was removed in six Labrador dogs, and the root canals were filled. Flaps were elevated bilaterally, the premolars hemi-sectioned, and the distal roots removed. Recipient sites were prepared in the distal alveolus, and implants were placed. At the test sites, DBBM particles were placed in the residual marginal defects concomitantly with the placement of a collagen membrane. No treatment augmentation was performed at the control sites. A non-submerged healing was allowed. Impressions were obtained at baseline and at the time of sacrifice performed 4 months after surgery. The cast models obtained were analyzed using an optical system to evaluate dimensional variations. Block sections of the implant sites were obtained for histological processing and soft tissue assessments. Results After 4 months of healing, no differences in soft tissue dimensions were found between the test and control sites based on the histological assessments. The location of the soft tissue at the buccal aspect was, however, more coronal at the test compared with the control sites (1.8 +/- 0.8 and 0.9 +/- 0.8 mm, respectively). At the three-dimensional evaluation, the margin of the soft tissues at the buccal aspect appeared to be located more apically and lingually. The vertical dislocation was 1 +/- 0.6 and 2.7 +/- 0.5 mm at the test and control sites, respectively. The area of the buccal shrinkage of the alveolar crest was significantly smaller at the test sites (5.9 +/- 2.4 mm2) compared with the control sites (11.5 +/- 1.7 mm2). Conclusion The use of DBBM particles concomitantly with the application of a collagen membrane used at implants placed into sockets immediately after tooth extraction contributed to the preservation of the alveolar process.


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Aim: To evaluate the influence of deproteinized bovine bone mineral in conjunction with a collagen membrane, at implants installed into sockets in a lingual position immediately after tooth extraction, and presenting initial horizontal residual buccal defects <2 mm. Material and methods: The pulp tissue of the mesial roots of 4P4 was removed in six Labrador dogs, and the root canals were filled with gutta-percha and cement. Flaps were elevated, and the buccal and lingual alveolar bony plates were exposed. The premolars were hemi-sectioned, and the distal roots were removed. Implants were installed in a lingual position and with the margin flush with the buccal bony crest. After installation, defects resulted at about 1.7 mm in width at the buccal aspects, both at the test and control sites. Only in the left site (test), deproteinized bovine bone mineral (DBBM) particles were placed into the defect concomitantly with the placement of a collagen membrane. A non-submerged healing was allowed. Results: After 3 months of healing, one implant was found not integrated and was excluded from the analysis together with the contralateral control implant. All remaining implants were integrated into mature bone. The bony crest was located at the same level of the implant shoulder, both at the test and control sites. At the buccal aspect, the most coronal bone-to-implant contact was located at a similar distance from the implant margin at the test (1.7 ± 1.0 mm) and control (1.6 ± 0.8 mm) sites, respectively. Only small residual DBBM particles were found at the test sites. Conclusion: The placement of an implant in a lingual position into a socket immediately after tooth extraction may favor a low exposure of the buccal implant surface. The use of DBBM particles, concomitantly with a collagen membrane, did not additionally improve the outcome obtained at the control sites. © 2011 John Wiley & Sons A/S.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Filtered ethyl ester biodiesel from residual soybean oil: performance of an agricultural tractor in the disk harrow operation. This test was conducted to evaluate the performance of an agricultural tractor using a mixture of biodiesel and petroleum diesel. The experiment was conducted at FCAV-Unesp, Jaboticabal, using a 4x2 AFWD tractor with 73.6 kW (100 hp @ 2,300 rpm) of power in the motor, pulling a disk harrow. The biodiesel used was of the ethyl type, filtered, and produced from residual soybean oil. The experimental design was completed randomized in factorial scheme (4x5), with 20 treatments and 4 repetitions, in which 5 ratios of biodiesel and petroleum diesel mixtures were combined (0 and 100%, 25 and 75%, 50 and 50%, 75 and 25% and 100 and 0%), with 4 displacement runs. The analyzed variables were traction bar power, engine rotation and displacement speed. The results evidenced that the mixture ratio (biodiesel and petroleum diesel) did not compromise tractor performance until the limit of 50%.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar a toxicidade residual de alguns agrotóxicos utilizados em citros sobre Neoseiulus californicus (McGregor) em condições de laboratório. O método de bioensaio adotado foi o de contato residual. Folhas de citros da variedade Pêra, acondicionadas em arenas, foram pulverizadas em torre de Potter. A toxicidade residual dos produtos foi avaliada duas horas e 1; 3; 5; 7; 10; 14 e 21 dias após a aplicação. em cada arena, foram transferidas dez fêmeas adultas de N. californicus, juntamente com uma quantidade suficiente de Tetranychus urticae, como fonte de alimento. As avaliações de mortalidade foram realizadas 72 horas após a transferência dos ácaros para as arenas. Os agrotóxicos acrinathrin, deltamethrin, dinocap, enxofre, fenpropathrin, óxido de fenbutatin e propargite não causaram mortalidades significativas em adultos de N. californicus. Foram registradas mortalidades de 29,8; 24,0 e 34,1% para ácaros N. californicus expostos a resíduos de duas horas de idade de abamectim, azocyclotin e cyhexatin, respectivamente. Dicofol, pyridaben e chlorfenapyr causaram 100% de mortalidade aos ácaros predadores expostos aos resíduos tóxicos dos acaricidas, com duas horas de idade. Abamectin provocou mortalidade significativa por um período inferior a um dia. Resíduos dos acaricidas azocyclotin, cyhexatin, dicofol, pyridaben e chlorfenapyr provocaram mortalidades significativas por períodos de 1; 1; 10; 10 e 21dias, respectivamente. Os resultados obtidos no presente experimento servem de subsídio para a escolha adequada dos agrotóxicos a serem utilizados em pomares de citros nos quais N. californicus esteja presente ou naqueles em que o predador venha a ser liberado. Esses resultados também servem para a escolha do momento mais favorável para a liberação dos ácaros predadores dessa espécie no campo, após a aplicação de agrotóxicos nos pomares. Estudos conduzidos em condições de campo ainda são necessários para se compreender melhor o efeito desses agrotóxicos sobre o ácaro predador.


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O principal objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os efeitos residuais, por quatro anos seguidos, de diferentes tipos de resíduos, aplicados de formas e em doses distintas, sobre a qualidade tecnológica da cana-de-açúcar de quinto corte (cultivar SP 81-3250). Os tratamentos testados são combinações de dois tipos de resíduos (lodo de esgoto; vinhaça; lodo de esgoto + vinhaça) com dois modos de aplicação (ao lado da linha de cultivo e em área total) e com duas doses (100 e 200%), e um tratamento-testemunha. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos casualizados, com três repetições, totalizando 39 parcelas. As variáveis analisadas foram: percentagem de sólidos solúveis no caldo extraído (Brix % C.E.), percentagem aparente de sacarose no caldo extraído (Pol % C.E.), percentagem da fibra na cana (Fibra % cana), pureza (%), percentagem aparente de sacarose na cana (Pol % cana), percentagem de açúcares redutores na cana (AR % cana), percentagem de açúcares redutores totais na cana (ART % cana) e açúcares totais recuperáveis (ATR). Os fatores de variação testados (tipo de resíduo, modo de aplicação e doses) não promoveram alterações na qualidade e não comprometeram a valorização da cana-de-açúcar.