22 resultados para RATE RECOVERY
em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"
The aim of this study was to investigate the potential relationship between excess post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC), heart rate recovery (HRR) and their respective time constants (tvo(2) and t(HR)) and body composition and aerobic fitness (VO(2)max) variables after an anaerobic effort. 14 professional cyclists (age = 28.4 +/- 4.8 years, height = 176.0 +/- 6.7 cm, body mass = 74.4 +/- 8.1 kg, VO(2)max = 66.8 +/- 7.6 mL. kg(-1) . min(-1)) were recruited. Each athlete made 3 visits to the laboratory with 24h between each visit. During the first visit, a total and segmental body composition assessment was carried out. During the second, the athletes undertook an incremental test to determine VO(2)max. In the final visit, EPOC (15-min) and HRR were measured after an all-out 30s Wingate test. The results showed that EPOC is positively associated with % body fat (r = 0.64), total body fat (r = 0.73), fat-free mass (r = 0.61) and lower limb fat-free mass (r = 0.55) and negatively associated with HRR (r = - 0.53, p < 0.05 for all). HRR had a significant negative correlation with total body fat and % body fat (r = - 0.62, r = - 0.56 respectively, p < 0.05 for all). These findings indicate that VO(2)max does not influence HRR or EPOC after high-intensity exercise. Even in short-term exercise, the major metabolic disturbance due to higher muscle mass and total muscle mass may increase EPOC. However, body fat impedes HRR and delays recovery of oxygen consumption after effort in highly trained athletes.
Pós-graduação em Ciências da Motricidade - IBRC
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The aim of the present study was to investigate the potential benefits of cold water immersion (CWI) and active recovery (AR) on blood lactate concentration ([Lac]) and heart rate variability (HRV) indices following high-intensity exercise. 20 male subjects were recruited. on the first visit, an incremental test was performed to determine maximal oxygen consumption and the associated speed (MAS). The remaining 3 visits for the performance of constant velocity exhaustive tests at MAS and different recovery methods (6 min) were separated by 7-day intervals [randomized: CWI, AR or passive recovery (PR)]. The CWI and AR lowered [Lac] (p < 0.05) at 11, 13 and 15 min after exercise cessation in comparison to PR. There was a 'time' and 'recovery mode' interaction for 2 HRV indices: standard deviation of normal R-R intervals (SDNN) (partial eta squared = 0.114) and natural log of low-frequency power density (lnLF) (partial eta squared = 0.090). CWI presented significantly higher SDNN compared to PR at 15 min of recovery (p < 0.05). In addition, greater SDNN values were found in CWI vs. AR during the application of recovery interventions, and at 30 and 75 min post-exercise (p < 0.05 for all differences). The lnLF during the recovery interventions and at 75 min post-exercise was greater using CWI compared with AR (p < 0.05). For square root of the mean of the sum of the squares of differences between adjacent R-R intervals (RMSSD) and natural log of high-frequency power density (lnHF), a moderate effect size was found between CWI and PR during the recovery interventions and at 15 min post-exercise. Our findings show that AR and CWI offer benefits regarding the removal of [Lac] following high-intensity exercise. While limited, CWI results in some improvement in post-exercise cardiac autonomic regulation compared to AR and PR. Further, AR is not recommended if the aim is to accelerate the parasympathetic reactivation.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Objective To examine the anesthetic effects of a xylazine-diazepam-ketamine (XDK) combination in roosters.Study design Prospective experimental trial.Animals Six healthy white Leghorn roosters weighing 2.03 +/- 0.08 kg.Methods Each rooster was pre-medicated with xylazine (3 mg kg(-1), IM) and after 15 minutes anesthesia was induced with a diazepam (4 mg kg(-1)) and ketamine (25 mg kg(-1)) combination injected into the pectoral muscles. Heart and respiratory rates were recorded before anesthesia and every 15 minutes after induction for 165 minutes. Cloacal temperature was measured before and 15 minutes after pre-medication and every 75 minutes thereafter during anesthesia. Quality of induction and recovery were scored subjectively; duration of loss of righting reflex, abolition of response to a painful stimulus and palpebral reflex were also recorded.Results Intramuscular injection of xylazine smoothly induced loss of the righting reflex within 3-4 minutes. Loss of response to a painful stimulus occurred at 13.1 +/- 2.9 minutes (mean +/- SD) after the administration of the D-K combination, and lasted for 63.0 +/- 5.3 minutes. Roosters anesthetized with this combination had a significant decrease in heart and respiratory rates and cloacal temperature. The recovery period lasted for up to 4 hours (227.5 +/- 15.4 minutes). Quality of recovery was satisfactory for four roosters but excitation was noted in two birds.Conclusions and clinical relevance The XDK combination was a useful anesthetic technique for typhlectomy in roosters. Nevertheless this drug combination should be used with caution and cardiopulmonary parameters monitored carefully. Under the conditions of this experiment it was associated with a decreased cloacal temperature and prolonged recoveries.
We evaluated the relationship between follicle size and oocyte recovery (OR) using ultrasound-guided follicle aspiration. Thirty Holstein cows were subjected to OR without gonadotrophic therapy. Oocytes were recovered two to four times from each cow in a total of 67 aspiration sessions, Ovarian follicles with diameters less than or equal to4 mm and >4 mm were aspirated in separated groups. Recovered oocytes from each group were kept separate and submitted to in vitro maturation, fertilization, and culture to the blastocyst stage. A total of 430 follicles were aspirated, of which 154 (35.8%) were from follicles >4 mm and 276 (64.2%) were from follicles less than or equal to4 mm. Seventy-seven oocytes (50%) were recovered from follicles >4 mm and 200 (72.2%) were from follicles less than or equal to4 mm. Nineteen blastocysts were obtained from follicles >4 mm, whereas 45 blastocysts were obtained from follicles less than or equal to4 mm. Recovery rate was greater (P < 0.01) in follicles less than or equal to4 mm, Oocyte quality, cleavage rate and blastocyst development did not differ between different follicle sizes. Routine aspiration of small follicles (less than or equal to4 mm) could increase the number of oocytes available for in vitro development. (C) 2001 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.
INTRODUÇÃO: A decisão de quando iniciar a diálise em pacientes com lesão renal aguda (LRA) que apresentam síndrome urêmica está bem estabelecida, entretanto, com ureia < 200 mg/dl o melhor momento para iniciar a diálise torna-se incerto. OBJETIVO: Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a mortalidade e a recuperação da função renal em pacientes com LRA, cujo início da diálise ocorreu em diferentes níveis de ureia. MÉTODOS: Estudo retrospectivo desenvolvido em hospital escola, no estado de São Paulo, Brasil, envolvendo 86 pacientes submetidos à diálise. RESULTADOS: A diálise foi iniciada com uréia > 150 mg/dl em 23 pacientes (grupo I) e uréia > 150 mg/dl em 63 pacientes (grupo II). Hipervolemia e mortalidade foram mais frequentes no grupo I que no grupo II (65,2 x 14,2% - p < 0,05; 39,1 x 68,9% - p < 0,05, respectivamente). Entre os sobreviventes, a recuperação renal foi maior no grupo I (71,4 e 36,8%, respectivamente, p < 0,05). A análise multivariada mostrou risco independente de mortalidade relacionado à sepse, idade > 60 anos, diálise peritoneal e uréia > 150 mg/dl no início da diálise. CONCLUSÃO: Menor mortalidade e maior recuperação renal estão associadas com o diálise iniciada precocemente, conforme baixos níveis de ureia, em pacientes com LRA.
ObjectiveTo investigate the cardiorespiratory, nociceptive and endocrine effects of the combination of propofol and remifentanil, in dogs sedated with acepromazine.Study designProspective randomized, blinded, cross-over experimental trial.AnimalsTwelve healthy adult female cross-breed dogs, mean weight 18.4 +/- 2.3 kg.MethodsDogs were sedated with intravenous (IV) acepromazine (0.05 mg kg-1) followed by induction of anesthesia with IV propofol (5 mg kg-1). Anesthesia was maintained with IV propofol (0.2 mg kg-1 minute-1) and remifentanil, infused as follows: R1, 0.125 mu g kg-1 minute-1; R2, 0.25 mu g kg-1 minute-1; and R3, 0.5 mu g kg-1 minute-1. The same dogs were administered each dose of remifentanil at 1-week intervals. Heart rate (HR), mean arterial pressure (MAP), respiratory rate (f(R)), end tidal CO(2) (Pe'CO(2)), arterial hemoglobin O(2) saturation, blood gases, and rectal temperature were measured before induction, and 5, 15, 30, 45, 60, 75, 90, and 120 minutes after beginning the infusion. Nociceptive response was investigated by electrical stimulus (50 V, 5 Hz and 10 ms). Blood samples were collected for plasma cortisol measurements. Statistical analysis was performed by anova (p < 0.05).ResultsIn all treatments, HR decreased during anesthesia with increasing doses of remifentanil, and increased significantly immediately after the end of infusion. MAP remained stable during anesthesia (72-98 mmHg). Antinociception was proportional to the remifentanil infusion dose, and was considered satisfactory only with R2 and R3. Plasma cortisol concentration decreased during anesthesia in all treatments. Recovery was smooth and fast in all dogs.Conclusions and clinical relevanceInfusion of 0.25-0.5 mu g kg-1 minute-1 remifentanil combined with 0.2 mg kg-1 minute-1 propofol produced little effect on arterial blood pressure and led to a good recovery. The analgesia produced was sufficient to control the nociceptive response applied by electrical stimulation, suggesting that it may be appropriate for performing surgery.
Flotation or cell recovery in foams (proportion of the total cells in the medium transferred to the foam) and flotation efficiency (proportion of the cells transferred from an initial volume of medium equal to the residual volume after flotation) are functions of time, aeration rate, initial volume of medium, and initial concentration of cells. Cell recovery reached constant values (around 96.4 +/- 6.3%) and flotation efficiency decreased (owing to increases in the liquid content of the foam), with increases in air how rate (above 6-7 ml air s(-1)) and volumes of medium (above 11 ml) added to the column. Increases in concentration of cells in the medium led to increases in the concentration of cells in the foam.
The objective was to evaluate the effects of giving prostaglandin F(2 alpha) (PGF) to donor mares 48 h prior to embryo collection. Non-lactating donor mares (n = 20 estrous cycles in 10 mares), ranging from 2.5 to 10 y of age and 400 to 500 kg of body weight were used from September 2004 to February 2005 in the southern hemisphere (Brazil). Donor mares were randomly assigned in a cross-over design study. During a Treated cycle, 7.5 mg PGF was given 48 h prior to embryo collection, whereas in the Control cycle, 7.5 mg PGF was given at embryo collection. In Treated Cycles, serum progesterone concentrations decreased between the day of PGF treatment and the day of embryo collection (13.9 +/- 5.4 and 0.5 +/- 0.3 ng/mL, respectively; P < 0.05). In Treated versus Control cycles, the interovulatory interval was shorter (14.9 +/- 0.9 vs 17.5 +/- 1.1 d, P < 0.05). However, there was no significant difference between these groups for the interval from PGF to ovulation (average, 9.8 d), embryo recovery rate (average, 75%), embryo quality, uterine protein concentration, and pregnancy rate in recipient mares (average, 87% at 15 d after ovulation, with no pregnancy loss detected by 60 d). In conclusion, giving donor mares PGF 48 h prior to embryo collection reduced the average interovulatory interval by approximately 2.5 d, thereby potentially increasing the numbers of embryos that could be collected during a breeding season, with no deleterious effects on embryo recovery rate, embryo quality, or pregnancy rate in recipient mares. (c) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of delaying ovulation subsequent to superstimulation of follicular growth in beef cows (Bos indicus) on embryo recovery rates and the capacity of embryos to establish pregnancies. Ovulation was delayed by three treatments using either progesterone (CIDR-B®) or a GnRH agonist (deslorelin). Multiparous Nelore cows (n = 24) received three of four superstimulation treatments in an incomplete block design (n = 18 per group). Cows in Groups CTRL, P48 and P60 were treated with a CIDR-B device plus estradiol benzoate (EB, 4 mg, i.m.) on Day-5, while cows in Group D60 were implanted with deslorelin on Day-7. Cows were superstimulated with FSH (Folltropin-V® 200 mg), from Day 0 to 3, using twice daily injections in decreasing amounts. All cows were treated with a luteolytic dose of prostaglandin on Day 2 (08:00 h). CIDR-B devices were removed as follows: Group CTRL, Day 2 (20:00 h); Group P48, Day 4 (08:00 h); Group P60, Day 4 (20:00 h). Cows in Group CTRL were inseminated at 10, 20 and 30 h after first detected estrus. Ovulation was induced for cows in Group P48 (Day 4, 08:00 h) and Groups P60 and D60 (Day 4, 20:00 h) by injection of LH (Lutropin®, 25 mg, i.m.), and these cows were inseminated 10 and 20 h after treatment with LH. Embryos were recovered on Days 11 or 12, graded and transferred to synchronized recipients. Pregnancies were determined by ultrasonography around Day 100. Data were analyzed by mixed procedure, Kruskal-Wallis and Chi-square tests. The number of ova/embryos, transferable embryos (mean ± S.E.M.) and pregnancy rates (%) were as follows, respectively: Group CTRL (10.8 ± 1.8, 6.1 ± 1.3, 51.5), P48 (12.6 ± 1.9, 7.1 ± 1.0, 52.3), P60 (10.5 ± 1.6, 5.7 ± 1.3, 40.0) and D60 (10.3 ± 1.7, 5.0 ± 1.2, 50.0). There were no significant differences among the groups (P > 0.05). It was concluded that fixed time AI in association with induced ovulation did not influence embryo recovery. Furthermore, pregnancy rates in embryos recovered from cows with delayed ovulation were similar to those in embryos obtained from cows treated with a conventional superstimulation protocol. © 2002 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Objective - To compare hemodynamic, clinicopathologic, and gastrointestinal motility effects and recovery characteristics of halothane and isoflurane in horses undergoing arthroscopic surgery. Animals - 8 healthy adult horses. Procedure - Anesthesia was maintained with isoflurane or halothane (crossover study). At 6 intervals during anesthesia and surgery, cardiopulmonary variables and related derived values were recorded. Recovery from anesthesia was assessed; gastrointestinal tract motility was subjectively monitored for 72 hours after anesthesia. Horses were administered chromium, and fecal chromium concentration was used to assess intestinal transit time. Venous blood samples were collected for clinicopathologic analyses before and 2, 24, and 48 hours after anesthesia. Results - Compared with halothane-anesthetized horses, cardiac index, oxygen delivery, and heart rate were higher and systemic vascular resistance was lower in isoflurane-anesthetized horses. Mean arterial blood pressure and the dobutamine dose required to maintain blood pressure were similar for both treatments. Duration and quality of recovery from anesthesia did not differ between treatments, although the recovery periods were somewhat shorter with isoflurane. After isoflurane anesthesia, gastrointestinal motility normalized earlier and intestinal transit time of chromium was shorter than that detected after halothane anesthesia. Compared with isoflurane, halothane was associated with increases in serum aspartate transaminase and glutamate dehydrogenase activities, but there were no other important differences in clinicopathologic variables between treatments. Conclusions and clinical relevance - Compared with halothane, isoflurane appears to be associated with better hemodynamic stability during anesthesia, less hepatic and muscle damage, and more rapid return of normal intestinal motility after anesthesia in horses undergoing arthroscopic procedures.
The purpose of this randomized study was to evaluate EMG spectral, subjective and cardiovascular recovery parameters after isometric lumbar extension contractions. Ten healthy women performed isometric lumbar extensions until exhaustion with 5%, 10%, 15% and 20% of maximal voluntary isometric contraction on 4 different days (random order). One baseline five second contraction was performed before the fatiguing task which was followed by eight submaximal five second extension contractions (until 20 minutes after the end of the fatiguing task) at the same intensity as the trial to evaluate muscle recovery. EMG (Median Frequency, Peak Power, Peak Power Frequency, Total Power and Zero-crossing Rate) and cardiovascular variables did not demonstrate any statistical difference between the 5-second contractions (p > 0.05) performed before and after the fatiguing task, showing a quick EMG recovery. However, the data analysis showed that the perceived effort variable had not recovered even 10 minutes after the fatigue contraction (p < 0.05). Our results represent a data basis for future comparisons and since subjective felling can affect performance, this study shows the importance of its analysis, since the subjective effort rate was not fully recovered after 10 minutes the end of the exhaustion contraction. © 2008 IOS Press. All rights reserved.