20 resultados para RAT LUNG IRRADIATION

em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"


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Drug delivery systems involving the use of polymers are widely studied and discovery of biocompatible polymers has become the focus of research in this area. Psoralen loaded poly(DL-lactide-co-glycolide) (PLGA) microspheres to be used in PUVA therapy (psoralen and UVA irradiation (ultraviolet A, 320-400 nm) of psoriasis were identified in paraffin sections by histological analysis. The psoralen loaded PLGA microspheres were prepared using the solvent evaporation technique. They were spherical and possessed an external smooth surface as observed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) analysis. This study describes a modification in the routine preparation of microsphere samples for examination by light microscopy. The changes involved fixative agents and/or stains allowing the identification of microspheres containing a non-fluorescent material. The preservation and identification of microspheres in tissues for histological processing in paraffin was greatly improved by these modifications as proven by our results. (c) 2007 Elsevicr Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We have used a pharmacological approach to study the mechanisms underlying the rat lung injury and the airway reactivity changes induced by inhalation of formaldehyde (FA) (1% formalin solution, 90 min once a day, 4 days). The reactivity of isolated tracheae and intrapulmonary bronchi were assessed in dose-response curves to methacholine (MCh). Local and systemic inflammatory phenomena were evaluated in terms of leukocyte countings in bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) fluid, blood, bone marrow lavage and spleen. Whereas the tracheal reactivity to MCh did not change, a significant bronchial hyporesponsiveness (BHR) was found after FA inhalation as compared with naive rats. Also, FA exposure significantly increased the total cell numbers in BAL, in peripheral blood and in the spleen, but did not modify the counts in bone marrow. Capsaicin hindered the increase of leukocyte number recovered in BAL fluid after FA exposure. Both compound 48/80 and indomethacin were able to prevent the lung neutrophil influx after FA, but indomethacin had no effect on that of mononuclear cells. Following FA inhalation, the treatment with sodium cromoglycate (SCG), but not with the nitric oxide (NO) synthase inhibitor L-NAME, significantly reduced the total cell number in BAL. Compound 48/80, L-NAME and SCG significantly prevented BHR to MCh after FA inhalation, whereas capsaicin was inactive in this regard. on the other hand, indomethacin exacerbated BHR. These data suggest that after FA inhalation, the resulting lung leukocyte influx and BHR may involve nitric oxide, airway sensory fibers and mast cell-derived mediators. The effect of NO seemed to be largely restricted to the bronchial tonus, whereas neuropeptides appeared to be linked to the inflammatory response, therefore indicating that the mechanisms responsible for the changes of airway responsiveness caused by FA may be separate from those underlying its inflammatory lung effects. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The aim of this in vivo study was to evaluate the thermal effects caused by 810 nm 1.2 W diode laser irradiation of periodontal tissues. Despite all data available concerning the laser application for periodontal treatment, one of the most relevant challenges is to prevent the harmful tissue heating induced by different clinical protocols. Periodontal pockets were induced at molars in 96 rats. Several irradiation powers under CW mode were investigated: 0, 400, 600, 800, 1000, 1200 mW. The pockets were irradiated using a 300 A mu m frontal illumination fiber. The animals were killed at 4 or 10 days after irradiation. The mandible was surgically removed and histologically processed. The histological sections stained with H/E demonstrated that irradiation parameters up to 1000 mW were thermally safe for the periodontal tissues. The sections stained with Brown & Brenn technique evidenced bacteria in the periodontal tissues. Consequently, the diode laser irradiation as a unique treatment was not capable to eliminate bacteria of the biofilm present in the pockets. According to the methodology used here, it was concluded that the thermal variation promoted by a diode laser can cause damage to periodontal tissues depending on the energy density used. The 1.2 W diode laser irradiation itself does not control the bacteria present in the biofilm of the periodontal pockets without mechanical action. The knowledge of proper high intensity laser parameters and methods of irradiation for periodontal protocols may prevent any undesirable thermal damage to the tissues.


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We evaluated the role of estradiol and progesterone in allergic lung inflammation. Rats were ovariectomized (Ovx) and, 7 days later, were sensitized with ovalbumin (OA) and challenged after 2 wk with inhaled OA; experiments were performed 1 day thereafter. Ovx-allergic rats showed reduced cell recruitment into the bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) fluid relative to sham-Ovx allergic rats, as was observed in intact allergic rats treated with ICI-182,780. Estradiol increased the number of cells in the BAL of Ovx-allergic rats, whereas progesterone induced an additional reduction. Cells of BAL and bone marrow (BM) of Ovx-allergic rats released elevated amounts of IL-10 and reduced IL-1 beta and TNF-alpha. BM cells of Ovx-allergic rats released increased amounts of IL-10 and lower amounts of IL-4. Estradiol treatment of Ovx-allergic rats decreased the release of IL-10 but increased that of IL-4 by BM cells. Estradiol also caused an increased release of IL-1 beta and TNF-alpha by BAL cells. Progesterone significantly increased the release of IL-10, IL-1 beta, and TNF-alpha by BAL cells and augmented that of IL-4 by BM cells. Degranulation of bronchial mast cells from Ovx rats was reduced after in vitro challenge, an effect reverted by estradiol but not by progesterone. We suggest that the serum estradiol-to-progesterone ratio might drive cellular recruitment, modulating the pulmonary allergy and profile of release of anti-inflammatory or inflammatory cytokines. The existence of such dual hormonal effects suggests that the hormone therapy of asthmatic postmenopausal women and of those suffering of premenstrual asthma should take into account the possibility of worsening the pulmonary conditions.


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The influence of He-Ne laser radiation on the formation of new blood vessels in the bone marrow compartment of a regenerating area of the mid-cortical diaphysis of the tibiae of young adult rats was studied. A small hole was surgically made with a dentistry burr in the tibia and the injured area received a daily laser therapy over 7 or 14 days transcutaneously starting 24 h from surgery. Incident energy density dosages of 31.5 and 94.5 Jcm-2 were applied during the period of the tibia wound healing investigated. Light microscopic examination of histological sections of the injured area and quantification of the newly-formed blood vessels were undertaken. Low-level energy treatment accelerated the deposition of bone matrix and histological characteristics compatible with an active recovery of the injured tissue. He-Ne laser therapy significantly increased the number of blood vessels after 7 days irradiation at an energy density of 94.5 Jcm-2, but significantly decreased the number of vessels in the 14-day irradiated tibiae, independent of the dosage. These effects were attributed to laser treatment, since no significant increase in blood vessel number was detected between 8 and 15 non-irradiated control tibiae. Molecular mechanisms involved in low-level laser therapy of angiogenesis in post-traumatic bone regeneration needs further investigation.


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Baixas doses de irradiação associadas à infusão de células da medula óssea não previnem a ocorrência da reação do enxerto versus hospedeiro após o transplante intestinal. OBJETIVO: Neste estudo foi avaliado a potencial vantagem em estender o regime imunossupressor associado a infusão de células de medula óssea do doador depletadas de células T na prevenção da reação do enxerto versus hospedeiro após o transplante intestinal. MÉTODOS: Transplante heterotópico de intestino delgado foi realizado em ratos Lewis como receptores e da como doadores, distribuídos em cinco grupos de acordo com a duração da imunossupressão, irradiação e do uso de medula óssea normal ou depletada: G1 (n=6), sem irradiação e G2 (n=9), G3 (n=4), G4 (n=5) e G5 (n=6) foram irradiados com 250 rd. Grupos1, 2, 4 e G3 e 5 foram infundidos com 100 x 10(6) células da medula normal e depletada respectivamente. Animais no G1,2,3 foram imunossuprimidos com 1mg/kg/FK506/ IM por cinco dias e G4 e cinco por 15 dias. Anticorpos monoclonais contra células CD3 e colunas magnéticas foram utilizadas para a depleção da medula óssea. Os animais foram examinados para a presença de rejeição, reação do enxerto versus hospedeiro, chimerismo e biópsias intestinais e da pele. RESULTADOS: Rejeição mínima foi observada em todos os grupos; entretanto, a reação do enxerto versus hospedeiro somente nos animais irradiados. Extensão da imunossupressão alterou a gravidade da reação nos animais dos G4 e 5. Rejeição foi a causa mortis no G1 e a reação do enxerto versus hospedeiro nos Grupos 2,3,4 e 5, não controlada com a infusão de medula óssea depletada. O chimerismo total e de células T do doador foi estatisticamente maior nos grupos irradiados em comparação ao G1. CONCLUSÃO: A extensão do regime de imunossupressão associado a baixas doses de irradiação diminui a gravidade da reação do enxerto versus hospedeiro, não abolida pelo uso de medula óssea depletada.


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Em estudo recente demonstramos que a infusão de células da medula óssea do doador após o transplante intestinal não aumentou a sobrevida do enxerto quando se utilizou series curtas de drogas imunossupressoras. OBJETIVO: Neste estudo avaliamos se a utilização de diferentes regimes de irradiação em associação com a infusão de medula óssea altera a sobrevida do enxerto e a morbidade sobre receptor. MÉTODOS: Realizou-se o transplante heterotópico de intestino delgado, utilizando-se ratos Lewis como receptores e da como doadores, imunossuprimidos com FK 506 na dose de 1mg/kg/dia por 5 dias e distribuídos em 4 grupos: G1 (n= 4), não irradiado e sem infusão de medula óssea; G2 (n= 6), G3 (n= 9) e G4 (n= 6) foram infundidos com 100 x 10(6) células de medula após o transplante. Grupos 3 e 4 foram irradiados com 250 e 400 rd respectivamente. Os animais foram examinados diariamente para a detecção de rejeição e reação do enxerto versus hospedeiro, tendo sido colhidas amostras semanais de sangue para estudos de quimerismose biopsias quinzenais da estomia. RESULTADOS: Animais nos G1 e G2 apresentaram rejeição mínima no 15º pós-operatório, enquanto a reação do enxerto versus hospedeiro foi caracterizada nos G3 e G4. Os níveis de quimerismo total e de células T foram maiores nos grupos irradiados em comparação aos não irradiados. A causa mortis nos G1 e G2 foi a rejeição enquanto que nos G3 e G4 foi a reação do enxerto versus hospedeiro. CONCLUSÃO: Concluímos que a utilização de baixas doses de irradiações retardam o aparecimento da rejeição, mas não previne a ocorrência da reação do enxerto versus hospedeiro.


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OBJETIVO: Investigar os efeitos morfológicos da exposição crônica à inalação de fumaça do tabaco e o do consumo de álcool nos pulmões e no crescimento de ratos. MÉTODOS: Sessenta ratos Wistar machos foram distribuídos em quatro grupos: controle, tabaco, álcool e tabaco + álcool, e acompanhados por um período de 260 dias. No final do periodo foi realizada análise morfológica dos pulmões por microscopia óptica e eletrônica. O crescimento dos ratos foi investigado através da medição do comprimento focinho-ânus, peso corporal e índice de massa corporal. RESULTADOS: Os três grupos expostos às drogas apresentaram peso e comprimento significativamente menores que os do grupo controle. As percentagens de bronquiolite e alveolite, e o diâmetro alveolar médio foram maiores nos grupos expostos à fumaça do tabaco, mas sem significancia estatística quando comparadas ao grupo controle. A microscopia eletrônica revelou apoptose mais intensa e lesões degenerativas no grupo de fumantes, enquanto lesões degenerativas nos corpos lamelares foram mais intensas com a associação de ambas as drogas. CONCLUSÕES: Este modelo experimental mostrou alterações morfológicas observadas por microscopia eletrônica, principalmente devido à exposição ao tabaco. Tanto o alcool como o tabaco prejudicaram o crescimento dos animais, o tabaco mostrando um efeito maior sobre o comprimento e o álcool sobre o peso corporal.


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Purpose: To evaluate the effects of mechanical ventilation (MV) of high-oxygen concentration in pulmonary dysfunction in adult and elderly rats. Methods: Twenty-eight adult (A) and elderly (E), male rats were ventilated for 1 hour (G-AV1 and G-EV1) or for 3 hours (G-AV3 and G-EV3). A and E groups received a tidal volume of 7 mL/kg, a positive end-expiratory pressure of 5 cm H2O, respiratory rate of 70 cycles per minute, and an inspiratory fraction of oxygen of 1. We evaluated total protein content and malondialdehyde in bronchoalveolar lavages (BAL) and performed lung histomorphometrical analyses. Results: In G-EV1 animals, total protein in BAL was higher (33.0 +/- 1.9 mu g/mL) compared with G-AV1 (23.0 +/- 2.0 mu g/mL). Upon 180 minutes of MV, malondialdehyde levels increased in elderly (G-EV3) compared with adult (G-AV3) groups. Malondialdehyde and total proteins in BAL after 3 hours of MV were higher in elderly group than in adults. In G-EV3 group we observed alveolar septa dilatation and significative increase in neutrofiles number in relation to adult group at 60 and 180 minutes on MV. Conclusion: A higher fraction of inspired oxygen in short courses of mechanical ventilation ameliorates the parameters studied in elderly lungs.


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Objective: This study aims to investigate the effects of low-level laser therapy (LLLT) on muscle regeneration. For this purpose, the anterior tibialis muscle of 48 male Wistar rats received AlGaInP laser treatment (785 nm) after surgically-induced injury.Background Data: Few studies have been conducted on the effects of LLLT on muscle regeneration at different irradiation doses.Materials and Methods: The animals were randomized into four groups: uninjured rats (UN); uninjured and laser-irradiated rats (ULI); injured rats (IN); and injured and laser-irradiated rats (ILI). The direct contact laser treatment was started 24 h after surgery. An AlGaInP diode laser emitting 75 mW of continuous power at 785 nm was used for irradiation. The laser probe was placed at three treatment points to deliver 0.9 J per point, for a total dose of 2.7 J per treatment session. The animals were euthanized after treatment sessions 1, 2, and 4. Mounted sections were stained with hematoxylin and eosin and used for quantitative morphological analysis, in which the number of leukocytes and fibroblasts were counted over an area of 4480 mu m(2). The data were statistically analyzed by analysis of variance (ANOVA) and the Bonferroni t-test.Results: Quantitative data showed that the number of both polymorphonuclear and mononuclear leukocytes in the inflammatory infiltrate at the injury site was smaller in the ILI(1), ILI(2), and ILI(4) subgroups compared with their respective control subgroups (IN(1), IN(2), and IN(4)) for sessions 1, 2, and 4, respectively (p < 0.05). on the other hand, the number of fibroblasts increased after the fourth treatment session (p < 0.05). With regard to the regeneration of muscle fibers following injury, only after the fourth treatment session was it possible to find muscle precursor cells such as myoblasts and some myotubes in the ILI(4) subgroup.Conclusion: During the acute inflammatory phase, the AlGaInP laser treatment was found to have anti-inflammatory effects, reducing the number of leukocytes at the injury site and accelerating the regeneration of connective tissue.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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It has been suggested that low-level laser therapy (LLLT) can modulate inflammatory processes. The aim of this experiment was to investigate what effects red laser irradiation with two different wavelengths (660 nm and 684 nm) on carrageenan-induced rat paw edema and histology. Thirty two male Wistar rats were randomly divided into four groups. One group received a sterile saline injection, while inflammation was induced by a sub-plantar injection of carrageenan (1 mg/paw) in the three other groups. After 1 h, LLLT was administered to the paw in two of the carrageenan-injected groups. Continuous wave 660 nm and 684 nm red lasers respectively with mean optical outputs of 30 mW and doses of 7.5 J/cm(2) were used. The 660 nm and 684 nm laser groups developed significantly (P < 0.01) less edema (0.58 ml [SE +/- 0.17] ml and 0.76 ml [SE +/- 0.10] respectively) than the control group (1.67 ml [SE +/- 0.191) at 4 h after injections. Similarly, both laser groups showed a significantly lower number of inflammatory cells in the muscular and conjunctive sub-plantar tissues than the control group.We conclude that both 660 nm and 684 nm red wavelengths of LLLT are effective in reducing edema formation and inflammatory cell migration when a dose of 7.5 J/cm(2) is used. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.