15 resultados para Princess de Clèves
em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"
Leaf decoctions of Cissus sicyoides (princess vine) are taken widely as a popular remedy for diabetes mellitus in Brazil, where its common name is 'vegetal insulin'. However, there have been practically no attempts so far to determine scientifically whether it has antidiabetic effects and we decided to administer leaf decoctions, over extended periods, to normal and streptozotocin-diabetic rats, and investigate the effects of this treatment on the physiological and metabolic parameters that are altered in diabetic animals. The experimental model adopted was shown to be appropriate by running a parallel treatment with insulin, which led to expected improvements in several abnormal parameter values. The decoction treatment significantly reduced the intake of both food and fluid and the volume of urine excreted, as well as the levels of blood glucose, urinary glucose and urinary urea, in comparison with controls. Lipid metabolism was not affected by the treatment; nor was the level of hepatic glycogen in diabetic animals, which indicated that the mechanism responsible for the improvement in carbohydrate metabolism, observed in animals treated with the decoction, could not involve inhibition of glycogenolysis and/or stimulation of glycogenesis. The fact that normal animals treated with C. sicyoides exhibited no changes in any of the measured parameters suggests that its mode of action in diabetic animals does not resemble those of sulphonylurea or insulin. It may, however, act in a similar way to biguanide, via inhibition of gluconeogenesis.
Objetivou-se avaliar os efeitos dos grãos de milho e sorgo, secos ou ensilados úmidos, sobre o consumo de nutrientes e o desempenho de cordeiros em confinamento. O confinamento teve duração de 77 dias e foi dividido em dois períodos: no primeiro (35 dias), utilizou-se como volumoso capim-elefante (Pennisetum purpureum Schum.), na proporção de 50:50 e, no segundo (42 dias), feno de capim-braquiária (Brachiaria brizantha), na proporção de 30:70. Os animais foram distribuídos aleatoriamente em blocos, de acordo com o peso, conforme os tratamentos, que consistiram de diferentes fontes de alimento concentrado energético: silagem de grão úmido de milho; silagem de grão úmido de sorgo; grão seco de milho; e grão seco de sorgo. Os consumos de MS, em g/dia, em %PV e em PV0,75, não diferiram entre os animais alimentados com grãos de milho e sorgo, secos ou úmidos, e capim-elefante cv. Napier, com média de 920,79 g/dia; 3,59% e 81,01 g/kg PV0,75. Os grãos de milho e de sorgo ensilados úmidos, quando comparados aos grãos secos, proporcionaram melhor ganho de peso (0,17 vs 0,13 e 0,19 vs 0,13 kg/dia), conversão (5,57 vs 6,37 e 5,05 vs 6,86) e eficiência alimentar (17,95 vs 15,69 e 19,79 vs 14,74). O uso de grãos de sorgo, secos e úmidos, em dietas à base de feno de capim-braquiária, resultou em maior ganho de peso, ao passo que o de grãos secos de sorgo promoveu melhor conversão alimentar. Na proporção volumoso:concentrado 50:50, os grãos de milho e sorgo ensilados proporcionaram melhores ganhos de peso, conversão e eficiência alimentar que os grãos secos. em dietas com maior participação de concentrado (proporção 30:70), fontes de maior degradabilidade (milho) influenciaram negativamente o ambiente ruminal, resultando em desempenho inferior.
Objetivou-se avaliar o padrão de fermentação e a composição química de silagens de grãos úmidos de milho e de sorgo confeccionadas com ou sem o uso de inoculante microbiano. Avaliou-se, no experimento 1, a silagem de grãos úmidos de milho e, no experimento 2, a silagem de grãos úmidos de sorgo. O material foi ensilado em silos experimentais de PVC (50 cm de comprimento e 100 mm de diâmetro), três por tratamento (tempo de armazenagem, com ou sem inoculante) para cada grão. Amostras foram tomadas antes (0) e aos 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 16, 32 e 64 dias após a ensilagem, totalizando 48 silos experimentais para cada grão. Os tratamentos foram arranjados em delineamento inteiramente casualizado, em esquema fatorial 2 x 9 (com e sem inoculante microbiano, nove tempos de armazenagem), com três repetições para cada grão. Não houve efeito da inoculação e do tempo pós-ensilagem sobre o teor de MS dos grãos úmidos de milho e de sorgo, com médias de 64,13 e 64,03% e de 67,66 e 67,48% para silagens controle e inoculadas, respectivamente. Não houve efeito da inoculação sobre o pH dos grãos úmidos de milho e de sorgo aos 64 dias após ensilagem, com médias de 3,97 e 3,92 e de 3,94 e 3,95 unidades para silagens controle e inoculadas, respectivamente. O inoculante microbiano não promoveu alterações na composição química nem redução de perdas da MS nas silagens de grãos úmidos de milho e de sorgo. Nas condições estudadas, não é necessária inoculação para melhoria nos padrões fermentativos de silagens de grãos úmidos de milho e de sorgo.
Foram realizados dois experimentos com o objetivo de avaliar a utilização da silagem de grãos úmidos de sorgo (SGUS) de alto ou baixo conteúdo de tanino na alimentação de leitões na fase de creche. No ensaio de digestibilidade, foram utilizados 12 suínos mestiços, machos castrados (peso inicial de 15,9±1,9 kg), alojados em gaiolas para estudos de metabolismo, distribuídos em um delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado, com quatro repetições, em que a unidade experimental foi constituída por um leitão. O método utilizado foi o de coleta total de fezes e urina. Os valores de MS, proteína, amido, MO e energia digestíveis e os de EM, na matéria natural (68,75% de MS), foram, respectivamente, 43,94; 5,45; 46,67; 63,46%; 2.700 e 2.674 kcal/kg para a SGUS de alto teor de tanino e 40,72; 5,92; 44,08; 63,75%; 2.641 e 2.608 kcal/kg, para SGUS de baixo conteúdo de tanino. O segundo experimento foi conduzido para avaliar o desempenho de leitões e a viabilidade econômica da utilização de rações com diferentes níveis de substituição do milho seco por SGUS de alto ou baixo teor de tanino. Foram utilizados 56 suínos mestiços (14,7±1,9 e 29,2±3,0 kg de pesos inicial e final) distribuídos em um delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com quatro repetições e dois leitões por unidade experimental. Os tratamentos consistiram de uma ração à base de milho e farelo de soja e de outras seis com 33, 66 e 100% de substituição do milho seco por SGUS de alto ou baixo conteúdo de taninos, com base nos valores de energia digestível (ED) desses ingredientes. Não foram observadas diferenças no desempenho dos animais entre os tratamentos, entretanto, houve aumento linear no consumo diário de ração para a SGUS de baixo teor de tanino e redução linear para o custo da ração por quilograma de peso vivo ganho para a SGUS de alto teor de tanino.
A avaliação correta do valor nutricional da forragem passa obrigatoriamente por emprego de metodologias adequadas. A qualidade da forragem depende dos produtos da fermentação, no caso da silagem, ou da magnitude das perdas de compostos solúveis e atuação de microrganismos no caso do feno. A abordagem do tema: Avanços metodológicos na avaliação da qualidade da forragem conservada, na 44ª Reunião Anual da Sociedade Brasileira de Zootecnia, tem como objetivo destacar as principais metodologias empregadas na avaliação específica de forragens conservadas, adicionais às avaliações tradicionais de composição químico-bromatológica desses volumosos, e colocar em discussão a necessidade de padronização de procedimentos analíticos. Assim, a revisão prioriza a descrição e sistematização de métodos físicos e químicos importantes para serem implementados na avaliação de forragens conservadas, na tentativa de homogeneizar tais procedimentos. Os recursos metodológicos disponíveis atualmente permitem não somente quantificar, mas também qualificar perdas ocorridas no processo de conservação, exposição aeróbia e oferta dos volumosos aos animais. Esse fato sugere que a adoção de estratégias de manejo dessas forragens deverá, preferencialmente, ser acompanhada de avaliação de perdas integradas no processo.
Silages from three cultivars of triticale (X Triticosecale wittimack) were evaluated at the UNESP, Jaboticabal, Brazil. The cultivars FCA VJ-CB-01, FCA VJ-CB-02, and FCA VJ-CB-03 were harvested for silage in three growing stages of maturity; beginning of flowering, (S1), milk stage (S2), and dough stages (S3). Data were analyzed by randomized complete block with three replications. The DM (%) values increased while the CP (%DM) and buffering capacity (me HCl/100 g DM) decreased with plant development. Silages of plants harvested at S3 stage had higher pH and N-NH3 values compared to the S1 and S2 silages. The soluble carbohydrates contents (%DM) were higher at the S2 stage (16.9%) and were not different at the S1 (8.7%) and S3 (9.2%) stages. The crude energy contents (Kcal/kg MS) increased while the ADF, NDF, cellulose, and hemicellulose (DM%) decreased due to the presence of dough grains. This was not observed with the lignin contents. The IVDMD values were 66.3, 60.1 and 58.9%, for plants harvested at the S1, S2, and S3 stages, respectively. The results showed that there was no difference among for chemical composition, crude energy, and for IVDMD.
This experiment was carried out in the Microbiology Laboratory of UNESP-Jaboticabal, to evaluate the different species of microorganisms in high-moisture corn grain silage. The treatments were five percentages of corn cob in the silage (0, 5, 10, 15 and 20% DM) and four sampling periods after the opening of the silos (0, 2, 4 and 6 days), using a factorial arrangement in randomized block design with three replications. The growth of Lactobacillus was higher (P<0.01) in the silage prepared only with grains in relation to the other treatments. The presence of Clostridium differed (P<0.01) among the treatments, with values ranging from 1.30 and 3.32 log CFU/g of silage. It was concluded that the population of Lactobacillus was satisfactory to obtain a good fermentation of the silages, and the presence of corn cob facilitated the development of Clostridium and also of yeast and Enterobacteriaceae after the silos were opened.
This work had the objective of evaluating the effects of different percentages of corn (Zea mays L.) cob on the quality of the silage of high-moisture corn grains. The following treatments were studied: percentages of corn cob in the silage (0, 5, 10, 15 and 20%); period of sampling after opening the silos (zero, two, four and six days). The factorial arrangement 5 × 4 was studied according to a completely randomized block design with three replications. The variables studied were not affected by the sampling period. The buffering capacity and the pH were not affected by the cob, while the percent soluble carbohydrates and amoniacal nitrogen increasing until 1.2 and 1.89 unit percent, respectively. Increasing the amount of corn cobs reduced the contents of DM (from 63.9% to 58.6%), CP (from 10.0% to 7.3%), EE (from 4.87% to 3.92%) and the values of DMIVD (from 90.5% to 79.1%) in the silages and increasing the contents of acid detergente fiber (ADF) (from 3.3% to 12.9%) and neutral detergente fiber (NDF) (from 15.16% to 26.1%). The values of brute energy (BE) were not affected (P>0.01) by the cob corn in the silage.
Dictyosperma album, commonly known as Princess Palm, due to its graceful appearance and its ability to withstand strong hurricane force winds is largely used in landscaping areas. The aim of this work was to describe the diaspores (seeds with the stuck endocarp) morphology and the stages of the D. album germination process. Therefore we concluded that the species germination is of the tubular remote type and begins with the opening of a circular operculum in the fruit endocarp, through which emerges a bulbous and hollow structure, named cotyledonal petiole or embryophore. With the embryo growth, the endosperm is being gradually consumed. The embryo grows approximately up to 10 cm, when the dilation begins in its extremity. Starting from this extensive area, it begins the growth of the primary root and the opening of a longitudinal rift, through which emerges the aerial part that is composed by two sheaths that cover the first juvenile leaf. In this phase, the emergence of secondary roots is observed. The first leaves are simple and lance-shaped.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Currently the company suffers a heavy influence of media, through their tentacles people are reached and clawed into a consumerist context, and the reason for the success of this market share is linked to aesthetics. An ideal beauty standard is followed, aimed at recognizing social, emotional success, professional and loving. Thus, people are accustomed from his childhood with the image of a perfect prince or princess, heroes that is becoming increasingly more muscular and developed throughout the evolution of cinema. While the aesthetic perfection is internalized by society and see that this beauty is not a particular good for some people, but everyone should become pretty standard to suit hence those who do not fit this stereotype are somehow excluded from the circle of society standard. One way people try to develop and hone the look is through weight training exercises in specialized academies. The problem is when it appears not the contentment of the individual in relation to his body. Even when your muscles are increasing, for the person who suffers from Vigorexia changes are significant to the point never to be content with their state of development, which is seen distorted and underestimated. Thus this paper aims to describe the situation and how the routine Vigorexia context and people are distorted to suit the aesthetic and social demands that are made, through a literature search on the muscle dysmorphia. It is of paramount importance to know the pathological picture of Vigorexia not only by professionals of Psychology, Psychiatry and Medicine, but also for Physical Educators that are constantly present in an active and that can positively or negatively influence the routine and pathological picture of these people with Muscular Dysmorphia
Hoffmann wrote several fairy tales, including "Princess Brambilla" (1821), which has an remarkable pictorial component: when it was published, the text went along with eight illustrations by Carl Friedrich Thiele, which were derived from original prints made by the Frenchman Jacques Callot. While Callot images portray the Italian theater of the Commedia dell'Arte, Thiele's works follow the plot of the narrative, representing the characters of Hoffmann, who disguise themselves because of the carnival that is taking place in Rome. The costumes and masks worn by the characters however do not ensure them full secrecy. Instead of a complete undercover, they lead to double meanings and double identities so that narrative levels and artistic references overlap and create an effect similar to a set of a polyphonic orchestra (which is a metaphor implied in the very subtitle, where the narrative is called a Capriccio).
In Metamorphoses, the Roman poet Ovid tells the tale of the transformation of Jupiter into a bull to seduce the Phoenician princess Europa. During Renaissance, as is well known, Western civilization fostered an intense renewal of its values under the clear influence of Greco-Roman culture. Ovid, whose fame had not ceased throughout the Middle Ages, became then even better known, and especially his poem Metamorphoses turned into a remarkable source of inspiration not only to literature but also to fine arts and their new humanistic conception. Thus, the episode of the abduction of Europa received a dramatic pictorial expression in the broad brush strokes of the Venetian master Titian Vecellio, who interpreted several classical myths in his canvases at the height of his creative maturity. There are many and obvious relationships in the verses of the ancient Latin poet and the picture of the Italian Renaissancist. In Metamorphoses, the mythical account is described in so many details and set in such an expressive poetic that Titian could take Ovid´s narrative as a model for painting “The Rape of Europa”, doing a true exercise in intersemiotic translation by interpreting verbal signs through pictorial signs.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)