186 resultados para Prevalence of celiac disease

em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The rock pigeon (Columba livia) may serve as a reservoir for several pathogenic agents that can be transmitted to poultry, wildlife, domesticated pets, and/or humans via excreta, secretions, or dust from feathers. In addition, ingestion of infected pigeons by wild and domestic animals can also transmit these pathogenic agents. The health status of 126 free-living pigeons in an urban area was evaluated by microbiologic culture for Salmonella and serologic testing for the presence of antibodies for Toxoplasma gondii and for Newcastle disease virus (NDV) from 120 and 109 pigeons, respectively. After drawing blood, the birds were euthanized, and fragments of the liver, spleen, lungs, and gonads, and feces were cultured for Salmonella spp. Salmonella spp. was isolated from 10 birds (7.94%), of which 8 were Salmonella typhimurium, one was Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serotype 4,12 and one was Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serotype 4,12,i. Six of 109 pigeons (5.50%) were positive for NDV antibodies when using the hemagglutination inhibition test. Toxoplasma gondii antibodies were detected by immunofluorescence in one of 120 sera tested (0.83%). The results indicate that feral rock pigeons were exposed to NDV and T gondii, although the exposure was low. In addition, these birds had Salmonella spp. and could disseminate this pathogen in the environment.


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A Doença do Refluxo Gastroesofágico (DRGE) é uma afecção comum na infância, aumentando as evidências de que o refluxo gastroesofágico seja um cofator importante que contribui para as desordens de vias aéreas, principalmente na população pediátrica. É muito comum serem observadas manifestações em vias aéreas superiores e inferiores. Nosso objetivo é avaliar a presença de sintomas otorrinolaringológicos em crianças com idade de um a 12 anos e suspeita de doença do refluxo gastroesofágico. MATERIAIS E MÉTODO: Foram avaliados dados de prontuários de pacientes de até 12 anos submetidos à pHmetria de 24 horas de um ou dois canais, locados a 2 e 5 cm do EEI para confirmação de diagnóstico de Doença do Refluxo Gastroesofágico. RESULTADOS: Foram analisados 143 prontuários de crianças que realizaram pHmetria de 24 horas para investigação de DRGE; porém 65 foram incluídas. Os sintomas mais prevalentes nas crianças eram os broncopulmonares, encontrados em 89,2%, de sintomas nasossinusais (72,3%) , otológicos (46,1%) e de infecções de VAS de repetição (44,6%). Quando comparada a presença de cada grupo de sintomas com o resultado da pHmetria, não foi encontrada diferença significativa entre os sintomas e o resultado da pHmetria. CONCLUSÃO: DRGE pode se manifestar de diversas maneiras e os sintomas otorrinolaringológicos são frequentes em crianças.


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The aims of the current study were to assess the prevalence of von Willebrand disease (vWD) in dogs from the region of Botucatu, São Paulo State, Brazil, and to evaluate laboratory tests to diagnose this disease. The study included 350 dogs of various ages, different breeds, and both sexes. Dogs included in the study had no historical or clinical evidence of abnormal bleeding. von Willebrand factor antigen (vWF:Ag), buccal mucosal bleeding time, activated partial thromboplastin time, and factor VIII activity were evaluated in their ability to diagnose vWD. The prevalence of vWD in dogs was 1.43% in the Botucatu region of Brazil. Determination of vWF:Ag was the best laboratory test to diagnose vWD.


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Purpose: To determine the prevalence of trachoma in Sao Gabriel da Cachoeira (SGC), the only urban community of the upper Rio Negro Basin of the Amazon state in Brazil, near the Colombian border, and to investigate the risk factors associated with the active forms of the disease. Methods: A total of 1702 people (440 children up to 9 years and 1069 adults aged 15 years and above) were examined. The sample was selected from a probabilistic household sampling procedure based on census data and a previous study of trachoma prevalence in Sao Gabriel da Cachoeira. A two-stage probabilistic household cluster sample was drawn. Household units were randomly selected within each cluster. A variety of socioeconomic and hygiene variables were studied in order to determine the risk factors for active trachoma in a household. Results: The total prevalence of trachoma was 8.9%. Prevalence of active trachoma (TF and/or TI) in children aged 1-9 years was 11.1% and trachomatous trichiasis in adults aged 15 years and above was 0.19%. Trachomatous scarring reached a peak of 22.4% for subjects between 50 to 60 years of age. Corneal opacity occurred in subjects aged 50 years and older with a prevalence of 2.0%. No sex effect was found on the overall prevalence of trachoma in SGC. Risk factors associated with active trachoma were mainly related to poor socioeconomic indicators. Conclusions: Despite the ubiquitous presence of water, the analysis of the risk factors associated with the active forms of the disease supports the idea that a low personal standard of hygiene and not water availability per se, is the key factor associated with trachoma. Copyright © 2008 Informa Healthcare USA, Inc.


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Aim. Superficial thrombophlebitis (ST) ascending the lower limbs is a common disease, which may be associated with deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and pulmonary embolism (PE). The aim of this study was to investigate the prevalence of DVT and PE as complications of ascending ST of the lower limbs in the great saphenous vein (GSV) or SSV (SSV) and probable risk factors.Methods. For this study 60 consecutive patients were enrolled with ascending ST of the GSV or SSV, seen between 2000 and 2003 at a public hospital in Botucatu, SP, Brazil. All patients were assessed clinically, by venous Duplex scanning of the lower limbs to confirm ST and test for DVT, and by means of pulmonary scintigraphy to test for PE.Results. In 13 ST cases (21.67%) there was concomitant DVT and 17 ST patients (28.33%) also had PE. Eleven patients had a clinical status suggestive of DVT, but only in eight of these (61.5%), this clinical diagnosis was confirmed. Fourteen patients had a clinical status suggestive of PE, and this diagnosis was confirmed in six cases (35.30%). ST patients who also had DVT and/or PE were given anticoagulant treatment with heparin and warfarin. None of the variables studied was predictive of DVT or PE (P>0.05). However, the presence of varicose veins reduced the risk of patients having DVT (relative risk=9.09; 95%CI:1.75 - 50.00 and P=0.023).Conclusion. The prevalence rates of PE (28.3%) and DVT (21.6%) were elevated in this sample of ascending ST cases, indicating a need for detailed assessment of patients for signs of these complications, including for therapeutic management decision making. [Int Angiol 2009;28:400-8]


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Acromegalia é doença crônica rara, insidiosa, decorrente da hipersecreção de hormônio do crescimento, cujos efeitos tróficos e metabólicos frequentemente incorrem em manifestações cutâneas, que podem ser precoces. Os autores avaliaram 15 pacientes portadores de acromegalia e evidenciaram alterações dermatológicas em todos, principalmente espessamento da pele, acrocórdons, cistos epidérmicos, pseudoacantose nigricante, queratoses seborreicas, nevos melanocíticos e manchas lentiginosas.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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A úlcera gástrica constitui-se numa das mais importantes causas de desconforto abdominal em eqüinos jovens. Com o objetivo de se verificar a prevalência de lesões gástricas (úlceras e/ou erosões) e sua relação com fatores como estresse, idade, e sexo, sessenta potros da raça Quarto de Milha não portadores de sinais clínicos compatíveis com lesões gástricas foram submetidos à gastroscopia. Os potros foram divididos em quatro faixas etárias de 15 animais cada uma, sendo: 1 a 30 dias, 31 a 60 dias, 61 a 90 dias e 91 a 120 dias de idade. A prevalência de lesões gástricas foi de 43,3%. Animais com idade entre 61 a noventa dias foram os mais acometidos. Não houve diferença significativa entre as faixas etárias. Descamações do epitélio aglandular ocorreram em nove potros (60%) entre um e trinta dias, em seis (40%) entre 31 e sessenta dias e em apenas dois (6,6%) com idade superior a sessenta dias. Fatores considerados estressantes, como infestação intensa por carrapatos (29), problemas respiratórios (3), dermatopatias (3), babesiose (2), onfaloflebite (1), diarréia (1), problemas ortopédicos (1) e ferida lacerante com presença de miíase (1) não influenciaram a ocorrência das lesões. Machos e fêmeas foram igualmente acometidos.


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Oncogenic human papillomavirus (HPV), a causative agent of uterine cervical cancer, has also been detected in head and neck squamous cell cancers, especially in squamous cell carcinomas of the tonsils. However, the true HPV prevalence in normal and neoplasic oropharyngeal mucosa remains uncertain. To determine the prevalence of HPV DNA in normal oropharyngeal mucosa of cancer-free individuals, a study was carried out on 50 Brazilian subjects. PCR was performed to identify HPV DNA in samples from four sites in the oropharynx (tonsils, soft palate, base of the tongue, and back wall of the pharynx). For amplification of the HPV DNA, MY09/11 consensus primerswere used, and specific genotypes were identified by dot-blot hybridization or cloning and sequencing. HPV DNA was present in 14.0% of the individuals, and the identified genotypes were 16, 18, 52, and 61. All these types are considered high-risk (HR) HPV. The tonsils and the soft palate were the sites with the highest HPV prevalence. This study shows the prevalence of HR HPV in the oropharynx of normal individuals. However, the prevalence of HPV is still unclear, and if HPV infection in a healthy it is not known individual predisposes to HPV-associated disease such as oropharyngeal cancer. Thus, it is important to assess the prevalence of HPV in cancer-free individuals, in order to compare it with the HPV prevalence in oropharyngeal carcinomas and to attempt to determine the true role of HPV in the development of head and neck squamous cell cancers. (c) 2006 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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OBJETIVO: investigar a pré-fragilidade e os fatores associados a essa condição, considerando as medidas de velocidade da marcha dos idosos. MÉTODO: a seleção dos participantes ocorreu por meio de critérios de inclusão/exclusão e teste de rastreamento cognitivo. A amostra foi calculada com base na estimativa da proporção populacional e constituída por 195 idosos, usuários de uma Unidade Básica de Saúde de Curitiba, PR. Os dados foram coletados mediante questionário sociodemográfico/clínico e teste de velocidade da marcha. RESULTADOS: a pré-fragilidade para velocidade da marcha possui moderada prevalência (27,3%) e associou-se à faixa etária entre 60 e 69 anos, baixa escolaridade, não se sentir solitário, utilizar anti-hipertensivo, apresentar doença cardiovascular e sobrepeso. CONCLUSÃO: considera-se relevante identificar os idosos na condição de pré-fragilidade, pois, dessa maneira, existe a possibilidade de intervenção imediata com a finalidade de estacionamento do quadro. É significativo o déficit de estudos sobre a síndrome da fragilidade em idosos brasileiros, principalmente aqueles que se referem a um componente isolado. Visto que a enfermagem gerontológica se encontra nos primeiros passos referentes à temática, entende-se que a identificação da prevalência deve ser o ponto primordial das pesquisas sobre o tema.


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Aims To assess the prevalences of caries, of developmental defects of enamel and their interrelationship in Brazilian 9-10-year-olds from areas of contrasting fluoridation histories.Methods systematic random sampling procedures were used to select children from an area where water had been fluoridated in 1963 and from a second area where water had been fluoridated since 1998. Clinical examinations for caries were carried out using the DMFT index and WHO diagnostic criteria. Developmental defects of enamel on upper incisors were diagnosed using the DDE index.Results A difference of 40% in DMFT was observed, with a lower prevalence of disease in the area fluoridated since 1963. Diffuse opacities affected 14.3% of the children from the area fluoridated since 1963 compared with only 2.4% in the area fluoridated in 1998. Children living in the area fluoridated in 1963 who had diffuse defects had twice the chance of being free from caries compared with those living in the same area who had no defects or who had only demarcated or hypoplastic defects.Conclusions This study confirms previous ones in showing the benefits of water fluoridation. Diffuse opacities of upper incisors affected relatively few subjects in either of the two areas.