8 resultados para Prestige planning
em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"
Sistemas Integrados de Gestão ou Enterprise Resources Planning - ERP possibilitam o processamento das informações necessárias em uma empresa usando um único banco de dados. Muito tem se escrito sobre este tipo de software, abordando questões como o alto custo da aquisição de licenças, e a dependência de consultoria para a sua adaptação e implantação nas empresas. Atualmente vem crescendo o desenvolvimento e uso de ERP Livre de Código Aberto (FOS-ERP). Porém verifica-se que este tipo de sistema ainda não é suficientemente explorado, mesmo no meio acadêmico. Este artigo relata alguns trabalhos publicados sobre o assunto e levanta questões que devem ser tratadas por pesquisadores e demais interessados para adequar e viabilizar o uso desses sistemas conforme a realidade nacional. Assim, após uma introdução ao tema, são apresentadas algumas diferenças entre o FOS-ERP e seus equivalentes proprietários (Proprietary ERP ou P-ERP) em termos de modelos de negócios, seleção, customização e evolução. em seguida são elencados alguns desafios e oportunidades que o FOS-ERP pode oferecer a usuários, fornecedores, pesquisadores e colaboradores individuais. Concluindo, este artigo busca ampliar a discussão sobre FOS-ERP, destacando fatores tais como seu potencial de inovação tecnológica e estratégias de negócios.
The paper presents an extended genetic algorithm for solving the optimal transmission network expansion planning problem. Two main improvements have been introduced in the genetic algorithm: (a) initial population obtained by conventional optimisation based methods; (b) mutation approach inspired in the simulated annealing technique, the proposed method is general in the sense that it does not assume any particular property of the problem being solved, such as linearity or convexity. Excellent performance is reported in the test results section of the paper for a difficult large-scale real-life problem: a substantial reduction in investment costs has been obtained with regard to previous solutions obtained via conventional optimisation methods and simulated annealing algorithms; statistical comparison procedures have been employed in benchmarking different versions of the genetic algorithm and simulated annealing methods.
In this paper, an efficient genetic algorithm (GA) is presented to solve the problem of multistage and coordinated transmission expansion planning. This is a mixed integer nonlinear programming problem, difficult for systems of medium and large size and high complexity. The GA presented has a set of specialized genetic operators and an efficient form of generation of the initial population that finds high quality suboptimal topologies for large size and high complexity systems. In these systems, multistage and coordinated planning present a lower investment than static planning. Tests results are shown in one medium complexity system and one large size high complexity system.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
A constructive heuristic algorithm (CHA) to solve distribution system planning (DSP) problem is presented. The DSP is a very complex mixed binary nonlinear programming problem. A CHA is aimed at obtaining an excellent quality solution for the DSP problem. However, a local improvement phase and a branching technique were implemented in the CHA to improve its solution. In each step of the CHA, a sensitivity index is used to add a circuit or a substation to the distribution system. This sensitivity index is obtained by solving the DSP problem considering the numbers of circuits and substations to be added as continuous variables (relaxed problem). The relaxed problem is a large and complex nonlinear programming and was solved through an efficient nonlinear optimization solver. Results of two tests systems and one real distribution system are presented in this paper in order to show the ability of the proposed algorithm.
A combinatorial mathematical model in tandem with a metaheuristic technique for solving transmission network expansion planning (TNEP) using an AC model associated with reactive power planning (RPP) is presented in this paper. AC-TNEP is handled through a prior DC model while additional lines as well as VAr-plants are used as reinforcements to cope with real network requirements. The solution of the reinforcement stage can be obtained by assuming all reactive demands are supplied locally to achieve a solution for AC-TNEP and by neglecting the local reactive sources, a reactive power planning (RPP) will be managed to find the minimum required reactive power sources. Binary GA as well as a real genetic algorithm (RCA) are employed as metaheuristic optimization techniques for solving this combinatorial TNEP as well as the RPP problem. High quality results related with lower investment costs through case studies on test systems show the usefulness of the proposal when working directly with the AC model in transmission network expansion planning, instead of relaxed models. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
We present a bilevel model for transmission expansion planning within a market environment, where producers and consumers trade freely electric energy through a pool. The target of the transmission planner, modeled through the upper-level problem, is to minimize network investment cost while facilitating energy trading. This upper-level problem is constrained by a collection of lower-level market clearing problems representing pool trading, and whose individual objective functions correspond to social welfare. Using the duality theory the proposed bilevel model is recast as a mixed-integer linear programming problem, which is solvable using branch-and-cut solvers. Detailed results from an illustrative example and a case study are presented and discussed. Finally, some relevant conclusions are drawn.