139 resultados para Preembedding Immunoelectron Microscopy
em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"
The dimorphic fungus Paracoccidioides brasiliensis is the causative agent of the most frequent systemic mycosis in Latin America. In humans, infection starts by inhalation of fungal propagules, which reach the pulmonary epithelium and differentiate into the yeast parasitic phase. Here we describe the characterization of a Dfg5p ((d) under bar efective for (f) under bar ilamentous (g) under bar rowth) homologue of P. brasiliensis, a predictable cell wall protein, first identified in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The protein, the cDNA and genomic sequences were analysed. The cloned cDNA was expressed in Escherichia coli and the purified rPbDfg5p was used to obtain polyclonal antibodies. Immunoelectron microscopy and biochemical studies demonstrated the presence of PbDfg5p in the fungal cell wall. Enzymatic treatments identified PbDfg5p as a beta-glucan linked protein that undergoes N -glycosylation. The rPbDfg5p bound to extracellular matrix components, indicating that those interactions could be important for initial steps leading to P. brasiliensis attachment and colonization of host tissues. The P. brasiliensis dfg5 nucleotide and deduced protein, PbDfg5p, sequences reported in this paper had been submitted to the GenBank database under Accession Nos AY307855 (cDNA) and DQ534495 (genomic). Copyright (C) 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Objective and design: To investigate the effect of galectin-1 (Gal-1) and -3 (Gal-3) on leukocyte migration and analyze the expression of both galectins in inflammatory cells using a model of rat peritonitis.Material or Subjects: Sprague-Dawley rats (n = 4 per group).Treatment: Peritonitis was induced in animals through intraperitoneal injection of carrageenin (1.5 mg/kg) and rat mesenteries were analyzed at different time points (0, 4, 24 and 48h). For pharmacological treatment, rats received intravenous injection of Gal-1 or -3 (3 mu g/kg) followed by carrageenin.Methods: Western blotting and immunoelectron microscopy analysis. Statistical analysis was performed using ANOVA followed by Bonferroni test.Results: Pharmacological treatment with Gal-1, but not Gal-3, inhibited (similar to 50%) leukocyte recruitment into the peritoneal cavity at 4h time-point. In this early phase, immunogold staining of mesenteries showed a diminished Gal-3 expression in degranulated mast cells and Gal-1 in transmigrated neutrophils (similar to 20% reduction compared to intravascular cells). In the later phases (24 and 48 h), leukocyte turnover was associated with augmented Gal-1 expression in neutrophils and macrophages and Gal-3 in mast cells and macrophages.Conclusions: These results point to a balanced expression of cell-associated-Gal-1/Gal-3 and might impact on the development of new therapeutic strategies for inflammatory diseases.
The pathogenic fungus Paracoccidioides brasiliensis causes paracoccidioidomycosis, a pulmonary mycosis acquired by inhalation of fungal airborne propagules, which may disseminate to several organs and tissues, leading to a severe form of the disease. Adhesion to and invasion of host cells are essential steps involved in the infection and dissemination of pathogens. Furthermore, pathogens use their surface molecules to bind to host extracellular matrix components to establish infection. Here, we report the characterization of the glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) of P. brasiliensis as an adhesin, which can be related to fungus adhesion and invasion. The P. brasiliensis GAPDH was overexpressed in Escherichia coli, and polyclonal antibody against this protein was obtained. By immunoelectron microscopy and Western blot analysis, GAPDH was detected in the cytoplasm and the cell wall of the yeast phase of P. brasiliensis. The recombinant GAPDH was found to bind to fibronectin, laminin, and type I collagen in ligand far-Western blot assays. of special note, the treatment of P. brasiliensis yeast cells with anti-GAPDH polyclonal antibody and the incubation of pneumocytes with the recombinant protein promoted inhibition of adherence and internalization of P. brasiliensis to those in vitro-cultured cells. These observations indicate that the cell wall-associated form of the GAPDH in P. brasiliensis could be involved in mediating binding of fungal cells to fibronectin, type I collagen, and laminin, thus contributing to the adhesion of the microorganism to host tissues and to the dissemination of infection.
The authors studied the distribution of Paracoccidioides brasiliensis antigen(s) in human skin and oral mucosa. In biopsies obtained from untreated patients showing the chronic form of the disease, the authors demonstrated the P. brasiliensis antigen using two polyclonal immune sera raised in rabbits, one against the exoantigens of P. brasiliensis and the other against a 43-kDa glycoprotein. Langerhans' cells were detected through double immunolabeling using an anti-S100 protein monoclonal antibody. Double labeling immunohistochemistry showed that both of the immune sera labeled the yeast cells in the center of the granuloma and those transmigrating through the epithelial layer equally well. Granulomas exhibited the P. brasiliensis antigen permeating cells, mainly at the periphery of the granulomatous inflammation. The P. brasiliensis antigen(s) accumulated in the macrophages but not in the Langerhans' cells. P. brasiliensis antigens, detected by antiserum against parasite exoantigens, were also deposited between basal keratinocytes, but not in the granular cells, in 47% of the biopsies. P. brasiliensis antigens, as assessed by immunoelectron microscopic techniques, are present in the cytoplasm of the yeast cells in the host tissues. Antigens are transported to the cell membrane and later excreted through the cell wall. Antigenic deposits are also seen at the fungus-host interface.
In the present work, the anodic oxide films of Al, Al-Cu 4.5% and Al-Si 6.5% alloys are formed using direct and pulse current. In the case of Al-Cu and Al-Si alloys, the electrolyte used contains sulfuric acid and oxalic acid, meanwhile for Al the electrolyte contains sulfuric acid only. Al-Cu alloy was submitted to a heat treatment in order to decrease the effect of inter metallic phase theta upon the anodic film structure. Fractured samples were observed using a field emission gun scanning electron microscope JSM-6330F at (LME)/Brazilian Synchrotron Light Laboratory (LNLS), Campinas, SP, Brazil. The oxide film images enable evaluation of the pore size and form with a resolution similar to the transmission electron microscope (TEM) resolution. It is also observed that the anodizing process using pulse current produces an irregular structure of pore walls, and by direct cur-rent it is produced a rectilinear pore wall. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The external morphology of seeds and post-germination developmental stages of Angelonia salicariifolia Bonpl. (Scrophulariaceae) were investigated using scanning electron microscopy. Some structural features of the seed exotesta and seedling in Angelonia are presented for the first time and are of potential taxonomic value for this neotropical genus. The seeds are very small (0.9-1.7 mm long and 0.5-0.9 mm wide), ovate, with a reticulate-crested exotesta, reticules arranged uniformly in longitudinal rows, with a high density of microcilia-like projections on the cell wall of the reticule base and on the edge of the crests. The hilum is located beside the micropyle at the narrow end of the seed. Germination is epigeal. During germination the radicle develops, followed by elongation of the hypocotyl and primary root. At this stage dense root hairs develop on the lower part of the hypocotyl. The apical bud-located between the cotyledons-begins to develop after the cotyledons have unfolded. The cotyledons are equal in size, sessile and ovate. The seedlings have two types of trichomes, one characteristic of the cotyledons and first pair of leaves (glandular, sessile, four-celled head with quadrangular shape) and the other characteristic of the hypocotyl and epicotyl (stalked, erect, elongate and three-celled with dome-shaped unicellular head). (C) 2001 Annals of Botany Company.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The objective of this study was to characterize acrosomal ultrastructure following discontinuous Percoll gradient centrifugation of cryopreserved bovine sperm. Semen was collected from six bulls of different breeds and three ejaculates per bull were evaluated. Frozen semen samples were thawed and the acrosomal region of sperm cells was evaluated by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) before (n = 18) and after (n = 18) Percoll centrifugation. The evaluation of 20 sperm heads from each of the 36 samples analyzed ensured that a large number of cells were investigated. The data were subjected to analysis of variance at a level of significance of 5%. Percoll centrifugation reduced the percentage of sperm exhibiting normal acrosomes (from 61.77 to 30.24%), reduced the percentage of sperm presenting atypical acrosome reactions (from 28.38 to 4.84%) and increased the percentage of sperm exhibiting damage in the acrosome (from 6.14 to 64.26%). The percentage of sperm with typical acrosome reactions was not significantly different before (3.70%) and after (0.67%) centrifugation. TEM distinguished four different types of acrosomal status and enabled ultrastructural characterization of acrosomal injuries. The percentage of sperm exhibiting normal acrosomes decreased and damage in the acrosome was the most frequent acrosomal injury with the Percoll gradient centrifugation protocol utilized.
Propõe-se, neste trabalho, o uso de microscopia eletrônica de varredura para avaliar perda de epitélio intestinal da mucosa intestinal de pintos machos e fêmeas submetidos a prolongado jejum pós-eclosão de água e ração. Dois segmentos do duodeno, jejuno e íleo por ave foram coletados e processados pelo método de rotina para microscopia eletrônica de varredura. Seis diferentes graus de perda de epitélio intestinal foram determinados: grau 0, vilos normais, sem extrusão; grau 1, vilos com pequenos pontos de extrusão; grau 2, vilos com perda de epitélio no ápice; grau 3, vilos com perda de epitélio na região apical; grau 4, vilos com perda de epitélio em sua metade superior; grau 5: vilos sem epitélio; grau 6: vilo quebrado. As três regiões intestinais das fêmeas apresentaram aproximadamente 90% de seus vilos normais (graus 0 e 1), enquanto nos machos ocorreu 38% de vilos normais no duodeno e jejuno e 85% no íleo. Além disso, machos apresentaram graus mais acentuados de perda de epitélio (graus 3, 4, 5 e 6) que as fêmeas (grau 3). Os dados indicaram que a mucosa intestinal de pintos machos é mais sensível a prolongado jejum pós-eclosão que a de pintos fêmeas. A microscopia eletrônica de varredura pode ser usada como um método de rotina seguro para a caracterização e quantificação de perda de epitélio intestinal.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
O presente trabalho teve como objetivo verificar a forma de penetração do fungo Metarhizium anisopliae em ovos do carrapato Rhipicephalus sanguineus, assim como as lesões infringidas no interior do ovo. A aderência e penetração do fungo foram estudadas por meio da microscopia eletrônica de varredura e a ação do fungo nos tecidos internos avaliada em secções histológicas convencionais. Para observação destes eventos, realizaram-se infecções experimentais em 11 grupos de ovos do R. sanguineus contendo 25 mg cada. Os ovos foram banhados durante 3 minutos, sob agitação manual, em suspensão com concentração de 10(8) conídios/mL. Nos grupos controle o banho foi realizado apenas no veículo da suspensão. Os ovos foram processados para análise histopatológica e microscopia eletrônica de varredura nos seguintes tempos após a infecção: 1 e 18h, e um, dois, três, quatro, cinco, seis, sete, nove e onze dias. Observou-se grande germinação de conídios em 67% dos ovos 18h após a inoculação e o fungo penetrou em 92,6% dos ovos 5 dias após a infecção. A extrusão do patógeno ocorreu em 87% dos ovos 7 dias após a infecção, chegando a 100% no 9º dia. Nas análises histopatológicas não foram observadas lesões dignas de nota, porem deve-se ressaltar que houve significativa redução (53,9%) na eclosão a partir dos ovos infectados.
The influence of small amounts of bovine serum albumin (BSA) (nM concentration) on the lateral organization of phospholipid monolayers at the air-water interface and transferred onto solid substrates as one-layer Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) films was investigated. The kinetics of adsorption of BSA onto the phospholipid monolayers was monitored with surface pressure isotherms in a Langmuir trough, for the zwitterionic dipalmitoylphosphatidyl ethanolamine (N,N-dimethyl-PE) and the anionic dimyristoylphosphatidic acid (DMPA). A monolayer of N,N-dimethyl-PE or DMPA incorporating BSA was transferred onto a solid substrate using the Langmuir-Blodgett technique. Atomic force microscopy (AFM) images of one-layer LB films displayed protein-phospholipid domains, whose morphology was characterized using dynamic scaling theories to calculate roughness exponents. For DMPA-BSA films the surface is characteristic of self-affine fractals, which may be described with the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang (KPZ) equation. on the other hand, for N,N-dimethyl-PE-BSA films, the results indicate a relatively flat surface within the globule. The height profile and the number and size of globules varied with the type of phospholipid. The overall results, from kinetics of adsorption on Langmuir monolayers and surface morphology in LB films, could be interpreted in terms of the higher affinity of BSA to the anionic DMPA than to the zwitterionic N,N-dimethyl-PE. Furthermore, the effects from such small amounts of BSA in the monolayer point to a cooperative response of DMPA and N,N-dimethyl-PE monolayers to the protein. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)