49 resultados para Plant protection

em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"


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Aiming at improving the efficiency control of Phakopsora pachyrhizi, this research evaluated different application techniques, using spray deposits and yield parameters of soybean crop. Two experiments were carried out in the experimental area of FCA/UNESP - Botucatu, SP, Brazil, in the soybean crop, Conquista variety, in the 2006/2007 season. The first experiment was arranged in random blocks with eight treatments and four replications. The treatments were conducted in factorial arrangement 4×2 (four air levels 0, 9, 11 and 29 km/h combined at two nozzle angles 0 and 30°) using AXI 110015 nozzles. Ten plants on each plot were selected for sampling spray deposits. Artificial targets were fixed on plants, two in the top and another two in the bottom part of plants (abaxial and adaxial leaf surface each one). For deposit evaluations, a cupric tracer was used and the amount of deposits was determined by a spectrophotometer. The second experiment was carried out in the same place and the treatments were of the same arrangement as the previous experiment, including control treatment (untreated plants). The spraying with triazole fungicide was realized in R2 and R5.2 growth stages of soybean with 142 l/ha spray volume. The nozzle angled of 30° combined with maximum air speed promoted the highest spray deposits on the soybean crop and influenced positively the control of the soybean Asian rust as well in the productivity of this crop.


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Objetivou-se estudar o desenvolvimento de Leptoglossus gonagra Fabr. (Heteroptera: Coreidae), em cinco espécies de maracujazeiro (Passiflora spp.), discriminando-as quanto aos tipos e graus de resistência. Os ensaios foram conduzidos em laboratório sob condições de 25 ± 1º C; 65 ± 10% UR e fotofase de 14 h, durante 1998, em Jaboticabal, SP. Foram utilizados ramos, botões florais, flores e frutos de P. alata, P. edulis f. flavicarpa, P. giberti, P. laurifolia e P. nitida. Avaliou-se a duração de cada ínstar, a mortalidade em cada ínstar e em toda fase ninfal, o peso de ninfas de terceiro e quinto ínstares com 24 h de idade, o peso de adultos com 24 h de idade e a longevidade. Utilizou-se o delineamento estatístico inteiramente casualizado. em todas as espécies, L. gonagra não completou seu desenvolvimento quando alimentado apenas com frutos. Os ramos, botões florais, flores e frutos de P. nitida apresentaram grau de antibiose mais elevado que os de P. alata, P. edulis f. flavicarpa e P. giberti, enquanto P. laurifolia é a espécie mais adequada ao desenvolvimento de L. gonagra.


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In the period of 2001/2002 a population of Meloidogyne javanica was found infecting a soybean cultivar 'CD 208" considered resistant in a field located in the County of Nuporanga, state of São Paulo (SP), Brazil. Due to this fact, it was evaluated the resistance of some of the main cultivars used in areas of the Cooperativa dos Agricultores, in Orlandia (CAROL), SP. The study was carried out in greenhouse conditions of the Departamento de Fitossanidade (Plant Protection) da UNESP/FCAV, Campus of Jaboticabal, SP, in clay pots of 5 liters. Five individual plants of the cultivars BRS 133, BRS 183, BRSMG 68, BRSMG Garantia, CD 201, MG/BR-46 Conquista, Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária (EMBRAPA) 48, IAC 22, M-SOY 7901, M-SOY 8001 and M-SOY 8400 were inoculated with 3,000 eggs and second estage juveniles of the nematode, seven days after seed germination and the evaluation was carried out 57 days after inoculation. Galls, egg masses and the reproduction factor were determined. The results pointed out that the cultivar BRSMG Garantia was tolerant to the nematode population and all others were susceptibles.


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O ácaro Brevipalpus phoenicis é uma das principais pragas dos citros por ser vetor do Citrus Leprosis Virus (CiLV), agente causal da leprose, uma das mais graves doenças da citricultura. Objetivou-se avaliar o efeito tóxico de produtos à base de abamectina sobre o ácaro B. phoenicis. Foram realizados um experimento de ação direta e três de ação residual no Laboratório de Acarologia do Departamento de Proteção de Plantas (Fitossanidade) da FCAV - UNESP, Jaboticabal-SP. O delineamento adotado nos bioensaios foi o inteiramente casualizado, onde 10 tratamentos foram repetidos 7 vezes, sendo cada repetição composta por um fruto de laranja. Os tratamentos estudados (mL p.c./100 L de água) foram: Acaramik a 20; 30; 40 e 50 mL; Vertimec a 30 e 40 mL; Abamectin Nortox a 30 e 40 mL; Tricofol a 77 mL e uma testemunha sem aplicação. Utilizaram-se frutos com presença de verrugose, que foram lavados e parcialmente parafinados, deixando-se uma área sem parafina, que foi circundada com cola entomológica para contenção dos ácaros. Transferiram-se 20 ácaros adultos B. phoenicis para cada fruto. No bioensaio de ação direta, a transferência foi realizada antes das aplicações e, nos bioensaios de ação residual, aos 5; 10 e 15 dias após a aplicação dos produtos. A aplicação dos produtos sobre os frutos foi realizada em Torre de Potter. Os resultados obtidos nos bioensaios evidenciaram que os melhores tratamentos foram: Tricofol a 77 mL, Acaramik a 40 e 50 mL e Vertimec a 40 mL. de forma geral, os produtos testados podem ser utilizados no controle do ácaro B. phoenicis.


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O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar os possíveis efeitos fitotóxicos de herbicidas aplicados em pós-emergência, isolados e em misturas, na soja transgênica (cv. M-SOY 8008 RR) tolerante ao glyphosate e no controle de plântulas de Commelina benghalensis. Os experimentos foram desenvolvidos no período de janeiro a maio de 2006, em vasos, mantidos em condições de ambiente não controlado, no Departamento de Fitossanidade, UNESP, Campus de Jaboticabal (SP). Os tratamentos avaliados foram: glyphosate (1,20 kg ha-1 e.a.), chlorimuron-ethyl (0,02 kg ha-1), lactofen (0,18 kg ha-1), fomesafen (0,25 kg ha-1), flumioxazin (0,025 kg ha-1), imazethapyr (0,10 kg ha-1), chlorimuron-ethyl (0,01 kg ha-1) mais lactofen (0,096 kg ha-1), chlorimuron-ethyl (0,01 kg ha-1) mais fomesafen (0,125 kg ha-1), lactofen (0,096kg ha-1) mais fomesafen (0,125 kg ha-1), as misturas de glyphosate (0,60kgha-1) com chlorimuron-ethyl (0,01 kg ha-1), lactofen (0,096 kg ha-1), fomesafen (0,125 kg ha-1), flumioxazin (0,0125 kg ha-1), imazethapyr (0,05 kg ha-1) e uma testemunha sem aplicação de herbicida. No experimento com C. benghalensis, testou-se também a aplicação seqüencial de glyphosate (0,96 mais 0,72 kg ha-1 e.a.). A associação de ghyphosate a herbicidas utilizados em soja convencional ocasionou danos visuais às plantas de soja. em alguns casos, como nas misturas de glyphosate com lactofen e glyphosate com flumioxazin, os sintomas foram severos, com necroses e pontos cloróticos nas folhas. Mesmo assim, essa fitointoxicação não influenciou no desenvolvimento vegetativo e reprodutivo da soja. A mistura de glyphosate a outros herbicidas, assim como a sua aplicação seqüencial, não foram eficazes no controle de C. benghalensis, nas doses testadas e quando as plantas estavam no estádio de 4 a 6 folhas totalmente expandidas.


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It was studied the incorporation or not of shredded stems of sugarcane varieties to artificial diets and their effect in the biology of Diatraea saccharalis (Fabr., 1794) (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) under laboratory conditions. The experiment was carried out at the Department of Plant Protection of FCAV-UNESP, Jaboticabal, São Paulo, Brazil, in 2007, using diets with different amounts of their components (100, 75, 25 e 25% of concentration of the standard diet). The experiment had a complete randomized design in a 4x3 factorial scheme, using 4 concentrations of diets and three treatments, in a total of 12, with 6 replications. The larval, pupal an total periods and viability were evaluated, as well as the larval weight at 15 days, the pupal weight after 24 hours and the longevity of adults without feeding. The diet with 25% concentration of the components compared to the standard diet had a negative effect in the development of D. saccharlis larvae. Shredded dry stalks incorporated or not to the diet affected only the larval and pupal weight whereas the larval weight was more affected when the resistant (RB83-5486) and susceptible (SP80-3280) varieties due to the use of diet with 50% of its components. The diet with 100% concentration of its components are more favorable to the development of D. saccharalis, with 25% while that is less favorable. The diet with 100% concentration of the components associated with the presence of SP80-3280 (susceptible) stem variety provides greater larval weight. The weights of larvae and pupae of insects are negatively affected when RB83-5486 (resistant) shredded dry stem variety is incorporated into the diet. regarding to larval weight the diet with 50% of the concentration of its components provides better discrimination between genotypes resistant and susceptible to sugarcane borer.


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The objectives of the IPP Project-Periodic Inspection on Crop Sprayers-are to develop methods for sprayer certification, analyze quality on spray operation, propose an inspection system for crop sprayers in Brazil, improve environmental quality on spray operation, and reduce costs on chemical control for plant protection systems. Periodic inspections on crop sprayers are performed in several countries and are compulsory in most of them, and it is becoming an important tool for improvement and optimization of use of chemicals. The IPP Project in Brazil is funded by FAPESP-Fundação de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo. The results so far showed that all the sprayers presented failures. However, most of them could be approved with minor services. As an example, 56.6% of the sprayers with more than 2 years of use presented leaks, 47% of them had damaged hoses and 80.5% presented bad tips (nozzles). These results indicate the need for better procedures of use and maintenance of sprayers, justifying the periodic inspection system.


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The objective of this study was to evaluate the control of mound-building termites (Isoptera: Termitidae) by entomopathogenic fungi (Metarhizium anisopliae and Beauveria bassiana). We developed two experiments, with two copies of application in three sizes of nests. The first was installed in the Salto Macauba farm and second in the Laboratory of Plant Protection at the State University of Mato Grosso do Sul. The first experiment consisted of five repetitions, each nest an experimental unit, with treatments in a factorial 2 (fungi) x 2 (tests) x 2 (type of spraying) + 1 control, distributed completely at random in the area. The treatments were: 1) control - no implementation, 2) Metarril M103 (M. anisopliae) - 10 g/mound-dusting, 3) Metarril M103 - 10 g/mound - via net, 4) Metarril M103 - 15 g/mound-dusting, 5) Metarril M103 - 15 g/mound - via net, 6) Boveril B102 (B. bassiana) - 10 g/mound - dusting, 7) Boveril B102 - 10 g/mound - via net, 8) Boveril B102 - 15 g/mound-dusting and 9) Boveril B102 - 15 g/mound-via net. The testing of mortality were made spraying of the laboratory with the field measurements performed in compliance with the same separation of the nests. The results suggested that the road dust (dosage of 10 g) of the fungi studied showed higher mortality of nests of small size (53%). B. bassiana (Boveril) (10 g) gave 80% mortality of C. cumulans when applied to nests of small size.


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The biological control of the plants diseases, caused by fungi, is carried out using others organisms (predator, parasite or pathogen). Among the possible agents of biocontrol, a fungus has been highlighting as promising and it is known as Clonostachys rosea, asexual form of Bionectria ochroleuca. For that, it is necessary the in vitro production of spores of this fungus. In this study were tested several culture media to select those with better conidia production. The study was conducted at Plant Protection Division, in the Plant Production Department, FCA - UNESP, Botucatu campus, São Paulo state, Brazil. We used the isolated CCR64 (Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária (EMBRAPA)-CNPMA). The means of crops were: BDA; Oats-Agar; Mazeina-Agar; Rice-Agar; V8-5%; V8-10%; V8-20%; TJ-5 %; TJ-10, TJ-20%. The sporulation of the fungus in different culture media was estimated at 8 days after of the incubation. The data were analyzed using method of comparing averages, using the Tukey test, at 5% probability, and the data processed, using (X + 1) 0.5 transformation. All culture media tested were able to produce conidia. It was found that the best culture media for production of conidia of Bionectria ochroleuca is the TJ-5%, followed by TJ-20%, with an sporulation average of 3,5 x 106 conidia / ml.


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This is the first report of Trichospilus diatracae (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) found in the field, parasitizing pupae of the eucalyptus defoliating Sarsina violascens (Herrich-Schaeffer, 1856) (Lepidoptera: Lymantriidae) in Brazil. This offers a new perspectives for the use of this parasitoid in biological control programs against caterpillars of forestry importance.


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The bronze bug Thaumastocoris peregrinus Carpintero & Dellape (Hemiptera: Thaumastocoridae) was detected infesting Eucalyptus trees in Brazil in 2008, in the states of São Paulo, Rio Grande do Sul and Minas Gerais and in 2009 was found in the state of Espirito Santo, Mato Grosso do Sul, Rio de Janeiro and Parana. Details about geographical spread, means of introduction, impact in Eucalyptus plantations and natural enemies observed in the field are discussed.


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The Brazilian poplar moth is the most important pest of poplar plantations in Brazil. This research evaluated the effect of Beauveria bassiana Bals. (Vuill.) on the mortality and development of Condylorrhiza vestigialis Guen. (Lepidoptera: Crambidae). The aim was to develop alternative methods for management of this pest. The pathogens were sprayed on poplar leaves and .consequently, the pathogens reached the caterpillars. Bacillus thuringiensis var. kurstaki Berliner was sprayed as the standard treatment. The spray for the control was distilled water. Both pathogens B. bassiana and B. thuringiensis affected insect development with increase mortality at each stage of the insect cycle, reaching a satisfactory control level. Microbial control of Brazilian poplar moth with B. bassiana is promising. Tests with other strains and species of pathogens, mainly under field conditions, were also encouraging. This is the first report about the action of B. bassiana against C. vestigialis.


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The fig (Ficus carica L.), belonging to the Moraceas family, is one of the most important fruit crops, bringing Brazil to the condition of the tenth largest fig producer and exporter in the world. But the culture presents some problems with plant protection, and in Brazil, it is all implanted with an only cultivar, Roxo-de-Valinhos, which produces seedless fruit, not permitting the conventional improvement. In this sense, the genetic improvement by using mutagenic becomes a very important research line, that can greatly contribute to the culture development. Considering this, this study aimed to evaluate selections of fig originated from mutant plants formed by cuttings from buds irradiated with gamma ray and compare them with the main varieties of the culture in commercial plantation. By using plants originated from 5 traditional fig cultivars cuttings and 5 fig mutant selections (formed by cuttings from Roxo-de-Valinhos buds irradiated with gamma ray, in the dose of 30 Gy), spaced by 2.5 x 1.5 m. The experimental layout was a completely randomized block design, with 10 treatments, 3 repetitions and 5 plants per plot. The evaluations are made from the plants vegetative growth as well as the fruit characteristics. Through data analysis, it seems that there is variability between the mutant selections and with the traditional cultivars, and the treatment PI-189 was superior to the standard cultivar Roxo-de-Valinhos on great commercial characteristics importance, such as "number of fruit per plant", "average weight per fruit" and "productivity", having the same traits, showing itself with enormous potential for future studies.


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A figueira (Ficus carica L.), pertencente à família das Moráceas, constitui-se numa das mais importantes frutíferas cultivadas, elevando o Brasil à condição de décimo maior produtor e exportador de figos do mundo. Porém, a ficicultura apresenta alguns problemas fitossanitários, além de, no Brasil, estar toda implantada com uma única cultivar, a Roxo-de-Valinhos, que produz frutos sem sementes, inviabilizando o melhoramento convencional. Nesse sentido, o melhoramento genético, com o uso de mutagênicos, passa a ser uma linha de pesquisa altamente importante, podendo contribuir enormemente para o desenvolvimento da cultura. Diante disto, o objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar seleções mutantes de figueira originadas de plantas formadas por estacas provenientes de gemas irradiadas com raio gama, bem como compará-las com as principais cultivares da cultura em plantio comercial. Utilizou-se de plantas originadas de estacas de 5 cultivares tradicionais de figueira e de cinco seleções de figueiras mutantes (formadas por estacas originadas de gemas da cultivar Roxo-de-Valinhos irradiadas com raio gama, na dose de 30 Gy), cultivadas em espaçamento de 2,5 x 1,5 m. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o de blocos inteiramente casualizados, contendo 10 tratamentos, com 3 repetições e 5 plantas por parcela. As avaliações foram realizadas a partir do desenvolvimento vegetativo das plantas, bem como as características dos frutos. da análise dos dados, conclui-se que há variabilidade entre as seleções mutantes e destas com as cultivares tradicionais, e que o tratamento PI-189 foi superior à cultivar-padrão Roxo-de-Valinhos em características de grande importância comercial, como número de frutos por planta, massa média por fruto e produtividade, igualando-se nas demais características, mostrando-se, assim, com enorme potencial para posteriores estudos.


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Several spider species use plants as shelter and foraging sites, but the relationships among these organisms are still poorly known. Lynx spiders of the genus Peucetia do not build webs, and many species live strictly in plants bearing glandular trichomes. Peucetia flava Keyserling 1877 inhabits Solanum thomasifolium in southeastern Brazil and usually preys on herbivores and other small insects adhered to the glandular trichomes of its host plant. To evaluate the potential anti-herbivore protection. of this spider species for S. thomasifolium, we glued termites used as herbivore models oil trichomes of S. thomasifolium and on neighboring plants lacking glandular trichomes. leaf miner damage and spider density were recorded for S. thomasifolium plants in July 1997. There was a positive relationship between plant size and spider density. The removal or termites in S. thomasifolium by P. flava was higher than ill plants without glandular trichomes. The leaf miner damage was negatively related to spider density. Our results Suggest that P. flava may be all important plant bodyguard in the defense of S. thomasifolium from its natural herbivores.