17 resultados para Planes (baronia)-Drets senyorials-Plets-S. XIX

em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"


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Introduction: The proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation technique (PNF) has been proven to be efficient, since it was found higher gain of joint range-of-motion compared to the classic stretching. This study aimed to perform a comparison between the muscular stretching techniques and the PNF hold-relax on the internal and external sagittal/diagonal plane.Method: Randomly divided in 3 groups by a drawing, 30 healthy male individuals have undergone the test. In group I the hold-relax technique was utilized on the sagittal plane, grupo II receveid hold-relax on the internal and external diagonals, and group III, on which an evaluation was performed, worked as control. All the groups went through tests on the first, fifth and fifteenth day after the application of the different approaches. In this evaluation it was used a Flexis (R) Fleximeter.Result: Group II (diagonal) obtained statistically significant gain of 13.99% in the immediate post-test and post test later obtained a loss of 4.81%, group I (sagittal) showed no statistical difference as the group III (control).Conclusion: We conclude that the technique of PNF in the diagonal plane is effective in the flexibility of the hamstring muscles.


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L'article discute la structure discoursive de deux oeuvres qui représentent des voix féminines en défense de l'éducation et du travail des femmes et qui ont eu quelque répercussion au Brésil au XIXe siècle : Opúsculo humanitário (1853), de la brésilienne Nísia Floresta (1809 ou 1810-1885), et Mulheres e crianças (1880), de la portugaise Maria Amália Vaz de Carvalho (1847-1921). Nous avons essayé d'identifier à qui les textes étaient adressés et comment ils justifiaient le droit d'auteur et l'érudition féminine à un moment où la traditionnelle interdiction du mot public et de la presse aux femmes commençait à être questionnée.


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The purpose of this study was to analyze the histometry of ligature-induced periodontitis in rats at different histological section depths. Sixteen male adult Wistar rats were randomly assigned to two groups: ligature and control. In the ligature group, rats received a sterile 4/0 silk ligature around the maxillary right 2nd molar. Thirty serial sections containing the 1st and 2nd molars, in which the coronal and root pulp, cementoenamel junction (CEJ) in the mesial side of the 2nd molar, interproximal alveolar bone and connective fiber attachment were clearly visible, were selected for histometric analysis. The histological sections were clustered in groups of 10 sections corresponding the buccal (B), central (C) and lingual (L) regions of the of periodontal tissue samples. The distance between the CEJ in the mesial side of the 2nd molar and the attached periodontal ligament fibers (CEJ-PL) as well as the distance between the CEJ and the alveolar bone crest (CEJ-BC) were determined. From CEJ-PL and CEJ-BC distances measured for each specimen, the measurements obtained in the B, L and C regions were recorded individually and together. Data were submitted to statistical analysis. Significant differences (p<0.001) were observed between the control and ligature groups regarding CEJ-PL (0.05 mm and 0.26 mm, respectively) and CEJ-BC (0.47 mm and 0.77 mm, respectively) measurements. Regarding the depth of the buccal, central and lingual planes, the means of CEJ-PL and CEJ-BC of both groups showed no statistically significant differences (p>0.05). In conclusion, the selection of 10 serial sections of the central region of periodontal tissue samples at any depth can be considered as representative for the evaluation of periodontal ligament fiber attachment and bone loss in ligature-induced periodontitis in rats.


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A produção científica e filosófica de Charles Sanders PEIRCE (1839-1914), exigindo como critério para o trabalho intelectual e para a conduta da vida do pensador o absoluto rigor na construção dos conceitos e a estrita verificação experimental, teve por conseqüência desvincular o trabalho científico e filosófico de qualquer função apologética. A afirmação de que todo conhecimento do mundo da experiência e mesmo daquele elaborado pela matemática é intrinsecamente provável e falível se opôs a todo e qualquer dogmatismo e mesmo ao a priori de tradição Kantiana. O interesse pela teoria evolucionista e a coerência inabalável da filosofia e das atitudes de PEIRCE, como professor e pesquisador, encontraram profunda resistência no meio universitário e editorial de seu tempo. Num momento de grave crise na Universidade norte-americana, decorrente das transformações econômicas e políticas ocorridas com a guerra da Secessão (1861-1865), o posicionamento de PEIRCE contribuiu muito provavelmente para sua demissão como professor das Universidades de Harvard e de John Hopkins; para dificultar a publicação de seus escritos e para seu total isolamento nos últimos anos de vida.


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O texto busca reconstituir o processo de renovação dos programas da escola primária engendrado no Brasil a partir de 1870, situando a modernização educacional no país em relação ao contexto internacional. Para este estudo utilizamos como fonte de pesquisa o parecer de Rui Barbosa acerca da Reforma do ensino primário e várias instituições complementares da instrução pública (1883), em especial o volume concernente à discussão sobre métodos e o programa escolar. A análise efetuada mostra que a renovação do programa escolar significou para as camadas populares maiores oportunidades de acesso à cultura. Demostra, também, como o programa constitui um projeto político social civilizador, direcionado para a construção da nação, a modernização do país e a moralização do povo.


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Cet article examine la création de l'industrie du livre didactique aux États-Unis à partir des années 30 du XIXe siècle. Dès les années 20 de ce siècle, des maisons d'éditions sises dans les villes de New York et Boston étaient déjà capables de publier différents types de livres didactiques et de petits livres pour enfants et de les vendre aux quatre coins du pays, où elles avaient détaché des fonctionnaires pour ce faire. À la fin de cette décennie, le processus de production s'est sophistiqué avec l'organisation et l'entraînement d'équipes spécialisées dans l'écriture de schoolbooks. Dans le sillage de ces premières maisons d'éditions, d'autres se sont affirmées et sont devenues des puissances nationales et internationales jouant un rôle décisif aussi bien dans l'américanisation des énormes vagues d'immigrants qui sont arrivées dans ce pays, dès la moitié du XIXe siècle, que dans celle des peuples soumis à la domination militaire ou économique des EUA.


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Este artigo apresenta aspectos da trajetória do Hospital de Caridade São Pedro de Alcântara, na cidade de Goiás, ao longo do século XIX. Instituição leiga fundada no ano de 1825, o hospital nasceu da iniciativa de um grupo local influente que reconheceu um mal social: a ausência de assistência aos destituídos e enfermos. No que se referia à assistência social, ele abarcava funções e princípios caritativos cristãos, assistindo alienados, internados em cárceres, doentes e necessitados em geral, e, com a inauguração do cemitério público, sepultava gratuitamente os indigentes.


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A província de Goiás gozava de uma situação sanitária ambígua, descrita simultaneamente como saudável e insalubre. Assim, este artigo apresenta diferentes versões sobre as condições nosológicas de Goiás, produzidas pelas autoridades locais, médicos, viajantes estrangeiros e expedições científicas.


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Ao inventariarmos as grandes celebrações da monarquia portuguesa, encontraremos algumas que são cerimoniais eminentemente religiosos. Dentre eles, há a procissão do Anjo da Guarda do Reino de Portugal (no terceiro domingo de julho), instituída no século XVI como celebração da realeza, das quais toda a Corte participava e eram realizadas por todo o reino português. Também as aclamações de Da. Maria I (1777) e D. João VI (1818) utilizam elementos de caráter religioso (símbolos e idéias). Estas celebrações colocam-nos a hipótese de uma série de articulações entre os procedimentos religiosos e o poder real. em função do exame daquelas procissões e destes cerimoniais, procuramos esboçar uma imagem do rei português: um rei-protetor, detentor de um poder de salvação.


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This article presents a project formulated by the president of the Sovereign State of Santander, Solon Witches, to open new trade routes in order to create and maintain a network of power in the department of Garcia Rovira. First, the text highlights the political activity of General Witches to help his region; second, the commercial activities which surrounded his network of friends and family. Finally, the text answers the question of how associations worked around a main character in order to complete commercial transactions in a specific region.


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Aim: The aim of the study was to assess the accuracy of a new intraoral paralleling device for creating proximal guiding planes for removable partial dental prostheses. Methods and Materials: Thirty gypsum casts were divided into two groups in which the proximal surfaces of selected teeth were prepared using either a surveying device (Group 1) or the new ParalAB paralleling device (Group 2). In each cast guiding planes were prepared on the distal surface of the maxillary left canine (A), on the mesial and distal surfaces of the maxillary left second molar (B and C), and on the distal surface of the maxillary right canine (D). Each prepared surface formed an angle related to the occlusal plane that was measured five times and averaged by one operator using a tridimensional coordinate machine. Results: The mean guiding plane angles (± standard deviation) for the prepared surfaces were A=91.82° (±0.48°, B=90.47° (±0.47°, C=90.21° (±0.76°, and D=90.50° (±0.73°) for the dental surveyor (Group 1) and A=92.18° (±0.87°), B=90.90° (±0.85°), C=90.07° (±0.92°), and D=90.66° (±0.76°) for the ParalAB paralleling device (Group 2). A two-way ANOVA, Tukey's, and Levène's tests (at p<0.05) revealed statistically significant differences among surfaces prepared by both groups and that one surface Conclusions: The ParalAB device was able to prepare parallel surfaces and despite significant difference between groups, the ParalAB presented a small deviation from absolute parallelism and can be considered a valid method to transfer guide plans in the fabrication of removable partial dentures. Clinical Significance: The preparation of suitable guiding planes on abutment teeth during the fabrication of removable partial dentures is dependent on the ability of the operator and requires considerable chair time. When multiple teeth are involved, achieving parallelism between abutment surfaces can be technically challenging, especially in posterior regions of the mouth. The ParalAB prototype intraoral paralleling device can aid the clinician during the preparation of accurate guiding planes with a minimum degree of occlusal divergence. © 2010 Seer Publishing LLC.


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This article demonstrates the existence of black families and the presence of children from these families in public schools of Maranhão, in the nineteenth century. Based on a conjectural methodology newspapers ads of the nineteenth century were consulted and also codices relating to records of baptism, marriage, and documentation of the Government Secretary, located in the Public Archives of the State of Maranhão and Public Library Benedito Leite.