7 resultados para Parent-chil relationship

em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"


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Este artigo tem por objetivo analisar as relações entre práticas educativas dos pais e problemas de comportamento dos filhos, à luz do referencial teórico-prático do treinamento em habilidades sociais. A forma como os pais educam seus filhos parece ser crucial à promoção de comportamentos socialmente adequados, porém, com freqüência, as famílias acabam estimulando comportamentos inadequados por meio de disciplina inconsistente, pouca interação positiva, pouco monitoramento e supervisão insuficiente das atividades da criança. Considera-se que os pais, para promoverem comportamentos adequados em seus filhos, necessitam ter habilidades sociais educativas, tais como expressar sentimentos e opiniões, estabelecer limites evitando coerção, entre outras. Conclui-se que, intervenções com pais, com a finalidade de promover habilidades sociais educativas, são importantes meios para prevenção e redução de problemas de comportamento em crianças, de forma a evitar dificuldades escolares e de socialização na meninice e na adolescência.


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Família e escola são considerados contextos primordiais para o desenvolvimento humano, sendo desejável que haja um elo adequado entre esses espaços. Pautado nessa premissa, este artigo objetiva analisar as relações estabelecidas entre a escola e a família de crianças com baixo rendimento escolar, salientando que a escola pesquisada adota o regime de progressão continuada. O referencial teórico do estudo foi a perspectiva bioecológica de Bronfenbrenner. Participaram da pesquisa seis crianças, seus respectivos responsáveis e professoras. A coleta de dados consistiu de entrevistas semiestruturadas e observações. Os dados foram coligidos em duas categorias: envolvimento e comunicação. Embora os resultados destaquem a comunicação como principal veículo de trocas entre os dois contextos, essa necessita ser aprimorada. A família e a escola compreendem que devem trabalhar em colaboração, mas tal relação precisa ser reconstruída, pois se mostra assimétrica e repleta de preconceitos.


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One way to organize knowledge and make its search and retrieval easier is to create a structural representation divided by hierarchically related topics. Once this structure is built, it is necessary to find labels for each of the obtained clusters. In many cases the labels have to be built using only the terms in the documents of the collection. This paper presents the SeCLAR (Selecting Candidate Labels using Association Rules) method, which explores the use of association rules for the selection of good candidates for labels of hierarchical document clusters. The candidates are processed by a classical method to generate the labels. The idea of the proposed method is to process each parent-child relationship of the nodes as an antecedent-consequent relationship of association rules. The experimental results show that the proposed method can improve the precision and recall of labels obtained by classical methods. © 2010 Springer-Verlag.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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This essay tells a singular experience of paternity, a parent's relationship to his daughter and learning of a child with special needs. This narrated experience has as an objective of the author's own narration of the transformations of this test, the theoretical features that marked his intellectual trajectory and limits them to express it. From this perspective, this essay seeks to give voice to this unique experience of caring with the goal of establishing a counterpoint with the discourse of inclusion and the specialized knowledge, with a view to a discursive event that produces a philosophical thinking and an apprenticeship with the difference that can promote the self-transformation of individuals who act in this field in their educational action.


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In the modern world it is common to witness the family or the school complaining about the behavior of children. Parents have lost control of how to educate their children, who have difficulty in following rules, boundaries and discipline. In the short time they stay with their children, their parents feel desperate in how to educate and seek the help of experts who apply techniques inspired by behavioral therapy. A recent phenomenon is the search of the family by the media, so that helps to set limits for their children. The main objective of this study is to identify intervention techniques used in television show called Supernanny, verifying the concept of education and its effects on family. The methodology is exploratory research, using technical analysis as a specific program for television, videorecorded. Data analysis was performed by a video recording of the three programs shown, which were compared using frames. Contact that currently, the parent-child relationship is permeated by a lack of boundaries, which causes families to seek guidance from experts and the media - which is one of the most powerful means of dissemination and communication. The program presents Supernanny behavioral techniques that seem to work with a simple sleight of hand, but in real life translates into a long-time adjustments, challenges and frustrations. Moreover, many of them induce the conditioning, to achieve something by means of strengthening and heteronomy, which leads the viewer to take a more critical eye on those programs