26 resultados para Paederus irritans
em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"
This study evaluated the effectiveness of cypermethrin (5%) associated to Dichlorvos (45%) and piperonyl butoxide (25%) against Haematobia irritans in naturally infested cattle. 60 Nelore females, aging about 50 months, were separated into four groups with 15animals each. After randomization by the number of flies, the groups were divided in the following treatments: T1 = control, T2 and T4 = treated with the association under study at concentrations of 1: 400 and 1: 800, respectively, T3 = treated with cypermethrin 15% + clorpirivos 25% + citronella 1% (positive control) at a concentration of 1:800. Counst of flies were taken 3, 7, 14 and 21 days post treatment (DPT). In the third DPT, treatments T2, T3 and T4 showed efficacy over 98%. At the seventh day, it was found in animals treated with the compound containing piperonyl butoxide efficacy of 95.61 and 97.3% in the control of flies at dose of 1: 800 and 1: 400, respectively. While cattle in the T3 group demonstrated efficacy of 93.82%. The effectiveness of antiparasitic remained above 95% at 14 degrees DPT in both groups T2 and T4. In the same experimental day, animals of group T3 showed effectiveness of 88.24%. At 21 degrees DPT, only the T2 group, was significantly decreased (P <0.05) in the number of flies when compared to other treatments. Therefore, it was found in this study, the synergistic effect of piperonyl butoxide on the antiparasitic activity of synthetic pyrethroids and organophosphates, representing an effective alternative in the chemotherapy control by the parasitism for horn flies in cattle.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Muita atenção tem sido dada ao desenvolvimento de inseticidas vegetais buscando-se um efetivo controle de ectoparasitas de bovinos, sem prejudicar animais, consumidores e meio ambiente. Este estudo, realizado de abril a julho de 2008, na Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária (EMBRAPA) Pecuária Sudeste, em São Carlos, SP, Brasil, avaliou a eficácia de uma torta comercial de nim (Azadirachta indica) no controle da mosca-dos-chifres (Haematobia irritans) em bovinos. A torta de nim, misturada ao sal mineral na concentração de 2%, foi fornecida a 20 vacas Nelore, durante nove semanas, e sua eficácia foi monitorada através de contagens semanais nos grupos tratado e controle. Infestações individuais foram registradas por meio de fotos digitais em todos os animais de ambos os grupos, e o número de moscas foi, posteriormente, quantificado com o auxílio de um sistema de análise de imagem computadorizado. A quantificação dos componentes da torta de nim, por cromatografia líquida, revelou a presença de azadiractina (421 mg.kg-1) e 3-tigloyl-azadirachtol (151 mg.kg-1). A adição da torta de nim a 2% reduziu o consumo de sal mineral em cerca de 22%. O tratamento com torta de nim a 2% não reduziu as infestações por mosca-dos-chifres em bovinos durante as nove semanas do estudo.
Aiming to know the population dynamics of horn fly on cattle in the municipality of Selviria, MS, Brazil, a study was conducted from March 2004 to June 2005 in the Education, Research and Extension Farm, from Unesp - Campus de Ilha Solteira, located in the municipality of Selviria, MS. It was used IS cows of the Guzera breed and 15 crossbred (Guzera X Holstein-Friesian), respectively 3 and 4 years old, naturally infested. During the experimental period these animals did not receive any insecticide treatment. Visual fly counting by on back region of the animals was carried out at 14 day interval. The horn fly showed two peaks of infestation during the year, one in April and another in October. In the months of highest infestation, the average number of flies did not exceed a 104. The months in which was significant difference between crossbred and Guzera breed was in April, May, August and September 2004 and February, March and April 2005, always with crossbred with higher infestation. In the region studied Haematobia irritans was present throughout the year.
Visual estimates are generally used for counts of horn flies, Haematobia irritans (L.) and play an important role as an instrument to quantify fly populations in scientific studies. In this study, horn fly counts were performed on 30 Nelore steers in the municipality of Aracatuba, SP Brazil, from January to December 1998. Flies were counted weekly by two methods: the estimate method whereby estimates of the number of flies on one side of the animal are obtained by visual observation, and the filming method whereby images of flies from both sides of the animal are recorded with a video camera. The tape was then played on a videotape recorder coupled to a television and the flies were counted on the screen. Both methods showed variations in horn fly population density during the period studied. However, significant differences (p < 0.05) were observed between the two methods with the filming method permitting the visualization of a larger number of flies than the estimate method. In addition, the filming method permitted safe and reliable counts hours after the images were taken, with the advantage that the tape can serve as an archive for random re-counts. (C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.
The population density of horn flies was evaluated in the year 1998 in the municipality of Aracatuba, São Paulo Brazil, in relation to temperature and rainfall conditions. Two lots of 30 Nellore steers (Bos indicus) were used which had no insecticidal treatment and were naturally infested with horn flies. The infestations were assessed by two counting methods, i.e., the traditional estimate method and the filming method. The highest fly frequencies were recorded in spring, summer, autumn and the lowest frequencies were recorded in winter. The increase in fly number was positively correlated (P < 0.05) with rainfall. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The laboratory production of the horn fly is still an important resource for research. Several authors have already observed that viability of immature stages varies according to arthropod species. In this study were observed the Haematobia irritans egg percentage hatching. Bovine faeces was obtained from animals grazing pastures (Brachiaria decumbens) was collected and used immediately or placed in a refrigerator (2-3 degrees C). Horn flies were captured in bovine to get eggs placed in filter paper on dung and incubate at 32 +/- 2 degrees C and 80% RH for larvae raring. The results were based on the number of hatched eggs and we observed 83,0% percent of larvae rearing.
Four population samples of Haematobia irritans (horn flies), collected from farms and subjected, or not, to insecticide control, were: analysed as to esterase bands by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Eight esterase bands were detected in this species, a low number when compared with flies of other genera. The reduced number of esterase variants of H. irritans is attributed to their parasitic behaviour and blood-dependence for food. Unlike other fly species whose esterase bands exhibit affinity to both alpha- and beta-naphthyl acetates, the esterases in H. irritans seem to be of a single kind, all preferentially hydrolysing a-naphthyl. The four populations were very similar as to esterase bands. In relation to the frequencies of patterns resulting from combining bands, Nova Alianca and Birigui were more alike than the other two populations. Inhibitors were used in an attempt to classify five of the esterase bands. The results indicate one acetylcholinesterase, two acetylesterases and two carboxylesterases.
Haematobia irritans is a hematophagous parasite of cattle that causes significant economic losses in many parts of the world, including Brazil. In the present work, one American and four Brazilian populations of this species were studied by Random Amplified Polymorpht DNA (RAPD) to assess basically genetic variability within and between populations. Ten different decamer random primers were employed in the genomic DNA amplification, yielding 117 fragments in the five H.. irritans populations. In Drosophila prosaltans, used as an outgroup, 81 fragments were produced. Forty-three of these fragments were shared by both species. Among the H. irritans samples, that from Rio Branco (Acre State, Brazil) produced the smallest numbers of fragments and polymorphic bands. This high genetic homogenity may be ascribed to its geographic origin (in the Northwest of Brazil), which causes high isolation and low gene flow, unlike the other Brazilian populations, from the South Central region, in which cattle trade is very intensive. Marker fragments (exclusive bands) detected in every sample enabled the population origin to be characterized, but they are also potentially useful for further approaches such as the putative origin of Brazilian populations from North America. Similarity indices [Nei & Li, 1979, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 76: 5269-5273] and phylogenetic trees, rooted by using the outgroup and produced by the Phylogenetic Analysis using Parsimony (PAUP 4.0-Swofford, 2001) program showed the closest relationships between flies from Sao Jose do Rio Preto and Turiuba (both from São Paulo State, Brazil) while flies from the geographically distant Rio Branco showed the greatest differentiation relative to the others.
Avaliou-se, neste experimento, a eficácia in vitro e in vivo do diflubenzuron a 25% para uso em bovinos, no controle da infestação por Haematobia irritans. Para o teste in vitro, ovos de moscas-dos-chifres foram mantidos em recipientes contendo fezes de animais não-tratados ou tratados com diflubenzuron a 25%, e acompanhados até emergência dos adultos. No teste in vivo, foram utilizadas 40 fêmeas aneloradas, divididas em dois grupos: controle (C) e tratado (T) com intensidade parasitária equivalente. Durante o experimento, o grupo C recebeu apenas suplementação mineral, enquanto o grupo T recebeu suplementação mineral e diflubenzuron a 25%. A contagem de moscas nos animais foi realizada na região dorsal, desde a nuca até as pontas da anca de cada animal, no início e ao final de um período de cinco meses. Na avaliação in vitro, o grupo controle apresentou média de emergência de 86% (± 8,4%), enquanto o grupo cultivado em fezes de bovinos tratados com diflubenzuron a 25% apresentou taxa de emergência média de 1% (± 0,2%), sendo a eficácia calculada de 98,83%. No teste in vivo, não foi observada redução significativa na contagem de moscas no grupo C, porém, no grupo T houve significativa redução da infestação por H. irritans (t = 16,46, p < 0,0001). A eficácia do produto, em condições de campo, foi de 99,20%. O diflubenzuron a 25% adicionado ao sal mineral mostrou-se eficaz contra H. irritans, sendo indicado para esse fim.
Haematobia irritans tem causado muitos danos e preocupações na pecuária mundial, bem como despertado o interesse para diversos estudos a seu respeito. Seu nome está relacionado com o local de permanência nos bovinos. É conhecida como horn fly (mosca-dos-chifres) na Europa e nos Estados Unidos da América e mosca-da-paleta na América Latina. Os fatores biológicos podem produzir em bovinos de um único rebanho, diferentes níveis de infestação da mosca. Durante o ano de 1998 em Araçatuba, estado de São Paulo, foram avaliados o número médio de mosca por região ana-tômica, bem como os diferentes níveis de infestação em 60 bovinos da raça Nelore. Os bovinos foram filmados de ambos os lados do corpo para registrar o número de mosca em fitas cassetes. As fitas foram assistidas para a contagem e demarcação da mosca em 15 regiões anatômicas. O maior número de mosca (p<0,05) foi observado nas regiões escapular, interescapular e costal; nos períodos chuvosos observou-se um aumento significativo (p<0,05) na região ventral. As avaliações individuais, demonstraram infestação com menos de 50 moscas em 50% dos bovinos, 50 a 100 moscas em 38% e acima de 100 moscas em 12% dos bovinos.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Effects of Haematobia irritans infestation on weight gain of 18 to 20 months old non-castrated Nelore calves, were investigated, under field conditions, using different antiparasitic treatments. Sixty animals were divided in three groups, with 20 bovines each: T01 (untreated control); T02 (treated with Cypermethrin 15 g + Chlorpyriphos 25 g + Citronellal 1 g, as a whole body spray, on days 0,30, 60, 90 and 120 post-treatment); and T03 (treated on day zero with an ear tag impregnated with Diazinon 6 g on the left ear). Counts of H. irritans were conducted on day 30, 60, 90, 120 and 150 post-treatment (DPT). On the same experimental dates, animals were individually weighed, seeking to evaluate the effects of parasitism on the development of animals in each group. From this study it is concluded that T03 had significantly higher efficacy (>90%, till 90 DPT), based on H. irritans fly counts, compared to T02 which showed little or no effect. At the specific conditions of the present study, an average of approximately 90 flies (mean difference of flycounts between groups T01 and T03) was associated with a difference of 20 kg/animal in 150 days. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.