em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"
Dados de umidade de equilíbrio de polpa de lulo em pó (PL) com e sem aditivos - 58% de maltodextrina (MD) ou 58% de goma Arábica (GA) - foram determinados nas temperaturas de 20, 30, 40 e 50 °C, utilizando-se o método estático gravimétrico numa faixa de atividade de água de 0,06 a 0,90. As isotermas apresentaram formato sigmoidal do tipo III e o modelo de Guggenhein-Anderson-de Boer (GAB) ajustou satisfatoriamente os dados experimentais de umidade de equilíbrio em função da atividade de água. A adição de encapsulantes afetou as isotermas de tal maneira que na mesma atividade de água, as amostras PL + GA y PL + MD apresentaram um menor conteúdo de umidade de equilíbrio e não foram afetadas pela variação de temperatura. Os calores isostéricos de sorção das polpas em pó com encapsulantes foram maiores (menos negativos) em relação à polpa de lulo em pó, sugerindo a existência de sítios polares mais ativos no produto sem adição de GA ou MD. Uma relação exponencial empírica foi utilizada para descrever a dependência do calor de sorção com o conteúdo de umidade do material.
The objective of the study presented in this article was to analyze the influence of remelting of two odontological alloys: Dentorium and Steeldent, on the mechanical properties and on the chemical composition. For the two alloys, samples, containing 10% and 50% new alloy, were subjected to tensile test, micrography and chemical analysis. The alloys presented similar mechanical properties, except for the elongation, which presented higher values for the Dentorium 50% new alloy. This is due to the smaller carbides formed in this sample. The remelting itself seems not to be responsible for these differences, but they are probably due to the lack of a good control of the casting process. The micrography showed a dendritic column matrix, with carbides in the interdentric region and inside dendritic grain. In the chemical composition was observed few elements percentage change.
PMN ceramic relaxor has been investigated by several researchers and many aspects of this material, like powder morphology, phase decomposition, weight loss during sintering process, densification, between others, still are investigated. PMN powder preparation has been shown more efficient when synthesized by columbite route, however lead addition stage for the PMN powder synthesis remains problematical. Therefore, this work proposes a new association of methodologies, using columbite route and the hydroxide precipitation method. Through use of the powder mixture technique, which permitted to obtain good green and sintered densities, was possible to observe K+ y Li + dopants reduce weight loss in sintering process and change significantly the dielectric properties. Addition of LiNbO3 seeds in conformation stage, which react in a distinct way as a function of the particle size, promotes the formation of differenced grains in the ceramic bulk. Consequently, very different dielectrics properties from conventional PMN ceramic were obtained.
Tin oxide has wakened up great scientific and technological interest for its potential use in varistors production and as gas sensor. In order to improve the microstructural and electrical properties in SnO varistor ceramics, the influence of differents dopants used, like TiO2 and Al2O3, is under research. The effect of TiO2 and Al2O3 on the properties of Sn-Co-Nb varistor Systems obtained by the Pechini method has been investigated in this work. Characterization of synthesized raw material was performed by X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) and Scanning Electronic Microscopy (SEM). The microstructural and electrical characterization of sintered samples show that the TiO2 favors the grain growth and the Al2O3, contributes to the decrease it, effect that is manifested in the Sn-Co-Nb varistor systems. Breakdown field increase up to 6300V/cm with increasing Al2O3 content and non-linear coefficients with α=22 were obtained.
Three different types of maltodextrin encapsulated dehydrated blackberry fruit powders were obtained using vibrofluidized bed drying (VF), spray drying (SD), vacuum drying (VD), and freeze drying (FD). Moisture equilibrium data of blackberry pulp powders with 18% maltodextrin were determined at 20, 30, 40, and 50°C using the static gravimetric method for the water activity range of 0.06-0.90. Experimental equilibrium moisture content data versus water activity were fit to the Guggenheim-Anderson-de Boer (GAB) model. Agreement was found between experimental and calculated values. The isosteric heat of sorption of water was determined using the Clausius-Clapeyron equation from the equilibrium data; isosteric heats of sorption were found to increase with increasing temperature and could be adjusted by an exponential relationship. For freeze dried, vibrofluidized, and vacuum dried pulp powder samples, the isosteric heats of sorption were lower (more negative) than those calculated for spray dried samples. The enthalpy-entropy compensation theory was applied to sorption isotherms and plots of ΔH versus ΔS provided the isokinetic temperatures, indicating an enthalpy-controlled sorption process.
Caracterização do surimi de tilápia do Nilo: morfologia e propiedades físicas, químicas e sensoriais
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Lithium ion conducting polymer electrolytes based on polyvinyl Alcohol (PVA-OH) complexed with salt Li2SO4 and different weight percent ratios of PEG(400) plasticizer have been prepared by solution cast technique using deionized water as solvent. The thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) showed that the thermal stability of the materials depended on the plasticizer content. The FTIR study confirmed the polymer salt complex formation. The modulus spectra indicated the non-Debye nature of the material; a dominant relaxation process is visible being associated with the dynamic glass transition, relaxation-a. The maximum of each peak is shifted to higher frequencies as the plasticizer increases due to an enhancement of dipolar mobility in the origin of cooperative motions. A power law frequency dependence of the real part of the electrical conductivity is observed, which is characteristic of the effects of ion-ion and/or ion-chain correlations in ion motion. This variation is well fitted to a Jonscher's expression.
While dentistry continues to advance, the aesthetic techniques have evolved in proceedings more effective, functional and biocompatible. Meanwhile, cosmetic dentistry has become a bit more complex and technically difficult. With improvement of the properties (physical and optical) of the ceramics and the establishment of a working protocol, ceramic restorations have become increasingly popular. Currently there are several ceramic systems have excellent optical properties such as opalescence, fluorescence, translucency, chromaticity, which allow the restoration to mimic the tooth structure. From the physical point of view has restored biomechanical integrity and strengthening the remaining tooth structure. All this has led the profession to experience the use of new ceramic systems ranging from conventional feldspathic ceramics to modem ceramic reinforced, injected or computer-aid made. The material selection should be based on clinical need, aesthetic and functional requirements, restoration site, prosthetic design and laboratory techniques. In this article we will deal with the characteristics of the materials, their optical properties and clinical considerations for proper selection.
Neste trabalho, foram determinados experimentalmente o calor específico, a condutividade térmica, difusividade térmica e densidade de suco de lulo na faixa de conteúdo de água entre 0,55 e 0,90 (p/p em base úmida) e em temperaturas entre 4 e 78,6 °C. A condutividade térmica e o calor específico foram obtidos utilizando-se o mesmo equipamento - uma célula constituída de dois cilindros concêntricos - operando em estado estacionário e não estacionário, respectivamente. A difusividade térmica foi obtida através do método de Dickerson e a densidade determinada por picnometria. Tanto a temperatura como o conteúdo de água apresentaram grande influência nos dados experimentais das propriedades termofísicas do suco de lulo. Os resultados obtidos foram utilizados na obtenção de modelos matemáticos para predizer estas propriedades em função da concentração e temperatura.