53 resultados para Osteoarthritis

em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"


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The aim of this study was to evaluate histologically the action of chondroitin sulphate in osteoarthritis experimentally induced by continuous immobilization. Fourteen young female Norfolk rabbits aged 2.5-3 months at the beginning of the experiment were divided into two equitable groups submitted to immobilization of the right knee for a period of 12 weeks. The treated group received 1.0 ml/animal/s.c. of 12% chondroitin sulphate, once a week for 12 weeks, and the untreated group did not receive any treatment. Two additional animals were not submitted to knee immobilization (sham group). Microscopical examination of knee preparations stained with haematoxylin-eosin and Masson trichrome showed lesions of both joints in treated and untreated groups, with no significant difference between the scores obtained for the right and left knees. Examination of preparations stained with picrosirius red showed collagen fibre alignment and misalignment in the right and left knees of the animals of all groups, but statistic analysis could not be performed. It was not possible to differentiate the proteoglycan concentration between limbs or groups (treated and untreated) by safrtanin O or toluidine blue staining. It was possible to conclude that the chondroitin sulphate was not able to reduce the histological changes induced by this osteoarthritis experimental model.


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Objective: Evaluate the effectiveness of watergym to alleviate knee osteoarthritis (OA) symptoms and improve locomotor function. Methods: Forty-two volunteers, 38 women and four men with OA, practicing watergym, divided into the following groups: beginners, intermediate, advanced, and advanced level with other physical activities in addition to watergym were included in the study. Individuals were assessed at times zero, 8 and 12 weeks, with classes lasting 45 minutes, twice a week. Function was assessed by the Aggregate Locomotor Function (ALF) score, and pain and other symptoms by the visual analogical scale (VAS) and by the Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Osteoarthritis Index (WOMAC) questionnaire. Statistical analysis was carried out by the variance analysis for repeated measurements, followed by Tukey's method for comparison of time point means whenever required. Results: None of the tests showed a significant improvement of pain or locomotion. Conclusion: Watergym was not effective in improving symptoms and did not affect the locomotor capacity of individuals with knee OA.


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The aim of the present study was to determine the association between abdominal muscle strength and quality of life among older adults with lumbar osteoarthritis. A blind, cross-sectional study was conducted involving 40 older adults: 20 with lumbar osteoarthritis (12 women and 8 men, mean age of 65.90 4.80 years) and 20 controls (14 women and 6 men, mean age of 67.90 4.60 years). The volunteers were submitted to an abdominal muscle strength test. Quality of life was evaluated using the SF-36 questionnaire. Both abdominal muscle strength and quality of life scores were significantly lower in the group with lumbar osteoarthritis in comparison to the controls (p < 0.05). Moreover, significant and positive associations were found between abdominal muscle strength and the subscales of the SF-36 questionnaire (p < 0.05, 0.421 rs 0.694). Based on the present findings, older adults with lumbar osteoarthritis with greater abdominal muscle strength have a better quality of life.


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OBJECTIVES: This study sought to analyze the effects of resistance training on functional performance, lower-limb loading distribution and balance in older women with total knee arthroplasty (TKA) and osteoarthritis (OA) in the contralateral knee. In addition, this older knee OA and TKA group (OKG) was compared to older (OG) and young women (YG) without musculoskeletal diseases who underwent the same resistance training program.METHODS: Twenty-three women divided into OKG (N = 7), OG (N = 8) and YG (N = 8) had their functional performance, lower-limb loading distribution and balance compared before and after 13 weeks of a twice-weekly progressive resistance training program.RESULTS: At baseline, the OKG showed lower functional performance and unilateral balance, and impaired lower-limb loading distribution compared to the OG and the YG (p&lt;0.05). After resistance training, the OKG showed improvements in functional performance (similar to 13% in sit-to-stand and rising from the floor, similar to 16% in stair-climbing and similar to 23% in 6-minute walking (6 MW)), unilateral balance (similar to 72% and,78% in TKA and OA leg, respectively) and lower-limb loading distribution, which were greater than those observed in the OG and the YG. The OKG showed post-training 6 MW performance similar to that of the OG at baseline. Sit-to-stand performance and unilateral stand balance were further restored to post-training levels of the OG and to baseline levels of the YG.CONCLUSIONS: Resistance training partially restored functional, balance and lower-limb loading deficits in older women with TKA and OA in the contralateral knee. These results suggest that resistance training may be an important tool to counteract mobility impairments commonly found in this population.


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Fundao de Amparo Pesquisa do Estado de So Paulo (FAPESP)


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Avaliaram-se oito articulaes metacarpofalangeanas (MCF) de eqinos adultos pelos exames radiogrfico e ultra-sonogrfico aps induo cirrgica de uma instabilidade articular, para mimetizar as alteraes iniciais da osteoartrite (OA) naturalmente adquirida. Foram mensurados a circunferncia articular, a amplitude do movimento articular e o grau de claudicao dos membros torcicos (avaliao clnica). Dez dias aps a interveno cirrgica os animais foram exercitados em um andador por um perodo de 60 dias. Os exames radiogrfico e ultra-sonogrfico foram realizados antes da interveno cirrgica e aps 25, 40 e 70 dias, e a avaliao clnica, semanalmente, durante todo o perodo experimental. Observaram-se alteraes ultra-sonogrficas aos 25 dias aps a instabilidade articular, enquanto as alteraes radiogrficas somente foram visualizadas aos 40 dias. Houve aumento significativo (P<0,05) da circunferncia articular da articulao MCF operada (25,75cm 1,1) a partir do stimo dia, em relao articulao controle (24,88cm 1,0) e diminuio da amplitude do movimento da articulao operada (96,38 10,7) a partir do 25 dia, em relao ao seu valor basal (109,24 10,3) e em relao ao controle (108,75 8,3). O grau de claudicao aumentou significativamente (P<0,05) durante o perodo do estudo, com valor mdio do escore de 1,5 para o membro operado em relao ao membro contralateral. em concluso, os sinais iniciais da OA cirurgicamente induzida foram melhor e mais precocemente detectados pela ultra-sonografia quando comparado ao exame radiografico. As mensuraes da circunferncia articular e da amplitude do movimento articular so teis na avaliao das doenas articulares.


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Avaliou-se o efeito da reconstruo do ligamento cruzado cranial, associado ou no ao sulfato de condroitina, na evoluo da osteoartrite induzida experimentalmente em ces. Vinte ces hgidos, sem raa definida, machos e fmeas, com peso corpreo entre 19 e 25kg, foram submetidos desmotomia do ligamento cruzado cranial. Trinta dias aps, foram separados em dois grupos de 10 animais. Um grupo foi submetido reconstruo do ligamento cruzado com uso de aloenxerto de ligamento patelar congelado, o outro no. Trinta e um dias aps a desmotomia, cada grupo foi dividido em dois subgrupos de cinco animais. Um recebeu sulfato de condroitina, o outro no. Os ces foram avaliados clnica e radiograficamente antes da desmotomia e aos 30, 60 e 90 dias aps a desmotomia. No ltimo momento foram realizados exames macro e microscpico. Nos ces submetidos somente desmotomia e tratados com sulfato de condroitina houve reduo na progresso das alteraes sseas, ao exame radiogrfico. A reconstruo do ligamento cruzado cranial melhorou a funo do membro e, quando associada ao sulfato de condroitina, houve melhor resposta. No houve diferena entre os subgrupos quanto aos exames macro e microscpico.


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In the present experimental study we assessed induced osteoarthritis data in rabbits, compared three diagnostic methods, i.e., radiography (XR), computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and correlated the imaging findings with those obtained by macroscopic evaluation. Ten young female rabbits of the Norfolk breed were used. Seven rabbits had the right knee immobilized in extension for a period of 12 weeks (immobilized group), and three others did not have a limb immobilized and were maintained under the same conditions (control group). Alterations observed by XR, CT and MRI after the period of immobilization were osteophytes, osteochondral lesions, increase and decrease of joint space, all of them present both in the immobilized and non-immobilized contralateral limbs. However, a significantly higher score was obtained for the immobilized limbs (XT: P = 0.016, CT: P = 0.031, MRI: P = 0.0156). All imaging methods were able to detect osteoarthritis changes after the 12 weeks of immobilization. Macroscopic evaluation identified increased thickening of joint capsule, proliferative and connective tissue in the femoropatellar joint, and irregularities of articular cartilage, especially in immobilized knees. The differences among XR, CT and MRI were not statistically significant for the immobilized knees. However, MRI using a 0.5 Tesla scanner was statistically different from CT and XR for the non-immobilized contralateral knees. We conclude that the three methods detected osteoarthritis lesions in rabbit knees, but MRI was less sensitive than XR and CT in detecting lesions compatible with initial osteoarthritis. Since none of the techniques revealed all the lesions, it is important to use all methods to establish an accurate diagnosis.


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Barrel racing is one of the most popular uses of the American Quarter horse in North and South America. Although injury to the metacarpophalangeal joint frequently occurs in this sport, there is limited information describing the nature of these injuries. The aim of this study was to determine the most common radiographic abnormalities in barrel racing horses with lameness referable to the metacarpophalangeal joint. lameness examinations were performed on 63 barrel racing horses. Those found to be lame were subjected to radiographic examination. Lameness at trot was scored on a scale of 0-5 (0 = sound; 5 = inability to move). Data were analyzed using descriptive statistical analysis. of horses examined, 30 (47.6%) were lame with scores ranging from 1 to 4. Half of the lame horses (15 of 30) had grade 2 lameness of the right forelimb. Abnormal radiographic findings were more often present on the left forelimb and included signs of sesamoiditis (70%), villonodular synovitis (56.6%), osteoarthritis (36.6%), osteochondritis dissecans (13.3%), capsulitis (13.3%), and soft-tissue swelling (6.6%). Radiographic abnormalities indicated that sesamoiditis, villonodular synovitis, and osteoarthritis may be associated to mild-to-moderate lameness in barrel racing horses. Complementary sonographic evaluation is recommended to better characterize soft-tissue abnormalities. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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OBJETIVOS: Comparar parmetros estabilomtricos de mulheres idosas com ou sem histrico de quedas associadas ou no osteoartrite (OA) de joelhos. MTODOS: Cinquenta e seis idosas apresentando ou no histrico de quedas (Q) e OA de joelho unilateral e bilateral foram distribudas da seguinte maneira: grupo QOA (n = 10), idosas com histrico de queda e OA de joelho; grupo QSOA (n = 11), idosas com histrico de queda e sem OA de joelho; grupo SQOA (n = 14), idosas sem histrico de quedas (SQ) e com OA de joelho; e grupo SQSOA (n = 21), idosas sem histrico de quedas e sem OA de joelho. Para anlise do equilbrio semiesttico usando uma plataforma de fora, foram avaliados os deslocamentos anteroposterior (DAP) e mediolateral (DML), as velocidades de oscilao anteroposterior (VAP) e mediolateral (VML) em quatro situaes na postura ereta. As situaes avaliadas foram as seguintes: 1) PFOA: sobre superfcie fixa e olhos abertos; 2) PFOF: sobre superfcie fixa e olhos fechados; 3) PIOA: sobre superfcie instvel e olhos abertos; 4) PIOF: sobre superfcie instvel e os olhos fechados. RESULTADOS: As idosas com OA de joelho apresentaram maior DAP em todas as situaes analisadas (P < 0,05), ao passo que idosas com histrico de quedas apresentaram maior DML (P < 0,05). No houve diferenas entre os grupos para VAP e VML (P > 0,05). CONCLUSES: A OA de joelho, por si, um fator prejudicial no aumento de oscilao do centro de presso (COP) na direo anteroposterior, enquanto o histrico de quedas, independente da presena de OA de joelhos, traz prejuzos ao controle postural na direo mediolateral.


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A ruptura do ligamento cruzado cranial uma das principais doenas ortopdicas que afetam os ces. Muitas tcnicas cirrgicas foram descritas no intuito de aliviar a dor, restaurar a estabilidade biomecnica do joelho e prevenir a progresso da osteoartrite. Fscia lata, fio de polister tranado e fio de poliamida foram empregados na estabilizao do joelho aps exciso do ligamento cruzado cranial em ces, os quais foram submetidos avaliao radiogrfica e macroscpica da articulao. Neste estudo, foram utilizados 18 ces com massa corporal superior a 15Kg (peso mdio - 19,67kg), separados em 3 grupos eqitativos correspondentes a cada tcnica, avaliados durante 30 e 60 dias. Ao exame radiogrfico, independentemente de grupo, os ces apresentaram evidncia de efuso articular moderada a severa, distenso da cpsula articular e, na maioria dos casos, ausncia de sinais de doena articular degenerativa. Ao exame macroscpico da articulao do joelho observou-se espessamento da cpsula articular e tecidos moles periarticulares, eroso da cartilagem articular dos cndilos femorais em todos os grupos e afrouxamento dos fios nos ces submetidos s tcnicas de estabilizao extra-articular com fio de polister tranado e fio de poliamida.


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Fundao de Amparo Pesquisa do Estado de So Paulo (FAPESP)


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OBJETIVO: Avaliar a qualidade de vida e sua associao com a atividade fsica nos diferentes contextos da vida diria de pacientes com osteoartrite (OA) encaminhados pelas unidades bsicas de sade para um servio universitrio. MTODOS: Estudo transversal, srie de casos, em que a atividade fsica foi avaliada pelo International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ) e a qualidade de vida foi avaliada pelos questionrios Medical Outcomes Study 36 Short-Form Health Survey (SF-36), Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Index (WOMAC) e Australian/Canadian Osteoarthritis Hand Index (AUSCAN). Para verificao da intensidade da dor, utilizou-se tambm a Escala Visual Analgica (EVA). RESULTADOS: Foram includos 100 pacientes (92 mulheres e oito homens), com mdia de idade de 59,9 9,4 anos. As articulaes mais comprometidas foram joelhos e mos. Dez pacientes tinham comprometimento de uma nica articulao, 69 de duas, oito de trs e 13 de quatro. O IPAQ demonstrou que 70 pacientes eram ativos ou muito ativos e 30 eram insuficientemente ativos ou sedentrios. A atividade fsica associou-se positivamente aos domnios do SF-36, que avaliam a sade fsica (capacidade funcional, aspectos fsicos, dor, estado geral da sade). Houve associao entre atividade fsica e qualidade de vida quando avaliada pelo WOMAC, e quanto mais intensa a dor, pior a qualidade de vida. CONCLUSO: Nessa populao, a maioria dos pacientes apresenta piora dos aspectos fsicos da qualidade de vida, mas mantm as atividades fsicas cotidianas.