56 resultados para Organizational procedures
em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"
Pós-graduação em Letras - IBILCE
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
For the first time, growth curves are shown for the phytopathogen Xylella fastidiosa on traditional growth media such as PW (periwinkle wilt), BCYE (buffered charcoal yeast extract), and on new ones such as GYE (glutamate yeast extract) and PYE (phosphate yeast extract) that were developed in this work. The optimal growth conditions on solid and liquid media as well as their measurements are presented, by using total protein content and turbidity determinations. The results demonstrated that yeast extract provided sufficient nutrients for X. fastidiosa, since the cells grew well on PYE medium.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Wild running (WR) behavior of rats seen in response to intense acoustic stimulation of audiogenic seizure-paradigm is very similar to the panic flight and can be facilitated by subconvulsive doses of strychnine. The present work aimed to test whether antipanic procedures, such as dorsal periaqueductal gray (dPAG) lesion and imipramine treatments, affect the strychnine-facilitated WR. In study 1, six Wistar male adult rats with electrolytic lesion of dPAG had their WR completely blocked, whereas it was facilitated in 50% of sham-lesioned control rats by a dose of 0.5 mg/kg of strychnine administered intraperitoneal. This effect was not reproduced with a higher strychnine dose (1.0 mg/kg). In study 2, the effects of imipramine were investigated by testing 36 rats under a dose of strychnine that induces WR in 50% of subjects. They were assigned into three experimental groups: imipramine treatments of 5.0 and 10.0 mg/kg, and infusions of saline. All these treatments were subchronical with three intraperitoneal injections within 24h. Imipramine (10.0mg/kg) reduced the incidence of WR in comparison to the saline results. It is concluded that strychnine-facilitated WR is reduced by antipanic procedures and, therefore, can be viewed as a manifestation closely related to panic. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
This study analyzes an accident in which two maintenance workers suffered severe burns while replacing a circuit breaker panel in a steel mill, following model of analysis and prevention of accidents (MAPA) developed with the objective of enlarging the perimeter of interventions and contributing to deconstruction of blame attribution practices. The study was based on materials produced by a health service team in an in-depth analysis of the accident. The analysis shows that decisions related to system modernization were taken without considering their implications in maintenance scheduling and creating conflicts of priorities and of interests between production and safety; and also reveals that the lack of a systemic perspective in safety management was its principal failure. To explain the accident as merely non-fulfillment of idealized formal safety rules feeds practices of blame attribution supported by alibi norms and inhibits possible prevention. In contrast, accident analyses undertaken in worker health surveillance services show potential to reveal origins of these events incubated in the history of the system ignored in practices guided by the traditional paradigm.
No Estado de São Paulo, existe uma rede extensiva de serviços de Atenção Básica (AB) com perfil organizacional heterogêneo e pouco conhecido. Este estudo objetiva caracterizar a organização dos serviços de AB em 37 municípios do Centro-oeste paulista, como primeira etapa de um projeto de avaliação da qualidade desses serviços. Trata-se de um estudo transversal conduzido mediante questionário estruturado, autorrespondido pelos gerentes e equipes locais, com questões que abordam características institucionais e de organização e gerência do trabalho. Esses questionários foram enviados para 131 UBS, distribuídas em 37 municípios. Obteve-se resposta de 113 unidades (87%) localizadas em 32 municípios (86,4%). do total de unidades, 57 (50%) são UBS tradicionais, 26 (22,8%), Unidades de Saúde da Família, e 31, (27,2%) organizadas segundo formas mistas. A maioria dos serviços (62%, 70/113) não trabalha com área de abrangência delimitada de modo planejado. Os serviços se polarizam entre aqueles que realizam entre 70 e 100% de consultas médicas agendadas (37,6%, 41/109), e aqueles que realizam entre 70 e 100% de não agendadas (39,4%, 43/109). Não possuem conselhos locais organizados 65 unidades (63,7%, 65/102). Os dados coletados permitem discutir as características dos principais programas, procedimentos e ações realizados pelos serviços. Os perfis organizacionais predominantes apontam a presença de deficiências de estrutura e processo em relação às diretrizes do SUS. O desenvolvimento de instrumentos de autoavaliação permite que as equipes se apropriem, de forma crítica, de seu trabalho, e possam elaborar novos arranjos tecnológicos para melhoria da qualidade.
Um gato de um ano de idade, macho, castrado, sem raça definida, foi encaminhado ao Hospital Veterinário Escola para avaliação de retenção urinária associada à subluxação nas vértebras T12-T13, que foi causada por um acidente automobilístico. Realizou-se a denervação do esfíncter uretral, por transecção dos nervos pudendo e hipogástrico, para permitir o esvaziamento da bexiga, porém três meses após a cirurgia inicial o animal apresentou recorrência da retenção urinária. Esfincterotomia endoscópica uretral foi então realizada, resultando em incontinência urinária por quatro meses.
Dental trauma is a common consequence of sports practice to which emergency treatment is critical. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the knowledge of sports participants about dental trauma procedures, particularly tooth avulsion. A specific questionnaire concerning concepts, experiences and behaviors after dental trauma and the use of mouthguard was standardized and validated with 80 people. The validated questionnaire was then distributed to 310 sports participants. The results showed that 28.4% had experienced a kind of dental trauma; 42.6% would look for a dentist for treatment; 51.7% reimplanted or would reimplant the avulsed tooth; 6.5% would maintain the avulsed tooth in milk. Although 47.4% of the participants were aware of the possibility of accidents during sports practice, only 13.9% reported to use a mouthguard. This study showed an overall lack of knowledge of sportsmen and sportswomen with regards to tooth avulsion, thus reinforcing the need for educational campaigns to improve the immediate emergency treatment of tooth avulsion.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)