16 resultados para Oral contraceptives.
em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"
The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of oral contraceptive use on the silent period (SP) of anterior temporal and masseter muscles during the menstrual cycle. Totally, 28 women on reproductive age were selected including 15 nonusers of any hormone and 13 contraceptive users. All patients were dentate without muscular temporomandibular disorders. Electromyography (SP test) of the anterior temporal and masseter muscles was conducted every week during three consecutive menstrual cycles at 1(st) day of menstruation (P1), 7(th) day (P2), 14(th) day (P3) and 21(st) day (P4). The SP values in the anterior temporal and masseter muscles were measured at both sides. The SP values of the right side (13.49 ms) at P2 were significantly different compared to the left side (12.28 ms). However, there was no significant difference on the interactions among the three factors. It can be concluded that the SP values in healthy women in reproductive age may not be influenced by the menstrual cycle with similar results for both muscles.
The aim is to evaluate the influence of oral contraceptive intake and menstrual cycle on the electrical activity and pressure pain threshold from anterior temporal and masseter muscles. Twenty-eight women on reproductive age were selected, 13 OC users and 15 nonusers. They were weekly submitted to electromyography and algometry of the anterior temporal and masseter muscles during three consecutive menstrual cycles. Electrical activities at rest position and PPTs of temporal and masseter muscles were not affected by menstrual cycle or by OCs uses. Comparison between groups demonstrated that working side electrical activity was increased in OC users in both muscles, except during lutheal phase for the anterior temporal. However, comparison within weeks did not demonstrate statistical difference. It was suggested that, in healthy women, oral contraceptive use may influence electrical activity, but different phases of the cycle may not.
Purpose: To assess the bone mineral density (BMD) and bone mineral content (BMC) of female adolescents in use of standard low-dose combined oral contraceptives (COC) (EE 20 mcg/ Desogestrel 150 mcg) for a one-year period and to compare results against healthy controls matched for age and gender not in use of COC. Methods: A prospective, longitudinal study was conducted.Fifty adolescents, 12 to 20 years of age, were divided into a COC user group (n 35) and a control group (n 15) and submitted to a Bone Densitometry scan using dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) at study inclusion and again at 12-month follow-up. Results: Results showed no statistically significant differences between the COC user and control groups at the initial moment. However, at 12-month follow-up, COC users showed negative mean percentage variation between initial and follow-up values for lumbar spine BMD and BMC of -1.09% and -1.58%, respectively, whereas controls had positive variations of +12.44% and +15.87%, respectively. Thus, the adolescents in use of COC showed a loss, albeit slight, in bone mass whereas the control group showed an increase. Conclusions: The low dose COC assessed (EE 20 mcg/Desogestrel 150 mcg) appeared to negatively affect the process of bone mass acquisition which occurs during adolescence.
Background Low dose combined oral contraceptives (COC) can interfere in bone mass acquisition during adolescence. To evaluate bone mineral density (BMD) and bone mineral content (BMC) in female adolescents taking a standard low-dose (EE 20 µg/Desogestrel 150 µg) combination oral contraceptive (COC) over a one-year period and compare with healthy adolescents from the same age group not taking COCs.Methods A non-randomised parallel control study with one-year follow-up. Sixty-seven adolescents from 12 to 20 years of age, divided into COC users (n = 41) taking 20 µg EE/150 µg Desogestrel and non-user controls (n = 26), were evaluated through bone densitometry examinations at baseline and 12 months later. Comparisons between groups at study start was done through the Mann-Whitney test with significance level fixed at 5% or corresponding p value; comparisons between groups at study start and 12 months later used variations in median percentages for bone mass variables.Results COC users presented low bone mass acquisition in the lumbar spine and BMD and BMC median variations between baseline and at 12 months of 2.07% and +1.57% respectively whereas the control group presented variations of +12.16% and +16.84% for BMD and BMC, respectively, over the same period. The total body BMD and BMC presented similar evolution during the study in both groups. Statistical significance (pConclusion The use of a low COC dose (EE 20 µg/Desogestrel 150 µg) was associated to lower bone mass acquisition in adolescents during the study period.Trial registration: (Register Number):RBR-5 h9b3c
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The etiology of hormone-induced cancers has been considered to be a combination of genotoxic and epigenetic events. Currently, the Comet assay is widely used for detecting genotoxicity because it is relatively simple, sensitive, and capable of detecting various kinds of DNA damage. The present study evaluates the genotoxic potential of endogenous and synthetic sex hormones, as detected by the Comet assay. Blood cells were obtained from 12 nonsmoking and 12 smoking women with regular menstrual cycles and from 12 nonsmoking women taking low-dose oral contraceptives (OC). Peripheral blood samples were collected at three phases of the menstrual cycle (early follicular, mean follicular, and luteal phases), or at three different moments of oral contraceptive intake. Three blood samples were also collected from 12 healthy nonsmoking men, at the same time as oral contraceptive users. Results showed no significant difference in the level of DNA damage among the three moments of the menstrual cycle either in nonsmoking and smoking women, or between them. No significant difference in DNA damage was also observed among oral contraceptive users, nonusers, and men. Together, these data indicate lack of genotoxicity induced by the physiological level of the female sex hormones and OC as assessed by the alkaline Comet assay. In conclusion, normal fluctuation in endogenous sex hormones and use of low-doses of oral contraceptive should not interfere with Comet assay data when this technique is used for human biomonitoring.
Background. This cross-sectional study was designed to evaluate the role of cigarette smoking and high-risk HPV types as risk factors of CIN 2 and 3 in young, sexually active Brazilian women. Materials and method. A series of 100 consecutive women with abnormal Pap smears were recruited, subjected to colposcopy, punch biopsy, and questionnaire for their social, sexual and reproductive factors. Of these, 77 women between 20 and 35 years of age (median 26.5 years) with biopsy-confirmed CIN 1 or CIN 2 and 3, were enrolled in this study. Representative samples from the exocervix and endocervix were obtained for HPV testing with the Hybrid Capture HPV-DNA assay, including the probes for the oncogenic HPV types (16, 18, 31, 33, 35, 45, 51, 52 and 56). Results. The overall rate of CIN 2 and 3 was 23/77 (29.8%). The women with CIN 1, 2 and 3 did not differ from each other with regard to their age, race, schooling, marital status, life-time number of sexual partners, age at first intercourse, use of oral contraceptives, or parity. However, current cigarette smoking was strongly associated with CIN 2 and 3 (p < 0,001), and among smokers, the risk of high-grade CIN increased in parallel with the time of exposure (years of smoking) p = 0.07), HPV-DNA of the oncogenic types was detected in 43 (56%) women, the risk of being HPV DNA-positive was significantly higher in CIN 2 and 3 as compared with CIN 1 (p = 0.037). Importantly, the prevalence of high-risk HPV types was significantly higher in cigarette smokers than in non-smokers (p = 0.046). Conclusions. The results indicate that the severity of CIN lesions was clearly related to two fundamental risk factors: 1) high-risk HPV types, and 2) current cigarette smoking. These two risk factors were closely interrelated in that the high-risk HPV types were significantly more frequent in current smokers than in non-smokers, suggesting the possibility of a synergistic action between these two risk factors in cervical carcinogenesis.
The comet assay has been conducted with numerous cell lines to assess in vitro genotoxicity. In order to use the comet assay as part of an in vitro test for evaluating genotoxicity, however, there are cell-specific factors that need to be better understood. In this present study we have evaluated some factors that may impact upon the DNA damage detected in whole blood (WB) cells and lymphocytes (ILs). Experiments were conducted comparing responses of both cells, and investigating the effects of the female hormonal cycle, and oral contraceptive (OC) use on DNA damage detection in the in vitro comet assay, at three sampling time. No significant differences were detected in the basal levels of DNA damage detected in ILs and WB cells from women OC users and non-users and from men. Basal DNA damage in ILs was unaffected by gender and stage of the menstrual cycle or the stage of the treatment schedule. Our results also indicated that the H2O2 induces DNA damage in human lymphocytes independently of gender, low-dose OC use and hormonal fluctuation. However, data showed that in 3rd sampling of menstrual cycle, lymphocytes were more resistant to H2O2-induced DNA damage than those from OC users and men. © 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Background. Hydatidiform mole (HM) is characterized by abnormal proliferation of human trophoblast with producers functioning tissues of human chorionic gonadotropin. It can evolve with ovarian cysts tecaluteínicos, hypertension of pregnancy or hyperthyroidism. The incidence of HM is variable and its etiology poorly known, associated with nutritional factors, environmental, age, parity, history of HM, oral contraceptives, smoking, consanguinity or defects in germ cells. There is no reference in literature on HM resulting from sexual violence, objective of this report. Method. Description of two cases of HM among 1146 patients with pregnancy resulting from sexual violence treated at Hospital Pérola Byington, São Paulo, from July 1994 to August 2011. Results. The cases affected young, white, unmarried, low educated and low parity women. Sexual violence was perpetrated by known offenders unrelated to the victims, under death threat. Ultrasound and CT of the pelvis showed bulky uterus compatible with HM without myometrial invasion. One case was associated with theca lutein cysts. The two cases were diagnosed in the second trimester of pregnancy and evolved with hyperthyroidism. There was no hypertension, disease recurrence, metastasis or sexually transmitted infection. Conclusion. The incidence of HM was 1:573 pregnancies resulting from rape, within the range estimated for Latin American countries. Trophoblastic material can be preserved to identify the violence perpetrator, considering only the paternal HM chromosomes. History of sexual violence should be investigated in cases of HM in the first half of adolescence and women in a vulnerable condition. © 2012 Drezzet et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.
OBJECTIVE:The purpose of this study was to evaluate the long term clinical and ultrasonographic outcomes of thrombophilic patients with deep venous thrombosis (DVT).METHOD:Cohort study, retrospective case-control with cross-sectional analysis. Thirty-nine thrombophilic patients and 25 non-thrombophilic patients were assessed 76.3 ± 45.8 months after diagnosis. Demographic and family data were collected, as well as data from clinical and therapeutic progress, and physical and ultrasound examinations of the limbs were performed. Groups were matched for age and gender and the variables studied were compared across groups.RESULTS:Deep venous thrombosis was more frequent in women. The most common thrombophilias were antiphospholipid syndrome and factor V Leiden mutation. There was no difference between groups in terms of the number of pregnancies or miscarriages and the majority of women did not become pregnant after DVT. Non-spontaneous DVT prevailed. Proximal DVT and DVT of the left lower limb were more frequent, and the main risk factor was use of oral contraceptives. All patients were treated with anticoagulation. There was a higher frequency of pulmonary embolism in non-thrombophilic patients. Most patients considered themselves to have a normal life after DVT and reported wearing elastic stockings over at least 2 years. Seventy-one percent of patients had CEAP > 3, with no difference between groups. Deep venous reflux was more frequent in thrombophilic patients.CONCLUSION:There were no significant differences between groups with respect to most of the variables studied, except for a higher frequency of pulmonary embolism in non-thrombophilic patients and greater frequency of deep venous reflux in thrombophilic patients.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Melasma is a chronic acquired hypermelanosis of the skin, characterized by irregular brown macules symmetrically distributed on sun-exposed areas of the body, particularly on the face. It is a common cause of demand for dermatological care that affects mainly women (especially during the menacme), and more pigmented phenotypes (Fitzpatrick skin types III-V). Due to its frequent facial involvement, the disease has an impact on the quality of life of patients. Its pathogeny is not yet completely understood, although there are some known triggering factors such as sun exposure, pregnancy, sexual hormones, inflammatory processes of the skin, use of cosmetics, steroids, and photosensitizing drugs. There is also a clear genetic predisposition, since over 40% of patients reported having relatives affected with the disease. In this manuscript, the authors discuss the main clinical and epidemiological aspects of melasma.
Introduction: sexually transmitted diseases (DST) can represent an important impact on teenager’s health due its consequences. Objective: to identify the perception and knowledge of teenagers about DST, its transmission forms and contraception. Methods: it was made a cross-sectional study type investigation, with 136 teenager students from a Technical Education Public Institution in a middle-sized city. It was used a tested instrument, self answered, with opened and closed questions about theme and sociodemographic data. The same data were stored and analyzed by Program Epi Info version 3.5.1. Results: 97,1% affirmed to know male condoms, 89,0% oral contraceptives, 87,5% female condoms, 74,3% postcoital contraceptives, 47,8% natural family planning methods, 41,9% hormonal injection, 33,1% intrauterine devices, 31,6% coitus interruptus and 1,5% other contraceptive methods. According with them, the information was gave principally on high school (46,1%), by friends or partners (20,3%), doctor (10,9%), television (10,2%). In relation to DST, 98,5% affirmed that diseases can be transmitted during coitus. The aids (91,2%) and herpes (72,8%) were the most cited diseases. Just 31,6% of teenagers affirmed that run the risk to acquire some DST, and 88,4% of them, due no use of condoms, 30,2% due their partner make relation with other people, 18% due have many sexual partners and 9,3% due other causes. Conclusion: even teenagers knowing many contraceptive methods and sexually transmitted diseases, the teenagers have not prevented theirselves yet. It’s necessary that the high school reinforce the use of contraceptive methods, because the school is an important source of educative information on health area.