175 resultados para Opening of cracks
em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"
The mechanisms of material removal and the interactions among scratches performed in ceramic materials were investigated using acoustic emission signals, and scanning electron microscopy, in scratching experiments. Several testing conditions were used to produce different types of removing mechanism on a glass as well as on a polycrystalline alumina sample composed by heterogeneous grain size. It is known that the material removing process on a polycrystalline ceramic involves intergranular microfracture and grain dislodgement, unlike the chipping produced by the extension of lateral cracks in non-granular materials, such as glass. Distinct settings for velocities, loads, and two types of diamond indenter were tested. The material removal was carried out by three different methods of scratching: single passes, repeated overlapping passes, and parallel scratches. As a general result, there was a clear relationship between the acoustic emission signals and the damage intensity occurred in the material removal. More specifically, there were differences in the acoustic emission signal levels in the scratches made on the alumina and on the glass owing to the material removal mechanisms associated with the structure of these materials. A gradual increase in the acoustic emission levels was observed when the number of repeated passes was increased as a result of the damage accumulation process followed by severe material removal. It was also noticed that the acoustic emission signals were capable of reflecting the interactions between two parallel scratches.
Apatite fission-track analysis was used for the determination of thermal histories and ages in Precambrian areas of southeast Brazil. Together with geological and geomorphologic information, these ages enable us to quantify the thermal histories and timing of Mesozoic and Cenozoic epirogenic and tectonic processes. The collected samples are from different geomorphologic blocks: the high Mantiqueira mountain range (HMMR) with altitude above 1000 m, the low Mantiqueira mountain range (LMMR) under 1000 m, the Serra do Mar mountain range (SMMR), the Jundiá and Atlantic Plateaus, and the coastline, all of which have distinct thermal histories. During the Aptian (∼120 Ma), there was an uplift of the HMMR, coincident with opening of the south Atlantic Ocean. Its thermal history indicates heating (from ∼60 to∼80 °C) until the Paleocene, when rocks currently exposed in the LMMR reached temperatures of ∼100 °C. In this period, the Serra do Mar rift system and the Japi erosion surface were formed. The relief records the latter. During the Late Cretaceous, the SMMR was uplifted and probably linked to its origin; in the Tertiary, it experienced heating from ∼60 to ∼90 °C, then cooling that extends to the present. The SMMR, LMMR, and HMMR were reactivated mainly in the Paleocene, and the coastline during the Paleogene. These processes are reflected in the sedimentary sequences and discordances of the interior and continental margin basins. © 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
The immatures of Polybia paulista Ihering were described using light and scanning electron microscopy and the results are compared with previous descriptions within the same or related wasps. This study is based on 2 whole nests collected in the municipality of Rio Claro, São Paulo, in Brazil. We have detected the existence of 5 larval instars. The main morphological alterations over development occur in the relative size of structures, yet certain structures appear with subsequent instars and become more evident later in development: increasing density in the number of body spines and papillae; the appearance of body setae in fifth-instar larvae; opening of spiracles upon second-instar larvae; 2 body shapes in fifth-instar larvae; the appearance of a lateral tooth on the mandibles of fourth instar; presence of spines on the maxillae of fifth-instar larvae; altered shape of galea and palps upon third-instar larvae from a cluster of sensilla to a conical elevation; and the appearance of spines on postmentum upon fourth-instar larvae. This way, the present study presents a detailed description of the immatures of P. paulista, and we hope the presented information can be useful to morphological, taxonomic, and phylogenetic studies.
O objetivo desse trabalho foi estudar a morfologia, anatomia e o processo germinativo de sementes de Phoenix roebelenii. Para o levantamento dos dados biométricos foram utilizadas 100 sementes de frutos recém-colhidos, deixados secar ao ar por um dia. Para a germinação, quatro repetições de 50 sementes tratadas com Vitavax-Thiran foram semeadas em bandejas de plástico, contendo Sphagnum sp. como substrato e mantidas sob condições ambientais de laboratório. Detalhes da morfologia da semente foram documentados com o uso de microscopia eletrônica de varredura e esquematizados com auxílio de câmara clara, acoplada ao estereomicroscópio. Foram confeccionadas lâminas permanentes com cortes do embrião, para o estudo de sua anatomia. As dimensões médias das sementes foram: 10,32mm comprimento, 5,21mm largura e 3,91mm espessura. O peso de 1000 sementes foi de 151,1g e 1kg continha 6600 unidades. O início da germinação variou entre 27 e 58 dias. As sementes são albuminosas, com endosperma duro e o embrião é pouco diferenciado, lateral e periférico. A germinação inicia-se pela abertura de um opérculo, através do qual é emitido o pecíolo cotiledonar com o eixo embrionário na extremidade. O pecíolo funciona, internamente, como um haustório, digerindo gradativamente o endosperma. Na sua parte posterior, desenvolve-se a plúmula, que emerge através de uma fenda. Nota-se o aparecimento de raízes secundárias na porção anterior da raiz primária.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Tissue reaction to Endométhasone sealer in root canal fillings short of or beyond the apical foramen
Objective: This study evaluated the response of periapical tissues to the endodontic sealer Endomethasone in root canal fillings short of or beyond the apical foramen. Material and Methods: Twenty root canals of premolars and incisors of 2 mongrel dogs were used. After coronal access and pulp extirpation, the canals were instrumented up to a size 55 K-file and the apical cemental barrier was penetrated with a size 15 K-file to obtain a main apical foramen, which was widened to a size 25 K-file. The canals were irrigated with saline at each change of file. The root canals were obturated either short of or beyond the apical foramen by the lateral condensation of gutta-percha and Endomethasone, originating 2 experimental groups: G1: Endomethasone/short of the apical foramen; G2: Endomethasone/beyond the apical foramen. The animals were killed by anesthetic overdose 90 days after endodontic treatment. The individual roots were obtained and serial histological sections were prepared for histomorphological analysis (H&E and Brown & Brenn techniques) under light microscopy. The following parameters were examined: closure of the apical foramen of the main root canal and apical opening of accessory canals, apical cementum resorption, intensity of the inflammatory infiltrate, presence of giant cells and thickness and organization of the apical periodontal ligament. Each parameter was scored 1 to 4, 1 being the best result and 4 the worst. Data were analyzed statistically by the Wilcoxon nonparametric tests (p=0.05). Results: Comparing the 2 groups, the best result (p<0.05) was obtained with root canal filling with Endomethasone short of the apical foramen but a chronic inflammatory infiltrate was present in all specimens. Conclusions: Limiting the filling material to the root canal space apically is important to determine the best treatment outcome when Endomethasone is used as sealer.
This study evaluated the response of periapical tissues to the endodontic sealer EndoREZ in root canal fillings short of or beyond the apical foramenlike communication. Twenty root canals of premolars and incisors of 2 mongrel dogs were used. After coronal access and pulp extirpation, the canals were instrumented up to a size 55 K-file and the apical cemental barrier was penetrated with a size 15 K-file to create an apical foramenlike communication, which was widened to a size 25 K-file. The canals were irrigated with saline at each change of file. The root canals were obturated either short of or beyond the apical foramenlike opening by the lateral condensation of gutta-percha and EndoREZ, originating 2 experimental groups: G1, EndoREZ/short of the apical foramenlike opening, and G2, EndoREZ/beyond the apical foramenlike opening. The animals were killed by anesthetic overdose 90 days after endodontic treatment. The individual roots were obtained and serial histological sections were prepared for histomorphological analysis (H&E and Brown and Brenn techniques) under light microscopy. The following parameters were examined: closure of the apical foramenlike communication and apical opening of accessory canals, apical cementum resorptions, intensity of the inflammatory infiltrate, presence of giant cells, and thickness and organization of the apical periodontal ligament. Each parameter was scored 1 to 4, 1 being the best result and 4 the worst. Data were analyzed statistically by the Wilcoxon nonparametric tests (P = .05). Comparing the 2 groups, the best result (P = .05) was obtained with root canal filling with EndoREZ short of the apical foramenlike opening. In conclusion, limiting the filling material to the root canal space apically was important to determine the best treatment outcome when EndoREZ was used as the sealer. (Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 2010; 109: e94-e99)
Objective: To evaluate a significant number of cases of fistulae of the lower lip with the light microscope in order to investigate the histological variation and to attempt to define the histopathological pattern of the lesion.Methods: Congenital fistulae of the lower lips of 17 patients with Van der Woude syndrome were analyzed by light microscopy,Results and Conclusion: the walls of most of the fistulae consisted of stratified nonkeratinized squamous epithelium and a lamina propria of dense connective tissue with areas of lymphohistiocytic inflammatory infiltrates. Bundles of striated muscle fibers, blood vessels, nerves, adipose tissue, and mixed acinar glands were observed. These glands surrounded the entire wall of the lesion, and their excretory ducts opened into the lumen of the fistula, explaining the clinical observation of elimination of mucous secretion through the opening of the fistula, Two microform cases of fistula were analyzed that presented only a depression in the epithelium at the site corresponding to the opening of the fistula.
Insect oocytes are surrounded by the follicular epithelium which is simple and cuboidal, wih the mainly functions of: synthesis of vitellin membrane and chorion and synthesis and transport of hemolymph products (proteins). In Pachycondyla (Neoponera) villosa ants workers aged less than 10 days do not present the formation of ovarian follicles (oocytes, nurse cells and follicular cells) indicating that vitellogenesis starts at approximately 10 days of age. Studies of participation of the follicular epithelium in Pachycondyla (Neoponera) villosa showed that in stage I oocytes the epithelium does not present the opening of intercellular spaces. In stage II these spaces begin to be observed together with separation of the follicular epithelium from the oocyte surface. In stage III two types of material were observed in the intercellular spaces: electrodense material in the basal region and compacted material in apical one as well as follicular epithelium/oocytes interface suggesting that the extraovarian material that reach oocytes undergoes some type of modification during passage through the intercellular spaces. The follicular epithelium spaces in queen are bigger than in workers oocytes.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The present study describes the ultrastructure of meroistic telotrophic ovaries of the sugarcane spittlebug Mahanarva fimbriolata. In this type of ovary, nurse cells, oogonia, and prefollicular tissue are located at the terminal (distal) regions or tropharium of ovarioles. Oocytes in different developmental stages, classified from I to V, are observed in the vitellarium. Stage I oocytes do not exhibit intercellular spaces in the follicular epithelium, suggesting that synthesis and production of yolk during this stage occurs only through endogenous processes. Small yolk granules of different electron densities are present in the cytoplasm. Few lipid droplets are observed. Stage 11 oocytes exhibit small intercellular spaces in the follicular epithelium. More protein as well as lipid yolk granules are observed in the cytoplasm. In stage III oocytes, intercellular spaces in the follicular epithelium are larger than those observed in the previous stage. Electrondense protein granules of various sizes, larger than those observed in stage 11 oocytes predominate in the cytoplasm. Smaller lipid droplets are also present. In stage IV oocytes, the follicular epithelium exhibits large intercellular spaces. Our data clearly indicate that the opening of these spaces in the follicular epithelium of M. fimbriolata oocytes increases as the intake of exogenous proteins intensifies, that is, in stages IV and Voocytes. During these stages, granular yolk becomes viscous due to the lysis of granules. In stage Voocytes, viscous yolk predominates in the cytoplasm. This type of yolk, however, has not been described for other orders of insects. The chorion of M. fimbriolata oocytes consists of an external layer (exochorion) and an internal one (endochorion), which is in direct contact with the oocyte. Numerous small pores that probably facilitate oxygenation of the internal structures inside the eggs are observed in the exochorion. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)