132 resultados para One-way water transport

em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"


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For data obtained from horizontal soil column experiments, the determination of soil-water transport characteristics and functions would be aided by a single-form equation capable of objectively describing water content theta vs. time t at given position x(f). Our study was conducted to evaluate two such possible equations, one having the form of the Weibull frequency distribution, and the other being called a bipower form. Each equation contained three parameters, and was fitted by nonlinear least squares to the experimental data from three separate columns of a single soil. Across the theta range containing the measured data points obtained by gamma-ray attenuation, the two equations were in close agreement. The resulting family of theta(x(f),t) transients, as obtained from either equation, enabled the evaluation of exponent n in the t(n) dependence of the positional advance of a given theta. Not only was n found to be <0.5 at low theta values, but it also increased with theta and tended toward 0.5 as theta approached its sated (near-saturated) value. Some quantitative uncertainty in n(theta) does arise due to the reduced number of data points available at the higher water contents. Without claiming non-Boltzmann behavior (n < 0.5) as necessarily representative of all soils, we nonetheless consider n(theta) to be worthy of further study for evaluating its significance and implications.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Nonparametric simple-contrast estimates for one-way layouts based on Hodges-Lehmann estimators for two samples and confidence intervals for all contrasts involving only two treatments are found in the literature.Tests for such contrasts are performed from the distribution of the maximum of the rank sum between two treatments. For random block designs, simple contrast estimates based on Hodges-Lehmann estimators for one sample are presented. However, discussions concerning the significance levels of more complex contrast tests in nonparametric statistics are not well outlined.This work aims at presenting a methodology to obtain p-values for any contrast types based on the construction of the permutations required by each design model using a C-language program for each design type. For small samples, all possible treatment configurations are performed in order to obtain the desired p-value. For large samples, a fixed number of random configurations are used. The program prompts the input of contrast coefficients, but does not assume the existence or orthogonality among them.In orthogonal contrasts, the decomposition of the value of the suitable statistic for each case is performed and it is observed that the same procedure used in the parametric analysis of variance can be applied in the nonparametric case, that is, each of the orthogonal contrasts has a chi(2) distribution with one degree of freedom. Also, the similarities between the p-values obtained for nonparametric contrasts and those obtained through approximations suggested in the literature are discussed.


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The effect of ultrasound and osmotic dehydration pretreatments on papaya drying kinetics was investigated. The ultrasound pretreatment was carried out in an ultrasonic bath at 30 A degrees C. The osmotic pretreatment in sucrose solution was carried out in an incubator at 34 A degrees C and agitation of 80 rpm for 210 min. The drying process was conducted in a fixed bed dryer at 70 A degrees C. Experimental data were fitted successfully using the Page model for dried fresh and pretreated fruits, with coefficient of determination greater than 0.9992 and average relative error lower that 14.4 %. The diffusional model was used to describe the moisture transfer, and the effective water diffusivity was identified in the order of 10(-9) m(2) s(-1). It was found that drying rates of osmosed fruits were the lowest due to the presence of infused solutes, while the ultrasound pretreatment contributed to faster drying rates. Evaluation of the dried fruit was performed by means of total carotenoids retention. Ultrasound treatments in distilled water prior to air-drying gave rise to dried papayas with retention of carotenoids in the range 30.4-39.8 % and the ultrasonic-assisted osmotic dehydration of papayas showed carotenoids retention values up to 64.9 %, whereas the dried fruit without pretreatment showed carotenoids retention lower than 24 %.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Thoracic, abdominal, and pelvic fragments of ventral skin of Rana catesbeiana were analysed regarding the effect of oxytocin on: (1) transepithelial water transport; (2) short-circuit current, (3) skin conductance and electrical potential difference; (4) Na+ conductance, the electromotive force of the Nat transport mechanism, and shunt conductance; (5) short-circuit current responses to fast Na+ by K+ replacement in the outer compartment, and (6) epithelial microstructure. Unstimulated water and Na+ permeabilities were low along the ventral skin. Hydrosmotic and natriferic responses to oxytocin increased from thorax to pelvis, Unstimulated Na+ conductance was greater in pelvis than in abdomen, the other electrical parameters being essentially similar in both skin fragments. Contribution of shunt conductance to total skin conductance was higher in abdominal than in pelvic skin. Oxytocin-induced increases of total skin conductance, Na+ conductance, and shunt conductance in pelvis were significantly larger than in abdomen, An oscillatory behaviour of the short-circuit current was observed only in oxytocin-treated pelvic skins. Decrease of epithelial thickness and increase of mitochondria-rich cell number were observed from thorax to pelvis, Oxytocin-induced increases of interspaces were more conspicuous in pelvis and abdomen than in thorax.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Objective: the objectives were to analyze the cardiac effects of exposure to tobacco smoke (ETS), for a period of 30 days, alone and in combination with beta-carotene supplementation (BC). Research methods and procedures: Rats were allocated into: Air (control, n = 13); Air + BC (n = 11); ETS (n = 11); and BC + ETS (n = 9). In Air + BC and BC + ETS, 500 mg of BC were added to the diet. After three months of randomization, cardiac structure and function were assessed by echocardiogram. After that, animals were euthanized and morphological data were analyzed post-morten. One-way and two-way ANOVA were used to assess the effects of ETS, BC and the interaction between ETS and BC on the variables. Results: ETS presented smaller cardiac output (0.087 +/- 0.001 vs. 0.105 +/- 0.004 l/min; p = 0.007), higher left ventricular diastolic diameter (19.6 +/- 0.5 vs. 18.0 +/- 0.5 mm/kg; p = 0.024), higher left ventricular (2.02 +/- 0.05 vs. 1.70 +/- 0.03 g/kg; p < 0.001) and atrium (0.24 +/- 0.01 vs. 0.19 +/- 0.01 g/kg; p = 0.003) weight, adjusted to body weight of animals, and higher values of hepatic lipid hydroperoxide (5.32 +/- 0.1 vs. 4.84 +/- 0.1 nmol/g tissue; p = 0.031) than Air. However, considering those variables, there were no differences between Air and BC + ETS (0.099 +/- 0.004 l/min; 19.0 +/- 0.5 mm/kg; 1.83 +/- 0.04 g/kg; 0.19 +/- 0.01 g/kg; 4.88 +/- 0.1 nmol/g tissue, respectively; p > 0.05). Ultrastructural alterations were found in ETS: disorganization or loss of myofilaments, plasmatic membrane infolding, sarcoplasm reticulum dilatation, polymorphic mitochondria with swelling and decreased cristae. In BC + ETS, most fibers showed normal morphological aspects. Conclusion: One-month tobacco-smoke exposure induces functional and morphological cardiac alterations and BC supplementation attenuates this ventricular remodeling process.


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Despite the large number of studies addressing the effect of microwave polymerization on the properties of acrylic resin, this method has received limited clinical acceptance. This study evaluated the influence of microwave polymerization on the flexural strength of a denture base resin. A conventional heat-polymerized (Classico), a microwave-polymerized (Onda-Cryl) and a autopolymerizing acrylic (Jet) resins were used. Five groups were established, according to polymerization cycles: A, B and C (Onda-Cryl, short cycle - 500W/3 min, long - 90W/13 min + 500W/90 see, and manufacturing microwave cycle - 320W/3 min + OW/3 min + 720W/3 min); T(Classico, water bath cycle - 74 degrees C/9h) and Q (Jet, press chamber cycle - 50 degrees C/15 min at 2 bar). Ten specimens (65 x 10 x 3.3 mm) were prepared for each cycle. The flexural strength of the five groups was measured using a three-point bending test at a cross-head speed of 5 mm/min. Flexural strength values were analyzed by one-way ANOVA and the Tukey's test was performed to identify the groups that were significantly different at 5% level. The microwave-polymerized groups showed the highest means (p<0.05) for flexural strength (MPa) (A = 106.97 +/- 5.31; B = 107.57 +/- 3.99; C = 109.63 +/- 5.19), and there were no significant differences among them. The heat-polymerized group (T) showed the lowest flexural strength means (84.40 +/- 1.68), and differ significantly from all groups. The specimens of a microwavable denture base resin could be polymerized by different microwave cycles without risk of decreasing the flexural strength.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Duarte MAH, Alves de Aguiar K, Zeferino MA, Vivan RR, Ordinola-Zapata R, Tanomaru-Filho M, Weckwerth PH, Kuga MC. Evaluation of the propylene glycol association on some physical and chemical properties of mineral trioxide aggregate. International Endodontic Journal, 45, 565570, 2012. Abstract Aim To evaluate the influence of propylene glycol (PG) on the flowability, setting time, pH and calcium ion release of mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA). Methodology Mineral trioxide aggregate was mixed with different proportions of PG, as follows: group 1: MTA + 100% distilled water (DW); group 2: MTA + 80% DW and 20% PG; group 3: MTA + 50% DW and 50% PG; group 4: MTA + 20% DW and 80% PG; group 5: MTA + 100% PG. The ANSI/ADA No. 57 was followed for evaluating the flowability and the setting time was measured by using ASTM C266-08. For pH and calcium release analyses, 50 acrylic teeth with root-end cavities were filled with the materials (n = 10) and individually immersed in flasks containing 10 mL deionized water. After 3 h, 24 h, 72 h and 168 h, teeth were placed in new flasks and the water in which each specimen was immersed had its pH determined by a pH metre and the calcium release measured by an atomic absorption spectrophotometer with a calcium-specific hollow cathode lamp. Data were analysed by using one-way anova test for global comparison and by using Tukeys test for individual comparisons. Results The highest value of flowability was observed with MTA + 20% DW and 80% PG and the lowest values were found with MTA + 100% DW. They were significantly different compared to the other groups (P < 0.05). The presence of PG did not affect the pH and calcium release. The MTA + 100% PG favoured the highest (P < 0.05) pH and calcium release after 3 h. Increasing the PG proportion interfered (P < 0.05) with the setting time; when used at the volume of 100% setting did not occur. Conclusion The addition of PG to MTA-Angelus increased its setting time, improved flowability and increased the pH and calcium ion release during the initial post-mixing periods. The ratio of 80% DW 20% PG is recommended.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Schizomeris leibleinii Kützing é uma alga filamentosa comumente encontrada em ambientes aquáticos continentais eutrofizados ou poluídos por nutrientes orgânicos e é um potencial organismo indicador de poluição orgânica. Estudos envolvendo o cultivo de S. leibleinii sob concentrações variáveis de nitrato e fosfato foram efetuados durante períodos de 50 dias. A biomassa foi expressa através da quantificação da concentração de clorofila a relativa a diferentes tempos de cultivo. Além da análise das curvas de crescimento, os dados obtidos foram submetidos à Anova (uma via) e teste de Tukey para comparação entre os tratamentos. Os resultados revelaram que S. leibleinii apresentou crescimento rápido sob baixas concentrações de nitrato e fosfato, mas o melhor desempenho ocorreu em concentrações altas de nitrato. Verificou-se nesta espécie que condições de estresse ambiental provocam, inicialmente, crescimento rápido, possivelmente acompanhado de intensa reprodução. Apesar do rápido desenvolvimento, a avaliação das curvas de crescimento de S. leibleinii sugere que esta espécie é um estrategista em k. Além disso, a alga mostrou-se mais dependente da concentração de nitrato do que de fosfato, indicando o nitrogênio como limitante do crescimento em meio de cultura.