58 resultados para Occasion

em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"


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Background: Pythiosis in horses is a proliferative and ulcerative disease that primarily affects the skin and subcutaneous tissue of limbs, thoracic-abdominal region and head. This disease sometimes can also affect limb bones or cause tumoral masses in abdomen. Usually, the cutaneous cases are confused with habronemiasis. The disease is more common in marshy areas, places with formation of slow drainage ponds and aquatic vegetation under high temperatures. The aim of this study was to describe the development of facial lesions in a horse caused by pythiosis in Cuiaba, Mato Grosso, and, additionally to discuss relevant issues regarding the diagnosis, clinical course and response to immunotherapy treatment.Case: One five years old mare of unknown breed, created in property located in the Cerrado region, had a wound on its face difficult to be healed and non-responsive to several treatments based on ivermectin and organophosphate administrated by either topical or systemic via. The animal was assisted on the farm of origin by the veterinary team of the Clinical Medicine sector, of the Veterinary Hospital, Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso (HOVET-UFMT). on the occasion of the visit, which occurred 60 days after onset of signs, the animal showed a circular single large lesion, ulcerative with serous discharge on the right part of its face, between the eyes and nostrils. There were some necrotic foci with sinus, from which kunkers were extracted; a condition compatible with pythiosis. The diagnosis was confirmed by histology, ELISA and PCR.Discussion: Assuming pythiosis from data obtained from the survey and profile of the lesion (secretory aspect, emaciation and presence of sinus and kunkers), immunotherapy treatment was immediately applied. The advanced clinical aspects and the fact that early diagnosis and treatment are essentials to satisfactory therapeutic response were also taken into consideration for starting the treatment. The remission of signs was achieved after five subcutaneous applications with 14 days between each application. From the second application, it was observed clinical improvement and after 60 days of treatment there was almost complete remission of signs. The signs for a satisfactory response in the injury site followed the order of decreasing secretory aspect, decreasing borders, decrease the itching and bringing the edges together with the formation of a thin layer of crust on the surface. Pythiosis cases with lesions on the face and lower abdomen are commonly confused with habronemiasis by macroscopic and widespread similarity between technicians and attendants, and essential support to the diagnosis through laboratory tests, which in turn are still underutilized. In this case, the authors demonstrated the therapeutic efficacy of immunotherapy as an advantage, considering the possibility of applying it in cases of lesions in areas of difficult surgical access, treatment conditions in the field, with low cost and ease of application. Further studies approaching this alternative therapy are necessary, since side effects have been observed in some cases.


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A utilização de adubos verdes na citricultura ainda é pouco estudada, embora possa trazer benefícios ao citricultor, do ponto de vista econômico e de preservação dos recursos ambientais. O trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a eficiência da utilização de adubos verdes em um pomar de laranjeira 'Pêra' enxertada em limoeiro 'Cravo'. Foram empregados quatro tratamentos correspondentes aos adubos verdes avaliados: feijão-de-porco (Canavalia ensiformis)), labe-labe (Dolichus lablab), feijão-guandu-anão (Cajanus cajan) e braquiária (Brachiaria brizantha - como testemunha). Os adubos verdes foram semeados nas entrelinhas da cultura e posteriormente foram roçados e direcionados para a linha na ocasião do pleno florescimento, 120 dias após a semeadura dos mesmos. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos ao acaso, com quatro tratamentos, seis repetições e duas plantas úteis para as avaliações. As características avaliadas foram: peso médio dos frutos, número de frutos por caixa de colheita (40,8 kg), produtividade, teores de matéria seca e de macro e micronutrientes contidos nos tratamentos, bem como rendimento de suco e ratio. Os resultados obtidos evidenciaram não haver diferença estatística entre os tratamentos para as características de produtividade das plantas e qualidade dos frutos. O feijão-guandu-anão apresentou o maior teor de matéria seca no primeiro ano de experimentação, diferindo estatisticamente dos demais tratamentos. No segundo ano, diferiu estatisticamente do feijão-de-porco e do labe-labe, produzindo maior quantidade de biomassa.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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A figueira-da-índia é uma cactácea de origem mexicana, com grande potencial produtivo para as condições edafoclimáticas do Brasil, porém a falta de conhecimento faz com que a cultura seja pouco cultivada. Com o objetivo de avaliar a fenologia da figueira-da-índia, o presente trabalho foi realizado em plantas com 4 anos de idade, no espaçamento de 1,0 x 2,5 m, na área experimental da Fazenda de Ensino, Pesquisa e Extensão da Faculdade de Engenharia de Ilha Solteira - UNESP, localizada no município de Selvíria - MS, de agosto de 2006 a janeiro de 2007. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o inteiramente casualizado, com dez repetições, com uma planta por parcela experimental, ocasião em que foram avaliados a fenologia e o crescimento dos frutos. O período de emissão das gemas concentrou-se nos meses de setembro e outubro. O florescimento, ocorreu 30 dias após a emissão da gema florífera. Os frutos atingiram a maturidade fisiológica (ponto de colheita) aos 66 dias após o florescimento e aos 72 dias apresentavam-se maduros, aptos para o consumo. O período de desenvolvimento dos frutos, desde a emissão da gema florífera até a maturidade fisiológica, foi de 96 dias. A curva de crescimento dos frutos foi do tipo quadrática. A cultura da figueira-da-índia pode tornar-se uma alternativa principalmente para pequenos produtores, visto que não exige grandes investimentos para sua implantação e condução, além de se adaptar bem às condições ambientais de nosso País. Seus frutos possuem excelentes preços tanto no mercado nacional como no internacional, e o aproveitamento na forma de doces e geleias pode incrementar a renda dos produtores.


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Los herbicidas glifosato y paraquat son utilizados por los productores de soja con el objetivo de desecar las plantas, anticipar y uniformizar la cosecha. Sin embargo, el uso indiscriminado de herbicidas puede causar problemas eventualmente en las características agronómicas y fisiológicas del cultivo. El presente trabajo tuvo por objetivo evaluar la utilización de los herbicidas glifosato y paraquat como desecantes para el cultivo de la soja. El experimento fue llevado a cabo en el año agrícola 2005/06, en un delineamiento experimental de bloques al azar, con cuatro repeticiones. Los tratamientos fueron dispuestos en dos esquemas factoriales, 3x3x5x2 y 3x2x5x2: dos desecantes (glifosato y paraquat) y un testigo (sin desecación), aplicación de los desecantes en tres y dos estadios fenológicos de las plantas (R6, R7 y R8) y (R7 y R8), para las variedades MSOY 6101 de ciclo superprecoz, y MG/BR 46 (Conquista) de ciclo precoz, respectivamente, cinco épocas de muestreo (2; 4; 6; 8 y 10 días después de la aplicación) y evaluación en dos posiciones en la planta (ápice y base). Fue evaluada la producción de semillas, masa y tenor de agua de 100 semillas. Los desecantes evaluados fueron eficientes en la reducción del tenor de agua de las semillas, sin afectar la productividad y la masa de 100 semillas.


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O presente artigo investiga como A teoria do romance (1916) de G. Lukács, um texto fragmentado e de ocasião, tornou-se um clássico da reflexão sobre a modernidade. Para Lukács, o romance é a forma artística que corresponde à fratura entre o sujeito e o mundo, vivida pelo homem contemporâneo. Utilizando o conceito de símbolo esvaziado este texto apreende em que medida o autor ao rever as classificações anteriores sobre o gênero romance, perpetua a tradição romântica ou rompe com ela, elaborando conceitos originais para a compreensão da modernidade na literatura.


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Abnormal intragastric distribution of food (IDF) and a phasic contractility in the proximal stomach have been related to dyspeptic symptoms. Thus, the behaviour of the stomach and the proximal region, in particular, continues to attract attention and demand for reliable and comfortable techniques. The aims of this study were to employ AC Biosus-ceptometry (ACB) and scintigraphy to evaluate IDF and gastric motor activity in humans. Fifteen healthy volunteers ingested 60 mL of yogurt containing 2 mCi of Tc-99m and 4 g of ferrite. Each volunteer had gastric motility and IDF evaluated twice on separate days; on one occasion by ACB and another by scintigraphy. Digital signal processing was performed in MatLab (Mathworks Inc., Natick, MA, USA). Results were expressed as mean +/- SD. Similar results of distal accumulation time (P < 0.001) were obtained for scintigraphy (6.93 +/- 3.25 min) and for ACB (7.04 +/- 3.65 min). Fast Fourier Transform revealed two dominant frequencies (P > 0.9). Besides the well-know frequency of 3 cpm, our results showed identical frequencies in proximal stomach recordings (P < 0.001) for scintigraphic (1.01 +/- 0.01 cpm) and ACB (0.98 +/- 0.06 cpm). In summary, our data showed that scintigraphy and ACB are promising techniques to evaluate several aspects of gastric motility. Moreover, ACB is non-invasive, radiation-free and deserves the same importance as conventional methods for this kind of analysis.


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OBJETIVO: comparar dois testes de rastreamento para diabetes e seus resultados com o resultado da gestação. MÉTODOS: no total, 279 pacientes foram submetidas a dois testes de rastreamento do diabetes gestacional - associação glicemia de jejum e fatores de risco (GJ + FR) e o teste de tolerância à glicose simplificado (TTG50g). O rastreamento pela associação GJ + FR caracterizou-se pela dosagem da glicemia de jejum e anamnese para identificação dos fatores de risco na primeira consulta de pré-natal. O TTG50g foi realizado entre a 24ª e a 28ª semana de gestação e caracterizou-se pela dosagem das glicemias plasmáticas em jejum e uma hora após a sobrecarga oral com 50 g de glicose. Os resultados, positivo e negativo, foram relacionados ao resultado da gestação. Foram consideradas variáveis dependentes: via de parto, idade gestacional, peso e índice ponderal ao nascimento, índices de Apgar <7 no 1º e 5º minutos, necessidade de Unidade de Terapia Intensiva (UTI), tempo de permanência hospitalar e óbito neonatal. Empregou-se o teste t de Student, admitindo-se 5% como limite de significância para calcular a diferença de proporção de das médias. RESULTADOS: apenas dois resultados perinatais estudados foram diferenciados pelos testes. O TTG50g alterado esteve associado à maior proporção de cesárea (58,7 versus 34,3%) e a associação GJ + FR positiva, maior taxa de prematuridade (15,4 versus 5,4%). As demais variáveis não foram diferentes nas pacientes com testes de rastreamento positivo e negativo. CONCLUSÕES: Apesar da relação entre a prematuridade e associação GJ + FR positiva e aumento de cesárea e TTG50g alterado, seria falha crítica aceitá-los como definitivos. Entre outras explicações, múltiplos fatores intercorrentes e as características próprias dos testes de rastreamento devem ser consideradas.


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Aim: The aim of this paper was to compare the quantity and frequency of alcohol use and its associated negative consequences between two groups of college students who were identified as being risky drinkers. Subjects were randomly allocated in a clinical trial to intervention or control groups. Methods: Risky drinking use was defined as Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT) >= 8 and/or Rutgers Alcohol Problem Index (RAPI) >= 5 problems in the previous year. Students who had undergone the Brief Alcohol Screening and Intervention for College Students (BASICS) (N = 145 at baseline; 142 at 12 months, and 103 at 24 months, loss of 29.7%) were compared with a control group (N = 121 at baseline; 121 at 12 months and 113 at 24 months, loss of 9.3%), the nonintervention group. Variables included drinking frequency, quantity and peak consumption, dependence assessment, and family and friends' abuse assessment. Results: Treated students at a 24-month follow-up decreased quantity of alcohol use per occasion and lowered AUDIT and RAPI scores. Conclusions: This is the first brief intervention work on risky drinking with college students in Brazil and the results are encouraging. However, it is difficult to conduct individual prevention strategies in a country where culture fosters heavy drinking through poor public policy on alcohol and lack of law enforcement.


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The objective of this study was to determine morphological and functional characteristics of semen retrieved from the feline epididymis before and after cooling. Sixteen adult male cats were orchiectomized. The distal portion of the epididymis and proximal part of the deferent ducts were dissected and squeezed to obtain their content. After centrifugation, the supernatant was removed, sperm were resuspended in a 0.9 mL Tris-fructose-citric acid extender containing 20% egg yolk, aliquoted into three 0.3 mL samples, placed in a refrigerator (4.8 degrees C) and cooled (0.5 degrees C/min). Semen evaluations were performed on four occassions: immediately after epididymal sperm retrieval (TO), and at 24 h (T-1), 48 h (T-2) and 72 h (T-3) after cooling. on each occasion, progressive motility, vigor and sperm morphology were determined. Mean motility and vigor decreased (P < 0.05) between each successive examination. Although the majority of sperm cell damage occurred within the first 24 h, there was a decrease (P < 0.05) in mean percentage of morphologically normal sperm between To and each evaluated time (T-1, T-2, T-3) after cooling, due to an increase in coiled and bent sperm tails. Further studies are needed to evaluate the effects of cooling on the fertilizing capacity of cat epididymal spermatozoa in assisted reproduction programs. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Statistical analysis of data is crucial in cephalometric investigations. There are certainly excellent examples of good statistical practice in the field, but some articles published worldwide have carried out inappropriate analyses. Objective: The purpose of this study was to show that when the double records of each patient are traced on the same occasion, a control chart for differences between readings needs to be drawn, and limits of agreement and coefficients of repeatability must be calculated. Material and methods: Data from a well-known paper in Orthodontics were used for showing common statistical practices in cephalometric investigations and for proposing a new technique of analysis. Results: A scatter plot of the two radiograph readings and the two model readings with the respective regression lines are shown. Also, a control chart for the mean of the differences between radiograph readings was obtained and a coefficient of repeatability was calculated. Conclusions: A standard error assuming that mean differences are zero, which is referred to in Orthodontics and Facial Orthopedics as the Dahlberg error, can be calculated only for estimating precision if accuracy is already proven. When double readings are collected, limits of agreement and coefficients of repeatability must be calculated. A graph with differences of readings should be presented and outliers discussed.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The present study cross-sectionally investigated the influence of training status, route difficulty and upper body aerobic and anaerobic performance of climbers on the energetics of indoor rock climbing. Six elite climbers (EC) and seven recreational climbers ( RC) were submitted to the following laboratory tests: ( a) anthropometry, (b) upper body aerobic power, and ( c) upper body Wingate test. on another occasion, EC subjects climbed an easy, a moderate, and a difficult route, whereas RC subjects climbed only the easy route. The fractions of the aerobic (WAER), anaerobic alactic (W-PCR) and anaerobic lactic (W-[La(])-) systems were calculated based on oxygen uptake, the fast component of excess post-exercise oxygen uptake, and changes in net blood lactate, respectively. on the easy route, the metabolic cost was significantly lower in EC [ 40.3 ( 6.5) kJ] than in RC [60.1 ( 8.8) kJ] ( P < 0.05). The respective contributions of the WAER, WPCR, and W-[La(])- systems in EC were: easy route = 41.5 (8.1), 41.1 (11.4) and 17.4% (5.4), moderate route = 45.8 (8.4), 34.6 (7.1) and 21.9% (6.3), and difficult route = 41.9 (7.4), 35.8 (6.7) and 22.3% (7.2). The contributions of the WAER, WPCR, and W-[La(])- systems in RC subjects climbing an easy route were 39.7 (5.0), 34.0 (5.8), and 26.3% (3.8), respectively. These results indicate that the main energy systems required during indoor rock climbing are the aerobic and anaerobic alactic systems. In addition, climbing economy seems to be more important for the performance of these athletes than improved energy metabolism.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)