164 resultados para Neutrino physics

em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"


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We explore the features of neutrino oscillation which are relevant for measurements of the leptonic CP violating phase δ and the sign of Delta;m13 2 in experiments with low-energy conventional superbeams. Toward the goal, we introduce a new powerful tool called the CP trajectory diagram in bi-probability space which allows us to represent pictorially the three effects, the effects of (a) genuine CP violation due to the sin δ term, (6) CP conserving cos δ term, and (c) fake CP violation due to earth matter, separately in a single diagram. By using the diagram, we observe that there is a two-fold ambiguity in the determination of S which is related with the sign of Delta;m13 2. Possible ways of resolving the ambiguity are discussed. In particular, we point out that an in situ simultaneous measurement of δ and the sign of Delta;m13 2 can be carried out at distances of about 700 km, or at the Phase II of the JHF experiment provided that sin δ ·Delta;m13 2 < 0, both with a megaton class water Cherenkov detector.


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We study the collider phenomenology of bilinear R-parity violating supergravity, the simplest effective model for supersymmetric neutrino masses accounting for the current neutrino oscillation data. At the CERN Large Hadron Collider the center-of-mass energy will be high enough to probe directly these models through the search for the superpartners of the Standard Model (SM) particles. We analyze the impact of R-parity violation on the canonical supersymmetry searches-that is, we examine how the decay of the lightest supersymmetric particle (LSP) via bilinear R-parity violating interactions degrades the average expected missing momentum of the reactions and show how this diminishes the reach in the usual channels for supersymmetry searches. However, the R-parity violating interactions lead to an enhancement of the final states containing isolated same-sign di-leptons and trileptons, compensating the reach loss in the fully inclusive channel. We show how the searches for displaced vertices associated to LSP decay substantially increase the coverage in supergravity parameter space, giving the corresponding reaches for two reference luminosities of 10 and 100 fb(-1) and compare with those of the R-parity conserving minimal supergravity model.


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The recent experimental results on neutrino oscillation and on muonium-antimuonium conversion require extension of the minimal 3-3-1 model. We review the constraints imposed on the model by these measurements and suggest a pattern of leptonic mixing, with charged leptons in a non-diagonal basis, which accounts for the neutrino physics and circumvents the tight muonium-antimuonium bounds on the model. We also illustrate a scenario where this pattern could be realized.


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It has been estimated that the entire Earth generates heat corresponding to about 40 TW (equivalent to 10,000 nuclear power plants) which is considered to originate mainly from the radioactive decay of elements like U, Th and K, deposited in the crust and mantle of the Earth. Radioactivity of these elements produce not only heat but also antineutrinos (called geo-antineutrinos) which can be observed by terrestrial detectors. We investigate the possibility of discriminating among Earth composition models predicting different total radiogenic heat generation, by observing such geo-antineutrinos at Kamioka and Gran Sasso, assuming KamLAND and Borexino (type) detectors, respectively, at these places. By simulating the future geo-antineutrino data as well as reactor antineutrino background contributions, we try to establish to which extent we can discriminate among Earth composition models for given exposures (in units of kt · yr) at these two sites on our planet. We use also information on neutrino mixing parameters coming from solar neutrino data as well as KamLAND reactor antineutrino data, in order to estimate the number of geo-antineutrino induced events. © SISSA/ISAS 2003.


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We point out that solar neutrino oscillations with large mixing angle as evidenced in current solar neutrino data have a strong impact on strategies for diagnosing collapse-driven supernova (SN) through neutrino observations. Such oscillations induce a significant deformation of the energy spectra of neutrinos, thereby allowing us to obtain otherwise inaccessible features of SN neutrino spectra. We demonstrate that one can determine temperatures and luminosities of non-electron flavor neutrinos by observing (υ) over bar (e) from galactic SN in massive water Cherenkov detectors by the charged current reactions on protons. (C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.


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We introduce a CP trajectory diagram in bi-probability space as a powerful tool for a pictorial representation of the genuine CP and the matter effects in neutrino oscillations. The existence of correlated ambiguity in the B is uncovered. The principles of tuning the beam energy for a determination of CP-violating phase delta and the sign of Deltam(13)(2) given baseline distance are proposed to resolve the ambiguity and to maximize the CP-odd effect. We finally point out, quite contrary to what is usually believed, that the ambiguity may be resolved with similar to 50% chance in the super-JHF experiment despite its relatively short baseline of 300 km. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.


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We re-analyse the non-standard interaction (NSI) solutions to the solar neutrino problem in the light of the latest solar as well as atmospheric neutrino data. The latter require oscillations (OSC), while the former do not. Within such a three-neutrino framework the solar and atmospheric neutrino sectors are connected not only by the neutrino mixing angle theta(13) constrained by reactor and atmospheric data, but also by the flavour-changing (FC) and non-universal (NU) parameters accounting for the solar data. Since the NSI solution is energy-independent the spectrum is undistorted, so that the global analysis observables are the solar neutrino rates in all experiments as well as the Super-Kamiokande day-night measurements. We find that the NSI description of solar data is slightly better than that of the OSC solution and that the allowed NSI regions are determined mainly by the rate analysis. By using a few simplified ansatzes for the NSI interactions we explicitly demonstrate that the NSI values indicated by the solar data analysis are fully acceptable also for the atmospheric data. (C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.


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We present a general formalism for extracting information on the fundamental parameters associated with neutrino masses and mixings from two or more long baseline neutrino oscillation experiments. This formalism is then applied to the current most likely experiments using neutrino beams from the Japan Hadron Facility (JHF) and Fermilab's NuMI beamline. Different combinations of muon neutrino or muon anti-neutrino running are considered. The type of neutrino mass hierarchy is extracted using the effects of matter on neutrino propogation. Contrary to naive expectation, we find that both beams using neutrinos is more suitable for determining the hierarchy provided that the neutrino energy divided by baseline (E/L) for NuMI is smaller than or equal to that of JHF, whereas to determine the small mixing angle, theta(13), and the CP or T violating phase delta, one neutrino and the other anti-neutrino are most suitable. We make extensive use of bi-probability diagrams for both understanding and extracting the physics involved in such comparisons.


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In this work we show that we can generate neutrino masses through the type II seesaw mechanism working at TeV scale in the context of a 331 model. (C) 2001 Published by Elsevier B.V. B.V.


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We point out that determination of the MNS matrix element \U-e3\ = s(13) in long-baseline nu(mu) --> nu(e) neutrino oscillation experiments suffers from large intrinsic uncertainty due to the unknown CP violating phase delta and sign of Deltam(13)(2). We propose a new strategy for accurate determination of theta(13); tune the beam energy at the oscillation maximum and do the measurement both in neutrino and antineutrino channels. We show that it automatically resolves the problem of parameter ambiguities which involves delta, theta(13), and the sign of Deltam(13)(2). (C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.


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In this short lecture, I discuss some basic phenomenological aspects of CP and T violation in neutrino oscillation. Using CP/T trajectory diagrams in the bi-probability space, I try to sketch out some essential features of the interplay between the effect of CP/T violating phase and that of the matter in neutrino oscillation.


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In the minimal 3-3-1 model charged leptons come in a nondiagonal basis. Moreover, the Yukawa interactions of the model lead to a non-hermitian charged lepton mass matrix. In other words, the minimal 3-3-1 model presents a very complex lepton mixing. In view of this we check rigorously if the possible textures of the lepton mass matrices allowed by the minimal 3-3-1 model can lead or not to the neutrino mixing required by the recent experiments in neutrino oscillation.


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In the framework of the spacetime with torsion, we obtain the flavor evolution equation of the mass neutrino oscillation in vacuum. A comparison with the result of general relativity case shows that the flavor evolutionary equations in Riemann spacetime and Weitzenbock spacetimes are equivalent in the spherical symmetric Schwarzschild spacetime, but turn out to be different in the case of the axial symmetry.


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A new mechanism for understanding small neutrino masses using only simple new physics at the TeV scale is proposed. As an application, it is shown how it can naturally lead to the mass hierarchy of the so-called bimaximal mixing in the case of three active neutrinos, or to the 3 + 1 scenario with a sterile neutrino, using only the SU(2)(L) quantum numbers of the particles. (C) 2001 Elsevier B.V. BN. All rights reserved.