12 resultados para Nectandra cissiflora

em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"


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O fracionamento cromatográfico do extrato etanólico das folhas de Nectandra grandiflora resultou no isolamento de dois flavonóides glicosilados que apresentaram atividade antioxidante inibindo a oxidação do beta -caroteno em CCDC. As substâncias isoladas tiveram suas estruturas elucidadas através de técnicas espectrométricas de RMN uni- e bidimensional e foram identificadas como 3-O-beta -ramnosy kaempferol and 3-O-beta -ramnosylquercetina.


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The EtOH crude extract from the leaves of Nectandra grandiflora collected in the Atlantic Forest, Brazil, showed antioxidant activity towards β-carotene in a TLC assay. The bioassay-guided fractionation led to the isolation of protocatechuic acid and two flavonol glycosides: afzelin and quercetrin, which showed free radical scavenging activity towards DPPH (ΔA 32, 16 and 73% at 50 μmol L-1) and were compared to commercial antioxidants rutin (81% at 50 μmol L-1) and BHT (9% at 50 μmol L-1), used as standard compounds. Additionally, three inactive neolignans, including the new bicycle[3.2.1]octane neolignan 2′-oxo-piperol B were obtained and characterized by spectrometric methods. ©2005 Sociedade Brasileira de Química.


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Horticultura) - FCA


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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O trabalho objetivou descrever e avaliar a estrutura da regeneração de espécies arbóreas em dois remanescentes naturais e em três áreas reflorestadas com espécies nativas e em um povoamento de Eucalyptus robusta, situados em área de várzea do rio Mogi-Guaçu, Luiz Antônio, SP (21º31'S e 47º55'W). Foram amostradas 40 subparcelas de 2 m² em cada remanescente natural e sub-bosque de eucalipto e 60 subparcelas de 3,5 m² em cada área reflorestada. Foram amostrados todos os indivíduos arbóreos de regeneração com altura > a 10 cm e diâmetro do caule até a altura do peito (DAP) < 5,0 cm e analisados separadamente, em quatro classes de altura, a diversidade florística, a regeneração natural (Rn%), o valor de importância (VI) e a similaridade da regeneração com indivíduos de DAP > 5 cm. Foram identificados 1.990 indivíduos, pertencentes a 24 famílias, 46 gêneros e 51 espécies. Cabralea canjerana, Psidium cattleyanum, Nectandra megapotamica, Acacia polyphylla e Syzygium cumini estavam entre as espécies mais representadas nas quatro categorias de tamanho. O reflorestamento com espécies nativas em áreas degradadas da várzea do rio Mogi-Guaçu promoveu a regeneração natural com biodiversidade superior aos remanescentes naturais de florestas ciliares sob efeito de borda e contribuiu para com o processo de restauração de ecossistemas florestais. O povoamento de Eucalyptus robusta com cerca de 20 anos de idade favoreceu a regeneração de espécies climácicas e secundárias.


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The species of the sandy plains forests (forests of the ''restingas'') have not yet had their spatial patterns studied as aids to the understanding of the diversity found in the different physiognomies along the Brazilian coast. In this paper a 10 x 10 m quadrat framework laid in a hectare of a tree dominant forest in the sandy plains of the Picinguaba area of the Serra do Mar State Park (municipality of Ubatuba, state of São Paulo, Brazil) was used to assess the spatial pattern of distribution for the ten most important species : Pera glabrata, Euterpe edulis, Eugenia brasiliensis, Alchornea triplinervea, Guatteria australis, Myrcia racemosa, Jacaranda semiserrata, Guarea macrophylla, Euplassa cantareirae and Nectandra oppositifolia. The spatial patterns were inferred through the calculations of their T-Square Index (C) and Dispersal Distance Index (I). P. glabrata shows a random pattern, E. edulis aggregate, E. brasiliensis, A. triplinervia, G. australis, E. cantareirae and N. oppositifolia with a tendency between aggregate and uniform and, M. racemosa, J. semiserrata and G. macrophylla between aggregate and random. Although the indexes are dependent of the sample size and of the technique adjustments, the relationship of the pattern with the environmental factors is shown by clustering methods. The results give confirmation of how the spatial patterns bring associations between populations and shape of the vegetation physiognomy.


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This study objective was to evaluate the effective revegetation in a Mogi Guaçu River degraded floodplain area, located at Luiz Antonio municipality (21° 31' S e 47° 55' W), São Paulo State, Brazil. Two native riparian forest remnants (RIP1 and RIP2) and three 10-year-old reforested areas, planted of native species (R1, R2 and R3), were analyzed by using phytosociological describers of the arboreal stratum (trees with DBH ≥ 5 cm) as indicators. The arboreal stratum inventory was accomplished by 180 plots (10 × 10 m each), 60 representing every native forest and 20 for every reforested area. A total of 60 arboreal species was recorded, only six species (Cecropia hololeuca, Crotón urucurana, Genipa americana, Inga striata, Nectandra megapotamica e Peltophorum dubium) occurring in all the five studied areas. Seventeen species were common to both native forests, and nine species were recorded in all the reforested areas. Sebastlania commersonlana and Guarea macrophyllawere recorded in the native forests (RlP1 and RIP2), and Cecropia hololeuca, Croton urucurana and Inga striata occurring in all the reforested areas, were the species that best characterize the physiognomy of local diversity and were the most important among the studied species. The results showed that the rehabilitation of the areas made by the reforestation created conditions to implant forests with similar structures of the adjacent natural remainders. The reforestation with native species performed in the degraded floodplain of Mogi Guaçu River, initially with the predomination of invasive grasses, has been effective at the first stage of the ecological restoration process. The reforestation is making possible the natural regeneration of species from the adjacent remnants, what indicates that the similarity between planted forests and the native ones are rising through the time. The phytosociology, accomplished ten years after the planting date, is adequate to evaluate the effectiveness of the reforestation during the restoration process of degradated areas in the Mogi Guaçu floodplain.


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The species of Lauraceae collected by Ludwig Riedel, excluding Ocotea, are commented and contex-tualized according to the different itineraries he travelled in Brazil, from 1821 to 1836, indicating the localities and dates of collections, whenever possible. To complete this work, two diaries of Riedel have been consulted and the information from them cross-checked with the annotations found on specimen labels. An annotated list of 48 entries provides information on the status of species names and their types, currently accepted names, and collections found in different herbaria. Lectotypes for five names, Aydendron verrucosum var. attenuata, Aydendron parviflorum, Mespilodaphne parviflora, Nectandra spicata, and Oreodaphne fasciculata, are designated. The species of Ocotea collected by Riedel will be treated in part II of this series. © President and Fellows of Harvard College, 2012.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Ciências Biológicas (Botânica) - IBB