44 resultados para Munich

em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"


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The 2024 and 7050 aluminium alloys used as aircraft components were subjected to laboratory corrosion tests in sodium chloride solution, Light-microscope examinations make it possible to characterise morphological aspects of the localised corrosion. Image analysis was used to determine both depth and width of pits over corroded surfaces. It has been concluded that the annealing could reduce the pit growth in both alloys, by means of grains recrystallization or recovery. The 2024 alloy also tends to present an exfoliation mechanism, mainly throughout non-recrystallized and recrystallized grain boundaries, increasing the width and sustaining the depth of pit cavities during exposition to saline atmosphere. SEM and EDS analysis reveal the morphology and elemental distribution of the corrosion products formed after immersion corrosion test. Some of these products were identified by X-ray diffraction analysis. For 2024, Al(OH)(3), MS(OH)(2) and Cu2O were found. AI(OH)(3) and Cu2O were also found in 7050 samples.


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The effects of heat treatment on morphologies and microstructures of Al 2024 and Al 7050 alloys, used as aircraft components, were studied by metallographic techniques. Light microscopy (LM) and quantitative image analysis were used to characterize the precipitate dispersion and morphology for these alloys. The application of the scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) combined techniques for studying these multiphase systems makes it possible to distinguish and quantify the different phases in the surface structure. Xray diffraction also permitted a qualitative comparison of the structures before and after heat treatments.


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An automatic image processing and analysis technique has been developed for quantitative characterization of multi-phase materials. For the development of this technique is used the Khoros system that offers the basic morphological tools and a flexible, visual programming language. These techniques are implemented in a highly user oriented image processing environment that allows the user to adapt each step of the processing to his special requirements.To illustrate the implementation and performance of this technique, images of two different materials are processed for microstructure characterization. The result is presented through the determination of volume fraction of the different phases or precipitates.


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The chemical and electrochemical behaviour of the Ti-1 5V-3Cr-3Sn-3Al alloy in Kroll reagent has been studied after ageing at 350-600degreesC, to optimise metallographic etching. Etching tests and polarisation curves showed that samples aged at higher temperatures have been more susceptible to corrosion. It has been attributed to the formation of intra- and intergranular alpha-phase precipitates during ageing.


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This work is an example of the improvement on quantitative fractography by means of digital image processing and light microscopy. Two techniques are presented to investigate the quantitative fracture behavior of Ti-4Al-4V heat-treated alloy specimens, under Charpy impact testing. The first technique is the Minkowski method for fractal dimension measurement from surface profiles, revealing the multifractal character of Ti-4Al-4V fracture. It was not observed a clear positive correlation of fractal values against Charpy energies for Ti-4Al-4V alloy specimens, due to their ductility, microstructural heterogeneities and the dynamic loading characteristics at region near the V-notch. The second technique provides an entire elevation map of fracture surface by extracting in-focus regions for each picture from a stack of images acquired at successive focus positions, then computing the surface roughness. Extended-focus reconstruction has been used to explain the behavior along fracture surface. Since these techniques are based on light microscopy, their inherent low cost is very interesting for failure investigations.


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Porosity in starch consolidation casting technique is rightly related to original size and morphology of starch granules, leaving a pore structure after burning out. This work reports the results for the addition of different native potato and corn starch proportions in suspension,; with TiO(2) (rutile) powder. Gelling temperature have been defined after observation under light microscopy using a heating stage. Analysis of porous network and isolated pores have been clone from images of samples surfaces obtained by depth from focus reconstruction, revealing a qualitative correlation of pores characteristics and starches additions in suspensions, suggesting that the presence of isolated or interconnected pores can be handled by starches selection to control the amylopectin and amylose contents in slurries. Also, the analysis of porous fraction distribution shows no consistent pattern through specimens' volume according to starches in mixtures.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The upper portion of the Rio Guaratuba, located in the Serra do Mar coastal range of Southeastern Brazil, shows biological and geological evidences of being captured and diverted away from its original course in the direction of the Parana River Basin to become a coastal river due to the Quaternary activity of NW-trending faults. Despite draining directly to the Atlantic Ocean, the upper portion of the Guaratuba still maintains an ichthyofauna that is typical of the adjoining Parana River Basin rather than the characteristic fish fauna of the Brazilian coastal drainages. The fish fauna of the upper Guaratuba is an evident testimony of the tectonic process that allowed the faunal interchange between the upland basins and the coastal drainages that probably has been taking place in Southeastern Brazil throughout the long geological history of the passive Brazilian continental margin.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The ichthyofauna of 24 stretches of streams, all of 100 m length and of fifth or lower order and most of second and third order, were sampled along four left bank tributaries (Rio do Peixe, Rio Aguapei, Rio Sao Jose dos Dourados, lower Rio Tiete of the main channel of the Rio Parana in the state of São Paulo, southeastern Brazil. Sampling of the fish fauna at each of the six sites in the four basins incorporated a standardized fish collecting methodology and a standardized documentation of environmental data serving as the basis for a comparative analysis of the collecting locations. The 8,189 fish specimens collected represented six orders, 18 families, 42 genera, and 56 species, with a total biomass of 28.8 kg. Approximately 52% of the collected species were characiforms, 28% siluriforms, 9% gymnotiforms, 5% cyprinodontiforms, 4% perciforms, and 2% synbranchiforms. The most abundant of the species were the characiforms Astyanax altiparanae (15% of total) and Knodus moenkhausii (12% of total). The two species with the largest overall biomasses were A. altiparanae (34% of total biomass) and the siluriform Hypostomus sp. (8% of total biomass). Analysis of the trophic structure of the studied ichthyofauna indicated that the 10 numerically dominant species across the 24 sampled streams can be grouped into five guilds that are in decreasing order of numerical importance: omnivores, insectivores, insectivores/invertivores, periphytivores, and algivores. Species richness in the sampled stream stretches varied from six to 20 species with an average richness of 14. The species richness estimated by extrapolation for all 24 sampled stream stretches was 67 species. The Characidae are predominant among the collected specimens with approximately 50% of both individuals and biomass, a fact hypothesized to be a function of several attributes typical of the family. Six of the 56 collected species were new to science and six other species are of indefinite taxonomic status and require further analysis in order to determine their identity.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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C(13)H(16)Cl(2)Te,M(r)=370.76,P2(1)/a, a = 8.1833(8), b = 8.4163(8), c = 20.787(2) A, beta = 99.52(1)degrees, Z = 4, R(1) = 0,0275. The primary coordination around the Te(IV) atom is consistent with a pseudo-trigonal bipyramidal bond configuration with two Cl atoms occupying axial positions while the C atoms and the lone pair of electrons occupy the equatorial positions. The Te(IV) atom is involved in an intermolecular secondary interaction resulting in the self assembly of zigzag-chains supramolecular array. In order to determine the theoretical basis set for the Te atom which leads to the best agreement with the experimental data, a large series of geometry optimizations were performed on dichloro dimethyl Te(IV), as a model compound, and the results compared with the mean distances and angles obtained from 45 X-ray structures. The Ahlrichs basis set plus the Hay & Wadt ECP was selected and used for a series of calculations performed on the title compound.


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C28H28N2NiO4, triclinic, P (1) over bar (no. 2), a = 7.9202(6) angstrom, b = 8.0496(6) angstrom, c = 10.246(1) angstrom, alpha = 97.15(1)degrees, beta = 106.68(1)degrees, gamma = 94.686(9)degrees, V = 616.1 angstrom(3), Z = 1, R-gt(F) = 0.028, wR(ref)(F-2) = 0.078, T = 293 K.


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The crystal structure of benzoyl-histidine monohydrate (BYLH hereafter), C-13H-12N-3O-3. H2O was determined from three dimensional data of 3012 independent reflections measured on a Enraf-Nonius (CAD4) single crystal diffractometer. The compound crystallizes in the orthorhombic space group P2(1)2(1)2(1) with cell dimensions alpha = 7.102(1) angstrom, b = 13.783(3) angstrom, c = 14.160(4) angstrom, V = 1385.92 angstrom-3, F.W. = 277.28, F(000) = 584 Q(calc) = 1.32 g cm-3 and Z = 4.The structure was solved with direct methods. All positional and anisotropic thermal parameters were refined by full-matrix least-squares calculations. The final reliability factor was R = 0.040, while the weighted one was Rw = 0.034. The H atoms found in the difference Fourier map were refined isotropically.The compound consists of a histidine molecule bound to a benzoyl group. There is also a cocrystallized water molecule stabilized through a hydrogen bridge.The 5-membered ring of the histidine has its tautomeric form, after the transfer of the H atom from the N(delta) to the N(epsilon) atom of the ring. There is an sp2 conformation around C6 while the conformation around C3 is that of sp3. The histidine ring forms with the benzene ring a dihedral angle of 109.8(1)-degree.All angle values and bond distances agree very well with the expected values in the literature.


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C26H44Cl6N2Te, monoclinic, P12(1)/n1 (no. 14), a = 9.3981(5) Angstrom, b = 14.606(1) Angstrom, c = 12.4524(7) Angstrom, beta = 108.335(5)degrees, V = 1622.6 Angstrom(3), Z = 2, R-gt(F) = 0.024, wR(ref)(F-2) = 0.065, T = 293 K.