32 resultados para Model basic science research

em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"


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Purpose: The effect of water immersion on the shear bond strength (SBS) between 1 heat-polymerizing acrylic resin (Lucitone 550-L) and 4 autopolymerizing reline resins (Kooliner-K, New Truliner-N, Tokuso Rebase Fast-T, Ufi Gel Hard-U) was investigated. Specimens relined with resin L were also evaluated. Materials and Methods: One hundred sixty cylinders (20 × 20 mm) of L denture base resin were processed, and the reline resins were packed on the prepared bonding surfaces using a split-mold (3.5 × 5.0 mm). Shear tests (0.5 mm/min) were performed on the specimens (n = 8) after polymerization (control), and after immersion in water at 37°C for 7, 90, and 180 days. All fractured surfaces were examined by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) to calculate the percentage of cohesive fracture (PCF). Shear data were analyzed with 2-way ANOVA and Tukey's test; Kruskall-Wallis test was used to analyze PCF data (α = 0.05). Results: After 90 days water immersion, an increase in the mean SBS was observed for U (11.13 to 16.53 MPa; p < 0.001) and T (9.08 to 13.24 MPa, p = 0.035), whereas resin L showed a decrease (21.74 MPa to 14.96 MPa; p < 0.001). The SBS of resins K (8.44 MPa) and N (7.98 MPa) remained unaffected. The mean PCF was lower than 32.6% for K, N, and T, and higher than 65.6% for U and L. Conclusions: Long-term water immersion did not adversely affect the bond of materials K, N, T, and U and decreased the values of resin L. Materials L and U failed cohesively, and K, N, and T failed adhesively. © 2007 by The American College of Prosthodontists.


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Acute respiratory distress syndrome is the most severe manifestation of acute lung injury and it is associated with high mortality rate. Despite better understanding of ARDS pathophysiology, its mechanism is still unclear. Mechanical ventilation is the main ARDS supportive treatment. However, mechanical ventilation is a non-physiologic process and complications are associated with its application. Mechanical ventilation may induce lung injury, referred to as ventilator-induced lung injury. Frequently, VILI is related to macroscopic injuries associated with alveolar rupture. The present article is a review of the literature on ventilator-induced lung injury in acute respiratory distress syndrome. Animal and human studies were reviewed. We mainly selected publications in the past 5 years, but did not exclude commonly referenced and highly regarded older publications.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Um estudo foi realizado com a finalidade de avaliar a decomposição da biomassa de plantas aquáticas, incorporadas ou não ao solo, provenientes do controle mecânico, no reservatório da UHE Americana. O ensaio foi realizado em casa de vegetação, localizada no Núcleo de Pesquisas Avançadas em Matologia (NUPAM) da FCA/Unesp-Botucatu. A avaliação foi conduzida em vasos contendo 14 kg de solo, simulando descartes de 50, 100, 150 e 200 t MF de plantas ha-1 e avaliando o processo de decomposição através da liberação de CO2, divididos em duas etapas: a primeira em solo seco e, a segunda, na seqüência, com o solo úmido. A quantificação do CO2 liberado foi realizada através de titulação de solução adicionada ao processo de incubação de 24 horas dos vasos. Os dados foram interpolados e analisados seguindo modelo de Mitscherlich, com algumas modificações. Na primeira etapa, foi observada uma rápida liberação de CO2 até o décimo dia, seguida de estabilização. O maior teor de CO2 liberado foi observado no tratamento com descarte de 200 t MF ha-1 incorporado ao solo. Os dados avaliados durante a segunda fase do ensaio representaram uma maior linearidade no processo de liberação de CO2, indicando um período mais longo do processo de degradação da biomassa descartada.


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Cosmetic Dermatology is a growing subspecialty. High-quality basic science studies have been published; however, few double-blind, randomized controlled clinical trials, which are the major instrument for evidence-based medicine, have been conducted in this area. Clinical research is essential for the discovery of new knowledge, improvement of scientific basis, resolution of challenges, and good clinical practice. Some basic principles for a successful researcher include interest, availability, persistence, and honesty. It is essential to learn how to write a protocol research and to know the international and national regulatory rules. A complete clinical trial protocol should include question, background, objectives, methodology (design, variable description, sample size, randomization, inclusion and exclusion criteria, intervention, efficacy and safety measures, and statistical analysis), consent form, clinical research form, and references. Institutional ethical review board approval and financial support disclosure are necessary. Publication of positive or negative results should be an authors' commitment. © 2013 by Anais Brasileiros de Dermatologia.


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Based on the literature data from HT-29 cell monolayers, we develop a model for its growth, analogous to an epidemic model, mixing local and global interactions. First, we propose and solve a deterministic equation for the progress of these colonies. Thus, we add a stochastic (local) interaction and simulate the evolution of an Eden-like aggregate by using dynamical Monte Carlo methods. The growth curves of both deterministic and stochastic models are in excellent agreement with the experimental observations. The waiting times distributions, generated via our stochastic model, allowed us to analyze the role of mesoscopic events. We obtain log-normal distributions in the initial stages of the growth and Gaussians at long times. We interpret these outcomes in the light of cellular division events: in the early stages, the phenomena are dependent each other in a multiplicative geometric-based process, and they are independent at long times. We conclude that the main ingredients for a good minimalist model of tumor growth, at mesoscopic level, are intrinsic cooperative mechanisms and competitive search for space. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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This work presents the development of a graphical interface to the Lock-in Amplifier, which is used in physiological studies on the motility of the gastrointestinal tract in rats and signal processing. With a simple and low cost instrumentation, the resources offered by the virtual interface of LabVIEW software allows the creation of commands similar to the actual instrument that, through communication via standard serial port, transmits data between a PC and peripheral device performing specific and particular needs in the amplifier. Created for the lock-in amplifier model SR830 Stanford Research Systems, the remote manipulation gives the user greater accessibility in the process of configuration and calibration. And, since the software is installed, there is the advantage of eliminating the need of purchase new devices to upgrade the system. The commands created were made to perform six basic modifications that are used in routine of the Biomagnetism Laboratory. The instrumentation developed has the following controls: Amplitude, Frequency, Time Constant, slope low pass filter, sensitivity and offset


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Com o objetivo de avaliar o efeito de herbicidas em diferentes acessos de aguapé coletados em reservatórios de hidrelétricas do Estado de São Paulo, foi realizado um estudo no Núcleo de Pesquisas Avançadas em Matologia da FCA-UNESP, campus de Botucatu. A escolha das plantas geneticamente diferentes foi feita com base em estudos de variabilidade genética, nos quais se utilizou a técnica de RAPD. Avaliou-se o efeito dos herbicidas imazapyr nas doses de 62,5 e 125,0 g e.a. ha-1, glyphosate a 1.680 e 3.360 g e.a. ha-1 + 0,5% V/V de Extravon, diquat a 480 e 960 g i.a. ha-1 e 2,4-D a 670 e 1.340 g e.a. ha-1. Os seis acessos escolhidos foram colocados em caixas plásticas de 28,0 x 14,0 x 12,0 cm, contendo 4 litros de água. A aplicação dos produtos foi realizada com um simulador de pulverização pressurizado com ar comprimido, equipado com barra de aplicação com quatro bicos de jato plano Teejet 110.02 VS. A pressão constante de trabalho foi de 1,6 bar, e o consumo de calda, de 193 L ha-1. A velocidade de aplicação foi de 3,69 km h-1. Durante as aplicações, a temperatura do ar foi de 25 ºC e a umidade relativa de 73%. Foram realizadas avaliações visuais de controle aos 3, 5, 7, 11, 21 e 28 dias, nas quais 0 consistiu em nenhum controle e 100 em morte de plantas. Todos os herbicidas e doses testados proporcionaram controle eficiente das plantas de aguapé, e os seis acessos estudados responderam de forma semelhante.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Este trabalho discute a interface empresa - universidade e a gestão da tecnologia em pequenas e médias empresas tradicionais do setor de manufaturados, com base em modelo conceitual simplificado e em pesquisa de campo, dentro do contexto atual de globalização do mercado. Constatou-se a importância da existência de um modelo de relação interorganizacional, que colabore na otimização dos resultados das pesquisas aplicadas na universidade e disponha de mecanismos de colaboração com aquelas empresas, visando à prática e difusão da gestão da tecnologia e parceria no desenvolvimento de produtos. Com base no modelo proposto em Silva(1999), através do COD - Centro Operacional de Desenvolvimento, o trabalho analisa vários aspectos da interface empresa - universidade e da gestão da tecnologia em empresas.


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The gerbil (Meriones unguiculatus) is a rodent native of the and regions of Mongolia and China. Because the gerbil can be easily bred in laboratory conditions, this species has been largely used as an experimental model in biomedical research. However, there is still little information concerning the testis structure and function in the gerbil. In this regard, we performed a detailed morphofunctional analysis of the gerbil testis and estimated the spermatogenic cycle length utilizing H-3-thymidine as a marker for germ cell progression during their evolution through the spermatogenic process. The stage frequencies of the XII stages characterized according to the acrosome formation and development were (I-XII) 13.8, 10.1, 8.1, 7.8, 4.0, 11.2, 7.5, 7.1, 5.9, 7.6, 8.1, and 8.9. The mean duration of each seminiferous epithelium cycle was determined to be 10.6 +/- 1.0 days and the total duration of spermatogenesis, based on 4.5 cycles, was approximately 47.5 days. The volume density of tubular and interstitial compartments was approximately 92% and 8%, respectively. Based on the volume occupied by seminiferous tubules in the testis and the tubular diameter, about 9 and 18 m of seminiferous tubules were found per testis and per gram of testis, respectively. Twelve primary spermatocytes were formed from each type A1 spermatogonia. The meiotic index was 2.8, indicating that 30% of cell loss occurs during meiosis. The number of Leydig and Sertoli cells per gram of the testis was 28 million and each Sertoli cell was able to support approximately 13 spermatids. The daily sperm production per gram of testis (spermatogenic efficiency) was 33 million. Taken together, these data indicate that, mainly due to the high seminiferous tubule volume density and Sertoli cell support capacity for germ cells, the gerbil presents high spermatogenic efficiency compared with other mammalian species already investigated. The data obtained in the present study might provide the basis for future research involving the reproductive biology in this species.


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1. This study aimed to link basic ethnobiological research on local ecological knowledge (LEK) to the conservation of Brazilian streams, based on two case studies: original data on LEK of fishermen about freshwater fish in the Negro River, Amazon, and previously published data about LEK of farmers on the ecological relationship between forest and streams in the Macabuzinho catchment, Atlantic Forest.2. Information was obtained from fishermen through interviews using standard questionnaires containing open-ended questions. Informants for interview were selected either following some defined criteria or applying the 'snowball' method.3. Fishermen's LEK about the diets and habitats of 14 fish species in the Negro River provided new biological information on plant species that are eaten by fish, in addition to confirming some ecological patterns from the biological literature, such as dependence of fish on forests as food sources.4. In the Atlantic Forest, a comparison between farmers' LEK and a rapid stream assessment in the farmers' properties indicated that farmers tended to overestimate the ecological integrity of their streams. Farmers recognized at least 11 forest attributes that correspond to the scientific concept of ecosystem services. Such information may be useful to promote or enhance dialogue among farmers, scientists and managers.5. These results may contribute to the devising of ecosystem management measures in the Negro River, aimed to conserve both rivers and their associated floodplain forests, involving local fishermen. In the Atlantic Forest, we proposed some initiatives, such as to allow direct economic use of their forests to conciliate conflicting perceptions of farmers about ecological benefits versus economic losses from reforestation. Despite their cultural, environmental and geographical differences, the two study cases are complementary and cost-effective and promising approaches to including LEK in the design of ecological research. Copyright (C) 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.