20 resultados para Military occupation.
em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"
I studied the effect of disturbance chemical cues on fish that make trade-offs between foraging in an open area and remaining in a safe refuge. I used convict cichlids Archocentrus nigrofasciatus that were either visually exposed to a predator (n = 8) or exposed to water conditioned by chemical cues from disturbed conspecifics (n = 8). Fish visually exposed to a predator decreased their ingestion rate and spent more time in the refuge than in the foraging area, while fish receiving water from frightened conspecifics did not alter their ingestion rate or time spent in the refuge and foraging site, but increased their spatial occupation (i.e., motion). These results suggest that convict cichlids recognized the predator by visual cues. Moreover, disturbance cues are a form of threatening public information that may increase fish spatial occupation due to increased exploring behaviour; but is not sufficiently alarming to alter feeding or increase refuge use. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The goal of this work was to examine the occurrence of brachyurans in soft bottom sublittoral habitats and their association with some environmental factors. The relative abundance of crabs in two depth strata (from 4.5 to 9 m and from 9 to 18 m) was quantified. Crabs were collected with an otter-trawl with 3.7 m of mouth opening and 12-mm mesh in the cod end. Monthly sampling, consisted of a single trawl in each stratum during a 1-yr period, were carried out. Fifteen brachyuran and six anomuran species were found, including Callinectes ornatus Ordway, 1863; Callinectes danae Smith, 1869; Hepatus pudibundus (Herbst, 1785); Libinia spinosa H. Milne-Edwards, 1834; Persephona punctata (Linnaeus, 1758), and P. mediterranea (Herbst, 1794), which were the most abundant and frequent in the area. The most abundant swimming crabs in both strata were C. ornatus and C, dan(re. Size differences in C. ornatus were observed between strata, suggesting a spatial separation of juveniles and adult crabs.
In this work we studied the structural and optical properties of lithium tantalate (LiTaO3) powders doped with Eu3+ ions. We have examined the different sites occupied by the rare earth ion through the correlation of the DRX data analyzed with the Rietveld method and some spectroscopic parameters derived from the Eu3+ luminescence. Adirect relation was established between the lattice parameters and the occupation fraction of Eu3+ in each LiTaO3 site. The occupation fraction was set as the relative population of Eu3+ ions for each site obtained by means of the intensity, baricenter, and the spontaneous emission coefficients of the D-5(0)-> F-7(0) transitions. We concluded that the unit cell parameter a presents the same behavior of the Eu3+ occupation fraction in Ta5+ sites as a function of the Eu3+ content in LiTaO3. The same was observed for the variation in Eu3+ occupation fraction in the Li+ site and the unit cell parameter c with the Eu3+ content. (C) 2009 American Institute of Physics. [doi: 10.1063/1.3204967]
A assistência psiquiátrica brasileira, desde seu início, era baseada na internação dos doentes mentais em hospitais psiquiátricos e em sua exclusão social. Desde o final do regime militar, na década de oitenta, esta assistência vem passando por transformações que propõem o tratamento dos doentes mentais em serviços comunitários substitutivos ao hospital psiquiátrico. A profissão terapia ocupacional cuja prática voltava-se para a ocupação dos pacientes no interior dos hospitais, diante das transformações da assistência psiquiátrica, vem buscando um aprimoramento teórico técnico e político para a atuação nos serviços substitutivos, em nível de prevenção, promoção de saúde, tratamento, reabilitação e inclusão social. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo apresentar algumas práticas de terapia ocupacional baseadas em paradigmas que enfatizam a importância do tratamento e da inclusão do doente mental na sociedade, destacando-se uma experiência que vem sendo realizada em Botucatu-SP (Brasil), por uma organização não governamental. Conclui-se que a profissão, por congregar conhecimento interdisciplinar, e se ocupar das necessidades e dificuldades dos pacientes no cotidiano, apresenta um instrumental condizente com a assistência comunitária.
Activity profiles of excess Pb-210 combined with chemical data determined in two sediment cores from Corumbatai River basin, São Paulo State, Brazil, provided new insights into the reconstruction of historical inputs of anthropogenic constituents, contributing to improving management strategies of the hydrological resources in the basin since most of the municipalities extensively utilize the waters of Corumbatai River and tributaries for drinking purposes, among other uses. Excellent significant relationships between loss on ignition (LOI) and organic matter were found for sediments of both analyzed profiles. Silica was found to be inversely related to organic matter at both analyzed profiles: its decrease accompanied an increase in the specific surface of the sediments. This relationship was confirmed by a great number of inverse significant correlations among silica and oxides Na2O, K2O, CaO, MgO, Al2O3, P2O5, Fe2O3, MnO, and TiO2. It was possible to identify the role of organic matter on adsorption of several oxides/elements in the core sediments profiles. Apparent sediment mass accumulation rates corresponding to 224 and 802 mg cm(-2) year(-1) were obtained, and are compatible with field evidence, indicating a higher value associated with sand mining activities interfering with the natural/normal sedimentation process, due to modifications of the channel drainage.
This work seeks to contribute to a better understanding of the Abdication, analyzing how and why sections of the army joined the liberal groups against the emperor, focusing on the period that immediately preceded this event. The argument is that the alliance between sections of the army and the liberal groups in 1831 was possible because the expansion of the "public space" in the city of Rio de Janeiro, a process in which newspapers such as "O Republico" played a key role as they became a privileged locus for political disputes. The article shows that that newspaper helped to build a political identity based on the defense of Brazilian interests against Portuguese despotism, giving momentum to internal conflicts around this subject that were already taking place among sections of the army and hence triggering the process that would lead to the Abdication.
It was studied the trapezius muscle and serratus anterior muscle in 24 male volunteers using a 2-channel TECA TE 4 electromyograph and Hewlett Packard surface electrodes, during the execution of four different modalities of military press exercises with open grip. The results showed that TS acted significantly in the modalities standing and sitting press behind neck, while SI acted in all the modalities, i.e., standing and sitting press behind neck and forward, justifying their inclusion as basic exercises for physical conditioning programmes.
Electromyographic activity of the trapezius muscle and serratus anterior muscle was analysed in 4 different modalities of military press exercises, each of them with 2 grips: open and middle. It was analyzed 24 male volunteers using a 2-channel TECA TE 4 electromyograph and Hewlett Packard surface electrodes. The TS and SI muscles acted with high and very high activity in all the modalities of military press exercises. Statistically, they did not show significative difference in the performance of the exercises with open and middle grip, justifying the inclusion of this group of exercises with both grips for the physical conditioning programmes.
Electromyographic activity of the trapezius muscle and serratus anterior muscle was analysed in 24 male volunteers using a 2-channel TECA TE 4 electromyograp, during the execution of four different modalities of military press exercises with middle grip. The trapezius acted preferentially in the modalities standing press behind neck; and sitting forward and press behind neck, while SI did not show any significative difference among the modalities. The high levels of action potentials with which TS and SI acted justify the inclusion of these exercises in physical programmes.
It was analized the deltoid muscle anterior portion and the pectoralis major clavicular portion in 24 male volunteers using a two-channel electromyograph TECA TE 4, and Hewllet Packard surface electrodes, in 4 modalities of military press exercises with open grip. The results showed high inactivity for PMC in almost all the modalities while DA developed very high levels of action potentials in all the modalities assessed.
With the objective to know the electromyographic activity normal parameters of the deltoid (anterior portion) and pectoralis major (clavicular portion) muscles in the different modalities of military press exercises with middle grip, we analyzed 24 male volunteers using a two-channel electromyograph TECA TE 4, and Hewllet Packard surface electrodes. It was observed high inactivity levels for PMC in almost all the modalities and the concentration in the active cases, mainly, in the weak potential, while DA presented very high levels of much strong action potentials in all the modalities assessed.
The deltoid (anterior portion) and pectoralis major (clavicular portion) were evaluated in several execution ways of military press exercises with open and middle grips in order to know their behavior pattern. It was analyzed 24 male volunteers, using a 2-channel TECA TE4 electromyograph and Hewllet Packard surface electrodes. It was observed that the execution variation with open and middle grips does not present any significant difference as for the demanding level neither for the pectoralis major muscle nor the deltoid muscle.
In Brazil, the degradation of soil and landscape by urban and agricultural frontiers expansion leads to the need for comprehensive studies and consider the diverse biological activities generated from different interventions in the landscape, becoming an instrument for assessing the impacts and the decision for its environmental management. The objective of this study was to evaluate the influence of different forms of occupation of the landscape, considering ecological elements and their interactions. The work was carried out on the Instituto Agronômico in the county of Jundiai, in the state of Sao Paulo, Brazil. The area under study has been subjected to different use and occupancy for a period of about 40 years. During this period the landscape has been transformed, with the current scenario can be classified as a degraded area mining; grassy area; Araucaria forest and pasture. These areas were evaluated by means of a transect, from which ten sampling sites were selected for the description of diverse biological activities, which included: evaluation and description of ground cover, identifying the presence of fungus and insect species. Furthermore, we evaluated in these points the pH, fertility and porosity of the topsoil (0-0.10 m). The results showed a variation of the elements analyzed and a relationship between the use and occupation of land in the different scenarios of the current landscape. The biological activity was more diverse in the Araucaria forest, reflected by the abundance of litter, higher content of organic matter and soil nutrients, demonstrating the effectiveness of the technique for assessing the level of degradation of the landscape used, which is expeditious and inexpensive.
The reproductive biology of a species includes factors beyond its sexual maturity, fecundity and reproductive period, and may extend to the differential distribution of individuals. The reproductive dynamics of the blue crab Callinectes ornatus was investigated through monthly collections over the course of 2 years in three bays on the southeastern coast of Brazil. For each bay, six transects were established, four of them parallel to the beach line (at depths of 5, 10, 15, and 20 m), one transect exposed to wave action, and another sheltered from waves. Females and males were classified according to the gonadal maturation stage, and were grouped as individuals with reproductive potential (mature gonads or breeding females) or not (rudimentary gonads or in development). Analyses using ordination techniques (PCA) and gradient analysis (CCA) showed that 82.13 % of environmental variations were explained by the transect arrangement, and these characteristics explained 86.70 % of the differential distribution of female crabs and 96.57 % of the distribution of males. These results indicate that females with reproductive potential were more abundant in deeper regions, while females with rudimentary or developed gonads were abundant in shallower habitats and areas sheltered from wave action. Thus, the distribution of C. ornatus in these bays was linked to their reproductive state, as part of the reproductive strategy of the population. © 2013 Senckenberg Gesellschaft für Naturforschung and Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
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