10 resultados para Max C. Fleischmann College of Agriculture. Agricultural Experiment Station.
em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"
The objective of this research work was to evaluate the effects of doses and time of application of N on the C/N ratio of the straw cover and on the growth and productivity of maize plants growing in a no tillage system. The experiment was carried out at the Experimental Farm of the College of Agriculture of the São Paulo State University (UNESP) on its campus of Botucatu, state of São Paulo, Brazil. The treatments were distributed in the field according to a randomized complete block design in a split plot arrangement. The treatments consisted of four doses of N (0, 20, 40, and 60 kg ha-1 ) applied to oat crop and N doses (60, 80, 100, and 120 kg ha-1 ) sidedressed to corn. The development and productivity of the maize crop in a no-tillage system were found to be dependent of the C/N ratio and the straw cover. The response of the maize plants to the early application of N is dependent on doses and time of application.
O trabalho, instalado e conduzido em casa de vegetação da FCAV, campus de Jaboticabal, UNESP, teve por objetivos estudar os efeitos de diferentes doses de adubação fosfatada (0, 33,5, 67,0 e 100,5 ppm de P2O5) e níveis de sombreamento (0, 30, 50 e 70%) sobre parâmetros de crescimento de tiririca (Cyperrus rotundus). Quatro tubérculos previamente brotados foram colocados em cada vaso com capacidade para três litros de solo. Utilizou-se Latossolo Vermelho-Escuro textura média, moderado, distrófico, peneirado. Para efeito de análise estatística, os vasos (parcelas) foram dispostos num esquema inteiramente casualisado, com quatro repetições. Os resultados obtidos mostraram o efeito prejudicial do sombreamento sobre o desenvolvimento da tiririca. Já ao nível de 30%, o sombreamento causou redução na densidade das plantas , principalmente por reduzir o número de bulbos + tubérculos. em conseqüência, houve redução no ac��mulo de matéria seca nas diferentes partes da planta, redução esta mais acentuada no sistema subterrâneo (bulbos + tubérculos + raízes), causando incremento nas relações PA/B+T+R e B+T/R. A adubação fosfatada, no entanto, incrementou os parâmetros de crescimento da espécie, principalmente no desenvolvimento das manifestações epígeas, refletido tanto pelo aumento em número quanto em ac��mulo de matéria seca.
Objective. To use the Pediatric Rheumatology International Trials Organization (PRINTO) core set of outcome measures to develop a validated definition of improvement for the evaluation of response to therapy in juvenile systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE).Methods. Thirty-seven experienced pediatric rheumatologists from 27 countries, each of whom had specific experience in the assessment of juvenile SLE patients, achieved consensus on 128 patient profiles as being clinically improved or not improved. Using the physicians' consensus ratings as the gold standard measure, the chi-square, sensitivity, specificity, false-positive and false-negative rates, area under the receiver operating characteristic curve, and kappa level of agreement for 597 candidate definitions of improvement were calculated. Only definitions with a kappa value greater than 0.7 were retained. The top definitions were selected based on the product of the content validity score multiplied by its kappa statistic.Results. The definition of improvement with the highest final score was at least 50% improvement from baseline in any 2 of the 5 core set measures, with no more than 1 of the remaining worsening by more than 30%.Conclusion. PRINTO proposes a valid and reproducible definition of improvement that reflects well the consensus rating of experienced clinicians and that incorporates clinically meaningful change in core set measures in a composite end point for the evaluation of global response to therapy in patients with juvenile SLE. The definition is now proposed for use in juvenile SLE clinical trials and may help physicians to decide whether a child with SLE responded adequately to therapy.
In order to identify the desiccation tolerance of E. edulis seeds, four fruitlots were collected from the Campinas Agronomic Institute Palmae collection, located at Ubatuba, state of Sao Paulo, Brazil, and taken in moisture-proof containers to the College of Agriculture in Botucatu, state of Sao Paulo. There, the fruits were shelled and the seeds were dried, either under silica gel conditions or in a drying chamber. The effects of dehydration were evaluated by measurements of the germination, embryo protrusion, germinative button, plumule, speed of emergence, seedling length, seed dry matter and water content. Differences among seedlots and between harvest season for most of the traits were observed. Euterpe edulis seedlots seem to tolerate water content reductions until 39% without significant reduction in germination and vigor. Below this value, most of the evaluated traits were negatively affected. Total loss of germination was observed whenever seed water content was reduced to values below 21%.
The CMS Collaboration conducted a month-long data-taking exercise known as the Cosmic Run At Four Tesla in late 2008 in order to complete the commissioning of the experiment for extended operation. The operational lessons resulting from this exercise were addressed in the subsequent shutdown to better prepare CMS for LHC beams in 2009. The cosmic data collected have been invaluable to study the performance of the detectors, to commission the alignment and calibration techniques, and to make several cosmic ray measurements. The experimental setup, conditions, and principal achievements from this data-taking exercise are described along with a review of the preceding integration activities. © 2010 IOP Publishing Ltd and SISSA.
Pós-graduação em Zootecnia - FCAV
The tire inflation pressure, among other factors, determines the efficiency in which a tractor can exert traction. It was studied the effect of using two tire inflation pressures, 110.4 kPa in the front and rear wheels, 124.2 kPa in the front wheel and 138 kPa in the rear wheels, the energetic efficiency of an agricultural tractor of 147 kW of engine power, in the displacement speed of 6.0 km.h-1, on track with firm surface, with the tractor engine speed of 2000 rpm. For each condition of the tire pressure, the tested tractor was subjected to constant forces in the drawbar of 45 kN and 50 kN, covering 30 meters. It was used a randomized complete block with a 2x2 factorial arrangement (tire pressure and drawbar power) with four replications, totaling 16 experimental units. Data were subjected to analysis of variance, using the Tukey test at 5% probability for comparison averages. The lowest hourly and specific fuel consumption, the lowest slippage of the wheelsets and the highest efficiency in the drawbar was obtained with the tire inflation pressure of 110.4 kPa in the front and rear tires of the tractor, highlighting that lower pressures improve energetic and operational performance of the tractor.
Pós-graduação em Geografia - FCT
This study focused on estimating the economic losses resulting from cysticercosis at beef cattle farms that supply an export slaughterhouse located in the state of Sao Paulo, Brazil, and to identify the epidemiological risks factors involved in the disease to ascertain if these farms adopt Good Agricultural Practices (GAP). To this, we used data recorded in 2012 by Brazil's Federal Inspection Service (SIP) on the daily occurrence of the disease, according to the farm from which the animals originated. In addition, the associated risk factors were determined based on a case-control study at 48 farms. Cysticercosis was detected in 2.26% (95% CI 2.2-2.33) of the 190,903 bovines supplied by 556 farms in the following four states: 2.92% (95% CI 2.83-3.03) in Sao Paulo, 1.81% (95% CI 1.71-1.93) in Minas Gerais, 0.71% (95% CI 0.6-0.82) in Goias and 1.11% (95% CI 0.79-1.57) in Mato Grosso do Sul, with significant differences in the epidemiological indices of these states. Cysticercosis was detected at 58.45% (95% CI 54.36-62.55) of the farms of this study, representing estimated economic losses of US$312,194.52 for the farmers. Lower prevalence of this disease were found at the farms qualified for exports to the European Union, indicating a statistically significant difference from those not qualified to export to Europe. The access of cattle to non-controlled water sources, as well as sport fishing activities near the farms, was identified as risk factors. Cysticercosis causes considerable losses in Brazil's beef supply chain, with lower prevalence appearing only at farms qualified to export to the European Union. As for the access of cattle to non-controlled water sources, this is an indication that GAP are not implemented by some farms, demonstrating the violation of international agreements by the industry and the farms. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Crescimento e produtividade do girassol na segunda aplicação de lodo de esgoto em diferentes manejos
Sewage sludge, as a soil fertilizer for crop production, has become a very important agricultural input since it is rich in nutrients, adds carbon to the soil and improves its chemical, physical, and biological characteristics. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of sewage sludge applied as a fertilizer for two consecutive years on sunflower plant growth and productivity. The experiment was conducted at the Experimental Farm of the College of Agriculture, a unit of the São Paulo State University (UNESP), in São Manuel, state of São Paulo, Brazil. The soil where the experiment was set is a Red Oxissol. The experiment consisted of 6 treatments with 5 replications. The experimental units were distributed in the field according to a randomized complete block design. ‘HELIO 251’ was the sunflower cultivar used in the experiment. The treatments were as follows: T0: check (no nitrogen applied); T1: conventional chemical fertilization; T2: 50% of the N dose from sewage sludge and 50% from a chemical fertilizer in side dress application; T3: 100% of the N dose from sewage sludge; T4: 150% of the N dose from sewage sludge; T5: 200% of the N dose from sewage sludge. The 150% of the N dose from sewage sludge treatment caused the plants to increase in height, in stem diameter, and in number of leaves per plant. The mixture in equal proportion of sewage sludge and a chemical fertilizer (treatment T2) resulted in an achene yield higher than that of the chemical fertilizer alone (treatment T1).