15 resultados para Marketing : Satisfacao : Cliente : Consumidor : Comportamento

em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"


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It is unanimous among lexicologists that lexical units present deep marks in the representativeness of cultural and behavioral issues. Thus, some scholars have been proposing methodologies in order to enable the verification, scientifically, of mechanisms to systematize the lexicon within a specific time/space. In this way, it would be possible to promote discussions about its relations with social matters. These lexical contents can be analyzed, for instance, in the publicity having in mind its power of extending the desires of its receiver/customer to the acquisition of products/services since it is a media outlet that provide aids, by means of verbal texts produced by advertising editors, in order to deal with issues of our society, as those related to female and male genders. From all of this, the present article aims at organizing lexical items in market segments, here referred to lexicon-marketing, so as to make possible observation of social behaviors in the universes of both women and men.


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This study aims to elucidate the marketing experience and to show the fundamental role that strategic communication plays as a tool for approaching the target audience and for consolidating a brand. The necessity for differentiation and innovation increases with market competition, standardization of products and services and with a customer more demanding and careful, leading the sensorial experiences to a trend of communication capable of bringing closer the relation between consumer and brand. From a bibliography research, marketing concepts, public relations and marketing experience are studied, presenting national and international cases of success in the retail industry. The study focuses on the comprehension of actions that leads to experiences in the market environment


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Estudos relacionados ao perfil do consumidor colocam-se como importante subsídio à participação competitiva dos diferentes segmentos nas cadeias agroalimentares e para a própria organização da mesma. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi o de identificar o perfil dos consumidores de frutas em cidades do interior do Estado de São Paulo. A amostra foi constituída de 404 consumidores em pontos de venda previamente selecionados nas cidades de Botucatu, Avaré, Jaboticabal, Ilha Solteira e Tupã. Os resultados sobre o perfil do consumidor de frutas nas cidades pesquisadas sinalizam uma preocupação com as características do produto (saudáveis e saborosos), com o preço e com facilidades de acesso na compra. Os resultados apontam também para a necessidade de maiores estudos sobre a importância da informação relacionada aos aspectos mais valorizados (características do produto e preço) na estrutura de consumo.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Ciências Sociais - FFC


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The self-evaluation is increasingly necessary in a competitive environment, and a way for companies to self-evaluate is through your budget. Knowing the importance of this budgetary process, this study aimed to observe and analyze the developing process of a zero-based budgeting (ZBB) highlighting its best practices and difficulties and propose recommendations for other companies in general. This goal was achieved through a case study in an area responsible for the budgeting process in the customer services department from a white-goods company. Also was required to review the literature regarding the customer services area, waste reduction, cost management, budgets in general and the zero-based budgeting. After reviewing the literature and the study, we can highlight good practices and difficulties observed in the studied company, and also propose recommendations on how to develop a zero-based budget and evidence what plans, analyzes and justifications are essential in a good budget process execution


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This work contains a preliminary marketing plan for host services on Frei Galvão’s Church in Guaratinguetá, SP, Brazil. It started from the analysis of the current situation and of a study on visitors’ profiles. The development of the marketing plan proposal used the methodology of the 7 P’s of service marketing. The studies brought some relevant results, as they have indicated a lack of restaurants, adequate signalization, restrooms and a good parking lot. The studies have also shown that the host services managers lack data about number of visitors and about the distribution of pills. These results allowed the author to elaborate some strategies and formulate the proposal here presented


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This work presents as the central theme the management conducted by the Public Relations' professional regarding the custom relations' channels, focusing on Ombudsman. Its main objective is to discuss, reflect and establish a parallel between these activities, highlighting the importance of these channels on the organization’s communication and relationship process with their customers. Split in three chapters, it begins the discussion about the terminology in Ombudsman, from the meaning and concept of the terms to the comparison with other relationship means with the customer. It is a part of the study a brief history about organizations and their changes over the years, emphasizing the importance of customers and relations for the success of the modern day organizations, considering the Public Relations in this context. The discussion concludes establishing a parallel between the Ombudsman channels and the meaning of public relations in its management, regarding the relevancy of the subject in a highly competitive scenario, in which the customer/person, as a change agent, can be the responsible for the success or failure of organizations. The study tries to focus on showing the importance of the skills and competencies of the Public Relations for the fore mentioned channels, which are not well defined yet.


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This academic work has as its objective to demonstrate the fundamental role of communication as a tool towards implantating an environmental management project in organizations, aswell as familiarizing with the complex relashionship be-tween green businesses and its publics. The concern involving environmental prob-lems are increasing and it directly affects the consumer’s choice and their requests on organizations’ behavior. The integration with all sectors of economy is necessary as a part of a developing process that has as its main objective the environmental conservation and therefore the quality of human life on planet. There is also the question of how in the process of communication there is not an only way of interven-tion, but a continuous reciprocal action. The work is accomplished with an analyses of the green management communication of the business Grupo Abril


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This work of course conclusion aim to do the elaboration of a model of implantation of a Program of Relationship Marketing in an organization of visual communication in Bauru, São Paulo. The bibliographical revision evidences the evolution of the marketing in accordance with the necessities of each period, as well as the evolution of the profession of Public Relations that throughout the time accumulated many functions. Therefore, to implant the Relationship Marketing is necessary that the marketing may be faced as an enterprise philosophy, so that all workers have the focus in the customer’s satisfaction. The proposal of implantation of a Program of Relationship Marketing is validated by a basic agent, the Public Relations, who is able to work integrated with the Marketing Department to manage the process completely. The proposal elaborated is personalized, at the same time, is made having as base a previous diagnosis and an analysis of 3 Puts of the organization, so that, do a strategical planning of implantation of this new culture focused in the customer, based in the relationship


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Os Medicamentos Isentos de Prescrição (MIPs) são de venda livre que têm como propósito tratar sintomas e distúrbios menores, sendo responsáveis pela movimentação de bilhões de dólares a cada ano mundialmente. É permitida a veiculação de propagandas direta ao consumidor, não sendo obrigatória a apresentação da prescrição. A disponibilidade e o consumo de MIPs podem impactar a saúde, economia e a promoção do uso racional de medicamentos, portanto se faz necessário compreender o comportamento e as motivações dos consumidores pelos MIPs e a prática da automedicação. Para tanto, conduziu-se um estudo entre março e junho de 2014 por meio de entrevistas com perguntas abertas referentes a classes terapêuticas adquiridas para automedicação, frequência com que os consumidores compraram MIPs e se automedicaram, os problemas de saúde que os motivaram a se automedicarem e a comprarem MIPs e à prática da automedicação. Foram entrevistados 47 consumidores entre 18 e 70 anos residentes em Araraquara/SP. A indicação familiar é o fator de influência mais recorrente (14), seguida pela indicação do balconista da drogaria (11) e amigos (6). A classe de MIPs mais consumida pelos entrevistados é a de analgésicos, que está relacionada com a ocorrência de dores de cabeça e musculares, sendo que a compra de MIPs ocorre, no mínimo, uma vez por mês. As motivações para a compra são principalmente o preço (33) seguido da marca (30). A automedicação ocorre também para o alívio de dores e a maioria alegou saber o conceito da automedicação porém, ainda assim, afirmou administrar por conta própria medicamentos MIPs e/ou sujeitos a prescrições, sem orientação de um profissional de saúde.


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This work of course conclusion has as objective main the development of a plan of marketing for academy of Acquamondo gymnastics. The enterprise has good equipment and training structure, allowing the client a propitious exercise that shows valuables results. However, there's no structured organization of internal and external communication and marketing: the concern with this topics, essential nowadays to the companies' survivor, practically doesn't exists. Expecting the improvement of the relationship between academy and its clients, enlarge the horizons of the mark and make it known at Bauru and region, stablish priority publics and actions and prospect new clients, the main ideas have been used of practices which contribute in an expressive way for the e stablished objective, like planning, strategic planning, marketing, communication and Public Relations, all applied to the reality of a micro and small company. Based on the concepts described above and by means of SWOT Analysis, a model of marketing plan was proposed with the aim of expanding the reach and impact power of Acquamondo gymnastics in the region its operates


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This paper aims to discuss the influence of the Public Relations professional in the current market environment, where the client's relationship with the organization is visibly marked by greater freedom of the latter in the decision of buying. The importance of the work and vision of this professional can be observed trough the paths marketing area had been taking, like the appearance of Marketing 3.0. In this paper the intention is to study the paths who lead to the convergence of both areas and in what way both professionals can allied their knowledge aiming to succeed in the market, without ignoring the fact that the results will be better and better the more genuine is the philosophy of respect for the client practiced by the organization and its employees