15 resultados para MOLLUSCS

em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"


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Seeking the identification of Angiostrongylus cantonensis as a potential etiological agent of three clinical cases of eosinophilic meningitis, mollusc specimens were collected in the state of Espírito Santo, Brazil. The snails were identified as Sarasinula marginata (45 specimens), Subulina octona (157), Achatina fulica (45) and Bradybaena similaris (23). Larvae obtained were submitted to polymerase chain reaction and restriction fragment length polymorphism diagnosis. Their genetic profile were corresponded to A. cantonensis. Rattus norvegicus experimentally infected with third-stage larvae, developed menigoencephalitis, and parasites became sexually mature in the lungs. Additionally, larvae obtained from A. fulica snails, from São Vicente, state of São Paulo, also showed genetic profiles of this nematode. This is the first record of Brazilian molluscs infected with this nematode species.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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DNA analysis by molecular techniques has significantly expanded the perspectives of the study and understanding of genetic variability in molluscs that ere vectors of schistosomiasis. In tire present study, the genetic variability of susceptible and resistant B. tenagophila strains to S. mansoni infection was investigated using amplification of their genomic DNA by RAPD-PCR. The products were analyzed by PAGE and stained with silver. The results showed pdymorphism between tested strains with four different primers. We found two bonds of 1,900 and 3,420 bp that were characteristic of the susceptible strains with primer 2. The primers 9 end 10 identified a single polymorphic bond that was also characteristic of (3,136 and 5,041 bp, respectively) susceptible snails. Two polymorphic bonds were detected by primer 15: one with 1 800 bp was characteristic of the resistant strain and the other with 1,700 do in the susceptible one. These results provide additional evidence showing that the RAPD-PCR technique is adequate for the study of polymorphisms in intermediate hosts snails of S. mansoni. The obtained results are expected to expend the knowledge about the genetic variability of the snails and to permit the future identification of genomic sequences specifically related to the resistance/susceptibility of Biompholario to the larval forms of S. mansoni.


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Biotic interactions between brachiopods and spionid polychaete worms, collected around San Juan Islands (USA), were documented using observations from live-collected individuals and traces of bioerosion found in dead brachiopod shells. Specimens of Terebratalia tranversa (Sowerby), Terebratulina unguicula (Carpenter), Laqueus californianus (Koch), and Hemithiris psittacea (Gmelin) were collected from rocky and muddy substrates, from sites ranging from 14.7-93.3 m in depth. Out of 1,131 specimens, 91 shells showed traces of bioerosion represented by horizontal tubes. Tubes are U-shaped, straight or slightly curved, sometimes branched, with both tube openings communicating externally. on internal surfaces of infested shells, blisters are observed. All brachiopod species yielded tubes, except for H. psittacea. Tubes are significantly more frequent on live specimens, and occur preferentially on larger, ventral valves. This pattern suggests selectivity by the infester rather than a taphonomic bias. Given the mode of life of studied brachiopods (epifaunal, sessile, attached to the substrate, lying on dorsal valve), ventral valves of living specimens should offer the most advantageous location for suspension-feeding infesters. Frequent infestation of brachiopods by parasitic spionids is ecologically and commercially noteworthy because farmed molluscs are also commonly infested by parasitic polychaetes. In addition, brachiopod shells are among the most common marine macroscopic fossils found in the Phanerozoic fossil record. From a paleontological perspective, spionid-infested brachiopod shells may be a prime target for studying parasite-host interactions over evolutionary time scales.


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The invertebrate's musculature still presents many elusive points, especially in molluscs that generally present smooth and cracked fibers with peculiar characteristics. It was found that the molluscs reactions to the ion variation in the bathing are not very clear, mainly in view of the isolated reduction or equivalent of the ions. Suspended in bath, the isolated esophagus of the P. lineata exhibited spontaneous activity. This rhythmic activity was sensitive to the ion variation of the perfusion liquid, evidenced by alterations in the spontaneous contractions. The equivalent reduction of the ion reduced the spontaneous activity, evidenced by the amplitude reduction of the response, besides maintaning an organ contraction, primarily in the reductions below 50%. When the isolated reductions of the Na, Ca or K ion were performed, occurred interference in the spontaneous contractions of the organs, principally in amplitude of the response and maintenance of the contracture in reductions of 50 and 25% of the ion.


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This study proposes to ascertain the importance of each alimentary category in the Tetrapturus albidus diet composition, as well as to propose the use of the Bayesian approach for analysis of these data. The stomachs were collected during fishing cruises carried out by the Santos-SP longliner from July 2007 to June 2008. For Bayesian model formulation, each alimentary item was clustered in four food categories as: teleost, cephalopod, crustaceans, and others. To estimate the proportion of each food category, the multinomial model with Dirichlet conjugate prior distribution was used. After the stomach contents analysis, 133 food items were identified, which belonged to 9 taxa. The most important food category is constituted by cephalopod molluscs, followed by teleost fishes. The food category comprised of crustaceans presents a low contribution and in this case it could be considered to be an accidental food item. The Bayesian approach means a distinct view in relation to traditional methods, as it permits one to incorporate information obtained from the literature. It should be useful to analyse great top predators, which are usually caught in small numbers.


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Exceptionally abundant specimens of Conularia aff. desiderata Hall occur in multiple marine obrution deposits, in a single sixth-order parasequence composed of argillaceous and silty very fine sandstone, in the Otsego Member of the Mount Marion Formation (Middle Devonian, Givetian) in eastern New York State, USA. Associated fossils consist mostly of rhynchonelliform brachiopods but also include bivalve molluscs, orthoconic nautiloids, linguliform brachiopods and gastropods. Many of the brachiopods, bivalve molluscs and conulariids have been buried in situ. Conulariids buried in situ are oriented with their aperture facing obliquely upward and with their long axis inclined at up to 87degree to bedding. Most specimens are solitary, but some occur in V-like pairs or in radial clusters consisting of three specimens, with the component specimens being about equally long or (less frequently) substantially different in length. The compacted apical end of Conularia buried in situ generally rests upon argillaceous sandstone. With one possible exception, none of the examined specimens terminates in a schott (apical wall), and internal schotts appear to be absent. The apical ends of specimens in V-like pairs and radial clusters show no direct evidence of interconnection of their periderms. The apical, middle or apertural region of some inclined specimens abuts or is in close lateral proximity to a recumbent conulariid or to one or more spiriferid brachiopods, some of which have been buried in their original life orientation. The azimuthal bearings of Conularia and nautiloid long axes and the directions in which conulariids open are nonrandom, with conulariids being preferentially aligned between 350 and 50degree and with their apertural end facing north-east, and nautiloids being preferentially aligned between 30 and 70degree. Otsego Member Conularia were erect or semi-erect, epifaunal or partially infaunal animals, the apical end of which rested upon very fine bottom sediment. The origin of V-like pairs and radial clusters remains enigmatic, but it is probable that production of schotts was not a regular feature of this animal's life history. Finally, conulariids and associated fauna were occasionally smothered by distal storm deposits, under the influence of relatively weak bottom currents. © The Palaeontological Association.


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Using a genuinely tridimensional approach to the time-dependent Ginzburg-Landau theory, we have studied the local magnetic field profile of a mesoscopic superconductor in the so-called SQUID geometry, i.e., a square with a hole at the center connected to the outside vacuum through a very thin slit. Our investigation was carried out in both the Meissner and the mixed state. We have also studied the influence of the temperature on the space distribution of the local magnetic field. © 2013 IOP Publishing Ltd.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Pós-graduação em Biologia Animal - IBILCE


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)