16 resultados para MEXICO

em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"


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The calico box crab Hepatus epheliticus is an abundant species from shallow and continental shelf waters of the Atlantic coast of USA and Mexico. Information about population structure and sexual maturity is absent, even though this crab is caught to be used as bait for the octopus fishery in the Campeche Bank, Mexico. In order to achieve such information, a total of 768 individuals were collected from January to March 2010 through baited traps installed in the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico. Our results showed that sex ratio is biased towards more males than females (1:0.55), contradicting to that reported in other brachyuran crabs. The absence of ovigerous females suggests that they did not enter into the traps during embryogenesis. Males reached a larger maximum size than females (64.0 +/- 6.15 and 58.4 +/- 5.60 mm carapace width, respectively). The general scheme of growth being positive allometric throughout ontogeny of both sexes. Males presented a transition phase from juveniles to adult corresponding to the puberty moult. The estimation of the onset of functional sexual maturity revealed a steady situation for the population, with 21.5 and 13.8% of males and females, respectively, morphologically immature at the time of catch. This study constitutes the first report on population structure and sexual maturity in a population of the calico box crab H. epheliticus.


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The taxonomic identity of specimens of the genus Hippolyte Leach, 1814 of Laguna de Términos was considered including the colour and the presence-absence of tufts of plumose setae on the dorsal surface of the carapace and abdomen as secondary characteristics to morphological features of taxonomic value. Two groups were formed based on appearance: one transparent with setae and another green without setae. The analysis of five morphological characteristics in adult females of the two groups made it possible to identify only H. zostericola (Smith, 1873). Fecundity and fertility were similar (0.5>p>0.2) in both groups. The first zoea of both groups were also morphologically similar. Considering these results, it is concluded that the only species collected was H. zoslericola and that it has two phenotypical types. It is recomended that the morphological analysis of all larval stages be carried out.


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The aim of this paper is to discuss the quality of fiscal policy in Brazil and Mexico and investigate whether fiscal policy influence is favorable to reduce the unemployment rate. Public spending, which has a positive effect on the level of employment when results in additional aggregate demand, may cause a negative effect on employment, if its financing depends on persistent high interest rates. Brazil and Mexico have engaged in a long effort to control public spending and to reduce the public deficit to zero. Does this policy bring a positive result to the economic activity no matter how actual public deficit has been financed? We select variables related to public budget as public sector borrowing requirements, taxes, public debt and others to form a data base. The fiscal institutional arrangement and the data allow us to evaluate the fiscal policy as a whole and to discuss the importance of credibility and reputation of the government.


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Eighteen collections of red-coloured Audouinella from Central Mexico and southeastern Brazil detected three species. The most common species, A. eugenea, is characterized by macroscopic thalli, the erect system consisting of filaments with cylindrical cells, undifferentiated into proximal and distal parts, and relatively large monosporangia (greater than or equal to 12.0 mum long). Spermatangia. and possible propagules were observed in some Mexican populations. This is the third Audouinella species observed to have gametangia and the first member of the Acrochaetiales with putative propagules. The second species, from Central Mexico, was characterized by the following features: macroscopic thalli, the erect system differentiated into proximal parts with cylindrical cells, unbranched or rarely branched, and distal parts with barrel-shaped cells, abundantly branched to form dense fascicles, with alternate or dichotomous branching, some at right-angles to the axis, and relatively large monosporangia (greater than or equal to 12.0 mum long). The morphologically distinct proximal and distal portions of the erect system, the latter forming dense fascicles, was a consistent character so far unknown in Audouinella; thus, we propose a new species, A. huastecana sp. nov. The third species is a microscopic epiphyte, A. meiospora, with a well-developed prostrate system composed of creeping and loosely aggregated filaments, and a short homogeneous erect system (less than or equal to 15 cells) of filaments with cylindrical or barrel-shaped cells and small monosporangia (less than or equal to 13.0 mum long). A. eugenea and A. meiospora are characterized for the first time from the Southern and Northern Hemispheres, respectively, both occurring mostly in areas of tropical or subtropical rainforests. A. meiospora is reported from new macroalgal hosts. A. eugenea and A. huastecana tended to occur in warm, alkaline waters with a high ion content that were moderate to fast flowing, whereas A. meiospora was not associated with particular habitats.


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The stable oxygen and carbon isotopic composition of caliche in fluvial and supratidal rocks of the Abo Formation (Permian), south-central New Mexico, is controlled by palecoclimate and depositional environment. Fluvial caliche consists of low-Mg calcite nodules and vertically oriented tubules that display stage II texture. Micrite matrix support, brecciation, ooids/pisoliths, aveolar-septal texture, and peloids are common in the fluvial caliche and, along with red color and slickensides in the host shale, indicate pedogenesis in a well-oxidized vadose zone. In contrast, periodic waterlogging of the supratidal paleosols, probably due to high water table, is indicated by drab colors, carbonaceous flecks, horizontal rhizoliths, and the paucity of vadose textures in the stage II caliche nodules.Stable oxygen isotopes are similar in the fluvial and supratidal caliches and range from 21.6 to 30.5 parts per thousand (SMOW). The data exhibit a crude bimodality and delta-O-18 enrichment with a decrease in age (higher in the section). Consideration of these data in the context of delta-temperature relations suggests that 1) surface waters responsible for caliche formation increased in delta-O-18 (from roughly -8 to + 1 parts per thousand) over the 18 m.y. time interval that separated the lowest stratigraphic nodule horizon from the highest, 2) the increasing delta-O-18 values also reflect a warming trend (approximately 15-degrees to nearly 30-degrees-C) in the mean monthly temperature over this same time period, with perhaps an associated increase in Permian ocean temperatures, and 3) the significant variation in delta-O-18 from oldest to youngest caliche was probably enhanced by the amount effect, such that as the temperature increased, the amount of precipitation decreased, resulting in high delta-O-18 values.Caliches in the Abo are enriched in heavy carbon (-7.2 to -1.5 part per thousand PDB) compared to that of soil carbonate derived exclusively from C3 plants (-12 part per thousand PDB), and the supratidal caliches contain somewhat heavier carbon compared to the fluvial caliche. The delta-C-13 values for both environments increase with a decrease in caliche age. These results indicate that as the temperature increased and rainfall decreased with time, the level of C3 plant productivity apparently declined, allowing a greater influx of atmospheric CO2 into the soil. This can only occur when soil respiration rates are quite low or at very shallow depths (less than 10 cm), or both. Atmospheric CO2 seems to have invaded the supratidal soils to a somewhat greater extent than the fluvial soils.


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Through the analysis of Mexican livestock statistics and Sonora and Chihuahua regional census, this work discusses the condition of livestock farming in Northern Mexico during the first decades of the twentieth century, specially after the Revolution. There is no doubt that during this period, the absolute number of livestock heads diminished throughout Mexico, but "estate depredations" did vary geographically. In Nortehrn Mexico, livestock farming suffered more in Chihuahua than in Sonora, and herd recovery was also faster in Sonora. This analysis also allows us to underscore the role of postrevolutionary elites in rebuilding regional economies during the 1920's.


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Thirteen populations of Thorea were analyzed from central Mexico and south-eastern Brazil. All populations were considered as belonging to a single species [Thorea hispida (Thore) Desvaux], with wide variation of morphological features. Secondary branches varying in frequency were observed in several populations with an overlapping in the range of branch density for Thorea violacea Bory and T. hispida (0-9 and 11-41 per 30 mm, respectively). As this is the most distinguishing character and on the basis of the overlapping (within a same population or even a single plant), we regarded T. violacea as a synonym of T. hispida. 'Chantransia' stage in culture, as well as gametophyte and carposporophyte were described in detail. We confirmed the coexistence of asexual monosporangia with sexual reproductive structures (carpogonia and spermatangia) and carposporangia. Size, content, arrangement and chromosome number were the most distinctive characteristics among spermatangia, carposporangia and monosporangia. Monosporangia can be promptly differentiated from spermatangia by their granulated content and larger size but they are similar to carposporangia in shape and size; however, monosporangia are not arranged in fascicles. Structures resembling bisporangia were observed in female plants of some populations. Chromosome numbers were n = 4 for spermatangia and fascicle cells, and 2n ca8 for gonimoblast filaments, carpospores and the 'Chantransia' stage cells. The populations of Thorea from central Mexico and south-eastern Brazil corroborated the known world distribution for T. hispida, consisting dominantly of tropical to subtropical rainforests, sometimes extending into warm temperate areas. Thorea hispida occurred in warm (temperature 17.6-28.0°C), neutral to alkaline (pH 7.0-8.0), high ion content (specific conductance 59-2140 μS cm-1), moderate flowing (current velocity 17-43 cm/s) and shallow waters (depth <50 cm); these data are essentially similar to previous reports.


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Three collections of Paralemanea from Central Mexico included two species. Paralemanea mexicana is large (length ≥ 4.0 cm; diameter > 400 μm) and generally branched (≥ 40 % of plants branched), with whorled branches, of first to second order. Paralemanea annulata is small (length < 5.0 cm ; diameter < 500 μm), generally unbranched (≤ 5 % of plants branched), with branches of first order. Spermatangial sori contained obovoid spermatangia, formed from cells of the outer cortical layers, extending above the thallus surface. Carpogonial branches are described for the first time in P. mexicana. They develop on lateral filaments at nodes or internodes and have ovoid to globular cells, abundantly branched at the basal portion, penetrating the cortex towards the thallus surface. Carposporophytes are sessile on the inner portion of the cortex and produce carpospores in chains of up to twelve. The 'Chantransia' stage was observed in P. mexicana. Paralemanea annulata is described for the first time from Mexico and P. mexicana is endemic from this country. Both species were collected in cold (temperature 12-16°C), acidic (pH 5.5-6.0), shallow (depth 1-60 cm) and moderate to fast flowing waters (> 35 cm s-1), in shaded or partly shaded river segments, on rocky substrata (mostly bedrock).


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The morphology and phenology of Sirodotia huillensis was evaluated seasonally in a central Mexican first-order calcareous stream. Water temperature was constant (24-25°C) and pH circumneutral to alkaline (6.7-7.9), and calcium and sulfates were the dominant ions. The gametophyte stages were characterized by the presence of a distinctive mucilaginous layer, a marked difference in phycocyanin to phycoerythrin ratio between female and male plants, and the presence of a carpogonia with a large trichogyne (>60 μm). Occasionally three capogonia were observed on a single basal cell. The 'Chantransia' stages were morphologically similar to those described for the other members of Batrachospermales. A remarkable observation was the formation of dome-shaped structures, consisting of prostrate filaments that are related with the development of new gametophytes. Chromosome numbers were n = 4 for fascicle cells, cortical filament cells and dome-shaped cells, and 2n = 8 for gonimoblast filament cells and 'Chantransia' stage filaments. Gametophytes and 'Chantransia' stages occurred in fast current velocities (60-170 cm/s) and shaded (33.1-121 μmol photons/m2/s) stream segments. The population fluctuated throughout the study period in terms of percentage cover and frequency: the 'Chantransia' stages were most abundant in the rainy season, whereas gametophytic plants had the highest frequency values during the dry season. These results were most likely a result of fluctuations in rainfall and related changes in current velocity. Some characteristics of this population can be viewed as probable adaptations to high current velocities: the mucilaginous layer around plants that reduces drag; potential increase in fertilization by the elongate and plentiful trichogynes and abundant dome-shaped structures producing several gametophytes.


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The MAT1-1 and MAT1-2 idiomorphs associated with the MAT1 locus of Histoplasma capsulatum were identified by PCR. A total of 28 fungal isolates, 6 isolates from human clinical samples and 22 isolates from environmental (infected bat and contaminated soil) samples, were studied. Among the 14 isolates from Mexico, 71.4% (95% confidence interval [95% CI], 48.3% to 94.5%) were of the MAT1-2 genotype, whereas 100% of the isolates from Brazil were of the MAT1-1 genotype. Each MAT1 idiomorphic region was sequenced and aligned, using the sequences of the G-217B (+mating type) and G-186AR (-mating type) strains as references. BLASTn analyses of the MAT1-1 and MAT1-2 sequences studied correlated with their respective+ and-mating type genotypes. Trees were generated by the maximum likelihood (ML) method to search for similarity among isolates of each MAT1 idiomorph. All MAT1-1 isolates originated from Brazilian bats formed a well-defined group; three isolates from Mexico, the G-217B strain, and a subgroup encompassing all soil-derived isolates and two clinical isolates from Brazil formed a second group; last, one isolate (EH-696P) from a migratory bat captured in Mexico formed a third group of the MAT1-1 genotype. The MAT1-2 idiomorph formed two groups, one of which included two H. capsulatum isolates from infected bats that were closely related to the G-186AR strain. The other group was formed by two human isolates and six isolates from infected bats. Concatenated ML trees, with internal transcribed spacer 1 (ITS1) -5.8S-ITS2 and MAT1-1 or MAT1-2 sequences, support the relatedness of MAT1-1 or MAT1-2 isolates. H. capsulatum mating types were associated with the geographical origin of the isolates, and all isolates from Brazil correlated with their environmental sources. © 2013, American Society for Microbiology. All Rights Reserved.


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The aim of this paper is to discuss the quality of fiscal policy in Brazil and Mexico and investigate whether fiscal policy influence is favorable to reduce the unemployment rate. Public spending, which has a positive effect on the level of employment when results in additional aggregate demand, may cause a negative effect on employment, if its financing depends on persistent high interest rates. Brazil and Mexico have engaged in a long effort to control public spending and to reduce the public deficit to zero. Does this policy bring a positive result to the economic activity no matter how actual public deficit has been financed? We select variables related to public budget as public sector borrowing requirements, taxes, public debt and others to form a data base. The fiscal institutional arrangement and the data allow us to evaluate the fiscal policy as a who leand to discuss the importance of credibility and reputation of the government.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)