215 resultados para Legume Germplasm
em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"
Failures in reforestation are often attributed to nutrient limitation for tree growth. We compared tree performance and nitrogen and phosphorus relations in adjacent mixed-species plantings of contrasting composition, established for forest restoration on Ultisol soil, originally covered by tropical semi-deciduous Atlantic Forest in Southeast Brazil. Nutrient relations of four tree species occurring in both planting mixtures were compared between a legume-dominated, species-poor direct seeding mixture of early-successional species ("legume mixture"), and a species-diverse, legume-poor mixture of all successional groups ("diverse mixture"). After 7 years, the legume mixture had 6-fold higher abundance of N(2)-fixing trees, 177% higher total tree basal area, 22% lower litter C/N, six-fold higher in situ soil resin-nitrate, and 40% lower in situ soil resin-P, compared to the diverse mixture. In the legume mixture, non-N(2)-fixing legume Schizolobium parahyba (Fabaceae-Caesalpinioideae) had significantly lower proportional N resorption, and both naturally regenerating non-legume trees had significantly higher leaf N concentrations, and higher proportional P resorption, than in the diverse mixture. This demonstrate forms of plastic adjustment in all three non-N(2)-fixing species to diverged nutrient relations between mixtures. By contrast, leaf nutrient relations in N(2)-fixing Enterolobium contortisiliquum (Fabaceae-Mimosoideae) did not respond to planting mixtures. Rapid N accumulation in the legume mixture caused excess soil nitrification over nitrate immobilization and tighter P recycling compared with the diverse mixture. The legume mixture succeeded in accelerating tree growth and canopy closure, but may imply periods of N losses and possibly P limitation. Incorporation of species with efficient nitrate uptake and P mobilization from resistant soil pools offers potential to optimize these tradeoffs.
Existem mais de 200 raças de milho (Zea mays L.), as quais são divididas em três grupos (raças comerciais antigas, raças comerciais recentes e raças indígenas). As raças indígenas, embora não tenham valor comercial, possuem muitas características importantes que podem ser utilizadas em programas de melhoramento de milho. A maior parte do germoplasma brasileiro das raças de milho indígena foi coletada, no mínimo, 40 anos atrás e nada é conhecido sobre a variabilidade presente neste germoplasma. Quinze populações de 4 raças indígenas de milho (Caingang, Entrelaçado, Lenha e Moroti) e 5 cultivares indígenas foram analisados utilizando-se 5 sistemas isoenzimáticos codificados por 14 locos. A análise revelou um baixo nível de variabilidade entre as amostras estudadas. O número médio de alelos/loco foi três, com 64,3% de locos polimórficos e uma heterozigosidade média esperada de 0,352. Por população, a média de número de alelos por loco polimórfico foi 1,6, em média 47,5% dos locos foram polimórficos e a heterozigosidade média foi 0,195. A distância genética média entre as populações foi 0,821 e a proporção da variabilidade genética, que é atribuída ao componente entre populações (Gst), foi 0,156. Os dados sugerem que um efeito de fundador poderia explicar a baixa variabilidade detectada.
Response to mineral fertilization and inoculation with rhizobia and/or arbuscular mycorrhiza fungi (AMF) of the Anadenanthera colubrina, Mimosa bimucronata and Parapiptadenia rigida (Leguminosae-Mimosoideae) native trees from Brazilian riparian forests, were studied in nursery conditions. Each species was submitted to seven treatments, varying nitrogen and phosphorous fertilization and inoculation with rhizobia (r), mycorrhiza (m) or both (rm): NP, P, P + r, P + rm, N, N + m and N + rm. Results showed that AMF inoculations did not enhance the mycorrhizal colonization, and P uptake was not sufficient to sustain good growth of plants. The level of P mineral added affected negatively the AMF colonization in A. colubrina and M. bimucronata, but not in P. rigida. Native fungi infected the three legume hosts. The absence of mineral N limited growth of A. colubrina and P. rigida, but in M. bimucronata the lack of N was corrected by biological nitrogen fixation. N mineral added inhibited the nodulation, although spontaneous nodulation had occurred in A. colubrina and M. bimucronata. Rhizobia inoculation enhanced the number of nodules, nitrogenase activity and leghemoglobin content of these two species. Thus, the extent of rhizobial and mycorrhizal symbiosis in these species under nursery conditions can affect growth and consequently the post-planting success. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Lotus tetragonolobus lectin (LTA) is a fucose-specific legume lectin. Although several studies report a diverse combination of biological activities for LTA, little is known about the mechanisms involved in L-fucosyl oligosaccharide recognition. The crystal structure of LTA at 2.0 angstrom resolution reveals a different legume lectin tetramer. Its structure consists of a homotetramer composed of two back-to-back GS4-like dimers arranged in a new mode, resulting in a novel tetramer. The LTA N-linked carbohydrate at Asn4 and the unusual LTA dimer-dimer interaction are related to its particular mode of tetramerization. In addition, we used small angle X-ray scattering to investigate the quaternary structure of LTA in solution and to compare it to the crystalline structure. Although the crystal structure of LTA has revealed a conserved metal-binding site, its L-fucose-binding site presents some punctual differences. Our investigation of the new tetramer of LTA and its fucose-binding site is essential for further studies related to cross-linking between LTA and complex divalent L-fucosyl carbohydrates. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Plant lectins, especially those purified from species of the Legummosae family, represent the best studied group of carbohydrate-binding proteins. The legume lectins from Diocleinae subtribe are highly similar proteins that present significant differences in the potency/ efficacy of their biological activities. The structural studies of the interactions between lectins and sugars may clarify the origin of the distinct biological activities observed in this high similar class of proteins. In this way, this work presents a crystallographic study of the ConM and CGL (agglutinins from Canavalia maritima and Canavalia gladiata, respectively) in the following complexes: ConM/ CGL:Man(alpha 1-2)Man(alpha 1-0)Me, ConM/CGL:Man(alpha 1-O)Man(alpha 1-O)Me and ConM/CGL:Man(alpha 1-4)Man(alpha 1-O)Me, which crystallized in different conditions and space group from the native proteins.The structures were solved by molecular replacement, presenting satisfactory values for R-factor and R-factor. Comparisons between ConM, CGL and ConA (Canavalia ensiformis lectin) binding mode with the dimannosides in subject, presented different interactions patterns, which may account for a structural explanation of the distincts biological properties observed in the lectins of Diocleinae subtribe. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Using molecular markers, this work compares the genetic diversity in Colletotrichum gloeosporioides infecting species of the tropical forage legume Stylosanthes at the center of origin in Brazil and Colombia with that of Australia, China, and India, where Srylosanthes spp. have been introduced for commercial use. There was extensive diversity in the pathogen population from Brazil, Colombia, China, and India. The Australian pathogen population was least diverse probably due to its geographical isolation and effective quarantine. The extensive diversity in China and India means that threats from exotic pathogen races to Stylosanthes pastures can potentially come from countries outside the South American center of origin. In Brazil and India, both with native Stylosanthes populations, a high level of genetic differentiation in the pathogen population was associated with sites where native or naturalized host population was widely distributed. There was limited genetic diversity at germplasm evaluation sites, with a large proportion of isolates having identical haplotypes. This contrasts recent pathogenicity results for 78 of the Brazilian isolates that show hot spots of complex races are more common around research stations where host germplasm are tested, but few are found at sites containing wild host populations. For a pathogen in which the same races arise convergently from different genetic backgrounds, this study highlights the importance of using both virulence and selectively neutral markers to understand pathogen population structure.
The Arachis section is the most important of the nine sections of the genus Arachis because it includes the cultivated peanut, Arachis hypogaea. The genetic improvement of A. hypogaea using wild relatives is at an early stage of development in spite of their potential as sources of genes, including those for disease and pests resistance, that are not found in the A. hypogaea primary gene pool. Section Arachis species germplasm has been collected and maintained in gene banks and its use and effective conservation depends on our knowledge of the genetic variability contained in this material. Microsatellites are routinely used for the analysis of genetic variability because they are highly polymorphic and codominant. The objective of this study was to evaluate the transferability of microsatellite primers and the assay of genetic variability between and within the germplasm of some species of the Arachis section. Fourteen microsatellite loci developed for three different species of Arachis were analyzed and 11 (78%) were found to be polymorphic. All loci had transferability to all the species analyzed. The polymorphic loci were very informative, with expected heterozygosity per locus ranging from 0.70 to 0.94. In general, the germplasm analyzed showed wide genetic variation. © 2006 Sociedade Brasileira de Genética.
The use of cover crops has been suggested as an effective method to maintain and/or increase the organic matter content, while maintaining and/or enhancing the soil physical, chemical and biological properties. The fertility of Cerrado soils is low and, consequently, phosphorus levels as well. Phosphorus is required at every metabolic stage of the plant, as it plays a role in the processes of protein and energy synthesis and influences the photosynthetic process. This study evaluated the influence of cover crops and phosphorus rates on soil chemical and biological properties after two consecutive years of common bean. The study analyzed an Oxisol in Selvíria (Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil), in a randomized block, split plot design, in a total of 24 treatments with three replications. The plot treatments consisted of cover crops (millet, pigeon pea, crotalaria, velvet bean, millet + pigeon pea, millet + crotalaria, and millet + velvet bean) and one plot was left fallow. The subplots were represented by phosphorus rates applied as monoammonium phosphate (0, 60 and 90 kg ha-1 P2O5). In August 2011, the soil chemical properties were evaluated (pH, organic matter, phosphorus, potential acidity, cation exchange capacity, and base saturation) as well as biological variables (carbon of released CO2, microbial carbon, metabolic quotient and microbial quotient). After two years of cover crops in rotation with common bean, the cover crop biomass had not altered the soil chemical properties and barely influenced the microbial activity. The biomass production of millet and crotalaria (monoculture or intercropped) was highest. The biological variables were sensitive and responded to increasing phosphorus rates with increases in microbial carbon and reduction of the metabolic quotient.
Dendrobium is a large genus in the family Orchidaceae that exhibits vast diversity in floral characteristics, which is of considerable importance to orchid breeders, biotechnologists and collectors. Native species have high value as a result of their medicinal properties, while their hybrids are important as ornamental commodities, either as cut flowers or potted plants and are thus veritable industrial crops. Thus, preservation of Dendrobium germplasm is valuable for species conservation, breeding programs and the floriculture industry. Cryopreservation represents the only safe, efficient and cost-effective long-term storage option to facilitate the conservation of genetic resources of plant species. This review highlights 16 years of literature related to the preservation of Dendrobium germplasm and comprises the most comprehensive assessment of thorough studies performed to date, which shows reliable and reproducible results. Air-drying, encapsulation-dehydration, encapsulation-vitrification, vitrification and droplet-vitrification are the current cryopreservation methodologies that have been used to cryopreserve Dendrobium germplasm. Mature seeds, pollen, protoplasts, shoot primordia, protocorms and somatic embryos or protocorm-like bodies (PLBs) have been cryopreserved with different levels of success. Encapsulation-vitrification and encapsulation-dehydration are the most used protocol, while PLBs represent the main explant explored.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Frutos, sementes e plântulas de Crotalaria lanceolata, conhecida popularmente como guizo-de-cascavel, chocalho-de-cobra, xique-xique ou feijão-de-guizo, planta tóxica infestante que ocorre no Estado de São Paulo, foram estudadas morfologicamente e citogeneticamente. Os frutos são secos, deiscentes, polispérmicos e do tipo legume. As sementes são reniformes e o embrião é constituído de eixo embrionário e dois cotilédones. A testa pode apresentar variadas tonalidades de castanhos. A germinação é epígea e fanerocotiledonar. A espécie apresenta número cromossômico diplóide 2n = 16 com formulação cariotípica 12M + 4SM e comprimento cromossômico médio geral de 3,340 ± 0,689.
O cultivo da soja fora da época convencional pode ser uma alternativa de rotação de cultura além de proporcionar sementes de melhor qualidade fisiológica, que podem ser utilizadas na semeadura da próxima safra diminuindo o período de armazenamento. O trabalho de pesquisa teve por objetivo avaliar o comportamento de sete cultivares de soja, em três densidades populacionais, quanto ao porte e altura de inserção da primeira vagem, assim como quanto à produção e qualidade fisiológica das sementes, semeadas no período de inverno, na região de Selvíria-MS. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos casualizados, com quatro repetições, dispostos em esquema fatorial 7 ×3. Os tratamentos constaram de sete cultivares (IAC-16, IAC-Foscarin 31, FT-2, IAC-17, IAC-8, Doko e FT-Cristalina) e três densidades de plantas (300, 400 e 500 mil plantas ha-1). O ciclo da soja foi reduzido no cultivo de inverno, principalmente nos cultivares considerados tardios. O fotoperíodo no cultivo de inverno reduziu o período entre o florescimento e a maturação. O cultivar IAC-8 foi o menos sensível ao fotoperíodo, possuindo maturação em época semelhante aos cultivares tardios, e apresentou as melhores características agronômicas para o cultivo no período de inverno. É aconselhável o aumento de densidade de semeadura quando do uso de cultivares precoces em cultivos de inverno. Não é aconselhável armazenar sementes em condições ambientes, principalmente com valores de germinação próximo ao limite inferior desejável (80%).