117 resultados para Leaf angle

em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"


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The original brachytic population 'Dent Single Cross Composite' (DSCC-br2br2) and a selection-derived sub-population with modified plant architecture (DSCC-br2br2-Lg3Lg3, selected for erect leaves), were evaluated for the following characteristics number of vascular bundles of greater and smaller size, total vascular tissue area (phloem and xylem), sustaining tissue area (vascular tissue plus sclerenchyma), phloem and sclerenchyma areas in apical, medial and basal portions from midclub and in apical and basal sheath regions (from second leaf above and first below ear insertion). These variables had different values for the five different sections studied in each leaf and these differences did not have the same pattern in the two DSCC populations (brachytic and with modified architecture). Selection for architectural modification caused some indirect foliar anatomical modifications. With the exception of the phloem and the vascular tissue areas in apical leaf and sheath base regions, the modified plant architecture population showed smaller values of sustaining tissue area, sclerenchyma area, vascular tissue area and number of smaller vascular bundles than the original one. In the ligule region the modified maize leaves had smaller vascular and sustaining tissue areas, reducing transportation area, which could reduce gram yield.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Aiming at improving the efficiency control of Phakopsora pachyrhizi, this research evaluated different application techniques, using spray deposits and yield parameters of soybean crop. Two experiments were carried out in the experimental area of FCA/UNESP - Botucatu, SP, Brazil, in the soybean crop, Conquista variety, in the 2006/2007 season. The first experiment was arranged in random blocks with eight treatments and four replications. The treatments were conducted in factorial arrangement 4×2 (four air levels 0, 9, 11 and 29 km/h combined at two nozzle angles 0 and 30°) using AXI 110015 nozzles. Ten plants on each plot were selected for sampling spray deposits. Artificial targets were fixed on plants, two in the top and another two in the bottom part of plants (abaxial and adaxial leaf surface each one). For deposit evaluations, a cupric tracer was used and the amount of deposits was determined by a spectrophotometer. The second experiment was carried out in the same place and the treatments were of the same arrangement as the previous experiment, including control treatment (untreated plants). The spraying with triazole fungicide was realized in R2 and R5.2 growth stages of soybean with 142 l/ha spray volume. The nozzle angled of 30° combined with maximum air speed promoted the highest spray deposits on the soybean crop and influenced positively the control of the soybean Asian rust as well in the productivity of this crop.


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A seringueira é uma planta de fácil reconhecimento por ser lenhosa, de porte mediano a grande, que apresenta um padrão característico de desfolha e reenfolhamento e, sobretudo, pela produção de látex. O objetivo do trabalho foi efetuar um estudo anatômico e morfológico foliar, comparando os clones RRIM 600 e GT 1 de seringueira &91;Hevea brasiliensis (Wild. ex Adr. de Juss.) Muell.- Arg&93;, desenvolvidos sob as mesmas condições edáficas e climáticas, para obtenção de informações que possam fornecer subsídios para correlações com dados fisiológicos e também diferenciar os clones em relação ao conteúdo de fibras, espessamento de tecidos do parênquima paliçádico e do parênquima lacunoso, caracterização anatômica do pecíolo, número e tamanho de estômatos e fornecer dados referentes a morfologia foliolar. Foram realizadas secções transversais na região do mesófilo, nervura central e pecíolo, seguindo-se os métodos usuais de preparação de lâminas permanentes. Foram realizadas análises biométricas de extensões de tecidos dos parênquimas paliçádico e lacunoso e contagem do número de células do parênquima lacunoso. Paralelamente foram realizadas análises biométricas para aferições de estômatos. Não houve diferenças para a altura das células epidérmicas, altura e número de camadas do parênquima lacunoso e para o comprimento e para a maior largura do limbo foliolar. Porém houve variação para a espessura das células do parênquima paliçádico, sendo que GT 1 apresentou maior espessura em relação a RRIM 600. GT1 apresentou maior número de estômatos em relação a RRIM 600, porém com menor tamanho. GT1 apresentou maior diâmetro da nervura central da folha e do pecíolo e maior quantidade de fibras de esclerênquima que RRIM 600.


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The aim of this study was to determine the toxicity of the aqueous extract of neem leaves, a product extensively used in fish-farms as alternative for the control of fish parasites and fish fry predators, for the neotropical fish Prochilodus lineatus. The 24 It LC(50) of neem leaf extract for juveniles P lineatus was estimated as 4.8 g L(-1); the fish were then exposed for 24 h to 2.5, 5.0 and 7.5 g L(-1) or only clean water (control). Plasma glucose levels were higher in fish exposed to 2.5 g L(-1) and 5.0 g L(-1) neem extract, relative to control, indicating a typical stress response. Neem extract did not interfere with the osmoregulating capacity of the fish, as their plasma sodium, chloride, total protein and osmolarity did not change. The presence of the biopesticide interfered with the antioxidant defense system of P. lineatus, as there was a decrease in liver catalase activity at all neem concentrations and the detoxifying enzyme glutathione-S-transferase was activated in fish exposed to 5.0 g L(-1). Fish exposed to all neem extract concentrations exhibited damaged gill and kidney tissue. These results indicate that although neem extract is less toxic to P. lineatus than other synthetic insecticides used in fish-farming it does cause functional and morphological changes in this fish species. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A yeast strain (CBS 8902) was isolated from the nest of a leaf-cutting ant and was shown to be related to Cryptococcus humicola. Sequencing of the D1/D2 region of the 26S ribosomal DNA and physiological characterization revealed a separate taxonomic position. A novel species named Cryptococcus haglerorum is proposed to accommodate strain CBS 8902 that assimilates n-hexadecane and several benzene compounds. Physiological characteristics distinguishing the novel species from some other members of the C. humicola complex are presented. The phylogenetic relationship of these strains to species of the genus Trichosporon Behrend is discussed.


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Atta sexdens L, ante feed on the Fungus they cultivate on cut leaves inside their nests. The fungus, Leucoagaricus gongylophorus, metabolizes plant polysaccharides, such as xylan, starch, pectin, and cellulose, mediating assimilation of these compounds lay the ants, This metabolic integration may be an important part of the ant-fungus symbiosis, and it involves primarily xylan and starch, both of which support rapid fungal growth. Cellulose seems to be less important for symbiont nutrition, since it is poorly degraded and assimilated by the fungus. Pectin is rapidly degraded but slowly assimilated by L. gongylophorus, and its degradation may occur so that the fungus can more easily access other polysaccharides in the leaves.


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Laboratory colonies of the leaf-cutting ants Atta sexdens feed daily with leaves of Ipomoea batatas showed ant mortality and a significant decrease in the size of the fungal garden after the second week, with complete depletion of nests after 5 weeks of treatment. The mean oxygen consumption rate of these ants was higher than the control (ants collected from nests feed with leaves of Eucalyptus alba), suggesting a physiological action of the leaves of I. batatas on the ants in addition to the effect of inhibiting the growth of the fungal garden.


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Four strains of a novel yeast species were isolated from laboratory nests of the leaf-cutting ant Atta sexdens in Brazil. Three strains were found in older sponges and one was in a waste deposit in the ant nests. Sequencing of the D1/D2 region of the large-subunit rRNA gene showed that the novel species, named Sympodiomyces attinorum sp. nov., is phylogenetically related to Sympodiomyces parvus. Unlike Sympodiomyces parvus, Sympodiomyces attinorum can ferment glucose, assimilate methyl alpha-D-glucoside, salicin and citrate, and grow at 37 degreesC, thus enabling these two species to be distinguished. Differentiation from other related species is possible on the basis of other growth characteristics. The type strain of Sympodiomyces attinorum is UNESP-S156(T) (=CBS 9734(T)=NRRL Y-27639(T)).


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The focus of this study was the identification of compounds from plant extracts for use in crop protection. This paper reports on the toxic activity of fractions of leaf extracts of Ricinus communis L (Euphorbiaceae) and isolated active compounds in the leaf-cutting ant Atta sexdens rubropilosa Forel and its symbiotic fungus Leucoagaricus gongylophorus (Singer) Moller. The main compounds responsible for activity against the fungus and ant in leaf extracts of R communis were found to be fatty acids for the former and ricinine for the ants. (C) 2004 Society of Chemical Industry.


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Leucoagaricus gongylophorus, the symbiotic fungus of the leaf-cutting ants, degrades starch, this degradation being supposed to occur in the plant material which leafcutters forage to the nests, generating most of the glucose which the ants utilize for food. In the present investigation, we show that laboratory cultures of L. gongylophorus produce extracellular alpha-amylase and maltase which degrade starch to glucose, reinforcing that the ants can obtain glucose from starch through the symbiotic fungus. Glucose was found to repress a-amylase and, more severely, maltase activity, thus repressing starch degradation by L. gongylophorus, so that we hypothesize that: (1) glucose down-regulation of starch degradation also occurs in the Atta sexdens fungus garden; (2) glucose consumption from the fungus garden by A. sexdens stimutates degradation of starch from plant material by L. gongylophorus, which may represent a mechanism by which Leafcutters can control enzyme production by the symbiotic fungus. Since glucose is found in the fungus garden inside the nests, down-regulation of starch degradation by glucose is supposed to occur in the nest and play a part in the control of fungal enzyme production by leafcutters. (c) 2005 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.


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1 Nine synthetic amides similar to natural N-piperidine-3-(4,5-methylenedioxyphenyl)-2-(E)-propenainide and N-pyrrolidine-3-(4,5-methylenedyoxiphenyl)2-(E)-propenamide were synthesized and identified by their spectroscopic data.2 the toxicity of these synthetic amides to the Atta sexdens rubropilosa workers and the antifungal activity against Leticoagaricus gongylophorus, the symbiotic fungus of the leaf-cutting ants, were determined.3 Workers ants that were fed daily on an artificial diet to which these compounds were added had a higher mortality rate than the controls for N-pyrrolidine-3(3',4'-methylenedioxyphenyl)-2-(E)-propenamide and N-benzyl-3-(3',4'-methylenedioxyphenyl)-2-(E)-propenamide at a concentration of 100 mu g/mL.4 the completely inhibition (100%) of the fungal growth was observed with N-piperldine-3-(3',4'-methylenedioxyphenyl)-2-(E)-propenamide and N,N-diethyl-3-(3',4'-methylenedioxyphenyl)-2-(E)-propenamide at concentrations of 50 and 100 mu g/mL and N-pirrolidine-3-(3',4'-methylenedioxyphenyl)-2-(E)-propenamide at a concentration of 100 mu g/mL.5 the possibility of controlling these insects in the future using synthetic piperamides that can simultaneously target both organisms is discussed.


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Crude extracts of new and old sesame leaves (Sesamum indicum, Linaeus) obtained by a sequential process of extraction were tested through contact experiments to investigate their toxicity to Atta sexdens rubropilosa (Forel) workers. Methanol extract of old leaves was toxic to leaf-cutting ants at the lower tested concentration (20mg.ml(-1)). This extract was fractioned and their fractions were tested showing a toxic effect of the methanol fraction. The methanol fraction was fractioned again and the sub fraction responsible for worker's toxicity is composed of some sugars.


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Visando a alcançar alta eficiência na indução de calos a partir de explantes foliares de plantas matrizes de C. arabica com alta heterozigose, por meio da embriogênese somática indireta, foram instalados três experimentos. O primeiro experimento foi conduzido em esquema fatorial 2x5, constituído de dois meios de cultura (BOXTEL & BERTHOULY, 1996 e TEIXEIRA et al., 2004) e cinco genótipos de C. arabica. No segundo experimento, foi avaliado o potencial de produção de calos embriogênicos em 10 genótipos, sendo cada genótipo considerado como um tratamento e, no terceiro experimento, foram avaliadas as variações nas concentrações de 2.4-D (2,5 e 20µM) e 2-iP (2,5 e 20µM) nos meios primário e secundário de TEIXEIRA et al. (2004). As culturas foram mantidas a 25oC, sob obscuridade. Para os genótipos 2.2 e 7.2, verificou-se a superioridade do meio de cultura Teixeira et al. (2004) em relação ao meio BOXTEL & BERTHOULY (1996). No genótipo 4.2, observou-se o comportamento inverso, ou seja, a superioridade do meio BOXTEL & BERTHOULY (1996). Os genótipos 3.0 e 5.0 apresentaram o mesmo comportamento em ambos os meios de cultura estudados, evidenciando que a produção de embriões somáticos é fortemente dependente do genótipo. A indução de calos depende da relação de 2-iP e 2.4-D. A combinação de 20.0µM of 2.4-D e 20.0µM of 2-iP promoveu a maior porcentagem de indução de calos embriogênicos.


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Our findings revealed two distinct patterns of substrate preparation: the pattern of leaf-cutting ants foraging on dicotyledons is marked by highly fragmented substrate resulting in a more advanced initial decomposition. The pattern of leaf-cutting ants harvesting grasses is characterized by large pieces of substrate, resulting in little initial decomposition. Ants foraging on both types of plants are apparently intermediary between the two patterns, although more similar to the patterns of those foraging on dicotyledons. Also, the behavior of scraping the substrate was described for the first time, it is very important for the removal of the epicuticular wax layer of the leaves helping the growth of the symbiotic fungus.