373 resultados para Jovens Psicologia

em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"


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O futebol é o esporte mais praticado no mundo e conta com a preferência da maior parcela da população brasileira, onde muitas pessoas almejam utilizar o esporte em sua vida profissional. Tendo isso em vista, para um jogador estar em condições ideais, é essencial que seus preparos físico, técnico e tático estejam lapidados, mas o grande diferencial pode ser o seu estado psicológico. Um dos aspectos a se trabalhar é a motivação, pois a mesma é essencial para garantir o foco do jogador e aumentar sua vontade de apresentar o seu melhor em busca das conquistas. Considerando que, fatores como: família, amigos, relacionamentos, pressão da mídia e torcedores, podem interferir negativa ou positivamente no desempenho, ocasionando desequilíbrios emocionais, a questão motivacional mostra-se como uma ferramenta útil para controlar esses fatores e auxiliar na maximização do rendimento do atleta nas partidas importantes. Já a ansiedade, em nível controlado, pode ser benéfica ao provocar no indivíduo atenção e concentração no momento que está vivenciando, mas em uma taxa exorbitada, pode levar o praticante a um desempenho prejudicado, sendo um fator decisivo para dificultar a realização de suas aspirações. Este trabalho teve como objetivo, apresentar estratégias para motivar jogadores de futebol, visando seu máximo rendimento em partidas importantes, considerando níveis de ativação e ansiedade, além de suas respectivas personalidades e reações a tudo que é imposto a eles. O método consiste em uma pesquisa bibliográfica, baseada em material publicado específico da Psicologia do Esporte, em fontes contemporâneas e tradicionais. Conhecer os fatores motivacionais é de extrema importância para o professor de Educação Física, pois ele não trabalha apenas com atletas, mas, principalmente, com alunos que tem que estar presentes em suas aulas ou treinamentos. Considerando este ponto, o professor precisa estar atento...


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The goal of this article is to introduce the Gestalt Psychology as an alternative approach to be applied in the present pedagogic practice of education of brasilian youngsters and adults (EYA) starting with researchs done to introduce the short hystory of EYA in Brazil demonstrating its discussion among us since a long time, at least, since the transition from the Imperial to the Republican period, wich comes from the end of the XIX Century up to the begining of the XX Century. This history also shows different organizational moves of EYA already developed in this country in the public and private fields, as well its present reality in the large spectrum of brazilian education. Right after, it approachs and explains shortly the rising of the theory and the main concepts and laws of the Gestalt Psychology in an atempt to demonstrate and enlight its proposed applicability. The author finishs the article introducing the possible relation among concepts, Gestalt laws and education of youngsters and adults to be applyed day by day in the classroom to optimise the process of teaching and learning in the Education of Youngsters and Adults in Brazil.


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Este estudo pesquisou sintomas de stress em adultos jovens, relacionando-os com o sexo e ano escolar em curso. Investigou também o tipo e a freqüência de sintomas. Participaram 295 estudantes de 15 a 28 anos, sendo 150 mulheres e 145 homens, que cursavam o primeiro e terceiro anos do ensino médio, curso pré-vestibular e primeiro e quarto anos de ensino superior. A avaliação do stress foi realizada através do Inventário de Sintomas de Stress de Lipp. Os resultados acusaram correlação significativa entre sexo e nível de stress (p<0,0001) sendo que as mulheres apresentaram maior nível de stress em todos os grupos avaliados. Maior índice de stress surgiu em estudantes do curso Pré-Vestibular, seguidos do terceiro ano do ensino médio. A sintomatologia apresentada foi predominantemente psicológica e os sintomas mais prevalentes foram sensibilidade emotiva excessiva, para as mulheres e, para os homens, pensamento recorrente.


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Observamos o comportamento locomotor de 40 crianças (de 5 a 8 anos) e de 40 adultos jovens (de 19 a 28 anos) frente a restrições ambientais, que percorreram dois circuitos em condições de luminosidade total e reduzida e transporte de carga (sem carga, 3% e 7% da massa corporal), andando o mais rápido possível e evitando contato com objetos. O tempo gasto na tarefa foi obtido por meio de um cronômetro digital, em três tentativas por condição. ANOVA para três fatores (circuito x iluminação x carga) revelou que: as crianças demoraram mais tempo para realizar a tarefa quando carga foi adicionada; crianças mais jovens percorreram o circuito em tempo maior que crianças mais velhas; as condições não alteraram a locomoção dos adultos. Concluímos que crianças necessitam integrar as informações sensoriais e acoplá-las ao sistema efetor. Programas de intervenção são necessários para facilitar essa integração sem restrição da mobilidade das crianças.


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Este estudo teve como objetivo analisar as principais representações sociais de lei, justiça e injustiça apresentadas por jovens argentinos e brasileiros. O grupo de brasileiros constituiu-se de 621 pesquisandos, de três regiões distintas: Floriano/PI, Erechim/RS e Marília/SP. da Argentina, participaram 200 jovens da cidade de Avellaneda (região metropolitana de Buenos Aires). Os grupos foram proporcionalmente divididos conforme o tipo de escola (pública e particular) e o ano escolar freqüentado (8º ano do Ensino Fundamental e 3º ano do Ensino Médio, considerando-se os graus equivalentes na Argentina). O instrumento de coleta de dados constituiu-se de um questionário semidirigido, composto pela técnica de evocação livre de palavras. O procedimento utilizado para a avaliação dos resultados foi a Análise de Correspondência (ANACOR). Os resultados demonstraram variações importantes relacionadas à nacionalidade dos jovens e foram discutidos de forma a contextualizarem-se as representações apresentadas.


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This paper is the result of a research project on the subject of youth, violence and school. The purpose of this project was to investigate the understanding of the young people on the violence in society, at school and in their own lives. The assumption is that knowing the aggressors' and victims' perspective about their experiences of violence helps to clarify the symbolic and the normative universes that rule violent conducts and the possible ways to reduce the incidence of violence. Data were collected through focus groups. One of the groups was composed by students qualified by their school's board as protagonists in situations of violence. The other group was consisted by those considered as good students. Data analysis shows the differences between the logic of violence at school, the school violence and violence against the school.


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The human hand is the focus of inumerous research studies. Human individuals are capable of performing manual tasks beyond the ability of any other animal. Such large motor ability is due in part to contact surface of the pulp thumb in opposition to the other fingers. Evidences in the literature show that the position of the upper limb influences the ability of hand strength and control. Specifically, the position of the wrist has great influence on the production of pinch strength. The main objective of this study was to investigate the influence of wrist position on the pinch grip with the thumb in opposition to the index finger. Participants of the present study were 21 undergraduate students, 10 men and 11 women. Participants performed a pinch grip task in three wrist positions - maximum flexion, maximum extension and neutral - on two force conditions - 20% and 40% of maximum voluntary contraction (MVC). MVC was measured in two attempts in each of the three positions of the wrist for a period of three seconds, and the trial of the best result was used as the parameter for task performance. In each trial participants maintained the force production at position for 10 seconds. All participants performed each test condition four times, and the first was used as a familiarization trial and discarded from further analysis. In all trials visual feedback online was provided. Results of both group gender showed variability was similar for force production. Men were stronger than women, but this difference was not significant and both produced on the average more strength in the neutral wrist position than in flexion or extension. In the extended position participants were significantly less variable than in the flexion and neutral positions. We obtained a significant positive correlation between weight and pinch force...(Complete abstracts click electronic access below)


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Pós-graduação em Psicologia - FCLAS


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This paper presents the extension project Youth Empowerment for Work and Citizenship. It is a psychosocial and an educational activity focused on the care of impoverished youths, aged between 14-19, from Assis-SP. It aims to contribute to the cognitive, affective and social process of the participants. The extension activity has benefited the education of Psychology undergraduates students to the mediation in human development under nonformal education. The theoretical and methodological background is based on the cultural-historical psychology of Vigotski. The results obtained are: the establishment of partnerships between universities and state and local public organizations; the incorporation of innovative thematic in psychology curriculum course at UNESP; production of academic-scientific research about the experience of Psychologists in social educational area; and the participation of one hundred young people as well as their parents or legal guardians in the project.


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This paper presents the main achievements in the field of children and youngsters social rights and provides some data on Brazilian education that show the discrepancy between the legal guidelines and the educational situation of children and youngsters within public schools. It presents a critical approach to the ways production and attendance of school problems have been interpreted and shows the dimension in which social facilities established to provide protection to children and adolescents have not been able to ensure a good quality schooling. It highlights the Guardian Council as addressee of school demands and stands out the urgency of debating the violation of fundamental rights such as the lack of quality in education, the repeated situations of failure, and dropping out experienced by a significant number of poor students. The analyzes developed point to the fragility of the relationship between school and Guardian Council revealing an institutional dynamic that individualize social issues. The analyzes developed also suggest the possibility of including Psychology mediation to school, family and Guardian Council. These aim to break the hegemony of the gaze individualizing approach that blame individual and / or family for school failures. This all present to professionals the urgenct for a critical attitude, based on theoretical and practical approaches able to research and propose critical interventions in order to overcome the production of educational exclusion.


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Most research on the psychology of morality defines moral as the rules and values whose purpose is to regulate interpersonal relations. In this study, although I have considered such premise valid, I have also taken into account aspects related to the self. Thus, aiming at verifying whether university students are guided by values which are public, private and/or linked to glory, I have analyzed the values prioritized by them. Informants were 170 first-year psychology undergraduates in a public university located in western São Paulo state, male and female, with an average age of 20 years. To collect the data, I applied a questionnaire concerning factual factors (age, sex and religion) and the values cherished by the undergraduates. The results â analyzed according to the psychology of virtues â have shown that approximately 70% of the valid answers given by students pointed friendship (32%) and intelligence (35%) as the most prioritized values. Public values were hardly mentioned. Concerning the forms of glory, although the percentage for money and fame was not significant, when the informants justified the choice of friendship and intelligence, they conceived such values as a means to obtain money and fame. I have concluded that these individuals give little importance to the values related to duties (which are public) and to some form of individual harmony.


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Work is one of the fundamental elements for building the human identity. In this way, the Career Guidance (CG), whose character is reflective, increases choice processes, and can favour further relations from students to work. This article treated about university extension actions guided to four groups of young apprentices, whose families have low scholarity and income. Besides the synthesis of the objectives and methods of the project, they were transcripted students' narratives about the benefits they achieved, and the conclusions of Psychology students who were envolved. The qualitative comprehension of those data allowed to consider that the CG activities widened the self-knowledge, the choice and development possibilities of the participants. It is suggested the expansion of these practices.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The ultrasononographic examination of testicles is a noninvasive and rapid method that, allied to clinical examination, can lead to an early diagnostic of testicles disorders. The aim of the present study is to enhance andrologic evaluation and to make public altered ultrasonographic testicular parenchyma pattern in young Nelore bulls. Testes of 114 Nelore bulls from 9 to 15 months old were submitted to ultrasonographic evaluation (Frontal and transverse planes of testes). In this group, 111 animals presented testicular parenchyma with uniform pattern at low echogenicity, and the testicular echogenicity increased in proportion to the animal's age. Three animals, from 9 to 15 months old, presented heterogeneous testicular parenchyma with multiple hyperechoics