449 resultados para Irrigação com déficit hídrico

em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Agricultura) - FCA


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Irrigação e Drenagem) - FCA


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Agricultura) - FCA


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Ciência do Solo) - FCAV


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Ciência do Solo) - FCAV


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O feijão comum possui notória importância socioeconômica, constitui uma das mais importantes fontes proteicas da dieta brasileira e juntamente com o arroz, proporciona uma dieta mais vantajosa e equilibrada em termos de aminoácidos. O objetivo desse trabalho foi avaliar o efeito das combinações de diferentes reposições hídricas nas fases vegetativa - I e reprodutiva - II, durante o ciclo do feijoeiro IAC Alvorada, e comparar o teor nutricional dos grãos. Foi utilizado o delineamento em blocos casualizados, com quatro repetições em fatorial 4 x 4, sendo quatro níveis de déficit hídrico 100, 80, 60 e 40% da evapotranspiração da cultura (ETc) e os mesmos níveis foram repetidos em duas fases de desenvolvimento da cultura do feijão (fases I e II). Cada parcela possuía as dimensões de 4 m x 1,8 m, totalizando 7,2 m2 de 0,45 m. Inicialmente irrigou-se pelo sistema aspersão convencional em um período de 60 minutos diariamente, posteriormente o sistema adotado foi por gotejamento, conforme cada tratamento de restrição hídrica. Avaliaram-se os teores nutricionais de macro (N, P, K, Ca, Mg e S) e micronutrientes (B, Cu, Fe, Mn e Fe). A interação entre as lâminas nas fases I e II influenciou nos teores de micronutrientes Fe e S em grãos de feijão. Houve aumento dos teores de Fe e diminuição dos teores de Cu, Mn e B com a deficiência hídrica em uma das fases. Os macro e micronutrientes mais extraídos foram N, P, K, Fe, B e Mn. O N e o P são os nutrientes exportados em maior quantidade pelos grãos.


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Although silicon has not been considered an essential element for plant growth and development, it has provided several benefits for the rice crop, especially under biotic and abiotic stress. The objective of this work was to evaluate macronutrient and silicon levels in upland rice cultivars cropped under water deficit and silicon fertilization. The experiment was carried out in greenhouse and the design was the completely randomized block, analyzed as a 2 x 2 x 2 factorial, which consisted of two cultivars, 'Maravilha' (modern group) and 'Caiapo' (traditional group), two silicon rates (0 and 350 kg ha(-1)) and two soil water tensions (-0.025 MPa and -0.050 MPa). Plant dry matter of the 'Maravilha' cultivar was higher compared to the other material. Higher soil water tensions decreased plant dry matter and macronutrient levels. Upland rice cultivars respond distinctively to soil water tensions and silicon rates.


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The objective of this work was to evaluate conditions the effectiveness of acetolactate synthase (ALS) and protoporphyrinogen oxidase (PROTOX) inhibitors in the Bidens pilosa control under two water deficit conditions, as well as to determine the influence of water deficit under the contents of soluble carbohydrates and protein of weed. The experimental design was randomized completely design with the treatments, with four replications, setup in a factorial scheme 4x2, with four herbicides (fomesafen lactofen, chlorimuron-ethyl and imazethapyr), and two water conditions (-0.5 MPa and -0.01MPa). At 7, 14, 21 and 28 days after application (DAA), was assessed visually control efficiency of herbicides. For the determination of organic solutes plants were collected at 24, 48, 72 and 96 hours after application (HAA). Herbicides controlled efficiently plants of B. pilosa, except lactofen, whereas the water deficit affected the efficiency of control of all the herbicides. The soluble carbohydrate content increased with the imposition of water deficit, however, herbicides and water deficit further reduction of soluble proteins in plants of B. pilosa.


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O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a eficácia dos herbicidas inibidores da ALS e PROTOX no controle de Ipomoea grandifolia sob dois níveis de déficit hídrico, bem como determinar a influência desse déficit hídrico sobre o conteúdo de carboidratos solúveis, proteínas totais e aminoácidos livres da planta daninha. O trabalho foi conduzido em casa de vegetação, no delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado, com os tratamentos dispostos em esquema fatorial 4 x 2, sendo quatro herbicidas (fomesafen, lactofen, chlorimuron-ethyl e imazethapyr) e dois níveis de déficit hídrico (com e sem déficit: -0,5 MPa e -0,01 MPa, respectivamente). Aos 7, 14, 21 e 28 dias após a aplicação, o controle foi avaliado de forma visual, e a determinação dos solutos orgânicos foi feita 24, 48, 72 e 96 horas após a aplicação dos herbicidas. À exceção de chlorimuron-ethyl, os demais herbicidas controlaram eficientemente I. grandifolia. A eficiência de controle dos herbicidas foi afetada pela condição de déficit hídrico. Os herbicidas elevaram o conteúdo de carboidratos solúveis, independentemente da condição hídrica, e proporcionaram redução de proteínas solúveis nas plantas de I. grandifolia, bem como aumentaram as concentrações de aminoácidos livres.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The water restriction can damage the performance of crops, especially in the flowering period. Thus, the aim of this research was to evaluate the response of genotypes of wheat submitted to water deficit in the beginning of flowering. The experiment was conducted in greenhouse, in a completely randomized design, in factorial scheme 3 x 2, with five replications. The factors studied were: three wheat cultivars (Coodetec (CD) 105, 108 and 111) and 2 irrigation managements (with and without imposition of water deficit). During the period of water deficit imposition, gravimetric soil moisture and the relative content of water in leaf were evaluated, while at the moment of rehydration the biometric variables were determined. At the end of the crop cycle the components of production were evaluated. Reduction was found in the gravimetric soil moisture, in the relative levels of water and in all biometric variables, in function of the water deficit. The grain production showed difference only among the water regimes, in which the cultivar CD 111 is more efficient in the maintenance of the productive potential in conditions of water deficit, through the quick recovery in the relative content of water in leaves.


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The studies were developed with plants of Eucalyptus urograndis under greenhouse conditions, at Paulista State University (UNESP), Botucatu - SP, from March to July, 2005. The objective was to evaluate hydric stress influence on morphological and physiological characteristics of plants in clayay (1) and medium (2) soil texture. Two water treatment were used: -0.03 and -1.5 MPa minimum soil water potentials (□w). Plants from soil 2 and - 1.5MPa showed 43% reduction on leaf área, 34% on base stem diameter, 54% on aerial vegetal dry matter and plants from soil 1 presented 42.3% reduction on leaf área, 39,5% base stem diameter and 42% dry matter root reduction in relation to -0.03 MPa. The lowest leaf water potential (□f) value was-17.166 MPa on □w = -1.5 MPa and soil 2 and the greatest one on soil 1 and □w = -0.03 MPa., -6.766 MPa. The treatment -0.03MPa showed about 11,3% higher transpiration values than those plants from -1.5MPa. The higher Rs value (2.149 s.cm-1) occurred on plants under -1.5MPa and soil 2. There was significant correlation between Tf and Rs, and the treatmens from medium soil were more sensitive, reaching until 32°C.


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The objective of this work was to evaluate conditions the effectiveness of acetolactate synthase (ALS) and protoporphyrinogen oxidase (PROTOX) inhibitors in the Bidens pilosa control under two water deficit conditions, as well as to determine the action under the content of soluble carbohydrates and protein and free amino acids of weed. The experimental design was randomized completely design, with four replications, with the treatments setup in a factorial scheme 4x2, with four herbicides (fomesafen lactofen, chlorimuron-ethyl and imazethapyr), and two soil water conditions (-0.5 MPa and -0.01MPa). At 7, 14, 21 and 28 days after application (DAA), was assessed visually control efficiency of herbicides. For the determination of organic solutes plants were collected at 24, 48, 72 and 96 hours after application (HAA), except for the amino acids were analyzed 48, 72 e 96 HAA. Herbicides fomesafen and lactofen were efficient to control E. heterophylla, while the ALS inhibitors (chlorimuron-ethyl e imazethapyr) provided an unsatisfactory control. Water deficit altered the efficiency of herbicides, mainly chlorimuronethyl. Lactofen provided a smaller content of soluble carbohydrates, in the same way, the protein ranged in the 72 HAA, the lower value observed for imazethapyr e lactofen respectively. Herbicide lactofen increased the concentration of free amino acids, while the imposition of water deficit caused an increase in soluble carbohydrate content.


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In soybean culture water deficit is one of the most limiting factors to the maximum yield obtained. Genotypes identification with drought tolerance capacity is fundamental to solve this problem. The objective in this paper was analyze the physiological quality and physiological and biochemical responses of soybeans cultivars (MG/BR 46 Conquista, UFUS Carajás, UFUS Impacta, UFUS Riqueza and UFUS Xavante) submitted to water stress with PEG 6000 solutions in different levels of osmotic potentials (0; -0,1; -0,2; -0,3 and -0,4 MPa). Physiological quality of cultivars were evaluated by seedling length test and fresh and dry biomass. The biochemical responses were evaluated by detection of indol-acetic acid (IAA), by saccharose content and seedling water transportation. UFUS Riqueza presented the best performance in physiological quality tests, saccharose content, absorption and water absorption velocity in seedling. UFUS Xavante showed the highest IAA's concentration and the greater weight of seedling in water transportation test.