107 resultados para Internal diameters

em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"


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A eficiência do reator de leito fluidizado com circulação em tubos concêntricos depende das condições hidrodinâmicas que influem na transferência de oxigênio ao biofilme. Este trabalho investigou a influência da relação entre diâmetros dos tubos e da concentração de meio suporte (areia), sobre o coeficiente global de transferência de oxigênio (K La). Os ensaios - em reatores de 2,6 m de altura, com diâmetro externo de 250 mm e internos de 100, 125, 150 e 200 mm - empregaram vazões de ar até 2.500 L.h-1 e concentrações de até 150 g.L-1 de areia. O K La aumentou ligeiramente com 30 g.L-1 e diminuiu para concentrações maiores, confirmando relatos da literatura em condições semelhantes. Um modelo para K La em meio bifásico foi ajustado para as diversas relações ensaiadas entre a área externa e a interna, postulando-se uma redução na razão entre a transferência na fase líquida e o diâmetro da bolha com o aumento da vazão de ar.


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The use of non-pressure compensating drip hose in horticultural and annual cycle fruits is growing in Brazil. In this case, the challenge for designers is getting longer lateral lines with high values of uniformity. The objective of this study was to develop a model to design longer lateral lines using non-pressure compensating drip hose. Using the developed model, the hypotheses to be evaluated were: a) the use of two different spacing between emitters in the same lateral line allows longer length; b) it is possible to get longer lateral lines using high values of pressure variation in the lateral lines since the distribution uniformity stays below allowable limits. A computer program was developed in Delphi based on the model developed and it is able to design lateral lines in level using non-pressure compensating drip hose. The input data are: desired distribution uniformity (DU); initial and final pressure in the lateral line; coefficients of relationship between emitter discharge and pressure head; hose internal diameter; pipe cross-sectional area with the dripper; and roughness coefficient for the Hazen-Williams equation. The program allows calculate the lateral line length with three possibilities: selecting two spacing between emitters and defining the exchange point; using two pre-established spacing between emitters and calculating the length of each section with different spacing; using one emitter spacing. Results showed that the use of two sections with different spacing between drippers in the lateral line didn't allow longer length but got better uniformity when compared with lateral line with one spacing between emitters. The adoption of two spacing increased the flow rate per meter in the final section which represented approximately 80% of the lateral line total length and this justifies their use. The software allowed DU above 90% with pressure head variation of 40% and the use of two spacing between emitters. The developed model/software showed to be accurate, easy to handle and useful for lateral line design using non-pressure compensating drip hose.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Leaf-cutting ants of the genera Atta and Acromyrmex (tribe Attini) are symbiotic with basidiomycete fungi of the genus Leucoagaricus (tribe Leucocoprineae), which they cultivate on vegetable matter inside their nests. We determined the variation of the 28S, 18S, and 5.8S ribosomal DNA (rDNA) gene loci and the rapidly evolving internal transcribed spacers 1 and 2 (ITS1 and ITS2) of 15 sympatric and allopatric fungi associated with colonies of 11 species of leafcutter ants living up to 2,600 km apart in Brazil. We found that the fungal rDNA and ITS sequences from different species of ants were identical (or nearly identical) to each other, whereas 10 GenBank Leucoagaricus species showed higher ITS variation. Our findings suggest that Atta and Acromyrmex leafcutters living in geographic sites that are very distant from each other cultivate a single fungal species made up of closely related lineages of Leucoagaricus gongylophorus. We discuss the strikingly high similarity in the ITS1 and ITS2 regions of the Atta and Acromyrmex symbiotic L. gongylophorus studied by us, in contrast to the lower similarity displayed by their non-symbiotic counterparts. We suggest that the similarity of our L. gongylophorus isolates is an indication of the recent association of the fungus with these ants, and propose that both the intense lateral transmission of fungal material within leafcutter nests and the selection of more adapted fungal strains are involved in the homogenization of the symbiotic fungal stock.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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A superfície interna das bisnagas fabricadas com alumínio não revestido e revestido com resina epóxi, utilizadas para acondicionar cremes, pomadas, géis, etc., foram avaliadas quimicamente e por métodos microbiológicos correlacionados com a aderência de microrganismos. A prova da porosidade e da resistência à remoção da resina foi observada por meio do microscópio eletrônico de varredura (Topcon FM300) e estereoscópio Leica (MZ12) acoplado a Sistema de Digitalização de Imagens. Para avaliar a ação dos microrganismos foram utilizados corpos-de-prova esterilizados (discos de 10mm de diâmetro), imersos em caldo Mueller Hinton (Difco) e colocados em tubos de polipropileno com tampa de rosca (Corning). Foram inoculados tubos com meio de cultura para cada uma das suspensões bacterianas (10(9)UFC/mL) de Streptococcus agalactiae, Staphylococcus aureus, Acinetobacter lwoffii e Candida albicans, incubados a 37°C, sob agitação constante durante 12 dias. O meio de cultura era trocado a cada 3 dias. Após esse período, os corpos-de prova foram removidos, processados e observados em microscópio eletrônico de varredura JEOL-JSM (T330A). A observação por meio do microscopio eletrônico de varredura mostrou a aderência e a formação de biofilme sobre a superfície de alumínio não revestido e revestido com resina epóxi.


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Diferenças inter e intra-específicas na habilidade de suportar períodos de estresse nutricional podem dever-se à capacidade de armazenar e liberar íons dos vacúolos, e, ou, à intensidade de retranslocação de nutrientes em tais condições. Neste trabalho, pretendeu-se avaliar diferenças varietais quanto ao tamanho do pool não-metabólico de Pi; velocidade de liberação do Pi previamente armazenado (VLPi), quando o P citoplasmático cai a um valor limite; capacidade de transportar Pi de regiões menos ativas para aquelas mais ativas metabolicamente e definir compartimentos que são preferencialmente fontes e os que são preferencialmente drenos para o Pi, em condições de absorção limitada de P. Avaliaram-se a produção de matéria seca e os teores internos de Pi, orgânico (Po) e total solúvel em ácido (Pts), de diferentes órgãos de plantas dos cultivares de soja (Glycine max L. Merrill) Santa Rosa, Uberaba, IAC8, Doko e UFV1, submetidos a oito dias de omissão do elemento. A VLPi foi estimada como tangente às equações obtidas para Pi como função do perído de omissão no ponto médio do período de omissão em que houve maior decréscimo em Pi (zero a quatro dias de omissão de P), t = dois dias, considerando-se que -deltaPi/deltat expressa a velocidade de liberação de Pi. A capacidade interna de tamponamento de Pi (CTIPi) foi calculada como o inverso da VLPi. O cultivar Santa Rosa apresentou maior capacidade de armazenar Pi, quando o suprimento externo foi alto, liberando-o mais intensamente sob condições de baixo suprimento de P que os cultivares IAC8 e UFV1. O cultivar Uberaba mostrou-se superior ao Doko em sua habilidade de armazenar e utilizar o Pi. Folhas superiores mostraram ser o principal dreno para o Pi armazenado em folhas medianas e inferiores, seguidas por raízes e caules. Raízes comportaram-se como fontes ou drenos para o Pi. Raízes e folhas superiores apresentaram maiores (VLPi) e menores valores de CTIPi que folhas medianas e folhas inferiores, sendo o caule o compartimento com menor VLPi e maior CTIPi. Dentre as variedades, as diferenças foram pequenas, destacando-se a maior VLPi e menor CTIPi do cultivar Santa Rosa. O cultivar Doko apresentou a menor VLPi e maior CTIPi, enquanto Uberaba, IAC8 e UFV1 ocuparam posição intermediária quanto a essas características.


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The discovery of the spatial uniform coexistence of superconductivity and ferromagnetism in ruthenocuprates, RuSr2GdCu2O8 (Ru-1212), has spurred an extraordinary development in the study of the competition between magnetism and superconductivity. However, several points of their preparation process and characterization that determine their superconductive behaviour are still obscure. The improvement of sample preparation conditions involves some thermal treatments in inert atmosphere. Anelastic spectroscopy measurements were made using an inverted torsion pendulum, operating with an oscillation frequency of 38 Hz, temperature in the 90 and 310 K range, heating rate of 1 K/min, and vacuum better than 10(-3) Pa. The results show anelastic relaxation peaks at 210 K related to the presence of interstitial oxygen atoms. The peaks decrease significantly with the oxygen loss caused by the heat treatments in vacuum, appearing again after the annealing of the sample in an oxygen atmosphere. These observed peaks are clearly related to the additional oxygen atoms, with activation energy 0.13 and 0.36 eV, and can be explained in terms by diffusional jumps of interstitial oxygen in the RuO2 planes. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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This paper evaluates and quantifies the environmental impact from the use of some renewable fuels and fossils fuels in internal combustion engines. The following fuels are evaluated: gasoline blended with anhydrous ethyl alcohol (anhydrous ethanol), conventional diesel fuel, biodiesel in pure form and blended with diesel fuel, and natural gas. For the case of biodiesel, its complete life cycle and the closed carbon cycle (photosynthesis) were considered. The ecological efficiency concept depends on the environmental impact caused by CO(2), SO(2), NO(x) and particulate material (PM) emissions. The exhaust gases from internal combustion engines, in the case of the gasoline (blended with alcohol), biodiesel and biodiesel blended with conventional diesel, are the less polluting; on the other hand, the most polluting are those related to conventional diesel. They can cause serious problems to the environment because of their dangerous components for the human, animal and vegetable life. The resultant pollution of each one of the mentioned fuels are analyzed, considering separately CO(2), SO(2), NO(x) and particulate material (PM) emissions. As conclusion, it is possible to calculate an environmental factor that represents, qualitatively and quantitative, the emissions in internal combustion engines that are mostly used in urban transport. Biodiesel in pure form (B100) and blended with conventional diesel as fuel for engines pollute less than conventional diesel fuel. The ecological efficiency for pure biodiesel (B100) is 86.75%: for biodiesel blended with conventional diesel fuel (B20, 20% biodiesel and 80% diesel), it is 78.79%. Finally, the ecological efficiency for conventional diesel, when used in engines, is 77.34%; for gasoline, it is 82.52%, and for natural gas, it is 91.95%. All these figures considered a thermal efficiency of 30% for the internal combustion engine. Crown Copyright (C) 2008 Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Stainless steels are used to intake and exhaust valves production applied as internal combustion engines. In general valves are requested to support cyclic stresses applied due to opening and closing processes during the operation. The objective of this research is to study the influence on the axial fatigue strength of the resulting microstructure after heat treatment at the martensitic X45CrSi93 steel, combined with different surface treatments as hard chrome-plating, nitride and grinding. It was verified a significant increase on the fatigue strength of the martensitic steel after nitriding, compared with results from the chrome-plating specimens. A slight increase in the tensile strength was also noticed on nitrided parts as a consequence of a resistance increase due to nitrogen and carbon solid solution. (C) 2011 Published by Elsevier Ltd. Selection and peer-review under responsibility of ICM11


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To report a technique to maintain pelvic flow to an internal iliac artery (IIA) with aneurysm in a patient with Marfan syndrome, and previously treated by infrarenal abdominal aortic aneurysm open procedure. Retrograde endovascular hypogastric artery preservation (REHAP) through flexible endograft implantation from external iliac artery (EIA) to internal iliac artery (IIA) was used. REHAP was a reasonable, minimally invasive and elegant alternative (new) to maintain pelvic arterial flow in Marfan syndrome. However, the long-term durability is unknown, and so, it should be used in selected patients.


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Surgery on the head and neck region may be complicated by vascular trauma, caused by direct injury on the vascular wall. Lesions of the arteries are more dangerous than the venous one. The traumatic lesion may cause laceration of the artery wall, spasm, dissection, arteriovenous fistula, occlusion or pseudoaneurysm.We present a case of a child with a giant ICA pseudoaneurysm after tonsillectomy, manifested by pulsing mass and respiratory distress, which was treated by endovascular approach, occluding the lesion and the proximal artery with Histoacryl. We reinforce that the endovascular approach is the better way to treat most of the traumatic vascular lesions.