40 resultados para Intentions to leave

em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"


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We have recently suggested that the elevated T-maze (ETM) is not a useful test to study different types of anxiety in mice if a procedure similar to that originally validated for rats is employed. The present study investigated whether procedural (five exposures in the enclosed arm instead of three as originally described for rats) and structural (transparent walls instead of opaque walls) changes to the ETM leads to consistent inhibitory avoidance acquisition (IAA) and low escape latencies in mice. Results showed that five exposures to the ETM provoked consistent IAA, an effect that was independent of the ETM used. However, the ETM with transparent walls (ETMt) seemed to be more suitable for the study of conditioned anxiety (i.e. IAA) and unconditioned fear (escape) in mice, since IAA (low baseline latency with a gradual increase over subsequent exposures) and escape (low latency) profiles rendered it sensitive to the effects of anxiolytic and anxiogenic drugs. In addition to evaluation of drug effects on IAA and escape, the number of line crossings in the apparatus were used to control for locomotor changes. Results showed that whereas diazepam (1.0-2.0 mg/kg) and flumazenil (10-30 mg/kg) impaired IAA, FG 7142 (10-30 mg/kg) did not provoke any behavioral change. Significantly, none of these benzodiazepine (BDZ) receptor ligands modified escape latencies. The 5-HT1A partial receptor agonist buspirone (1.0-2.0 mg/kg) and the 5-HT releaser fenfluramine (0.15-0.30 mg/kg) impaired IAA and facilitated escape, while the full 5-HT1A receptor agonist, 8-OH-DPAT (0.05-0.1 mg/kg) and the 5-HT2B/2C receptor antagonist, SER 082 (0.5-2.0 mg/kg) failed to modify either response. mCPP (0.5-2.0 mg/kg), a 5-HT2B/2C receptor agonist, facilitated IAA but did not alter escape latency. Neither antidepressant utilized in the current study, imipramine (1.0-5.0 mg/kg) and moclobemide (3.0-10 mg/kg) affected IAA or escape performance in mice. The well-known anxiogenic drugs yohimbine (2.0-8.0 mg/kg) and caffeine (10-30 mg/kg) did not selectively affect IAA, although caffeine did impair escape latencies. Present results suggest the ETMt is useful for the study of conditioned anxiety in mice. However, upon proximal threats (e.g. open arm exposure), mice do not exhibit escape behavior as an immediate defensive strategy, suggesting that latency to leave open arm is not a useful parameter to evaluate unconditioned fear in this species. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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O tema sobre a convivência familiar e comunitária como um direito de crianças e adolescentes, à primeira vista, se mostra bastante abstrato e ocupando ao mesmo tempo um lugar-comum. A sociedade aceita facilmente o fato de que toda criança tem direito a nascer e crescer em um lar saudável, protegido e seguro. Entretanto, muitas são as crianças que enfrentam situações de extrema vulnerabilidade pessoal e social, tendo que se afastar de suas famílias de origem para viver em situação de abrigamento, como medida protetiva. Este artigo tem como objetivo principal, a partir do que está preconizado no Plano Nacional de Promoção, Proteção e Defesa do Direito de Crianças e Adolescentes à Convivência Familiar e Comunitária e em leis anteriores (Constituição Federal Brasileira de 1988 e na Lei n. 8069/90 - Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente), apresentar uma análise sobre os desafios e transformações que serão imprescindíveis para que esse direito seja efetivado, abordando os principais aspectos que envolvem as responsabilidades das políticas sociais brasileiras, com ênfase na educação pública.


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The elevated T-maze has been developed as an animal model of anxiety to generate both conditioned and unconditioned fears in the same rat. This study explores a version of the elevated T-maze fit for mice. Inhibitory (passive) avoidance-conditioned fear-is measured by recording the latency to leave the enclosed arm during three consecutive trials. One-way escape-unconditioned fear-is measured by recording the time to withdraw from open arms. The results showed that mice do not appear to acquire inhibitory avoidance in the standard T-maze, since their latencies to leave enclosed arm did not increase along trials. Nevertheless, the open arms seemed to be aversive for mice, because the latency to leave the enclosed arm after the first trial was lower in a T-maze with the three enclosed arms than in the standard elevated T-maze, In agreement, the exposure of mice to an elevated T-maze without shield, that reduces the perception of openness, increased significantly the latencies to leave the enclosed arm, However, the absence of the shield also increased the time taken to leave the open arms when compared to that recorded in standard T-maze. Systematic observation of behavioral items in the enclosed arm has shown that risk assessment behavior decreases along trials while freezing increases. In the open arms, freezing did not appear to influence the high latency to leave this compartment, since mice spend only about 8% of their time exhibiting this behavior, These results suggest that mice acquire inhibitory avoidance of the open arms by decreasing and increasing time in risk assessment and freezing, respectively, along three consecutive trials, However, one-way escape could not be characterized. Therefore, there are important differences between mice (present results) and rats (previously reported results) in the performance of behavioral tasks in the elevated T-maze. (C) 1999 Elsevier B.V.


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The elevated T-maze is an animal anxiety model which can discriminate between anxiety-like and fear-like behaviors. The estrous cycle is an important variable of the response in animal anxiety tests and is known to affect other models. The aim of the present study was to investigate the influence of the estrous cycle on behavior displayed in the elevated T-maze test. Seventeen male and 60 female rats were submitted to one session in this test, with the females being screened for the estrous cycle and divided into groups according to the various phases. The elevated T-maze had three arms of equal dimensions (50 cm x 10 cm), one enclosed by 40-cm high walls and perpendicular to the others, the apparatus being elevated 50cm above the floor. Each rat was placed in the end of the enclosed arm and the latency for it to leave this arm was recorded. These measurements were repeated three times separated by 30-s intervals (passive avoidance). After trial 3, each rat was placed at the distal end of the right open arm and the latency to exit this arm was recorded. Whenever latencies were greater than 300 s the trial was finished. The results demonstrated females in diestrus exhibited anxiety-like behaviors while females in metaestrus behaved in a similar way as the males. There were no differences between groups in fear-like behaviors. The results also indicate the elevated T-maze to be a sensitive test to measure anxiety. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Mediante esta pesquisa, estudamos a ramificação e a distribuição das artérias pulmonares em 20 fetos de bovinos azebuados (13 machos e 7 fêmeas), com idades variando entre 6 e 9 meses. As peças foram fixadas em solução aquosa de formol a 10%, e o método de dissecação consistiu da abertura da cavidade torácica desses animais, com vistas à individualização dos vasos arteriais e brônquios. da artéria pulmonar direita observou-se que, mais comumente, 15 vezes (75%), parte como primeiro colateral o ramo ascendente, seguido do ramo descendente que acompanham os dois brônquios segmentares do brônquio traqueal, os quais irrigam, respectivamente, a porção cranial e caudal do lobo cranial do pulmão. Logo após este arranjo, surgem o ramo lobar acessório e em seguida o ramo lobar médio. O ramo lobar acessório pode emergir duas vezes (10%) depois do ramo lobar médio ou na mesma altura dele, cinco vezes (25%). Uma única vez (5%) aparecem dois ramos lobares médios. em cinco preparações (25%), os dois primeiros ramos da artéria pulmonar direita são vistos a nascer em tronco comum, o ramo lobar cranial. da artéria pulmonar esquerda nascem mais freqüentemente 18 vezes (90%) como 1º e 2º colaterais os ramos ascendente e descendente, e respectivamente duas vezes (10%) estes ramos provêm de um único colateral, o ramo lobar cranial. em cada lobo caudal (direito e esquerdo), penetra um ramo lobar caudal (direito e esquerdo) que emite número bastante variado de ramos arteriais (6 a 14) do lado direito e (7 a 16) do lado esquerdo.


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The system formed by the F ring and two close satellites, Prometheus and Pandora, has been analysed since the time that Voyager visited the planet Saturn. During the ring plane crossing in 1995 the satellites were found in different positions as predicted by the Voyager data. Besides the mutual effects of Prometheus and Pandora, they are also disturbed by a massive F ring. Showalter et al. [Icarus 100 (1992) 394] proposed that, the core of the ring has a mass which corresponds to a moonlet varying in size from 15 to 70 kin in radius which can prevent the ring from spreading due to dissipative forces, such as Poynting-Robertson drag and collisions. We have divided this work into two parts. Firstly we analysed the secular interactions between Prometheus-Pandora and a massive F ring using the secular theory. Our results show the variation in eccentricity and inclination of the satellites and the F ring taking into account a massive ring corresponding to a moonlet of different sizes. There is also a population of dust particles in the ring in the company of moonlets at different sizes [Icarus 109 (1997) 304]. We also analysed the behaviour of these particles under the effects of the Poynting-Robertson drag and radiation pressure. Our results show that the time scale proposed for a dust particle to leave the ring is much shorter than predicted before even in the presence of a coorbital moonlet. This result does not agree with the confinement model proposed by Dermott et al. [Nature 284 (1980) 309]. In 2004, Cassini mission will perform repeated observations of the whole system, including observations of the satellites and the F ring environment. These data will help us to better understand this system. (C) 2003 COSPAR. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Larvae of an estuarine grapsid crab Chasmagnathus granulata Dana 1851, from temperate and subtropical regions of South America, were reared in seawater (32 ‰) at five different constant temperatures (12, 15, 18, 21, 24 °C). Complete larval development from hatching (Zoea I) to metamorphosis (Crab I) occurred in a range from 15 to 24 °C. Highest survival (60% to the first juvenile stage) was observed at 18°C, while all larvae reared at 12°C died before metamorphosis. The duration of development (D) decreased with increasing temperature (T). This relationship is described for all larval stages as a power function (linear regressions after logarithmic transformation of both D and T). The temperature-dependence of the instantaneous developmental rate (D-1) is compared among larval stages and temperatures using the Q10 coefficient (van't Hoff's equation). Through all four zoeal stages, this index tends to increase during development and to decrease with increasing T (comparing ranges 12-18, 15-21, 18-24 °C). In the Megalopa, low Q10 values were found in the range from 15 to 24 °C. In another series of experiments, larvae were reared at constant 18°C and their dry weight (W) and respiratory response to changes in T were measured in all successive stages during the intermoult period (stage C) of the moulting cycle. Both individual and weight-specific respiration (R, QO2) increased exponentially with increasing T. At each temperature, R increased significantly during growth and development through successive larval stages. No significantly different QO2 values were found in the first three zoeal stages, while a significant decrease with increasing W occurred in the Zoea IV and Megalopa. As in the temperature-dependence of D, the respiratory response to changes in temperature (Q10) depends on both the temperature range and the developmental stage, however, with different patterns. In the zoeal stages, the respiratory Q10 was minimum (1.7-2.2) at low temperatures (12-18 °C), but maximum (2.2-3.0) at 18-24 °C. The Megalopa, in contrast, showed a stronger metabolic response in the lower than in the upper temperature range (Q10 = 2.8 and 1.7, respectively). We interpret this pattern as an adaptation to a sequence of temperature conditions that should typically be encountered by C. granulata larvae during their ontogenetic migrations: hatching in and subsequent export from shallow estuarine lagoons, zoeal development in coastal marine waters, which are on average cooler, return in the Megalopa stage to warm lagoons. We thus propose that high metabolic sensitivity to changes in temperature may serve as a signal stimulating larval migration, so that the zoeae should tend to leave warm estuaries and lagoons, whereas the Megalopa should avoid remaining in the cooler marine waters and initiate its migration towards shallow coastal lagoons.


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The purpose of this paper is to study the mechanical behavior of concrete blocks and prisms when performing axial compression tests within the Brazilian base of knowledge, intending to foment data of this kind for a world-based network. The blocks were built using five different mixtures in which the quantity of cement and the compacting ratio (density) were varied (during the fabrication process). The three-course-high prisms were assembled using 1 cm (0.39 in.) thick full-bedded joints, always trying to leave the mortar's characteristics constant. The axial compression tests were conducted according to Brazilian practice code recommendations, because most of these standards are very similar to international practice codes. The compressive strength, strains, and rupture form of each mixture studied were recorded. Attempts were made to correlate the strength, efficiency ratio (block strength/prism strength) of the prisms, strains, and rupture form; with the quantity of cement and compacting ratio. The data are presented in tables and figures, and the obtained results are discussed throughout the text. Copyright © 2007, American Concrete Institute. All rights reserved.


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This experiment analyzed the effect of sex and incubation temperature on daily mass loss and eggshell conductance, embryo mortality rates, incubation duration, hematological parameters and body, liver, heart and bursa weights of neonatal chicks from young breeders. The daily mass loss was higher at incubation temperature of 39°C. The eggshell conductance rate increased with the temperature. The total and partial duration of incubation were lower for eggs incubated at 39°C. The time taken by the chick to leave the eggshell did not differ below and above the thermoneutral temperature. The total and intermediate embryo mortality rates increased with the incubation temperature, whereas the early and late embryo mortality rates were higher at incubation temperature of 39°C. Sex did not influence the analyzed parameters, while the incubation temperature did not affect the body and bursa weight and the erythrocytes characteristics. The liver weight of chicks incubated at 36°C was higher than the incubated at 39°C, however there were no differences among the liver weight from chicks incubated at 36 and 39°C and those incubated at 37.5°C. The number of heterophils and the heterophil/lymphocyte ratio (H/L ratio) increased following the temperature, whereas the number of lymphocytes decreased at high temperatures. The other leukocyte parameters did not suffer influence of temperature. Males and females presented similar response to variation of incubation temperatures (36, 37.5 and 39°C) and demonstrated higher sensibility to temperatures above the thermoneutral. Moreover, temperatures below the thermoneutral demonstrated to be better for improvement of hatchability and development of chicks from light eggs. © Asian Network for Scientific Information, 2010.


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Purpose: This paper describes proposed health care services innovations, provided by a system called CAALYX (Complete Ambient Assisted Living eXperiment). CAALYX aimed to provide healthcare innovation by extending the state-of-the-art in tele-healthcare, by focusing on increasing the confidence of elderly people living autonomously, by building on the knowledge base of the most common disorders and respective characteristic vital sign changes for this age group. Methods: A review of the state-of-the-art on health care services was carried out. Then, extensive research was conducted on the particular needs of the elderly in relation to home health services that, if offered to them, could improve their day life by giving them greater confidence and autonomy. To achieve this, we addressed issues associated with the gathering of clinical data and interpretation of these data, as well as possibilities of automatically triggering appropriate clinical measures. Considering this initial work we started the identification of initiatives, ongoing works and technologies that could be used for the development of the system. After that, the implementation of CAALYX was done. Findings: The innovation in CAALYX system considers three main areas of contribution: (i) The Roaming Monitoring System that is used to collect information on the well-being of the elderly users; (ii) The Home Monitoring System that is aimed at helping the elders independently living at home being implemented by a device (a personal computer or a set top box) that supports the connection of sensors and video cameras that may be used for monitoring and for interaction with the elder; (iii) The Central Care Service and Monitoring System that is implemented by a Caretaker System where attention and care services are provided to elders, where actors as Caretakers, Doctors and Relatives are logically linked to elders. Innovations in each of these areas are presented here. Conclusions: The ageing European society is placing an added burden on future generations, as the 'elderly-to-working-age-people' ratio is set to steadily increase in the future. Nowadays, quality of life and fitness allows for most older persons to have an active life well into their eighties. Furthermore, many older persons prefer to live in their own house and choose their own lifestyle. The CAALYX system can have a clear impact in increasing older persons' autonomy, by ensuring that they do not need to leave their preferred environment in order to be properly monitored and taken care of. © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)