76 resultados para Insect rearing

em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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A espécie Pentilia egena Mulsant é importante predadora de cochonilas de carapaças que ocorrem em pomares citrícolas no Brasil. Para intensificar ainda mais este controle biológico, há necessidade de conhecimento dos aspectos bioecológicos deste predador para o aperfeiçoamento de sua criação massal. Este trabalho teve como objetivo estudar a influência da temperatura (19ºC, 24ºC e 29ºC) na oviposição de P. egena e na intensidade de predação de cochonilhas Aspidiotus nerii Bouché. A 29ºC observaram-se maiores médias de cochonilhas predadas e de ovos colocados, respectivamente, 5,1 ± 0,59 e 11,3 ± 0,19, que nas duas outras temperaturas. Entretanto, a viabilidade dos ovos foi inferior (52,86%), quando comparada àquela obtidas a 19ºC e 24ºC (78,10% e 74,07%, respectivamente). A temperatura não afetou o comportamento de oviposição deste coccinelídeo, sendo os ovos, preferencialmente, colocados sob a carapaça das cochonilhas já predadas.


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A broca do cacho do coqueiro, Homalinotus coriaceus (Gyllenhal), é uma praga limitante da produção de coco no Brasil, sendo que tanto as larvas como os adultos provocam a queda das flores femininas e dos frutos imaturos, pela interceptação do fluxo de seiva ou pela alimentação direta nas estruturas reprodutivas. em virtude da escassez de informações sobre sua biologia, realizou-se esse trabalho com o objetivo de desenvolver uma metodologia mais adequada para a criação da praga em laboratório. Foram utilizados os parâmetros biológicos para avaliação e comparação dos sistemas de criação estudados.Toletes de cana-de-açúcar foram utilizados como substrato para alimentação dos adultos coletados no campo e obtenção dos ovos. As larvas foram criadas em três substratos alimentares no Laboratório de Entomologia da Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária (EMBRAPA)-CPATC (Centro de Pesquisa Agropecuária dos Tabuleiros Costeiros), em Aracaju, SE. Os substratos alimentares estudados foram: o mesocarpo do coco, dieta para criação da broca dos citros e dieta para criação da broca do olho do coqueiro, sendo esta a que proporcionou o melhor desenvolvimento larval num menor tempo, com boa viabilidade, maior facilidade no preparo e manutenção.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the growth and survival of pacu, Piaractus mesopotamicus, larvae reared in different salinities and to determine the Artemia nauplii life span in freshwater and in saline water. First feeding 5-d-old pacu larvae were reared in freshwater or at 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, and 14 ppt salinities. The larvae were reared in 1.5-L aquaria at a density of 10 larvae/L with three replicates per treatment. After 10 d of rearing, significant differences (P < 0.05) were observed for growth and survival. Larval growth was higher at 2 and 4 ppt, and survival at 2 ppt was 100%. In freshwater and at 4, 6 and 8 ppt, the survival was 91.1, 93.3, 73.3, and 39.9%, respectively. At higher salinities, there was 100% mortality after 2 h (12 and 14 ppt) and 8 h (10 ppt) of exposure. The slightly saline water of at least 2 ppt increased the Artemia nauplii life span compared to the life span in freshwater. Later, in a second trial, 5-d-old pacu larvae were reared in freshwater and at 2 and 4 ppt salinities during the first 5 or 10 d of active feeding, and then the fish were transferred to freshwater. At the end of 15 d, larval growth was lower in freshwater (42 mg) than in treatments 2 and 4 ppt (5963 mg). The abrupt transfer of fish from freshwater to slightly saline water and the return to freshwater did not affect the survival rates (8997%). The larvae were able to adapt to these saline environments and handle abrupt changes in salt concentration. We concluded that salinity concentration of 2 ppt can be used for pacu larval rearing, allowing the Artemia nauplii lifetime to last longer and cause faster fish growth.


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Incubation temperature (IT) was changed to evaluate if 6-wk-old birds become more tolerant to heat stress. After 13 d of incubation, 470 eggs were submitted to low (36.8degreesC), normal (37.8degreesC) and high (38.8degreesC) temperatures. At day 7 post-hatching, 144 birds were allocated to three rearing temperatures (48 birds/treatment): control/thermoneutral (35-24degreesC), high (33-30degreesC) or low (27-18degreesC) according to the age of the birds. Hsp70 levels in tissues of birds (1 d and 42 d), stress response (42 d) and performance were evaluated. High IT decreased brain (P < 0.01) and liver (P < 0.01) Hsp70 levels, whereas low IT decreased brain (P < 0.01) but increased heart (P < 0.01) Hsp70 levels in 1-d-old chicks. Birds incubated at a low temperature had higher (P < 0.05) feed intake (1-42d). High rearing temperature decreased feed intake (P<0.01) and liveweight (P<0.01). Colonic temperature was lower in birds incubated at a low temperature (P < 0.05) and higher in birds reared in a high temperature (P < 0.05) before heat stress. Birds reared in low temperature had higher increase in colonic temperature after heat stress (P < 0.05). Tissue Hsp70 levels were differently affected by rearing temperature, which affected broiler performance more than IT. Lower IT seemed to increase the sensitivity of birds to heat stress at market age.


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O desenvolvimento de insetos é dependente da temperatura. Nesta pesquisa, foi verificada a influência da temperatura no desenvolvimento e na reprodução de Chrysomphalus aonidum (L.) em câmaras climatizadas com UR do ar 70±10%, fotofase de 12h e temperaturas constantes de 17, 19, 21, 23, 25 e 27 ± 1°C, tendo como substrato abóboras cabotiá (Curcubita maxima x Curcubita moschata var. Tetsukabuto). Foi observada a influência da temperatura nos parâmetros biológicos da cochonilha, sendo que temperaturas entre 23 e 27°C foram as mais adequadas ao inseto, propiciando menor duração do período ninfal e maior produção diária de ninfas por fêmea. Temperaturas entre 17 e 19°C provocam maior duração na fase ninfal, maior longevidade das fêmeas e menor produção diária de ninfas por fêmea.


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Studies with Stegasta bosquella in peanut crop are little explored by researchers, mainly by the need of obtaining, in the field, a large quantity of closed leaflets. Therefore, it was sought a way of rearing in a natural diet that facilitates the attainment of the insect. The research was developed at the Laboratorio de Resistencia de Plantas a Insetos (FCAV/Jaboticabal) (T: 25 +/- 2 degrees C, RH 60 +/- 10% and photophase: 12 hours) (Runner IAC 886). The rearing stock of was carried out by collecting caterpillars from the field and keeping them in flat bottom glass tubes until adult emergence and test performance. Caterpillars were individualized in Petri dish plates, lined with moistened filter paper, which contained closed and early opened leaflets, but closed with paper clips (imitating the closed leaflet). A randomized design with two treatments and 36 repetitions was used. After the pupae formation, they were separated into five couples and the adults were kept in transparent plastic cages containing a peanut stem with leaves for oviposition, and fed with a 10% honey solution. The duration and viability of the larval and pupal periods, male and female longevity with and without food, and fertility were evaluated. The two forms of larvae rearing (closed leaflet and leaflet closed with clips) did not influence on any of the studied parameters. Therefore, the rearing of S. bosquella becomes feasible in natural diet, which means there is no need to use the enclosed leaflets for this purpose, and implies the easiness for rearing.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Os crisopídeos são importantes predadores e são encontrados em diversos agroecossistemas. A temperatura é um dos fatores determinantes para o desenvolvimento dos insetos, sendo que existe um gradiente de variação aceitável para cada espécie. Portanto, objetivou-se com este estudo verificar a influência de diferentes temperaturas sobre o desenvolvimento embrionário e pós-embrionário de C. raimundoi assim como verificar as conseqüências nas diferentes gerações. As fases jovens foram criadas em três ambientes com temperaturas constantes de 19,0, 25,0 e 31,0ºC e em um ambiente externo sem controle dos fatores abióticos. Foram observados a duração do período embrionário, do primeiro, segundo e terceiro ínstares, a duração do período larval, pupal e ovo-adulto, assim como, a sobrevivência em cada estágio, estádio e a porcentagem de emergência. O desenvolvimento embrionário e pós-embrionário diferiu entre as gerações F2 e F4. Quanto à influência de diferentes temperaturas para a geração F2, os indivíduos criados a 31,0ºC demonstraram redução na taxa de desenvolvimento com relação aos outros dois ambientes. Para a geração F4, observou-se que as diferentes temperaturas influenciaram no desenvolvimento, sendo que a 19,0ºC houve prolongamento do mesmo.


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Growth curves models provide a visual assessment of growth as a function of time, and prediction body weight at a specific age. This study aimed at estimating tinamous growth curve using different models, and at verifying their goodness of fit. A total number 11,639 weight records from 411 birds, being 6,671 from females and 3,095 from males, was analyzed. The highest estimates of a parameter were obtained using Brody (BD), von Bertalanffy (VB), Gompertz (GP,) and Logistic function (LG). Adult females were 5.7% heavier than males. The highest estimates of b parameter were obtained in the LG, GP, BID, and VB models. The estimated k parameter values in decreasing order were obtained in LG, GP, VB, and BID models. The correlation between the parameters a and k showed heavier birds are less precocious than the lighter. The estimates of intercept, linear regression coefficient, quadratic regression coefficient, and differences between quadratic coefficient of functions and estimated ties of quadratic-quadratic-quadratic segmented polynomials (QQQSP) were: 31.1732 +/- 2.41339; 3.07898 +/- 0.13287; 0.02689 +/- 0.00152; -0.05566 +/- 0.00193; 0.02349 +/- 0.00107, and 57 and 145 days, respectively. The estimated predicted mean error values (PME) of VB, GP, BID, LG, and QQQSP models were, respectively, 0.8353; 0.01715; -0.6939; -2.2453; and -0.7544%. The coefficient of determination (RI) and least square error values (MS) showed similar results. In conclusion, the VB and the QQQSP models adequately described tinamous growth. The best model to describe tinamous growth was the Gompertz model, because it presented the highest R-2 values, easiness of convergence, lower PME, and the easiness of parameter biological interpretation.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Many arthropods are mentioned with whitefly natural enemies, including the green lacewings. The aim of this study is to analyses the development and the capacity of predation of Chrysoperla externa (Hagen, 1861) fed with Bemisia tabaci B biotype nymphs, rearing different vegetables (kale, broccoli, eggplant end tomato). The duration, viability end weight in each stage end phase of development of the insect-predator had been evaluated, as well as the predatory capacity of the larvae in the third instar. The larval phase of the predator presented minor duration when these had been fed with nymphs developed the broccoli (12.36 days) and minor duration of the tomato (14.36 days) phase when fed with nymphs developed in kale, broccoli, and eggplant (6.50, 7.20, 7.33 days, respectively). The lower indices of viability been found for the larvae fed with nymphs developed in the tomato (30%), and average weights have. The predatory capacity of the larvae during the third instar was not affected, independently on the plant host where the whitefly nymph fed itself.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)