47 resultados para Infants hiperactius
em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"
Introduction: The progress in technology, associated to the high survival rate in premature newborn infants in neonatal intensive care units, causes an increase in morbidity. Individuals with CP present complex motor alterations, with primary deficits of abnormal muscle tone affecting posture and voluntary movement, alteration of balance and coordination, decrease of force, and loss of selective motor control with secondary problems of contractures and bone deformities.Objective: The aim of this work is to describe the spontaneous movement and strategies that lead infants with cerebral palsy to move.Methods: Seven infants used to receive assistance at the Essential Stimulation Center of CIAM (Israeli Center for Multidisciplinary Support - Philanthropic Institution), with ages ranging between six and 18 months with diagnosis of Cerebral Palsy (CP) were assessed.Results: The results show the difficulty presented by the infants with respect to the spontaneous motor functions and the necessity of help from the caregiver in order to perform the functional activity (mobility). Prematurity prevails as the major risk factor among the complications.Conclusion: The child development can be understood as a product of the dynamic interactions involving the infant, the family, and the context. Thus, the social interactions and family environment in which the infant live may encourage or limit both the acquisition of skills and the functional independence.
Objective: To determine chronological and corrected ages at acquisition of motor abilities up to independent walking in very low birth weight preterms and to determine up to what point it is necessary to use corrected age.Methods: This was a longitudinal study of preterms with birth weight < 1,500 g and gestational age <= 34 weeks, free from neurosensory sequelae, selected at the high-risk infants follow-up clinic at the Hospital das Clinicas, Faculdade de Medicine de Botucatu, Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) in Botucatu, Brazil, between 1998 to 2003, and assessed every 2 months until acquisition of independent walking.Results: Nine percent of the 155 preterms recruited were excluded from the study, leaving a total of 143 patients. The mean gestational age was 30 +/- 2 weeks, birth weight was 1,130 +/- 222 g, 59% were female and 44% were small for gestational age. Preterms achieved head control in their second month, could sit independent at 7 months and walked at 12.8 months' corrected age, corresponding to the 4th, 9th and 15th months of chronological age. There were significant differences between chronological age and corrected age for all motor abilities. Preterms who were small for their gestational age acquired motor abilities later, but still within expected limits.Conclusions: Very low birth weight preterms, free from neurosensory disorders, acquired their motor abilities within the ranges expected for their corrected ages. Corrected age should be used until independent walking is achieved.
Background: Although galactose is an important component in human lactose, there are few reports of its role in the newborn metabolism. Objective: To determine the relationship of blood galactose and glucose levels in mothers, cord blood, and breast-fed full-term newborn infants. Methods: Maternal and cord vein blood samples were obtained from 27 pregnant women at delivery, and from their breastfed, full-term newborns 48 h later. Galactose and glucose were determined by HPLC. Statistical analysis used ANOVA and Pearson correlation with p < 0.05. Results: Maternal galactose concentrations (0.08 +/- 0.03 mmol/l) were similar to cord blood galactose (0.07 +/- 0.03 mmol/l; p = 0.129). However, newborn blood galactose (0.05 +/- 0.02 mmol/l) was significantly lower than both cord (p = 0.042) and maternal blood (p = 0.002). Maternal blood glucose levels (4.72 +/- 0.86 mmol/l) were higher than cord blood (3.98 +/- 0.57 mmol/l; p < 0.001), and cord blood concentrations were higher than newborn blood levels (3.00 +/- 0.56 mmol/l; p < 0.001); all values expressed as mean +/- SD. Significant correlation was only seen between maternal and cord blood galactose levels (r = 0.67; p < 0.001) and glucose levels (r = 0.38; p = 0.047). Conclusion: the association and similarity between maternal and cord blood galactose levels suggest that the fetus is dependent on maternal galactose. In contrast, the lower galactose levels in newborn infants and a lack of association between both suggest self-regulation and a dependence on galactose ingestion. Copyright (c) 2007 S. Karger AG, Basel.
The present study is aimed to determine serum and urine interleukin-8 (IL-8) levels in premature infants with late onset sepsis (LOS) and to evaluate if urine IL-8 is a useful test for LOS diagnosis. Fifty-six premature infants admitted to the NICU over 1 year had serum and urine IL-8 determined by ELISA. They were divided into three groups: I definite sepsis, II probable sepsis and III non-infected. Results were expressed as mean or median. Differences between groups were assessed by ANOVA, Kruskal-Wallis ANOVA and Dunns Method. Sensitivity, specificity and positive and negative predictive values were calculated and a receiver operator characteristic curve was constructed to determine serum and urine IL-8 accuracy. There were no differences between groups for birth weight, and gestational and post-natal age. Median serum and urine IL-8 levels were significantly higher in GI and GII: 929 x 906 x 625pg/ml; P=0.024, and 249 x 189 x 42pg/mgCr; P< 0.001. Optimal cut-off point was 625pg/ml for serum IL-8 with 69 sensitivity and 75pg/mgCr for urine IL-8 with 92 sensitivity. IL-8 can be determined in urine from premature infants with LOS and is an accurate and feasible diagnosis method.
Objective To test the hypothesis that red blood cell (RBC) transfusions in preterm infants are associated with increased intra-hospital mortality.Study design Variables associated with death were studied with Cox regression analysis in a prospective cohort of preterm infants with birth weight <1500 g in the Brazilian Network on Neonatal Research. Intra-hospital death and death after 28 days of life were analyzed as dependent variables. Independent variables were infant demographic and clinical characteristics and RBC transfusions.Results of 1077 infants, 574 (53.3%) received at least one RBC transfusion during the hospital stay. The mean number of transfusions per infant was 3.3 +/- 3.4, with 2.1 +/- 2.1 in the first 28 days of life. Intra-hospital death occurred in 299 neonates (27.8%), and 60 infants (5.6%) died after 28 days of life. After adjusting for confounders, the relative risk of death during hospital stay was 1.49 in infants who received at least one RBC transfusion in the first 28 days of life, compared with infants who did not receive a transfusion. The risk of death after 28 days of life was 1.89 times higher in infants who received more than two RBC transfusions during their hospital stay, compared with infants who received one or two transfusions.Conclusion Transfusion was associated with increased death, and transfusion guidelines should consider risks and benefits of transfusion. (J Pediatr 2011; 159: 371-6).
Objective: To evaluate perinatal factors associated with early neonatal death in preterm infants with birth weights (BW) of 400-1,500 g.Methods: A multicenter prospective cohort study of all infants with BW of 400-1,500 g and 23-33 weeks of gestational age (GA), without malformations, who were born alive at eight public university tertiary hospitals in Brazil between June of 2004 and May of 2005. Infants who died within their first 6 days of life were compared with those who did not regarding maternal and neonatal characteristics and morbidity during the first 72 hours of life. Variables associated with the early deaths were identified by stepwise logistic regression.Results: A total of 579 live births met the inclusion criteria. Early deaths occurred in 92 (16%) cases, varying between centers from 5 to 31%, and these differences persisted after controlling for newborn illness severity and mortality risk score (SNAPPE-II). According to the multivariate analysis, the following factors were associated with early intrahospital neonatal deaths: gestational age of 23-27 weeks (odds ratio - OR = 5.0; 95%CI 2.7-9.4), absence of maternal hypertension (OR = 1.9; 95%CI 1.0-3.7), 5th minute Apgar 0-6 (OR = 2.8; 95%CI 1.4-5.4), presence of respiratory distress syndrome (OR = 3.1; 95%CI 1.4-6.6), and network center of birth.Conclusion: Important perinatal factors that are associated with early neonatal deaths in very low birth weight preterm infants can be modified by interventions such as improving fetal vitality at birth and reducing the incidence and severity of respiratory distress syndrome. The heterogeneity of early neonatal rates across the different centers studied indicates that best clinical practices should be identified and disseminated throughout the country.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Previously common in Brazil, enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC) strains of serogroups O55, O111, and O119 are now rare, while enteroadherent strains other than EPEC, belonging to serogroups such as O125, were prevalent among 126 diarrheic infants less than 1 year old who were surveyed. None of these strains had the EPEC bundle-forming pilus (bkA) gene.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)