14 resultados para Indigenous sentencing

em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"


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OBJETIVOS: identificar a prevalência de hipoacusia em crianças indígenas Kaiowá e Guarani. MÉTODOS: estudo transversal, com uma amostra de 126 crianças indígenas de zero a 59 meses da Terra Indígena de Caarapó, em Mato Grosso do Sul, Brasil. As crianças foram submetidas ao exame das emissões otoacústicas evocadas transitórias, que serviu como triagem auditiva. O reteste foi realizado nas crianças que apresentaram resultado alterado na triagem auditiva. Os casos que, no reteste, permaneceram alterados foram encaminhados para o exame da imitanciometria. RESULTADOS: na triagem auditiva, foram identificadas 25 (23,6%) crianças com resultado alterado; dessas, 17 apresentaram resultado normal no reteste e 6 permaneceram com resultado alterado, sendo encaminhadas para imitanciometria. A prevalência de hipoacusia identificada ao final do estudo foi de 5,6%, sendo 3 (2,8%) do tipo condutiva e 3 (2,8%) do tipo neurossensorial. Estas últimas foram encaminhadas à avaliação otorrinolaringológica complementar para confirmação diagnóstica. As alterações auditivas identificadas neste estudo não apresentaram diferenças significantes quanto ao sexo e grupo etário. CONCLUSÕES: a prevalência de alteração auditiva encontrada nesta população alerta para a necessidade de implantação de programas de saúde auditiva e sua articulação com outras ações desenvolvidas na atenção à saúde infantil dos Kaiowá e Guarani.


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A inspeção sanitária da carne bovina e suína tem sido a principal forma diagnóstica da cisticercose animal e da prevenção da teníase no Brasil. As aldeias indígenas Jaguapirú e Bororó estão localizadas próximo à área urbana do município de Dourados-MS, com condições precárias de saneamento básico, onde bovinos e suínos são criados como fonte de alimento para consumo próprio, bem como para comercialização externa, geralmente sem inspeção sanitária oficial. Neste estudo, 96 carcaças bovinas e 117 amostras de soro de suínos, criados nas aldeias indígenas, foram avaliadas para a presença de formas metacestóides à inspeção sanitária e de anticorpos anti-Taenia sp. ao teste ELISA, respectivamente. Observaram-se 18,75% de positividade para cisticercose bovina e 9,4% para cisticercose suína. A ocorrência do complexo teníase-cisticercose nas aldeias pode favorecer a ocorrência desta zoonose na população indígena. Condições adequadas de abate e inspeção sanitária dos animais destas aldeias se fazem urgente para o controle do complexo teníase-cisticercose na população indígena.


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Este artigo tem o objetivo de descrever a pesca de subsistência das populações tradicionais de uma aldeia Ashaninka e duas Kaxinawá vivendo à beira do rio Breu. Inicialmente, foram treinados monitores para preencher fichas de coleta de dados das pescarias nas aldeias durante um ciclo anual (agosto/1995 agosto/1996). A partir desses dados realizaram-se os inventários das espécies de peixes capturadas e dos ambientes pesqueiros. A análise dos dados foi efetuada por meio de estatística descritiva e exploratória. Os resultados obtidos foram os seguintes: i) os ambientes mais procurados pelos índios foram os poços; ii) as espécies mais capturadas os mandis (35%, Pimelodidae), os bodes ou cascudos (Loricariidae), com destaque para o bode praiano (25%, Hypostomus sp.), o curimatã (9%, Prochilodus sp.) e os saburus (8%, Curimatidae), entre outros; iii) constatou-se que os arreios ou apetrechos de pesca que mais capturam peixes são o tingui (veneno), a tarrafa e o arco/flecha, respectivamente; iv) durante o verão a atividade de pesca é mais intensa; v) as medidas de esforço de pesca e os fatores associados que foram estatisticamente significativos nas predições das capturas na Reserva Indígena foram: f1 = o (número de pescadores), f2 = o (número de pescadores*tempo total das pescarias) e f3 = o [(número de pescadores*tempo total das pescarias)-(o tempo de deslocamento)] e os fatores aldeias e arreios; vi) apesar da maioria das pescarias serem realizadas a pé até os pesqueiros, as capturas são maiores quando a locomoção se dá através de canoa a remo; e vii) os pescadores mais ativos nas pescarias na Reserva Indígena foram os Kaxinawá.


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This article investigates which semantic categories, as defined in Functional Discourse Grammar, formally manifest themselves in a sample of native languages of Brazil, and the extent to which the distribution of these manifestations across categories can be described systematically in terms of implicational hierarchies. The areas subjected to investigation are basic interrogative words, basic demonstrative words, and nominalization strategies.


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Tuberculosis (TB) is a very serious problem worldwide and the increasing number of multiple drugs resistant TB cases makes the search for new anti-TB drugs an urgent need. Indigenous knowledge about the use of native plants to treat illnesses has contributed to the discovery of new medicines. In this study, the antimycobacterial activity of seven medicinal drinks was assessed: Ananas sativus (hydroalcoholic fruit extract), Aristolochia triangularis (aqueous and hydroalcoholic leaf, root and stem extracts), Bromelia antiacantha (hydroalcoholic fruit extract), Stryphnodendron adstringens (hydroalcoholic bark extract), Tabebuia ovellanedae (hydroalcoholic bark extract), Vernonia polyanthes (hydroalcoholic root extract), all used by the Vanuíre indigenous community in the treatment of respiratory diseases. The activity was evaluated by using a time-to-kill assay, in which Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv was cultured on Löwenstein-Jensen medium, after thirty minutes, one, three, six, twelve and twenty-four hours contact of the bacteria with each drink. Within half to one hour contact, the hydroalcoholic drinks of A. triangularis, S. adstringens, T. ovellanedae and V. polyanthes reduced the bacterial growth by 2 orders of magnitude in CFU/mL, and all bacterial growth was absent after three hours contact. In contrast, no mycobactericidal effect was detected in the aqueous extract of A. triangularis or in the hydroalcoholic beverages of A. sativus and B. antiacantha, even after twenty-four hours contact.


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Bemisia tabaci is one of the most important global agricultural insect pests, being a vector of emerging plant viruses such as begomoviruses and criniviruses that cause serious problems in many countries. Although knowledge of the genetic diversity of B. tabaci populations is important for controlling this pest and understanding viral epidemics, limited information is available on this pest in Brazil. A survey was conducted in different locations of São Paulo and Mato Grosso states, and the phylogenetic relationships of B. tabaci individuals from 43 populations sampled from different hosts were analysed based on partial mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase 1 gene (mtCOI) sequences. According to the recently proposed classification of the B. tabaci complex, which employs the 3.5% mtCOI sequence divergence threshold for species demarcation, most of the specimens collected were found to belong to the Middle East-Asia Minor 1 species, which includes the invasive populations of the commonly known B biotype, within the Africa/Middle East/Asia Minor high-level group. Three specimens collected from Solanun gilo and Ipomoea sp. were grouped together and could be classified in the New World species that includes the commonly known A biotype. However, six specimens collected from Euphorbia heterophylla, Xanthium cavanillesii and Glycine maxima could not be classified into any of the 28 previously proposed species, although according to the 11% mtCOI sequence divergence threshold, they belong to the New World high-level group. These specimens were classified into a new recently proposed species named New World 2 that includes populations from Argentina. Middle East-Asia Minor 1, New World and New World 2 were differentiated by RFLP analysis of the mtCOI gene using TaqI enzyme. Taq I analysis in silico also differentiates these from Mediterranean species, thus making this method a convenient tool to determine population dynamics, especially critical for monitoring the presence of this exotic pest in Brazil. © 2012 Blackwell Verlag, GmbH.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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In recent years, a number of South American freshwater fish have gained increasing attention for their potential in aquaculture, not only because of their excellent performance in farming systems but also to meet the high consumer demand for these species due to declining fishery resources. Many South American freshwater species are migratory and produce altricial larvae, with a small amount of yolk reserves. Unlike precocial freshwater species and altricial coldwater marine fish, these freshwater fish investigated have rapid yolk depletion and metamorphosis. Specific studies on the initial development of South American fish are scarce and fragmented. One of the most widely studied species is the pacu (Piaractus mesopotamicus), farmed in warm continental waters. In the present review we compile new and published data on the initial development of pacu, including morphogenesis of the skeletal, muscle, digestive and sensory systems; compare it to other Neotropical species; and discuss the importance of this information to develop larviculture protocols. When pacu larvae exhaust yolk reserves, they initiate a new form of interaction with the environment, becoming exclusively exotrophic. This type of interaction is made possible by the rapid development of sensory, skeletal, locomotor and digestive structures. In addition to understanding fish ontogeny, studies on larval development are necessary to improve farming systems and larviculture techniques aimed at producing high-quality juveniles in aquaculture. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Students' cultural diversity is an important factor to consider in a mathematics education concerned with equity. We argue that the significance of mathematics education is not only given by the understanding of mathematical concepts but also by students' foreground, that is, the students' perception of their future possibilities in life as made apparent to the individual by his/her social-political context. For students in a cultural borderline position, different reasons and intentions for engaging in mathematics learning may be related to the construction of meaning in mathematics. Through inter-viewing Brazilian Indian students' foreground, we illuminate the different types of significance given to mathematics education in their particular situation.


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In this article we present the plants used for the treatment of malaria and associated symptoms in Santa Isabel do Rio Negro in the Brazilian Amazon. The region has important biological and cultural diversities including more than twenty indigenous ethnic groups and a strong history in traditional medicine. The aims of this study are to survey information in the Baniwa, Baré, Desana, Piratapuia, Tariana, Tukano, Tuyuca, Yanomami ethnic communities and among caboclos (mixed-ethnicity) on: a) plant species used for the treatment of malaria and associated symptoms; b) dosage forms and c) distribution of these anti-malarial plants in the Amazon. Information was obtained through classical ethnobotanical and ethnopharmacological methods from interviews with 146 informants in Santa Isabel municipality on the upper Negro River, Brazil. Fifty-five mainly native neotropical plant species from 34 families were in use. The detailed uses of these plants were documented. The result was 187 records (64.4%) of plants for the specific treatment of malaria, 51 records (17.5%) of plants used in the treatment of liver problems and 28 records (9.6%) of plants used in the control of fevers associated with malaria. Other uses described were blood fortification ('dar sangue'), headache and prophylaxis. Most of the therapeutic preparations were decoctions and infusions based on stem bark, root bark and leaves. These were administered by mouth. In some cases, remedies were prepared with up to three different plant species. Also, plants were used together with other ingredients such as insects, mammals, gunpowder and milk. This is the first study on the anti-malarial plants from this region of the Amazon. Aspidosperma spp. and Ampelozizyphus amazonicus Ducke were the most cited species in the communities surveyed. These species have experimental proof supporting their anti-malarial efficacy. The dosage of the therapeutic preparations depends on the kind of plant, quantity of plant material available, the patient's age (children and adults) and the local expert. The treatment time varies from a single dose to up to several weeks. Most anti-malarial plants are domesticated or grow spontaneously. They are grown in home gardens, open areas near the communities, clearings and secondary forests, and wild species grow in areas of seasonally flooded wetlands and terra firme (solid ground) forest, in some cases in locations that are hard to access. Traditional knowledge of plants was found to be falling into disuse presumably as a consequence of the local official health services that treat malaria in the communities using commercial drugs. Despite this, some species are used in the prevention of this disease and also in the recovery after using conventional anti-malarial drugs.