103 resultados para Independent-particle shell model

em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"


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After a short introduction to the nonmesonic weak decay (NMWD) ΛN→nN of Λ-hypernuclei we discuss the long-standing puzzle on the ratio Γn/Γp, and some recent experimental evidences that signalized towards its final solution. Two versions of the Independent-Particle-Shell-Model (IPSM) are employed to account for the nuclear structure of the final residual nuclei. They are: (a) IPSM-a, where no correlation, except for the Pauli principle, is taken into account, and (b) IPSM-b, where the highly excited hole states are considered to be quasi-stationary and are described by Breit-Wigner distributions, whose widths are estimated from the experimental data. We evaluate the coincidence spectra in Λ 4He, Λ 5He, Λ 12C, Λ 16O, and Λ 28Si, as a function of the sum of kinetic energies EnN=En+EN for N=n, p. The recent Brookhaven National Laboratory experiment E788 on Λ 4He, is interpreted within the IPSM. We found that the shapes of all the spectra are basically tailored by the kinematics of the corresponding phase space, depending very weakly on the dynamics, which is gauged here by the one-meson-exchange- potential. In spite of the straightforwardness of the approach a good agreement with data is achieved. This might be an indication that the final-state- interactions and the two-nucleon induced processes are not very important in the decay of this hypernucleus. We have also found that the π+K exchange potential with soft vertex-form-factor cutoffs (Λπ≈0. 7GeV, ΛK≈0.9GeV), is able to account simultaneously for the available experimental data related to Γp and Γn for Λ 4H, and Λ 5He. © 2010 American Institute of Physics.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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We compute one- and two-nucleon kinetic-energy spectra and opening-angle distributions for the nonmesonic weak decay of several hypernuclei, and compare our results with some recent data. The decay dynamics is described by transition potentials of the one-meson-exchange type, and the nuclear structure aspects by two versions of the independent-particle shell model (IPSM). In version IPSM-a, the bole states are treated as stationary, while in version IPSM-b the deep-hole ones are considered to be quasi-stationary and are described by Breit-Wigner distributions.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Simple and coincidence spectra of the NM weak decay of light hypernuclei have been evaluated in a systematic way for the first time. We have only considered 1N induced processes, neglecting entirely the events induced by 2N emission, as well as the effects of the FSIt's. As the theoretical frameworkwe have used the IPSM with three different parametrizations for the transition potential. The comparison with data strongly suggests that the soft π + K exchange model could be a good starting point to describe the dynamics in the NM weak decays of s- and p-shell hypernuclei. © 2012 American Institute of Physics.


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We present a formalism for the computation of one-nucleon-induced nonmesonic weak hypernuclear decay rates in laboratory coordinates, within an independent-particle shell model framework, with a view to its generalization to the case of two-nucleon-induced transitions. © 2013 AIP Publishing LLC.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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In this work we compute the one-nucleon-induced nonmesonic hypernuclear decay rates of He-5(Lambda), C-12(Lambda) and C-13(Lambda) using a formalism based on the independent particle shell model in terms of laboratory coordinates. To ascertain the correctness and precision of the method, these results are compared with those obtained using a formalism in terms of center-of-mass coordinates, which has been previously reported in the literature. The formalism in terms of laboratory coordinates will be useful in the shell-model approach to two-nucleon-induced transitions.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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In this work the independent particle model formulation is studied as a mean-field approximation of gauge theories using the path integral approach in the framework of quantum electrodynamics in 1 + 1 dimensions. It is shown how a mean-field approximation scheme can be applied to fit an effective potential to an independent particle model, building a straightforward relation between the model and the associated gauge field theory. An example is made considering the problem of massive Dirac fermions on a line, the so called massive Schwinger model. An interesting result is found, indicating a behaviour of screening of the charges in the relativistic limit of strong coupling. A forthcoming application of the method developed to confining potentials in independent quark models for QCD is in view and is briefly discussed.


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lsoscalar (T = 0) plus isovector (T = 1) pairing Hamiltonian in LS-coupling. which is important for heavy N = Z nuclei, is solvable in terms of a SO(8) Lie algebra for three special values of the mixing parameter that measures the competition between the T = 0 aid T = 1 pairing. The SO(8) algebra is generated, amongst others, by the S = 1, T = 0 and S = 0, T = 1 pair creation and annihilation operators and corresponding to the three values of the mixing parameter, there are three chains of subalgebras: SO(8) superset of SOST (6) superset of SOS(3) circle times SOT(3), SO(8) superset of [SOS(5) superset of SOS(3)] circle times SOT(3) and SO(8) superset of [SOT(5) superset of SOT(3)] circle times SOS(3). Shell model Lie algebras, with only particle number conserving generators, that are complementary to these three chains of subalgebras are identified and they are used in the classification of states for a given number of nucleons. The classification problem is solved explicitly tor states with SO(8) seniority nu = 0, 1, 2, 3 and 4. Using them, hand structures in isospin space are identified for states with nu = 0, 1, 2 and 3. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We apply the general principles of effective field theories to the construction of effective interactions suitable for few- and many-body calculations in a no-core shell model framework. We calculate the spectrum of systems with three and four two-component fermions in a harmonic trap. In the unitary limit, we find that three-particle results are within 10% of known semianalytical values even in small model spaces. The method is very general, and can be readily extended to other regimes, more particles, different species (e.g., protons and neutrons in nuclear physics), or more-component fermions (as well as bosons). As an illustration, we present calculations of the lowest-energy three-fermion states away from the unitary limit and find a possible inversion of parity in the ground state in the limit of trap size large compared to the scattering length. Furthermore, we investigate the lowest positive-parity states for four fermions, although we are limited by the dimensions we can currently handle in this case.


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We present model results for the two-halo-neutron correlation functions, C-nn, for the dissociation process of light exotic nuclei modelled as two neutrons and a core. A minimum is predicted for C-nn as a function of the relative momentum of the two neutrons, p(nn), due to the coherence of the neutrons in the halo and final state interaction. Studying the systems Be-14, Li-11, and He-6 within this model, we show that the numerical asymptotic limit, C-nn-> 1, occurs only for p(nn)greater than or similar to 400 MeV/c, while such limit is reached for much lower values of p(nn) in an independent particle model as the one used in the analysis of recent experimental data. Our model is consistent with data once the experimental correlation function is appropriately normalized.


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Linear mixed effects models have been widely used in analysis of data where responses are clustered around some random effects, so it is not reasonable to assume independence between observations in the same cluster. In most biological applications, it is assumed that the distributions of the random effects and of the residuals are Gaussian. This makes inferences vulnerable to the presence of outliers. Here, linear mixed effects models with normal/independent residual distributions for robust inferences are described. Specific distributions examined include univariate and multivariate versions of the Student-t, the slash and the contaminated normal. A Bayesian framework is adopted and Markov chain Monte Carlo is used to carry out the posterior analysis. The procedures are illustrated using birth weight data on rats in a texicological experiment. Results from the Gaussian and robust models are contrasted, and it is shown how the implementation can be used for outlier detection. The thick-tailed distributions provide an appealing robust alternative to the Gaussian process in linear mixed models, and they are easily implemented using data augmentation and MCMC techniques.


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Elétrica - FEIS