em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"
Starting from the two-particle Bethe-Salpeter equation in the ladder approximation and integrating over the time component of momentum, we rederive three-dimensional scattering integral equations satisfying constraints of relativistic unitarity and convariance, first derived by Weinberg and by Blankenbecler and Sugar. These two-particle equations are shown to be related by a transformation of variables. Hence we show how to perform and relate identical dynamical calculation using these two equations. Similarly, starting from the Bethe-Salpeter-Faddeev equation for the three-particle system and integrating over the time component of momentum, we derive several three-dimensional three-particle scattering equations satisfying constraints of relativistic unitarity and convariance. We relate two of these three-particle equations by a transformation of variables as in the two-particle case. The three-particle equations we derive are very practical and suitable for performing relativistic scattering calculations. (C) 1994 Academic Press, Inc.
The gravitational capture was initially used to understand the capture of planetary satellites. However, in the 90's decade, this phenomenon was applied in spacecraft trajectories. Belbruno and Miller studied missions in the Earth-Moon system that uses this technique to save fuel during the insertion of the spacecraft in its final orbit around the Moon. Using a parameter defined as twice the two-body energy of the planet-particle system, Yamakawa also studied the gravitational capture in the Earth-Moon system. In the present paper, this technique is used to study a mission that goes to the Neptune system and perform a gravitational capture in the satellite Triton. The results show direct and retrograde trajectories, for different values of the initial conditions.
The result of few-particle ground-state calculation employing a two-particle nonlocal potential supporting a continuum bound state in addition to a negative-energy bound state has occasionally revealed unusually strong attraction in producing a very strongly bound ground state. In the presence of the continuum bound state the difference of phase shift between zero and infinite energies has an extra jump of pi as in the presence of an additional bound state. The wave function of the continuum bound state is identical with that of a strongly bound negative-energy state, which leads us to postulate a pseudo bound state in the two-particle system in order to explain the unexpected attraction. The role of the Pauli forbidden states is expected to be similar to these pseudo states.
The present work deals with a family of simply periodic orbits around the Moon in the rotating Earth Moon-particle system. Taking the framework of the planar, circular, restricted three-body problem, we follow the evolution of this family of periodic orbits using the numerical technique of Poincaré surface of section. The maximum amplitude of oscillation about the periodic orbits are determined and can be used as a parameter to measure the degree of stability in the phase space for such orbits. Despite the fact that the whole family of periodic orbits remain stable, there is a dichotomy in the quasi-periodic ones at the Jacobi constant Cj = 2.85. The quasi-periodic orbits with Cj < 2.85 oscillate around the periodic orbits in a different way from those with Cj > 2.85. © 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
We study the problem of gravitational capture in the framework of the Sun-Uranus-particle system. Part of the space of initial conditions is systematically explored, and the duration of temporary gravitational capture is measured. The location and size of different capture-time regions are given in terms of diagrams of initial semimajor axis versus eccentricity. The other initial orbital elements - inclination (i), longitude of the node (Ω), argument of pericenter (ω), and time of pericenter passage (τ) - are first taken to be zero. Then we investigate the cases with ω = 90°, 180°, and 270°. We also present a sample of results for Ω = 90°, considering the cases i = 60°, 120°, 150°, and 180°. Special attention is given to the influence of the initial orbital inclination, taking orbits initially in opposition at pericenter. In this case, the initial inclination is varied from 0° to 180° in steps of 10°. The success of the final stage of the capture problem, which involves the transformation of temporary captures into permanent ones, is highly dependent on the initial conditions associated with the longest capture times. The largest regions of the initial-conditions space with the longest capture times occur at inclinations of 60°-70° and 160°. The regions of possible stability as a function of initial inclination are also delimited. These regions include not only a known set of retrograde orbits, but also a new sort of prograde orbit with inclinations greater than zero.
This paper describes a method of identifying morphological attributes that classify wear particles in relation to the wear process from which they originate and permit the automatic identification without human expertise. The method is based on the use of Multi Layer Perceptron (MLP) for analysis of specific types of microscopic wear particles. The classification of the wear particles was performed according to their morphological attributes of size and aspect ratio, among others. (C) 2010 Journal of Mechanical Engineering. All rights reserved.
Naturally occuring or man-made systems displaying periodic spatial modulations of their properties on a nanoscale constitute superlattices. Such modulated structures are important both as prototypes of simple nanotechnological devices and as particular examples of emerging spatial inhomogeneity in interacting many-electron systems. Here we investigate the effect different types of modulation of the system parameters have on the ground-state energy and the charge-density distribution of the system. The superlattices are described by the inhomogeneous attractive Hubbard model, and the calculations are performed by density-functional and density-matrix renormalization group techniques. We find that modulations in local electric potentials are much more effective in shaping the system's properties than modulations in the attractive on-site interaction. This is the same conclusion we previously [M.F. Silva, N.A. Lima, A.L. Malvezzi, K. Capelle, Phys. Rev. B 71 (2005) 125130.] obtained for repulsive interactions, suggesting that it is not an artifact of a specific state, but a general property of modulated structures. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
We calculate the contribution of relativistic dynamics on the neutron-deutron scattering length and triton binding energy employing five sets trinucleon potential models and four types of three-dimensional relativistic three-body equations suggested in the preceding paper. The relativistic correction to binding energy may vary a lot and even change sign depending on the relativistic formulation employed. The deviations of these observables from those obtained in nonrelativistic models follow the general universal trend of deviations introduced by off- and on-shell variations of two- and three-nucleon potentials in a nonrelativistic model calculation. Consequently, it will be difficult to separate unambiguously the effect of off- and on-shell variations of two- and three-nucleon potentials on low-energy three-nucleon observables from the effect of relativistic dynamics. (C) 1994 Academic Press, Inc.
This paper presents an intelligent search strategy for the conforming bad data errors identification in the generalized power system state estimation, by using the tabu search meta heuristic. The main objective is to detect critical errors involving both analog and topology errors. These errors are represented by conforming errors, whose nature affects measurements that actually do not present bad data and also the conventional bad data identification strategies based on the normalized residual methods. ©2005 IEEE.
This paper describes the development of a mechatronic system for a predictive maintenance grounded on wear particle analysis. The reckoning of wear particles containing in lubricating industrial oils brings the image acquisition system into being. The ISO 4406:1999 standard is a guide to establish the counting and evaluation processes of particles. The system applied to the acquisition and analysis of the data consists of a digital camera, a monocular microscope and an oil filtering system. A computational program was developed with the application of Visual Microsoft C++ in a way to detain the oil sample image from the microscope slide to the computer screen. Quantitative analyses of the wear debris particles bulk are exploited applying a graphical interface that was developed to render the image processing of the sample test. The implemented system has a reachable cost thus it can be applied for schooling goals and for bolstering laboratories of minor industries and medium size companies.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
In this work we describe a two-dimensional computer simulation of magnetic field enhanced plasma immersion implantation system. Negative bias voltage of 10.0 kV is applied to a cylindrical target located on the axis of a grounded vacuum chamber filled with uniform nitrogen plasma. A pair of external coils creates a static magnetic field with main vector component along the axial direction. Thus, a system of crossed ExB field is generated inside the vessel forcing plasma electrons to rotate in azimuthal direction. In addition, the axial variation of the magnetic field intensity produces magnetic mirror effect that enables axial particle confinement. It is found that high-density plasma regions are formed around the target due to intense background gas ionization by the trapped electrons. Effect of the magnetic field on the sheath dynamics and the implantation current density of the PIII system is investigated. By changing the magnetic field axial profile (varying coils separation) an enhancement of about 30% of the retained dose can be achieved. The results of the simulation show that the magnetic mirror configuration brings additional benefits to the PIII process, permitting more precise control of the implanted dose.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)