52 resultados para IAS
em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"
O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar o controle genético da formação de embriões somáticos da cultivar IAS-5 de soja. O experimento foi conduzido em casa de vegetação, cultivando-se quatro plantas por vaso, sob fotoperíodo de 14 horas e temperatura em torno de 28°C. Efetuaram-se cruzamentos entre os parentais não-embriogênicos (cultivares IAC-6, Paraná e IAC-15) e embriogênico (cultivar IAS-5) e retrocruzamentos para obtenção das gerações F1, F2,RC1P1 e RC1P2. Cotilédones imaturos, com 4-6 mm de comprimento, derivados dos parentais das gerações F1, F2, RC1P1 e RC1P2 foram cultivados em placas de Petri contendo meio N10, por um período de 90 dias, em câmara de crescimento. Os embriões somáticos derivados da indução foram contados, e os números, usados para obtenção dos parâmetros genéticos. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que o caráter capacidade de produção de embriões somáticos da cultivar IAS-5 é de natureza quantitativa e controlado por, aproximadamente, 20 genes.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The objectives of this research were to investigate the genetic parameters associated with the in vitro formation of somatic embryos in soybean and to determine the effect of light intensity on the embryogenic capability of F-1, F-2, and backcross (RC1P1 and RC1P2) progenies derived from crosses between embryogenic (IAS-5 and Embrapa-1) and nonembryogenic (Parana) cultivars. Immature cotyledons (4-6 mm in length) derived from the parental lines, F-1, F-2, RC1P1, and RC1P2 were grown for 90 d on the inductive N10 medium, after which the number of somatic embryos was recorded. Chi-square tests for goodness of fit showed that the genetic component of the somatic embryogenesis trait is controlled in a quantitative manner by approximately 10 genes. A normal distribution for somatic embryo formation in the F-2 generations was observed reinforcing the quantitative nature of the trait. Variation in light intensity (8-12 and 27-33 mu mol m(-2) s(-1)) had no effect on somatic embryo formation in the parental material tested.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
This paper presents an analysis of a novel pulse-width-modulated (PWM) voltage step-down/up Zeta converter, featuring zero-current-switching (ZCS) at the active switches. The applications in de to de and ac to de (rectifier) operation modes are used as examples to illustrate the performance of this new ZCS-PWM Zeta converter. Regarding to the new ZCS-PWM Zeta rectifier proposed, it should be noticed that the average-current mode control is used in order to obtain a structure with high power-factor (HPF) and low total harmonic distortion (THD) at the input current.Two active switches (main and auxiliary transistors), two diodes, two small resonant inductors and one small resonant capacitor compose the novel ZCS-PWM soft-commutation cell, used in these new ZCS-PWM Zeta converters. In this cell, the turn-on of the active switches occurs in zero-current (ZC) and their turn-off in zero-current and zero-voltage (ZCZV). For the diodes, their turn-on process occurs in zero-voltage (ZV) and their reverse-recovery effects over the active switches are negligible. These characteristics make this cell suitable for Insulated-Gate Bipolar Transistors (IGBTs) applications.The main advantages of these new Zeta converters, generated from the new soft-commutation cell proposed, are possibility of obtaining isolation (through their accumulation inductors), and high efficiency, at wide load range. In addition, for the rectifier application, a high power factor and low THD in the input current ran be obtained, in agreement with LEC 1000-3-2 standards.The principle of operation, the theoretical analysis and a design example for the new de to de Zeta converter operating in voltage step-down mode are presented. Experimental results are obtained from a test unit with 500W output power, 110V(dc) output voltage, 220V(dc) input voltage, operating at 50kHz switching frequency. The efficiency measured at rated toad is equal to 97.3%for this new Zeta converter.Finally, the new Zeta rectifier is analyzed, and experimental results from a test unit rated at 500W output power, 110V(dc) output voltage, 220V(rms) input voltage, and operating at 50kHz switching frequency, are presented. The measured efficiency is equal to 96.95%, the power-factor is equal to 0.98, and the input current THD is equal to 19.07%, for this new rectifier operating at rated load.
A new parasite species of Leishmania is described, L. (Leishmania) forattinii sp. n., which was isolated from a pooled triturate of liver and spleen of a opossum (Didelphis marsupialis aurita) and from skin samples from a rodent (Proechmys iheringi denigratus), captured in primary forest on the Atlantic Cost of Brazil. Our results on the basis of biological and molecular criteria indicate that this taxonomically distinct parasite ias a new species of the L. mexicana complex, but closely related to L. (L.) aristidesi Laison & shaw, 1979, as revelated by phenetic and phylogenetic numerical analyses of the enzyme data. L. forattinii was clearly distinguishable from other Leishmania species of the genus usisng enzyme electrophoresis, monoclonal antibodies, molecular karyotypes, analysis of restriction enzyme digestion patterns of kinetoplast DNA (kDNA), as well as the use of kDNA hybridization procedures.
O cultivo da soja em solos hidromórficos do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul vem sendo utilizado como opção em rotação com arroz e pastagens. O presente trabalho teve como objetivos determinar o comportamento dos componentes do rendimento de quatro cultivares de soja, para as condições dos solos hidromórficos, e verificar as variações de comportamento em função do estádio de desenvolvimento em que ocorre o estresse por excesso hídrico. O experimento foi conduzido em uma estrutura com cobertura plástica, em vasos de PVC, no ano agrícola de 1995/96, no Departamento de Fitotecnia da UFSM, em Santa Maria, RS. O solo utilizado foi um planossolo pertencente à unidade de mapeamento Vacacaí. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o de blocos ao acaso, fatorial (4 x 5) com três repetições. As cultivares Ocepar 14, FT Saray, IAS 5 e CEP 16 foram submetidas a tratamentos de saturação hídrica do solo por um período de 15 dias a partir dos estádios de desenvolvimento V2 e V6; e por um período de 10 dias a partir dos estádios R2, R3 e R4. Os resultados indicaram que as quatro cultivares de soja utilizadas apresentaram boa tolerância à saturação hídrica no solo e que, em termos de duração desse estresse, a tolerância à saturação hídrica no solo é maior no subperíodo vegetativo do que no subperíodo reprodutivo.
OBJETIVO: avaliar a qualidade da dieta da população idosa do município de Avaré (SP) através do Índice de Alimentação Saudável (IAS) MÉTODOS: trata-se de um estudo de corte transversal de base populacional realizado por meio de entrevista domiciliar. A amostra constou de 73 indivíduos, sorteados aleatoriamente dos idosos integrados ao Sistema Público de Saúde do Município. O consumo alimentar foi medido por meio de 3 Recordatórios de 24 horas. Para avaliação, foi aplicado o IAS adaptado para a população brasileira. Parte-se do princípio que o presente estudo constitui o primeiro no Brasil a aplicar o IAS utilizando 3 inquéritos do tipo recordatório de 24 horas em população idosa. Optou-se por esta metodologia, pois como descrito na literatura, um único dia não representa a ingestão habitual de um indivíduo devido à elevada variabilidade intrapessoal do consumo. RESULTADOS: Foram encontrados 32,9% de idosos com uma dieta de má qualidade; 60,3% necessitando de melhorias e 6,8% com uma dieta de boa qualidade. CONCLUSÃO: Pode-se concluir que os idosos estudados precisam de melhorias na alimentação, o que ressalta a importância de política de incentivo voltado à alimentação saudável na terceira idade.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Immunochemical methods have increased considerably in the past years, and many examples of small and large scale studies have demonstrated the reliability of the immunotechniques for control and monitoring gf contaminant residues in different kinds of samples. Application of the immunoassay (IA) methods in pesticide residue control is an area with enormous potential for growth. The most extensively studied IA is the enzyme-linked absorbent assay (ELISA), but several other approaches, that include radioimmunoassay and immunoaffinity chromatography, have been also developed recently. In comparison with classical analytical methods, IA methods offer the possibility of highly sensitive, relatively vapid, and cost-effective measurements. This paper introduces the general IAs used until now, focusing on their use in pesticide analysis, and discussing briefly the effects of interferences from solvent residues or matrix components on the IA performance. Numerous immunochemical methods commonly used for pesticide determination in different samples such as food, crop and environmental samples are presented.
Labile metal species in aquatic humic substances (HSs) were characterized by ion exchange on cellulose phosphate (CellPhos) by applying an optimized batch procedure. The HSs investigated were pre-extracted from humic-rich waters by ultrafiltration and a resin XAD 8 procedure. The HS-metal species studied were formed by complexation with Cd(II), Ni(II), Cu(II), Mn(II) and Pb(II) as a function of time and the ratio ions to HSs. The kinetics and reaction order of this exchange process were studied. At the beginning (<3 min), the labile metal fractions are separated relatively quickly. After 3 min, the separation of the metal ions proceeds with uniform half-lives of about 12-14 min, revealing rather slow first-order kinetics. The metal exchange between HSs and CellPhos exhibited the following order of metal lability with the studied HSs: Cu > Pb > Mn > Ni > Cd. The required metal determinations were carried out by atomic absorption spectrometry.
The external infestation of Callinectes ornatus Ordway, 1863 and Callinectes danae Smith, 1869, in particular cirripeds, was studied for two consecutive years in the Ubatuba Bay (SP) (23 degrees 26' S and 45 degrees 02' W). Bryozoans, polychaetes and cirripeds were found on both swimming crab species, but cirripeds were the most abundant and frequent. The number of infested swimming crabs increased proportionally to carapace size, but not surpassing 30 %, suggesting an absence of terminal anecdysis in both species. The establishment of the pernicious organisms on their hosts is influenced by other factors, such as their habit of burying themselves in sediments. The correlation between molting activity in adult specimens of both sexes and the low incidence of epizoonts suggest that C. ornatus and C. danae may be molting after maturity.