11 resultados para Hyperbaena domingensis

em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"


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Hyperbaena domingensis (DC.) Benth. has new records for the Atlantic Forest from northeastern Brazil. It is found in lowland coastal, sub-montane and montane remnants of Atlantic Forest as part of the forest canopy or drape dover edge shrubs and treelets. It can be recognized by the ovate to oblong leaves, spiciform or paniculiform inflorescence, dichlamydeous and 3-merous flowers, drupaceous and purple (at maturity) fruits, and horseshoe-shaped seeds. Comments, distribution map, and pictures are presented here. © 2012 Check List and Authors.


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The predators were collected in mate crop in Cascavel and São Mateus do Sul, Paraná, Brazil and some other additional specimens in coffee and maize crops in Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo, Brazil. Illustrations obtained by SEM are given by the first time to the principal structures. Three species of Hemerobius were identified: H. bolivari Banks, 1910; H. domingensis Banks, 1941 and H. gaitoi Monserrat, 1996. H. domingensis is recorded for the first time to Brazil.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The Marsh Antwren (Stymphalornis acutirostris) is restricted to the lowlands between Antonina Bay, in the coastal plain of the state of Paraná, and Itapocu river, in the northern coastal plain of the state of Santa Catarina (from 0 to c. 5 m a.s.l.). It doesn't occur continuously in this region, being found in eight populations that span over an total area of about 6,060 ha (= area of occupancy; 4,856.67 in Paraná and c. 1,200 in Santa Catarina). Nine habitat types used by the Marsh Antwren were defined, based on vegetation physiognomy, localization, dominancy of botanical species, dominant life-form and history of the region. Five of these are herbaceous (marshes), while four have an upper arboreal stratum and an herbaceous lower stratum with marsh plants. According to the classification criteria of the Brazilian vegetation proposed by the Radambrasil Project, they were classified as Pioneering Formation of Fluvial Influence, Pioneering Formation of Fluvial-marine Influence, and/or Pioneering Formation of Lacustrine Influence. They occur as patches or narrow strips ranging from 0.001 to 203.0 ha in the state of Paraná. They are found mainly in the interior of bays, in the lower courses of rivers that drain into bays, in alluvial plains, and between sand dunes in the coastal plain. Characteristic herbaceous species are cattail (Typha domingensis), bulrush (Scirpus californicus), Crinum salsum, Panicum sp. cf. P. mertensii, saw grass (Cladium mariscus) and Fuirena spp. Hibiscus pernambucensis is the characteristic bush species, and Calophyllum brasiliense, Tabebuia cassinoides, Annona glabra and Laguncularia racemosa are the characteristic arboreal species. The Marsh Antwren lives in herbaceous vegetation, but also uses bushes and branches of small tress. It has low flight capacity and a single flight of more than 25 m was never recorded. Territories of 0.25 ha were estimated in one kind of habitat (tidal marsh) (= 8 individuals per hectare) and of 3.2 ha in another one (saw grass marsh) (= 0.62 individual per hectare). The global population estimate is of about 17,700 mature individuals (13,700 in Paraná and 4,000 in Santa Catarina). The species is really under threat of extinction, mainly because of it's restricted geographical distribution and habitat loss by human activities and biological contamination caused by invasion of exotic grasses (Urochloa arrecta and Brachiaria mutica).


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Physical and chemical variables of soil and water were measured to determine the effectiveness of a constructed wetland for wastewater treatment. Eight different macrophyte species, namely Eichhornia crassipes, Alternanthera philoxerodos, Heteranthera reniformis, Hydrocotyle umbeliferae, Lidwigia elegan, Ludwigia sericea, Myriophyllum aquaticum and Thypha domingensis, were transplanted. Inlet water and outlet water were the two sampling sites evaluated. There were significant differences (p < 0,05) when limnological characteristics between inlet and outlet water from the constructed wetland were compared. In general, dissolved oxygen was over 4 mg L-1, and conductivity was high, above 80 μS cm-1. Chlorophyll-a levels generally tended to decrease at the wetland outlet and were higher during the rainy period (fish growth period). Results show that ammonia, total phosphorus, BOD5, phosphorus and organic mattel in the sediment removals in the constructed wetland were higher, indicating that macrophytes played an important role in removing these variables. The use of constructed wetland is a viable technology for the biological treatment in aquaculture and swine wastewater.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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This study has as objective determining the chemical properties that serve as the basis for potential scientific and technological applications of seven species of fibrous plants cultivated in Brazil, which are: Banana” (Musa spp.), “Coco” (Cocos nucifera), Curauá (Ananas erectifolius), Fique (Furcraea andina), Piteira” (Furcraea gigantea), Sisal(Agave sisalana) and “Taboa” (Typha domingensis). The tests for determining the percent dry completely, extractives soluble in cold water, in hot water, in sodium hydroxide 1% and in ethanol-toluene, and the percentages of ash, hydrophobicity, lignin, holocellulose and cellulose were performed at the Department of Environmental Sciences, Agronomy College (FCA) of UNESP – Botucatu, São Paulo State. It also presents a literature review about these fibers and their potential applications. Differences between the results obtained and those found by other authors are possibly explained by variations on the origin of plant material, the harvest season, the climate and soil where they were grown. However, the results and the methodology used, serve as a basis for further studies with natural fibers


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The objective of this work is to study the relation between humidity, density, porosity and shrinkage of the floodplain soil and riparian vegetation and their ability to store water. For this purpose, two locations for every type of soils were evaluated. Both were placed at the Agronomy University (Faculdade de Ciências Agronômicas) in São Manuel, State of São Paulo, Brazil. The floodplain soil was vegetated with Southern Cattail (Typha domingensis). In both places, soil samples were collected from several depths: 0, 30, 60 and 100 cm. Results show that lower soil density values (0.15 g/cm3) with organic texture and high porosities values (up to 86.2%) were found in samples with the highest organic material content in the floodplain soil. For this field experiment, flood plains soils (characterised as basin gley soils) presented high volumetric instability with a retratibility of 67.49% and higher water storage capacities compared to riparian stands soils (characterised as fluvic neosoils).