70 resultados para Hydrokinetic turbines
em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"
Incentives for using wind power and the increasing price of energy might generate in a relatively short time a scenario where low voltage customers opt to install roof-top wind turbines. This paper focuses on evaluating the effects of such situation in terms of energy consumption, loss reduction, reverse power flow and voltage profiles. Various commercially-available roof-top wind turbines are installed in two secondary distribution circuits considering real-life wind speed data and seasonal load demand. Results are presented and discussed. © 2006 IEEE.
O regime eólico de uma região pode ser descrito por distribuição de frequências que fornecem informações e características extremamente necessárias para uma possível implantação de sistemas eólicos de captação de energia na região e consequentes aplicações no meio rural em regiões afastadas. Estas características, tais como a velocidade média anual, a variância das velocidades registradas e a densidade da potência eólica média horária, podem ser obtidas pela frequência de ocorrências de determinada velocidade, que por sua vez deve ser estudada através de expressões analíticas. A função analítica mais adequada para distribuições eólicas é a função de densidade de Weibull, que pode ser determinada por métodos numéricos e regressões lineares. O objetivo deste trabalho é caracterizar analítica e geometricamente todos os procedimentos metodológicos necessários para a realização de uma caracterização completa do regime eólico de uma região e suas aplicações na região de Botucatu - SP, visando a determinar o potencial energético para implementação de turbinas eólicas. Assim, foi possível estabelecer teoremas relacionados com a forma de caracterização do regime eólico, estabelecendo a metodologia concisa analiticamente para a definição dos parâmetros eólicos de qualquer região a ser estudada. Para o desenvolvimento desta pesquisa, utilizou-se um anemômetro da CAMPBELL.
A maioria das instalações de abastecimento de água utiliza bombas hidráulicas do tipo turbobombas, requerendo que o interior de sua carcaça e da tubulação de sucção esteja preenchido com água (escorvados) para que a sucção da água possa ser efetivada. O escorvamento das bombas pode ser efetuado instalando-as abaixo do reservatório de captação (bomba afogada). Quando a bomba está acima do reservatório e o escorvamento é manual, é necessário usar válvulas-de-pé, que são suscetíveis ao mau funcionamento, limitando a confiabilidade do sistema, principalmente em caso de automação. Como alternativa à válvula-de-pé, neste trabalho, foram estudados dois tanques escorva, testados no Laboratório de Hidráulica e Irrigação da FCAV/UNESP - Jaboticabal, avaliando-se situações de altura manométrica de sucção de bomba centrífuga e relações entre volume útil do tanque e volume do tubo de sucção, tendo-se concluído: a) o volume do tanque de escorva é função do volume do tubo de sucção da instalação de bombeamento e da altura manométrica de sucção; b) o volume do tanque de escorva pode ser calculado seguindo-se a Lei de Boyle, com percentagem de acréscimo que, neste estudo, foi de 10% para um modelo de tanque e de 30% para o segundo modelo.
A Egeria najas é uma espécie aquática submersa nativa da bacia hidrográfica do rio Paraná. Com o represamento das águas do rio para geração de energia elétrica a espécie tem mudado seu comportamento de colonização dos leitos dos rios e ocorrido em grandes maciços dentro da represa de Jupiá e rios afluentes. Essa planta tem causado problemas por obstruir a passagem de água para as turbinas de geração de energia elétrica. Coletas de material vegetativo foram realizadas na represa e afluentes do rio Paraná para análise da variabilidade isoenzimática e de DNA. A análise isoenzimática mostrou haver somente quatro classes de diferentes biotipos. No entanto, utilizando-se os procedimentos de RAPD, observou-se que a espécie possui grande variabilidade genética. O represamento das águas também está permitindo o acumulo de variabilidade no local e promovendo um aumento de variabilidade por meio de possíveis cruzamentos entre genótipos diferentes. Os resultados também possibilitaram inferir sobre as possíveis rotas de migração de material genético para colonização da represa e rios afluentes.
This article presents an thermoeconomic analysis of cogeneration plants, applied as a rational technique to produce electric power and saturated steam. The aim of this new methodology is the minimum exergetic manufacturing cost (EMC), based on the Second Law of Thermodynamics. The decision variables selected for the optimization are the pressure and the temperature of the steam leaving the boiler in the case of using steam turbine, and the pressure ratio, turbine exhaust temperature and mass flow in the case of using gas turbines. The equations for calculating the capital costs of the components and products are formulated as a function of these decision variables. An application of the method using real data of a multinational chemical industry located in São Paulo state is presented. The conditions which establish the minimum cost are presented as finals conclusions.
This paper aims to analyze dual-purpose systems focusing the total cost optimization; a superstructure is proposed to present cogeneration systems and desalination technologies alternatives for the synthesis process. The superstructure consists of excluding components, gas turbines or conventional steam generators with excluding alternatives of supplying fuel for each combustion system. Also, backpressure or condensing/extraction steam turbine for supplying process steam could be selected. Finally one desalination unit chosen between electrically-driven or steam-driven reverse osmosis. multi-effect and multistage flash should be included. The analysis herein performed is based on energy and mass conservation equations, as well as the technological limiting equation of equipment. The results for ten different commercial gas turbines revealed that electrically-driven reverse osmosis was always chosen together with both natural gas and gasified biomass gas turbines. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Energy policies and technological progress in the development of wind turbines have made wind power the fastest growing renewable power source worldwide. The inherent variability of this resource requires special attention when analyzing the impacts of high penetration on the distribution network. A time-series steady-state analysis is proposed that assesses technical issues such as energy export, losses, and short-circuit levels. A multiobjective programming approach based on the nondominated sorting genetic algorithm (NSGA) is applied in order to find configurations that maximize the integration of distributed wind power generation (DWPG) while satisfying voltage and thermal limits. The approach has been applied to a medium voltage distribution network considering hourly demand and wind profiles for part of the U.K. The Pareto optimal solutions obtained highlight the drawbacks of using a single demand and generation scenario, and indicate the importance of appropriate substation voltage settings for maximizing the connection of MPG.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
A implantação de microcentrais hidrelétricas é uma das alternativas para suprir com energia comunidades pequenas e isoladas, situadas normalmente na área rural. O aproveitamento de potenciais hidráulicos de pequeno porte é uma alternativa cada vez mais viável devido não só à falta de recursos financeiros para os grandes empreendimentos, mas também pelo imenso potencial de geração em centrais de pequeno porte, que pouco tem sido aproveitado. O objetivo deste trabalho foi de apresentar uma metodologia simples de engenharia para estimar o custo das Bombas Funcionando como Turbinas (BFTs) utilizadas em microcentrais hidrelétricas, que possam ser usadas em estudos preliminares de novos aproveitamentos hidrelétricos, sem uma investigação detalhada dos lugares onde se pretende implantar. Os custos foram obtidos consultando-se diretamente os fabricantes de equipamentos e o mercado da praça de Ponta Grossa - PR. Os resultados mostraram que, para as microcentrais hidrelétricas, sempre que os custos constituírem o aspecto dominante, e para potências até 50 kW, a opção por Bombas Funcionando como Turbinas (BFTs) deve ser considerada em lugar das turbinas hidráulicas.
In this article some considerations obtained during the utilization of rotor response analysis techniques in hydraulic powerplants are discussed. An applied research work was carried out in two hydraulic turbines analysing the rotor response both theoretically and experimentally. A developed mathematical model was used to simulate the rotordynamic behaviour of Francis and Kaplan turbines. The main dynamical effects that appear during the operation of the machines are discussed too. A series of measurements were carried out in the turbines using impact hammers to determine the modal behaviour of the units. The tests were carried out with the machine still and in operation. Some results and the comparison with the theory is presented in this article. The improved theoretical model was used for a sensitivity analysis of the different bearings to the main excitations that fake place during the machine operation. From this analysis, the best measuring points for condition monitoring were determined.
This article presents a thermoeconomic analysis of cogeneration plants, applied as a rational technique to produce electric power and saturated steam. The aim of this new methodology is the minimum Exergetic Production Cost (EPC), based on the Second Law of Thermodynamics. The variables selected for the optimization are the pressure and the temperature of the steam leaving the boiler in the case of using steam turbine, and the pressure ratio, turbine exhaust temperature and mass flow in the case of using gas turbines. The equations for calculating the capital costs of the components and products are formulated as a function of these decision variables. An application of the method using real data of a multinational chemical industry located in São Paulo state is presented. The conditions which establish the minimum cost are presented as final output. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
In this work it was performed energetic and exergetic analyses of three thermal plants to assessment a cogeneration system in expansion of a sugar-alcohol factory. The initial configuration considered is constituted by a low pressure steam generator, single stage steam turbines for electricity generation and crusher, shredder and mills with mechanical driving. In the intermediary configuration, the low pressure steam generator was substituted by another which generates steam at higher pressure and higher temperature, the steam turbines for electricity generation were substituted by a multiple stages extraction-condensation turbine and the other steam turbines were maintained. The final configuration consists in the substitution of these last turbines by electrical motors. Thermodynamic analyses were performed to evaluate the equipment and the overall plants efficiencies to permit a comparison among the plants. Besides of this, some important parameters of the sugar-alcohol factories were calculated.
In this work, thermodynamic and economic analyses are applied to a Brazilian thermal power plant operating with natural gas. The analyses are performed in two cases: the current configuration and the future configuration. The current configuration is constituted by four gas turbines which operate in open cycle. The future configuration is obtained by a plant repowering by addition of four recovery boilers, two steam turbines and others equipment and accessories necessary to operate in combined cycle. In order to obtain the performance parameters, energetic and exergetic analyses for each case considered are carried out. on the other hand, thermoeconomic analysis provides means to evaluate the influences of the capital and fuel costs in the composition of the electricity costs. Techniques of investment analysis are also applied to the new configuration and from the results obtained it is possible to verify the advantages of the modifications.
Thermoeconomic Functional Analysis is a method developed for the analysis and optimal design of improvement of thermal systems (Frangopoulos, 1984). The purpose of this work is to discuss the cogeneration system optimization using a condensing steam turbine with two extractions. This cogeneration system is a rational alternative in pulp and paper plants in regard to the Brazilian conditions. The objective of this optimization consists of minimizing the global cost of the system acquisition and operation, based on the parametrization of actual data from a cellulose plant with a daily production of 1000 tons. Among the several possible decision variables, the pressure and temperature of live steam were selected. These variables significantly affect the energy performance of the cogeneration system. The conditions which determine a lower cost for the system are presented in conclusion.
A measurement device has been developed to measure force and torque components acting on the impeller of a model pump-turbine, which uses crystal quartz load transducers installed on the rotating shaft. These kinds of load transducers allow greater stiffness than arrangements using strain gauges. Therefore, the dynamics behavior of the measurement device has to be taken into account. Some results of measurements are present in the whole operating range of model pump-turbine.