17 resultados para Homoptera.
em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"
Considerada importante praga do algodoeiro, a mosca-branca Bemisia tabaci biótipo B pode através de sua alimentação, diminuir o vigor das plantas, trasmitir vírus e prejudicar a qualidade da fibra. Visando avaliar a resistência de genótipos de algodoeiro, Gossypium hirsutum (L.), à mosca-branca Bemisia tabaci biótipo B, realizaram-se testes de atratividade e não-preferência para oviposição, com e sem chance de escolha, em telado, a temperatura ambiente. Verificou-se baixa atratividade das plantas dos genótipos Fabrika, CNPA Ita 90, Makina, Coodetec 407 e IAC 01-639 CPA 02-24 a adultos dessa mosca-branca, o que pode representar um componente de resistência destes materiais genéticos ao inseto. Os genótipos BRS Aroeira, Coodetec 406, Fabrika e Coodetec 401 apresentaram resistência do tipo não-preferência para oviposição, nos testes com e sem chance de escolha. Os números de tricomas e de glândulas de gossipol por cm² não foram adequados para se avaliar a não-preferência para oviposição de adultos da mosca-branca em genótipos de algodoeiro.
Avaliou-se a resistência de genótipos de batata aos afídeos Myzus persicae (Sulz.), Macrosiphum euphorbiae (Thomas) e Aphis gossypii (Glover), e a influência desses genótipos sobre parasitóides, em dois ensaios em plantios de inverno (1996 e 1997), em condições de campo, em Jaboticabal, SP. Os genótipos plantados no primeiro ano foram: Achat, Baronesa, Bintje, BR-2, Contenda, Monalisa, N 140-201 e NYL 235-4, distribuídos em quatro blocos ao acaso. Dois levantamentos foram efetuados, aos 70 e 85 dias após o plantio, avaliando-se o número de pulgões/folha e pulgões parasitados, nos terços superior, médio e inferior da planta. em 1997 plantaram-se os mesmos genótipos, excetuando-se o N 140-201, com levantamentos aos 72 e 80 dias. O genótipo NYL 235-4 mostrou-se suscetível a M. euphorbiae, sob infestações médias de 2,90 (1996) e 1,19 pulgões/folha (1997); dentre as cultivares comerciais, Baronesa foi a menos atacada por M. persicae (0,12 e 0,10 pulgões/folha em 1996 e 1997), enquanto BR-2 foi bem suscetível (1,10 e 0,66 pulgões/folha). Os afídeos ocorreram em maior população nas partes média e inferior das plantas; maior número de pulgões mumificados por Aphidius ervi Hal. e Diaretiella rapae (McIntosh), com parasitismo variando de 15 a 36%, foi observado em NYL 235-4, que foi o genótipo mais infestado pelos afídeos.
Estudou-se a relação entre a presença de sintomas da clorose variegada dos citros, doença causada pela bactéria Xilella fastidiosa (Wells), e a ação do inseticida aldicarbe e do fungicida fosetyl-AL sobre a cochonilha pardinha, Selenaspidus articulatus (Morgan) em plantas de citros. O ensaio foi realizado em pomar de laranja variedade Valência com cinco anos de idade, As pulverizações de fosetyl-AL foram realizadas quatro vezes com intervalo de três meses, e o aldicarbe foi aplicado no solo uma única vez. A ocorrência de S. articulatus foi avaliada quinzenalmente. Observou-se que: a) A clorose variegada dos citros (CVC) não interferiu na ação de aldicarbe, aplicado no solo, na dose utilizada sobre S. articulatus; b) A dose de aldicarbe empregada para o controle da referida praga em plantas com CVC pode ser a mesma indicada em plantas sem a doença; c) O poder residual de aldicarbe mostrou-se o mesmo em plantas com e sem sintomas de CVC; d) A associação de aldicarbe e fosetyl-AL não interferiu na ação do primeiro sobre a praga.
Experimentos de laboratório e de campo foram realizados de outubro de 1998 a agosto de 1999, visando estimar as exigências térmicas de Lipaphis erysimi (Kalt). Para isso, o desenvolvimento do afídeo foi estudado em condições de laboratório em couve, Brassica oleracea L. var. acephala, usando câmaras climatizadas reguladas a 10, 15, 20, 25 e 30°C, fotofase de 14h e UR de 70±10%. O limite térmico inferior de desenvolvimento de L. erysimi foi de 3,04°C e a constante térmica 132,21 graus-dia. A previsão de ocorrência de adultos no campo foi feita usando-se o método da triangulação; o pico populacional foi previsto para 0-1 dia antes da data em que o mesmo foi observado no campo.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
A biologia de Bemisia tabaci biótipo B (Genn.) foi avaliada em genótipos de feijoeiro (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) que contêm arcelina em suas sementes. Foi também realizada análise bioquímica de proteínas, em sementes e em folhas dos genótipos de feijoeiro, a fim de verificar se haveria traços de arcelina nas folhas dos materiais a serem avaliados. Os testes foram conduzidos em condições de casa de vegetação, nas épocas das águas e da seca, em dois anos consecutivos, com os seguintes genótipos: ARC 3s, ARC 5s (genótipos selvagens portadores de arcelina); ARC 1, ARC 2, ARC 3, ARC 4 (linhagens quase-isogênicas portadoras de arcelina - Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária (EMBRAPA)), Porrillo 70, Bolinha e IAPAR MD 808 (genótipos sem arcelina). Os genótipos selvagens, ARC 3s e ARC 5s, apresentaram altos níveis de antibiose, com ênfase para o ARC 5s (as ninfas tiveram alta mortalidade, em torno de 90%). O prolongamento do ciclo de desenvolvimento dos insetos provenientes do genótipo ARC 5s podem sugerir uma resistência do tipo antibiose e/ou não-preferência para alimentação. A resistência dos genótipos selvagens não está relacionada com a presença de arcelina nas sementes, já que nenhum traço dessa proteína foi encontrado nas folhas destes.
A reliable method of labeling is needed to study dispersal of the braconid parasitoid, Lysiphlebus testaceipes (Cresson), an important biological control of greenbugs, Schizaphis graminum (Rondani), on grain sorghum, Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench. The feasibility of using aqueous solutions of rubidium chloride (RbCl) applied as a foliar spray or soil drench to label greenbugs and L. testaceipes developing within greenbugs was studied. Laboratory and field studies were conducted to identify the minimal concentration of RbCl to assure labeling of greenbugs and wasps, persistence of Rb throughout the wasp's life span, mobility of Rb to unsprayed sorghum leaves, and feasibility of studying dispersal using a release-recapture technique with Rb-labeled wasps. Both greenbugs and wasps could be labeled using RbCl at concentrations of 2,500-10,000 ppm. Rubidium content in labeled wasps did not significantly vary during the first 7 d after emergence. Greenbugs feeding on unsprayed leaves were labeled up to 4 wk after leaves were sprayed. Rb-labeled wasps were found at the maximum trap distance from the release site (60 m) within 1 d after release.
Field cage studies were conducted to describe the relationship between the percentage of Lysiphlebus testaceipes (Cresson) parasitism (as measured by aphid mummies) and densities of greenbug, Schizaphis graminum Rondani, on grain sorghum, Sorghum bicolor L. In 1993 and 1994, a biotype E-susceptible grain sorghum hybrid was grown in field cages and L. testaceipes adults were released after each plant was infested with 20 biotype E greenbugs. The release rates were 0, 0.5, 1.0, and 2.0 wasps per plant in 1993, and 0, 0.16, 0.33, and 0.5 wasps per plant in 1994. Greenbugs and mummies were counted 1-2 times a week on all leaves of 2-4 randomly selected plants per cage. A release rate of 0.33-0.5 wasps per plant infested with 20 greenbugs maximized the number of mummies produced and prevented the greenbugs from reaching an economic threshold of 1,000 greenbugs per plant. Peak numbers of mummies occurred ≈400-500 DD (10°C base) after the initial wasp release. Regression analyses showed that the greenbug population started decreasing when the percentage of parasitism (as measured by mummies) reached 20-30 %. Greenbugs in the absence of wasps significantly reduced yield in 1994, but not in 1993.
Studies on the cytogenetics of Homoptera are scarce. Some references in the literature have reported a chromosome number for the genus ranging from n=5 to 19 and 2n=10 to 2n=39 chromosomes. The genus Mahanarva includes two species of agricultural importance as pests of sugar cane culture in Brazil. We report here the first data concerning the chromosome number and morphology of the species Mahanarva fimbriolata and M. posticata. The chromosome number observed for the two species was 2n=19 for males and 2n=20 for females. The sex determining mechanism of these species was of the XX/X0 type (for males and females, respectively), with chromosome X being the smallest in the complement.
Little cicadas are homopteran insect pests of sugarcane plantations. As these insects suck out the sap from the leaf parenchyma, they inoculate a toxic saliva that damages the plant vessels, thus promoting the loss of glucose by the affected plant. The morphological and histological analyses of the salivary glands of the little cicada Mahanarva posticata, revealed that these glands are formed by 2 portions: one portion comprises a group of acini and has been denominated as the principal gland; the second portion is filamentous in nature and has been denominated as the accessory gland; it is formed by very long and fine filaments. The acinous portion of the gland can be subdivided into 2 lobes: an anterior lobe formed by 3 lobules (I, II, III), and a posterior lobe formed by lobule IV and the excretory duct. Histologically, the salivary glands showed that the filaments are empty sutructures composed by several internal channels with secretion granules being observed in the cytoplasm of the cells of the secretory filaments. Lobules I and II of the principal gland are characterized by being highly basophilic and for accumulating a large amount of secretion in both the cytoplasm of the cells and inside secretion vesicles. Histochemically, we verified that the secretion produced by these glands is lipidic and protein in nature, with the production of polysaccharides being very low. The differences in stain and appearance of the different regions of the salivary gland lead us to believe that the final glandular product is lipoproteic in nature.
We evaluated the reciprocal effects between foragers of the ants Camponotus crassus and of the stingless bees Trigona hyalinata on aggregations of the honeydew-producing treehopper Aetalion reticulatum. The interactions were observed in Bauhinia variegata (Caesalpiniaceae) and Mangifera indica (Anacardiaceae) trees. We recorded the presence/absence of each attendant species in homopteran aggregations to test if the observed co-occurrence is lower than that expected by chance. An exclusion experiment was performed in which each attendant species was excluded from aggregations in order to test if an attendant species is more likely to occupy aggregations where the other attendant is not present. We also recorded the number of individuals of each attendant species in homopteran aggregations to search for any correlation between homopteran and attendant abundances. Additionally, we performed experiments using termites (Termitidae, Isoptera) as models to verify if the attendant species have the potential to defend A. reticulatum against natural enemies. The co-occurrence of attendant species was lower than that expected by chance. Homopteran aggregations without stingless bees were more visited by ants than those in which T. hyalinata was present, and vice-versa. The abundance of stingless bees was proportional to homopteran abundance, while ants abundance was not correlated to homopteran abundance. Both attendant species attacked the natural enemies models when we glued the termites ca. 1 cm away from homopteran aggregations, but only ants removed termites glued 5-7 cm away from aggregations. We suggest that the effects of non-formicid attendants should be included as another factor influencing the costs and benefits of ant-homopteran interactions, since honeydew availability for ants also depends on the presence and behavior of interspecific attendants.
With the development of greenhouse grown crops, the whitefly Trialeurodes vaporariorum (West.) has become an important pest. Aiming at verifying the effect of host on the development of this species, the biology of the whitefly was studied on bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) cultivars IAC-Carioca Pyatã, IAPAR-57, Jalo Precoce, IAC-Bico de Ouro, IAC-Maravilha and on soybean (Glycine max L.) cultivar Cristalina. The study was conducted at the Laboratório de Entomologia Agrícola - FCA-UNESP, at 25 ± 3°C temperature, 80 ± 10% RH and 14h photophase. The biological parameters assessed were duration, viability and number of nymphal instars; male and female longevity, oviposition period, number of eggs per female and sex ratio; egg viability and incubation period and the life cycle duration. Based on data obtained, fertility life tables were constructed to allow a comparative analysis of the effect of cultivars on the biological development and consequent population growth of this species. The bean cultivars IAC-Maravilha and Jalo Precoce negatively influenced T. vaporariorum development, whereas, the other bean cultivars studied, as well as the soybean cultivar Cristalina, provided good conditions for development of this pest.
The genus Fidicinoides Boulard & Martinelli is characterized by its partially exposed timbal, not totally covered by the meta-scutellar plate as occurs in Fidicina Amyot & Serville, and has an extensive geographic distribution in Central and South America. In this work a new species for the genus is described. Fidicinoides sarutaiensis Santos, Martinelli & Maccagnan sp. n. is a medium-sized cicada, with the collected and studied specimens associated with coffee (Coffee arabica L.), in the municipality of Sarutaia, in the southeast region of São Paulo state. The species F. glauca (Goding, 1925) and F. viridifemur (Walker, 1850) are transferred to Dorisiana. An identification key for the Fidicinoides species of Brazil is also proposed.
A per capita model for the growth, development and reproduction of the coccinellid predator Rhizobius lophanthae (Blaisd) feeding on the oleander scale (Aspidiotus nerii Bouche (Homoptera: Diaspididae)) was developed. A thermal threshold for development of 9.4 degrees C was found. Under conditions of unlimited food, the relationship of mass at time t+1 to that at t (in days at 25 degrees C) suggests an 8.7 percent growth rate per mg larvae per day at 25 degrees C. An adult female beetle produces approximately 20 eggs per day while consuming an average of 8.5 scales/day. This is approximately 2.16 eggs per scale consumed above the maintenance level of 1.88 scales per day. More precisely, this compensation point is 0.12 mg of prey/mg of predator/day at 25 degrees C and the egestion rate is 1 - beta = 0.63.
Diagnostic insect damage to cocoa tree leaves and fruits were compared in situations with and without the presence of the little fire ants, Wasmannia auropunctata and the closely related and sympatric W. cf rochai. No significant differences in thrips, lepidopteran, or chrysomelid beetle damage to fruits, or to young and old leaves, were associated with these ants. However, significant increases of pseudococcids Planococcus citrii, associated with areas dominated by W. auropunctata, and to a lesser degree with W. cf rochai, were present. W. auropunctata has been reported to be a canopy mosaic dominant in cocoa farms, but the lack of reduced herbivore incidences and its lack of spatial permanence do not support favoring its populations for the management of phytophagous insect control.