13 resultados para Herbaria
em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"
The manuscripts of Diarium Surinamicum by Daniel Rolander practically remained ignored and unpublished for over 240 years, till the recent publication of its translation into English, which occurred in 2008. In this, the names of species described and/or cited by Rolander were faithfully retained, hence preserving the indication of them without authorship, for the vast majority. In the present work, all the names of plants that were treated by Rolander in his journal, about 664, including by tradition the fungi and algae, are contextualised in relation to the authorship, reference to the publication of the protologue, pagination of citations/descriptions in the manuscripts and in the published translation, indication of probable misidentifications with possible alternative names, vernacular names, and related literature. Additionally, we searched for the vouchers collected by Rolander, scattered in several herbaria, which have been linked to the probable names and descriptions in the diary. Given the considerable time till the publication of these names, and by the lack of indication of their nomenclatural types in the English version, the great majority of the new species described by Rolander, which would have priority if published in due time, became invalid names according to the ICN. Nevertheless, the list of Rolandrian species here presented, from his work that has finally taken a place in the history of natural sciences, shows that he was also a competent botanist, besides being a skilled entomologist, having recognised and detailedly described many of the Surinamese plants hitherto unknown to science.
A jabuticabeira é considerada uma das fruteiras mais típicas do Brasil. Entretanto, há poucos estudos sobre esta planta na literatura, e mesmo sua classificação botânica é muito controvertida. Este trabalho faz comparações entre as espécies de jabuticabeiras, usando as técnicas de marcadores morfológicos (organografia) e moleculares RAPD. As características morfológicas das plantas, usadas como marcadores morfológicos, foram comparadas com espécimes presentes nos herbários dos Estados de São Paulo e Minas Gerais e com as descrições obtidas em revisão de literatura especializada. As diferenças moleculares entre as espécies foram determinadas por meio do uso de marcadores RAPD. O experimento foi realizado nas cidades de Piracicaba, Jaboticabal e Ituverava do Estado de São Paulo, Brasil. Diferenças morfológicas e moleculares entre as plantas estudadas foram identificadas, e quatro grupos distintos de espécies foram definidos: Myrciaria cauliflora (Mart.) O. Berg, M. coronata Mattos, M. jaboticaba (Vell.) O. Berg. e M. phytrantha (Kiaersk.) Mattos. A técnica de marcadores moleculares, aliada à técnica de marcadores morfológicos, mostrou ser uma ferramenta importante na identificação de espécies de jabuticabeiras.
Com base no levantamento bibliográfico realizado sobre as cianobactérias citadas para o Brasil e para o Estado de São Paulo em particular, além de consulta à lista de espécies da flora brasileira e aos bancos de dados de coleções paulistas, encontramos um total de 460 espécies citadas para o Brasil e 378 para o estado de São Paulo. Considerando que o grupo tem ao redor de 2800 espécies, estes números representam bem menos de 20% das espécies conhecidas. Assim, frente a diversidade de ambientes e habitats existentes nos biomas tropicais/subtropicais, o reduzido número de espécies já conhecidas indica que certamente essa biodiversidade está subestimada e deve ser muito maior do que identificamos até agora.
Este estudo apresenta a composição florística de trechos de uma faixa de vegetação de transição existente na região centro-leste do Estado de Mato Grosso, mais precisamente no município de Gaúcha do Norte (13° 10'S e 53° 15' O), onde dá-se o contato entre a Floresta Ombrófila e a Floresta Estacional. O levantamento florístico foi realizado em março de 1999 e bimestralmente a partir de agosto de 1999 até março de 2001, em excursões com duração média de 5 dias, por meio de caminhadas na borda e no interior de florestas, sendo coletadas fanerógamas em fase reprodutiva. Também foram incluídas amostras vegetativas de espécies arbustivo-arbóreas, que não floresceram ou frutificaram durante o período de amostragem, amostradas em 3ha destinados ao levantamento fitossociológico. O levantamento florístico resultou em 72 famílias, 168 gêneros e 268 espécies. do total de espécies, 66% apresentaram hábito arbóreo e 18% foram lianas. As ervas e arbustos praticamente restringiram-se às áreas de borda ou clareiras, somando 13%. Já a flora epifítica mostrou-se pouco expressiva (1%), quando comparada ao restante da Amazônia, em conseqüência do clima regional mais seco. Hemiepífitas, parasitas e palmeiras constituíram o percentual restante. Constatou-se que 39 espécies amostradas em Gaúcha do Norte ainda não haviam sido depositadas em herbários que mantém coleções representativas da flora matogrossense, enfatizando a carência de coletas nas áreas florestais do Estado.
Gynocraterium Bremek. é um gênero monotípico descrito para a Guiana e só recentemente citado para outros países sulamericanos. Com base na análise das coleções de 52 herbários nacionais e estrangeiros, verificou-se a ocorrência do táxon em novas localidades, inclusive na Amazônia brasileira. Uma revisão do gênero nos neotrópicos é apresentada, incluindo ratificações nas descrições do mesmo e de Gynocraterium guianense Bremek. Aspectos morfológicos desta espécie são ilustrados pela primeira vez, assim como os grãos de pólen descritos e fotografados através de microscopia eletrônica de varredura. São ainda apresentados aspectos diagnósticos, fenológicos e atualizações sobre a distribuição de G. guianense, que é restrita a região amazônica.
A survey was conducted aiming to recognize and characterize the environments of occurrence of Trichilia species and their geographic distribuition, particulary T. catigua A. Juss, in Santa Catarina State. These informations will support a domestication strategy for agricultural production of this spcies. This species is widely used by traditional communities as dye and tonic beverage, as well as digestive and purgative. Some pharmaceutical and beverage industries in Brasil use bark of this species to prepare a tonic drink. There are several common names reffering the species and this situation can promove mistakes in collecting and selling processes. Termperature, soil, vegetational types and edaphoclimatic aspects have great influence on the occurrence of this species. Plant collection strategu was based on herbaria data and field verification. The vouchers were deposited at the Federal University of Parana herbarium (UPCB). The collection sites were geographically located, by latitude and longitude and these data were crossed with climate, soil, temperature, rainfall, altitude and vegetation maps. Catuaba occurs predominantly on a stational semidecidual forest and also on transitional forest with Araucaria and part of Atlantic forest. It is found growing in lower canopy, with fertile soils, and high content of organic matter. The main geomorphological formation are basaltic and the soil types vary from dark red latossol to yellow red latossol, including structured red latossl and cambissol from basaltic and granitic origin.
The species of Lauraceae collected by Ludwig Riedel, excluding Ocotea, are commented and contex-tualized according to the different itineraries he travelled in Brazil, from 1821 to 1836, indicating the localities and dates of collections, whenever possible. To complete this work, two diaries of Riedel have been consulted and the information from them cross-checked with the annotations found on specimen labels. An annotated list of 48 entries provides information on the status of species names and their types, currently accepted names, and collections found in different herbaria. Lectotypes for five names, Aydendron verrucosum var. attenuata, Aydendron parviflorum, Mespilodaphne parviflora, Nectandra spicata, and Oreodaphne fasciculata, are designated. The species of Ocotea collected by Riedel will be treated in part II of this series. © President and Fellows of Harvard College, 2012.
The species of Ocotea (Lauraceae) collected by Ludwig Riedel are commented and contextualized according to the different itineraries he travelled in Brazil, from 1821 to 1836, indicating the localities and dates of collections, whenever possible. To complete this work, two diaries of Riedel have been consulted and the information from them crossed-checked with the annotations found on specimen labels. An annotated list of 44 entries provides information on the status of species names and their types, currently accepted names, and collections found in different herbaria. Lectotypes for 19 names are designated, two new synonyms are proposed, as well as the new combination Ocotea estrellensis (Meisn.) P.L.R. Moraes, based on Oreodaphne estrellensis Meisn. © President and Fellows of Harvard College, 2012.
Pós-graduação em Ciências Biológicas (Biologia Vegetal) - IBRC
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Pós-graduação em Ciências Biológicas (Botânica) - IBB
Background and aims - The collections of Lauraceae in the Van Heurck Herbarium (AWH), which is currently on permanent loan to BR, have remained unknown by most of the specialists and by the general public up until the present. The taxonomic status of its one hundred and forty nine specimens of Lauraceae is here presented.Methods - Standard herbarium taxonomy practices were used in conjunction with the literature available. Specimens from fifty eight different herbaria were studied personally, or by checking their holdings available in the internet, or from digital images received from the curators.Key results - The specimens of Lauraceae from AWH are distributed in twenty four genera and seventy eight species with taxonomic status resolved, excepting for three specimens pertaining to species name of status uncertain (one), or to unresolved determination (two). From them, fifty three specimens are nomenclatural types of any sort, which corroborate the relevance of exsiccates acquired by Van Heurck, even for this relatively small set of specimens for the family. Fifteen lectotypifications and one neotypification of species names are proposed here.
The aim of this study is to investigate the spontaneous use of medicinal plants by volunteer patients in the treatment of hypertension and to determine the most used plants in this situation. Data were collected through a questionnaire and a semi-structured guided interview applied to patients from a health center in the Midwest region of the state of Sao Paulo, Brazil. Quantitative analysis identified a high number of hypertensive patients spontaneously using herbal treatment. The referred plants were identified by the Herbarium Botu and researched in the literature as to their therapeutic actions. The biggest mistake was observed in the misuse of the Bilberry for the treatment of hypertension, which reveals that health professionals and the community in general should be more careful. As a result we have published an informative booklet, with emphasis on hypertension concepts and on the use of medicinal plants as an alternative therapy method for this disease in order to provide scientific knowledge and scientific research evidence to this practice.