34 resultados para HF5439.S93 R5

em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"


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Foi avaliado o desenvolvimento da ferrugem asiática e da produtividade da cultura da soja em razão de pulverizações fungicidas realizadas em diferentes estádios fenológicos da cultura. Os tratamentos consistiram na pulverização da mistura fungicida piraclostrobina + epoxiconazole no estádio fenológico V10 e R2; R2 e R5.2; apenas em R2; sem pulverização (testemunha). Os valores da AACPD total (área abaixo da curva de progresso da doença) e da produtividade da cultura da soja nos tratamentos com pulverização fungicida foram superiores ao tratamento testemunha. Até o 117º dia após a emergência das plantas, a aplicação de fungicida em V10 e R2 promoveu maior controle da ferrugem. Os resultados evidenciaram que a pulverização fungicida contra P. pachyrhizi é indispensável para diminuir as perdas na produtividade provocadas pela doença e que, em algumas situações, apenas uma pulverização fungicida no estádio R2 pode reduzir perdas significativas na produtividade.


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A adequada disponibilidade de N durante do ciclo do feijoeiro é fundamental para garantir elevada produtividade e qualidade dos grãos produzidos. Esse nutriente pode ser absorvido pelas raízes e folhas da planta. Contudo, ainda existem dúvidas sobre a eficiência da aplicação via foliar de N no feijoeiro e sobre a influência dessa prática na qualidade dos grãos. Objetivou-se neste trabalho avaliar o efeito da adubação nitrogenada em cobertura e via foliar sobre a produtividade e qualidade dos grãos da cultura do feijão. O experimento foi conduzido durante a safra da seca, em um Latossolo Vermelho distroférrico, no município de Botucatu-SP. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o de blocos ao acaso com quatro repetições, num esquema fatorial 3 x 4, constituído por três doses de N (0, 45 e 90 kg ha-1) em cobertura e quatro épocas de aplicação de N via foliar (1 - sem aplicação de N via foliar, 2 - pulverização estádio R5 (pré-floração), 3 - pulverização no estádio R7 (início da formação das vagens) e 4 - pulverizações nos estádios R5 e R7). em cada aplicação de N via foliar foram utilizados 200 L ha-1 de uma solução com 10 % de ureia. Quando foi realizada a adubação nitrogenada de cobertura, a aplicação de N via foliar, independentemente da época, não alterou os componentes da produção, a produtividade e a qualidade dos grãos do feijoeiro. Na ausência da adubação nitrogenada de cobertura, a aplicação de N via foliar na fase reprodutiva aumentou a massa e o tamanho dos grãos, a produtividade de grãos e o teor de proteínas nos grãos do feijoeiro. A aplicação de N via foliar no estádio R5 foi mais eficiente em aumentar a produtividade de grãos do feijoeiro que a aplicação em R7.


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A aplicação de reguladores vegetais, com a finalidade de aumentar a produtividade das culturas, tem merecido, nos últimos anos, grande atenção de pesquisadores. No entanto, alguns resultados têm se mostrado contraditórios. em face disto, este estudo teve como objetivo verificar os efeitos da aplicação de regulador vegetal sobre os componentes da produção e a produtividade de grãos de duas cultivares de feijão de inverno, em condições de Cerrado. O experimento foi realizado no outono-inverno de 2007, na Fazenda Experimental da Unesp, Campus de Ilha Solteira, localizada no município de Selvíria (MS). O delineamento experimental foi o de blocos casualizados, no esquema em faixas, com quatro repetições. Os tratamentos constituíram-se da combinação de cinco doses do regulador vegetal (0 L ha-1 0,5 L ha-1 1,0 L ha-1 1,5 L ha-1 e 2,0 L ha-1, que é composto por três hormônios vegetais (cinetina, ácido giberélico e ácido indolbutírico), em duas épocas de aplicação: no estádio vegetativo (V4) e reprodutivo (R5). Características vegetativas como altura das plantas de feijão, altura de inserção da primeira vagem, número de grãos por vagem e massa de 100 grãos não foram afetadas pela aplicação do produto. No entanto, sua aplicação no estádio reprodutivo (R5) aumentou o número de grãos por planta e a produtividade de grãos das cultivares de feijoeiro Carioca Precoce e IAC Apuã. Para este aumento, a melhor dose foi 2 L ha-1do regulador vegetal.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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There is no consensus in the literature on the best renal replacement therapy (RRT) in acute kidney injury (AKI), with both hemodialysis (HD) and peritoneal dialysis (PD) being used as AKI therapy. However, there are concerns about the inadequacy of PD as well as about the intermittency of HD complicated by hemodynamic instability. Recently, continuous replacement renal therapy (CRRT) have become the most commonly used dialysis method for AKI around the world. A prospective randomized controlled trial was performed to compare the effect of high volume peritoneal dialysis (HVPD) with daily hemodialysis (DHD) on AKI patient survival. A total of 120 patients with acute tubular necrosis (ATN) were assigned to HVPD or DHD in a tertiary-care university hospital. The primary end points were hospital survival rate and renal function recovery, with metabolic control as the secondary end point. Sixty patients were treated with HVPD and 60 with DHD. The HVPD and DHD groups were similar for age ( 64.2 +/- 19.8 and 62.5 +/- 21.2 years), gender ( male: 72 and 66%), sepsis ( 42 and 47%), hemodynamic instability ( 61 and 63%), severity of AKI ( Acute Tubular Necrosis-Index Specific Score (ATN-ISS): 0.68 +/- 0.2 and 0.66 +/- 0.2), Acute Physiology, Age, and Chronic Health Evaluation Score (APACHE II) (26.9 +/- 8.9 and 24.1 +/- 8.2), pre-dialysis BUN (116.4 +/- 33.6 and 112.6 +/- 36.8mg per 100 ml), and creatinine ( 5.8 +/- 1.9 and 5.9 +/- 1.4 mg per 100 ml). Weekly delivered Kt/V was 3.6 +/- 0.6 in HVPD and 4.7 +/- 0.6 in DHD ( P<0.01). Metabolic control, mortality rate ( 58 and 53%), and renal function recovery ( 28 and 26%) were similar in both groups, whereas HVPD was associated with a significantly shorter time to the recovery of renal function. In conclusion, HVPD and DHD can be considered as alternative forms of RRT in AKI.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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We compared the fish assemblage structure from streams with different intensities of physical habitat degradation and chemical water pollution by domestic sewage in southeastern Brazil. Eight streams (R1-R8) showing less disturbed or more disturbed conditions of chemical water quality and of physical habitat quality were selected. Cumulative abundance and biomass, combined in ABC plots, revealed (i) biomass curves above the abundance curves, represented by the streams R1-R2 (water and habitat less disturbed) and R5-R6 (water more disturbed and habitat less disturbed), and (ii) biomass curves below the abundance curves, represented by the streams R3-R4 (water less disturbed and habitat more disturbed) and R7-R8 (water and habitat more disturbed). The quantitative structure of the ichthyofauna showed significant correspondence with physical habitat condition but not with chemical water quality. The most significant species to cause the dissimilarity between less disturbed and more disturbed physical habitats was the exotic Poecilia reticulata. Such results indicate that in the focused region-with little influence of industrial pollution, noncritical domestic sewage discharge, and soil predominantly used for pasture-streams with high physical habitat integrity possess a differently structured ichthyofauna than streams with relatively low physical habitat integrity, reinforcing the importance of the physical habitat quality and riparian conservation along these water courses, warranting the conservation of these systems. Indeed, our results also reinforce the importance of including biotic descriptors, particularly of the ichthyo-fauna, in water-monitoring programs designed to reveal signs of human interference.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito de doses e épocas de aplicação de manganês, por via foliar, na produtividade e qualidade fisiológica de sementes do feijoeiro irrigado 'Pérola', cultivado em Neossolo Quatizarênico. O delineamento utilizado foi o de blocos ao acaso, em arranjo fatorial 4x3, com quatro repetições. Os tratamentos constituíram-se de quatro doses de Mn (0, 150, 300 e 600 g ha-1) aplicadas em três épocas: R5 (pré-florescimento), R6 (florescimento pleno) e divididas metade em R5 e metade em R6. Mesmo em solo com alto teor de Mn, a aplicação via foliar do nutriente aumentou o número de vagens por planta, a massa de 100 sementes e a produtividade de sementes do feijoeiro. Não houve diferença entre o fornecimento de Mn via foliar no pré-florescimento e no florescimento do feijoeiro. A germinação de sementes de feijão não foi afetada pelas aplicações de Mn via foliar em diferentes épocas e doses. O índice de velocidade de emergência diminuiu com a aplicação de Mn.


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A variational analysis of the spiked harmonic oscillator Hamiltonian -d2/dr2 + r2 + lambda/r5/2, lambda > 0, is reported. A trial function automatically satisfying both the Dirichlet boundary condition at the origin and the boundary condition at infinity is introduced. The results are excellent for a very large range of values of the coupling parameter lambda, suggesting that the present variational function is appropriate for the treatment of the spiked oscillator in all its regimes (strong, moderate, and weak interactions).


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Although drought and defoliation stress have been shown to reduce soybean [Glycine max (L.). Merr.] yield, little information has been published regarding their effects on soybean seed quality. Field experiments were conducted in 1986, 1987, and 1989 to evaluate the effect of drought and defoliation (1989 only) stress during soybean seed development on seed germination and vigor. Essex (MG [maturity group] V) and Union (MG III) were grown in 1986 and 1987, and Harper (MG III) and McCall (MG 00) in 1989. Moisture treatments were either well watered or drought stressed during seed development (R5 to R7). In 1989, a total defoliation treatment was also imposed at R6 as an additional stress factor. There were significant reductions in yield and yield components following drought stress in all 3 yr and following defoliation in 1989. Leaf conductance and transpiration also decreased in the drought stress treatments. There was no effect of drought stress on seed germination or seed vigor as measured by accelerated aging germination and the cold test across the four cultivars (determinate and indeterminate) and 3 yr. In 1989 slight changes in 3-d germination and conductivity occurred for some drought stress treatments. Most of this response, however, was related to increased occurrence of hard seed, which does not represent an indication of a change in vigor. Seed germination and vigor were significantly reduced for small, flat, shriveled, and underdeveloped seeds that only occurred following defoliation. These seeds represented a small portion of the seed lot that would normally be removed during conditioning. The data suggest that drought stress would have no effect on seed germination or vigor, unless the stress was severe enough to produce shriveled, flat, underdeveloped seeds.


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The nitrogen is the nutrient required in greatest quantities by the bean crop and the response to its application depends on the applied N rate as well as the time of its application. The objective of this work was to evaluate yield components, grain productivity and physiological quality of bean seeds, affected by different nitrogen (urea) rates top-dressed at three crop growth stages. The experiment was conducted in no-till system. The treatments were constituted by 0, 40, 80, 120, 160, 200 and 240 kg ha-1 N top-dressed at V4-5, R5 and R6 growth stages, corresponding to 21, 32 and 38 days after plant emergence, respectively. Seed physiological quality was evaluated by germination and vigor tests. Nitrogen applied at different crop growth stages did not interfere on the yield components, but interfered on bean productivity. Maximum grain productivity was obtained with top-dressed 164 kg ha-1 N, independently of growth stage application. Seed physiological quality was not affected by the treatments, fitting in the category of seeds for commercialization.


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Aiming at improving the efficiency control of Phakopsora pachyrhizi, this research evaluated different application techniques, using spray deposits and yield parameters of soybean crop. Two experiments were carried out in the experimental area of FCA/UNESP - Botucatu, SP, Brazil, in the soybean crop, Conquista variety, in the 2006/2007 season. The first experiment was arranged in random blocks with eight treatments and four replications. The treatments were conducted in factorial arrangement 4×2 (four air levels 0, 9, 11 and 29 km/h combined at two nozzle angles 0 and 30°) using AXI 110015 nozzles. Ten plants on each plot were selected for sampling spray deposits. Artificial targets were fixed on plants, two in the top and another two in the bottom part of plants (abaxial and adaxial leaf surface each one). For deposit evaluations, a cupric tracer was used and the amount of deposits was determined by a spectrophotometer. The second experiment was carried out in the same place and the treatments were of the same arrangement as the previous experiment, including control treatment (untreated plants). The spraying with triazole fungicide was realized in R2 and R5.2 growth stages of soybean with 142 l/ha spray volume. The nozzle angled of 30° combined with maximum air speed promoted the highest spray deposits on the soybean crop and influenced positively the control of the soybean Asian rust as well in the productivity of this crop.


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Common bean is an important crop in Brazil primarily because of its nutritional characteristics. Some agronomic practices, such as weed management, are fundamental to cultivation, as a means of obtaining a high crop yield. However, some studies have shown that weed management may alter the function of the cultivar cycle. Thus, this study aimed at determining the optimal phenological stage in early-maturing common bean cultivars to perform the weed control without providing reductions in yield and seed quality. The experimental design was randomized blocks with 20 treatments and four replications, in a 2×2×5 (cultivars × types of weed control × periods of weed control) factorial scheme. The periods of weed control for both cultivars (Carioca Precoce and IPR-Colibri) consisted of full cycle weeded (control), weed control at the V4-3 stage (first three nodes on the main stem with trifoliate leaves), at the R5 stage (beginning of bloom) and at the R8 stage (appearance of pods) and full cycle unweeded (no weed control). The types of weed control used were chemical (fluazifop-p-butyl + fomesafen) and mechanical (hoe). The Carioca Precoce cultivar demonstrated higher agronomic performance and yield than the IPR-Colibri cultivar, although the IPR-Colibri seeds had a higher vigor. The type of weed control (chemical or mechanical) did not affect the agronomic characteristics, yield and seed physiological potential of the cultivars. The ideal period for weed control in early-maturing common bean cultivars to obtain a higher yield and seed physiological potential was observed at the V4-3 phenological stage.


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This study evaluated the cytotoxicity of experimental adhesive systems (EASs) on odontoblast-like cells. Paper discs (n=132) were impregnated with 10 μL of each EAS-R1, R2, R3, R4, and R5 (in an ascending order of hydrophilicity), followed by photoactivation. R1 and R2 are nonsolvated hydrophobic blends, R3 represents a simplified etch-and-rinse adhesive system, and R4 and R5 represent simplified self-etch adhesive systems. Discs were immersed in Dulbecco's modified Eagle's medium for 24 h to obtain eluates applied on MDPC-23 cell cultures. No material was applied on discs used as control (R0). Cell viability [3-(4,5-dimethythiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyl tetrazolium bromide assay], total protein (TP) production, alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity, type of cell death, and degree of monomer conversion Fourier transform infrared (%DC-FTIR) were evaluated. Data were analyzed by Kruskal-Wallis and Mann-Whitney tests (α=0.05). Considering R0 (control) as having 100% of cell viability, R1, R2, R3, R4, and R5 reduced the metabolic activity of cells by 36.4, 3.1, 0.2, 21.5, and 65.7%, respectively, but only R1 and R5 differed from R0. Comparing with R0, lower TP production was observed for R1, R4, and R5, while ALP activity decreased for R1 and R5. Necrotic cell death was predominant for all EASs, but only R1, R4, and R5 differed from R0. Only R5 presented a different apoptotic cell death ratio from R0. R1 presented the lowest %DC (ca. 37%), whereas R4 and R5 presented the highest (ca. 56%). In conclusion, R2 and R3 were not toxic to the MDPC-23 cells, suggesting that the degree of hydrophilicity or %DC of the EASs alone were not responsible for their cytopathic effects. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.