27 resultados para HETEROZYGOTES
em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"
Hb Hasharon has an electrophoretic mobility similar to that of Hb S in cellulose acetate and a mobility between Hb S and C at acid pH. In high-performance liquid chromatography, Hb Hasharon shows a distinct chromatographic profile and retention time. The origin of this variant is a mutation in codon 47 (GAC → CAC) of the α2-globin gene, resulting in the replacement of asparagine by histidine during the translation process. Ten blood samples from individuals suspected of being Hb Hasharon carriers were analyzed. In addition to classic laboratory tests and high-performance liquid chromatography, molecular analysis by polymerase chain reaction with restriction fragment length polymorphism designed in the laboratory was performed to confirm this mutation. The study of these cases showed that a combination of classical and molecular methodologies is necessary in the diagnosis of hemoglobinopathies for a correct hemoglobin mutant identification. The accurate identification of hemoglobin variants is essential for genetic counseling and choice of therapy. ©FUNPEC-RP.
Background:Several studies have evaluated the oxidant and antioxidant status of thalassemia patients but most focused mainly on the severe and intermediate states of the disease. Moreover, the oxidative status has not been evaluated for the different beta-thalassemia mutations.Objective:To evaluate lipid peroxidation and Trolox equivalent antioxidant capacity in relation to serum iron and ferritin in beta thalassemia resulting from two different mutations (CD39 and IVS-I-110) compared to individuals without beta-thalassemia.Methods:One hundred and thirty subjects were studied, including 49 who were heterozygous for beta-thalassemia and 81 controls. Blood samples were subjected to screening tests for hemoglobin. Allele-specific polymerase chain reaction was used to confirm mutations for beta-thalassemia, an analysis of thiobarbituric acid reactive species was used to determine lipid peroxidation, and Trolox equivalent antioxidant capacity evaluations were performed. The heterozygous beta-thalassemia group was also evaluated for serum iron and ferritin status.Results:Thiobarbituric acid reactive species (486.24 ± 119.64 ng/mL) and Trolox equivalent antioxidant capacity values (2.23 ± 0.11 mM/L) were higher in beta-thalassemia heterozygotes compared to controls (260.86 ± 92.40 ng/mL and 2.12 ± 0.10 mM/L, respectively; p-value < 0.01). Increased thiobarbituric acid reactive species values were observed in subjects with the CD39 mutation compared with those with the IVS-I-110 mutation (529.94 ± 115.60 ng/mL and 453.39 ± 121.10 ng/mL, respectively; p-value = 0.04). However, average Trolox equivalent antioxidant capacity values were similar for both mutations (2.20 ± 0.08 mM/L and 2.23 ± 0.12 mM/L, respectively; p-value = 0.39). There was no influence of serum iron and ferritin levels on thiobarbituric acid reactive species and Trolox equivalent antioxidant capacity values.Conclusion:This study shows an increase of oxidative stress and antioxidant capacity in beta-thalassemia heterozygotes, mainly in carriers of the CD39 mutation.
O monitoramento da diversidade genética é fundamental em um programa de repovoamento. Avaliouse a diversidade genética de pacu Piaractus mesopotamicus (Holmberg, 1887) em duas estações de piscicultura em Andirá -Paraná, Brasil, utilizadas no programa de repovoamento do Rio Paranapanema. Foram amplificados seis loci microssatélite para avaliar 60 amostras de nadadeira. O estoque de reprodutores B apresentou maior número de alelos e heterozigose (alelos: 22 e H O: 0,628) que o estoque de reprodutores A (alelos: 21 e H O: 0,600). Alelos com baixos níveis de frequência foram observados nos dois estoques. Os coeficientes positivos de endogamia no locus Pme2 (estoque A: F IS = 0,30 e estoque B: F IS = 0,20), Pme5 (estoque B: F IS = 0,15), Pme14 (estoque A: F IS = 0,07) e Pme28 (estoque A: F IS = 0,24 e estoque B: F IS = 0,20), indicaram deficiência de heterozigotos. Foi detectada a presença de um alelo nulo no lócus Pme2. As estimativas negativas nos loci Pme4 (estoque A: F IS = -0,43 e estoque B: F IS= -0,37), Pme5 (estoque A: F IS = - 0,11), Pme14 (estoque B: F IS = - 0,15) e Pme32 (estoque A: F IS = - 0,93 e estoque B: F IS = - 0,60) foram indicativas de excesso de heterozigotos. Foi evidenciado desequilíbrio de ligação e riqueza alélica baixa só no estoque A. A diversidade genética de Nei foi alta nos dois estoques. A distância (0,085) e identidade (0,918) genética mostraram similaridade entre os estoques, o qual reflete uma possível origem comum. 6,05% da variância genética total foi devida a diferenças entre os estoques. Foi observado um recente efeito gargalo nos dois estoques. Os resultados indicaram uma alta diversidade genética nos estoques de reprodutores e baixa diferenciação genética entre eles, o que foi causado pelo manejo reprodutivo das pisciculturas, redução do tamanho populacional e intercâmbio genético entre as pisciculturas.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The 32-bp deletion in the HIV-1 co-receptor CCR5 confers a high degree of resistance to HIV-1 infection in homozygous individuals for the deleted allele and partial protection against HIV-1 during disease progression in heterozygotes. Natural ligands for CCR5, MIP-1alpha, MIP-1ß and RANTES, have been shown to inhibit HIV replication in CD4+ T cells. In the present study, we examined the CCR5 genotype by PCR and the plasma levels of RANTES and MIP-1alpha by ELISA among blood donors (N = 26) and among HIV-1-infected individuals (N = 129). The control group consisted of healthy adult volunteers and HIV-1-infected subjects were an asymptomatic and heterogeneous group of individuals with regard to immunologic and virologic markers of HIV-1 disease. The frequency of the CCR5 mutant allele (delta32ccr5) in this population was 0.032; however, no delta32ccr5 homozygote was detected. These results could be related to the intense ethnic admixture of the Brazilian population. There was no correlation between circulating ß-chemokines (MIP-1alpha, RANTES) and viral load in HIV-infected individuals. RANTES concentrations in plasma samples from HIV+ patients carrying the homozygous CCR5 allele (CCR5/CCR5) (28.23 ng/ml) were higher than in the control samples (16.07 ng/ml; P<0.05); however, this HIV+ patient group (mean 26.23 pg/ml) had significantly lower concentrations of MIP-1alpha than those observed in control samples (mean 31.20 pg/ml; P<0.05). Both HIV-1-infected and uninfected individuals heterozygous for the delta32ccr5 allele had significantly lower concentrations of circulating RANTES (mean 16.07 and 6.11 ng/ml, respectively) than CCR5/CCR5 individuals (mean 28.23 and 16.07 ng/ml, respectively; P<0.05). These findings suggest that the CCR5 allele and ß-chemokine production may affect the immunopathogenesis of HIV-1.
The delimitation of cryptic species within the main vector of the American visceral leishmaniasis, Lutzomyia longipalpis, remains a topic of controversy. An analysis of generic variability based on 8 enzymatic loci revealed fixed differences in 2 diagnostic loci, adenylate kinase (Ak) and hexokinase (Hk), between sympatric and allopatric populations at 4 localities in Venezuela. The absence of heterozygotes for these 2 loci within 1 locality indicates, for the first time, the presence of 2 sympatric reproductively isolated populations or cryptic species within L. longipalpis. Significant differences were also detected between these cryptic species in the allele frequencies of glucose-6-phosphate isomerase (Gpi) and malate dehydrogenase, decarboxylating (Me). One species showed mean heterozygosities that ranged between 6.6% and 6.7%, with 1.6-1.9 alleles detected per locus, while the other had mean heterozygosities that ranged from 4.3% to 6.3%, with 1.3-1.6 alleles per locus. Comparisons of isozyme profiles with published data suggests that 1 species is similar to the L. longipalpis described in Colombian and Brazilian populations, whereas the other has not been previously reported.
The Pelger-Huët anomaly is a dominant autosomal disease, characterized by the incomplete segmentation of the granulocytes nucleus without lost of the cellular function. The heterozygotes form of this anomaly is assintomatic and it did not possess physic meant, while the homozygote form is rare and can be lethal, being therefore, important differentiates of other infectious alterations. The pseudo-anomaly can occasionally be observed in cases of granulocitic leukemia, mieloproliferatives Diseases, some infections and after exposition the determined drugs. We evaluate eleven members of a familiar nucleus and, after the blood cells analysis, six of then had presented neutrophils and eosinophils with nuclei characteristic of the heterozygotes form of the Pelger-Huët anomaly. The recognition of this leukocyte anomaly, mainly in patients without infection and presenting great number of not segmented neutrophils, can prevent wrong interpretations of the blood cells count and unnecessary clinical and therapeutically behaviors.
A variante de hemoglobina (Hb) D mais comum, Hb D Los Angeles ou D Punjab, é originada de uma transversão GAA->CAA no códon 121 da globina beta; essa mutação resulta na substituição do ácido glutâmico por glutamina na proteína. É a terceira variante de hemoglobina mais freqüente da população brasileira. Como as hemoglobinas D apresentam migração similar à hemoglobina S em pH alcalino, e com a hemoglobina A em pH ácido, são necessários vários testes para o correto diagnóstico. No presente estudo objetivou-se relacionar os diferentes procedimentos laboratoriais de rotina diagnóstica, além da análise molecular, para estabelecer o perfil de Hb D Los Angeles no Brasil. Foram analisados 47 indivíduos da população brasileira com provável Hb D Los Angeles, por vários procedimentos eletroforéticos em diferentes condições de pH, além da cromatografia líquida de alta pressão, e testes moleculares para confirmação da mutação. Foram encontrados quatro tipos de combinações de hemoglobinas: 42 indivíduos portadores de hemoglobina AD Los Angeles, dois indivíduos com doença de Hb S/D Los Angeles, dois indivíduos com Hb D Los Angeles e talassemia beta e um indivíduo com Hb D Los Angeles e Hb Lepore. Os indivíduos heterozigotos para D Los Angeles são assintomáticos, entretanto, em associação com outras variantes e talassemias podem apresentar graus variáveis de manifestações clínicas. Os resultados apresentados enfatizaram a necessidade da associação de várias metodologias para a identificação da Hb D Los Angeles, além de auxiliar na elucidação de combinações raras.
A hemoglobina fetal - Hb F, formada por duas cadeias gama e duas cadeias alfa, é característica do período fetal do desenvolvimento, tendo sua síntese diminuída no período pós-natal. em algumas alterações hereditárias, a Hb F permanece aumentada, como nas delta-beta talassemia, beta talassemia e persistência hereditária de Hb F (PHHF). A síntese da globina gama também pode ser estimulada por fatores externos como leucemias, transplantes de medula óssea, induções químicas, dentre outros. Através da observação de Hb F aumentada em doadores de sangue por procedimentos eletroforéticos objetivou-se avaliar a quantidade de Hb F em amostras de sangue de candidatos à doação, visando estabelecer seus limites de normalidade na população de São José do Rio Preto e região, por meio de desnaturação alcalina e cromatografia líquida de alta pressão (HPLC), comparar as metodologias aplicadas e, nos indivíduos com Hb F aumentada, realizar estudos moleculares para identificar as mutações que alteram a expressão dos genes gama. Foram analisadas 208 amostras de sangue, sendo 119 de candidatos à doação e 89 de indivíduos sem sintomas de anemia ou achados hematológicos e com Hb F aumentada como grupo comparativo. Das 119 amostras de candidatos à doação, 110 foram utilizadas para traçar o perfil de normalidade de Hb F, comparando-se as metodologias de desnaturação alcalina e HPLC, onde se obteve a média de 1,48% e de 0,6%, respectivamente. A análise estatística por regressão linear mostrou diferença significativa na comparação entre as duas metodologias aplicadas, sendo a HPLC mais precisa para a quantificação de Hb F. Foram observados nos testes de rastreamento de hemoglobinas anormais nestas 110 amostras de sangue: 16,4% de alfa talassemia, 0,9% com Hb F aumentada, 0,9% com beta talassemia e 0,9% com hemoglobina variante de cadeia delta. Os outros nove doadores de sangue apresentaram Hb F acima de 10% em eletroforese e observou-se média de 32,28% para desnaturação alcalina e de 26,4% para HPLC. As análises moleculares por PCR-ASO foram realizadas na tentativa de se identificar um defeito genético que pudesse explicar o aumento de Hb F, pelo rastreamento de 16 mutações que originam talassemias do tipo beta. Encontraram-se 5,3% de heterozigotos para mutação CD6-A e 1,75% para as mutações CD 39, IVS1:6, -87 e IVS2:654, todas em heterozigose. Os resultados encontrados neste estudo evidenciam a necessidade de melhor caracterização dos perfis de hemoglobina obtidos pelos métodos clássicos e a importância de sua caracterização molecular.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
We assessed the effect of a recently described mutation in the MTHFR gene (1298 A --> C) on the risk of deep venous thrombosis (DVT) by determining its prevalence in 190 patients with verified DVT and in age-, race- and gender-matched controls. MTHFR 1298 A --> C was found in 42.1% of patients and in 41.1% of controls. The OR for venous thrombosis was 1.07 (95% CI 0.70-1.65) for heterozygotes and 0.83 (95% CI 0.33-2.08) for homozygotes. The OR for the factor V Leiden (FVL) mutation was 3.40 (95% CI 1.22-9.48), for FII 20210 G --> A was 5.22 (95% CI 1.12-24.2) and for MTHFR 677 C --> T, 1.24 (95% CI 0.82-1.87). No significant increased risk for venous thrombosis was found when MTHFR 1298 A --> C was coinherited with FVL (OR 2.85, 95% CI 0.88-9.23), FIT 20210 G --> A (OR 7.19, 95% CT 0.87-59.4) or MTHFR 677 C --> T (OR 1.44, 95% CT 0.71-2.92). These data do not support a critical role of MTHFR 1298 A --> C in the predisposition to DVT.
Background. IGF2 and H19 are reciprocal imprinted genes with paternal and maternal monoallelic expression, respectively. This is interesting, because IGF2 is known as a growth factor, and H19 encodes a RNA with putative tumor suppressor action. Furthermore, IGF2 and H19 are linked genes located on chromosome 11p15.5, a common site of loss of heterozygosity in human cancers.Methods. We performed an allelic-typing assay using a PCR-RFLP-based method for identification of heterozygous Informative cases in head and neck squamous cell carcinomas. Tumoral total RNA was extracted from each of the heterozygotes and further studied by RT-PCR analysis.Results. We detected the expression of the IGF2 gene in 10 of 10 informative cases. Two cases exhibited LOI of the IGF2 gene as evidenced by biallelic expression, and in another case, LOH was coupled with monoallelic expression of this growth factor. LOI for the H19 gene was observed in 1 of 14 informative samples analyzed. In this case, we also detected parallel mono-allelic expression of the IGF2 gene. Down-regulation of the H19 gene was observed in 10 of 14 cases.Conclusion. These findings support the hypothesis that H19 may be a tumor suppressor gene involved In head and neck carcinogenesis. Furthermore, our data showed that genetic and epigenetic chances at 11p15.5 could lead to abnormal expression of imprinted genes in HNSCC. (C) 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Piper cernuum is a native plant of the Brazilian Atlantic rain forest. This work studies the distribution of allozyme diversity in P. cernuum natural populations in order to establish a strategy for sustainable management and conservation. Leaf samples were collected in two Brazilian states. High divergences among populations (F-SR = 0.380) and low divergences among regions (F-RT = -0.069) and among gaps of the same population (F-GT = 0.062) were found. No association between the geographical variation and the genetic distance was detected. An excess of heterozygotes was detected in the populations (F-IS = -0.170), suggesting selection in favor of heterozygotes. The results, and the fact that the species depends on constant gap formation for maintenance of its dynamism, suggest that the founder effect is largely responsible for the structuring of populations. For sustainable management, the maintenance of plants/reproductive branches in the gaps is of major importance. The genotypes produced in these gaps are responsible for the establishment of new gaps and are the foundation for new populations, maintaining the dynamics of allele movement.
Background and Objectives. Thrombin activatable fibrinolysis inhibitor (TAFI) plays an important role in hemostasis, functioning as a potent fibrinolysis inhibitor. TAFI gene variations may contribute to plasma TAFI levels and thrombotic risk.Design and Methods. We sequenced a 2083-bp region of the 5 ' -regulatory region of the TAFI gene in 127 healthy subjects searching for variations, and correlated identified polymorphisms with plasma TAFI levels. TAFI polymorphisms were examined as risk factors for venous thrombosis by determining their prevalence in 388 patients with deep venous thrombosis (DVT) and in 388 controls.Results. Seven novel polymorphisms were identified: -152 A/G, -438 A/G, -530 C/T, -1053 T/C, -1102 T/G, -1690 G/A, and -1925 T/C. -152 A/G, -530 C/T and -1925 T/C were found to be in strong linkage disequilibrium, as were the -438 A/G, -1053 T/C, -1102 T/G and -1690 G/A, Plasma TAFI levels were higher in -43866/-1053CC/-1102GG/-1690AA homozygotes than In -438AG/-1053TC/-1102TG/-1690GA heterozygotes, and -438AA/-1053TT/-1102TT/-1690GG homozygotes had the lowest TAFI levels (p=0.0003). TAFI concentrations in -152AA/-530CC/-1925TT homozygotes were somewhat higher but not significantly different from levels observed for -152AG/-530CT/-1925TC heterozygotes, Taken in combination, -438AG/-1053TC/-1102TG/-1690GA and -438AA/-1053TT/-1102TT/-1690GG yielded an OR for DVT of 0.8 (95%CI: 0.6-1). in subjects aged < 35 years the OR was 0.7 (95%CI: 0.5-1.1), the OR for -152AG/-530CT/-1925TC was 1 (95%CI: 0.5-2.2) in the whole group of patients and controls, whereas in subjects aged <35 years the OR was 0.1 (95%CI: 0.02-0.9).Interpretation and Conclusions. Polymorphisms in the TAFI promoter determine plasma antigen levels and may influence the risk of venous thrombophilia. <(c)>2001, Ferrata Storti Foundation.