22 resultados para HEMIFACIAL SPASM
em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"
Purpose: To evaluate the characteristics of the essential blepharospasm and hemifacial spasm patients and the feasible treatment with botulinum toxin. A. Methods: Thirty-four essential blepharospasm or hemifacial spasm patients were evaluated according to gender, ocular complaint, time of disease, treatment outcome and complications. Results: Age median was 63 years and the mean was 61 years, with no difference regarding sex; 66.66% of the patients had hemifacial spasm and 33.33%, essential blepharospasm. Many patients complained of dry eye associated with involuntary spasm. Botulinum toxin A showed a positive outcome in 91.30% of the treated patients and complications observed after treatment were eyelid ptosis (8.33%) and buccal angle deviation (8.33%). Conclusion: Essential blepharospasm and hemifacial spasm occurred in the elderly, of both sexes. Treatment with botulinum toxin A was useful, with very low complication rates.
O objetivo é relatar o caso de portadora de atrofia hemifacial progressiva, atendida na Faculdade de Medicina de Botucatu-UNESP: A paciente do sexo feminino, 43 anos, branca, queixava-se de afundamento progressivo do olho esquerdo e região orbitária há aproximadamente 10 anos, com dor na região periorbitária ipsilateral e diminuição da acuidade visual. O exame tomográfico confirmou a hipótese e o tratamento foi feito com injeção de Polietigel® na órbita, com bom resultado estético e melhora da função palpebral. O Polietigel pode ser uma alternativa para o tratamento do enoftalmo na síndrome de Parry-Romberg.
Introduction: Orofacial pain and pain in the muscles of mastication are frequent symptoms of temporomandibular disorder. The masseter is the closet masticatory muscle to the surface and has the function of raising and retracting the mandible. This muscle has considerable strength and is one of the main muscles involved in the shredding of food It is therefore of utmost importance in the masticatory cycle and generally the most affected by pain and spasms. Objectives: The aim of the present study was to analyze the effect of manual therapy with transversal and circular movements on pain and spasm in the masseter muscle, using electromyography and a visual analogue pain scale (VAPS). Eight women who experienced pain upon palpation of the masseter greater than 6 on the VAPS were selected for participation in the study, which employed electromyography and a VAPS for assessment, followed by manual oral physiotherapy and reevaluation. Results: The statistical analysis revealed a reduction in pain, but there was no significant difference in electromyographic activity (p < 0.05). Conclusion: It was concluded that massage therapy was effective on pain symptoms, but was not capable of altering the electrical activity of the masseter muscle.
The diffuse esophageal spasm distinguishes from others esophageal disturbs by the symptoms severity and bad results to conservative treatment. This situation requires formal indication to surgical treatment or dilation. In high risk patients this situation becomes a big problem, due to the lack of another therapeutic option. In a patient with this problem we use an endoscopic injection of botulin toxin in cardia with good results in three months follow-up. Despite this short period of observation we believe that the infiltration with botulin toxin in cardia constitutes a valid therapeutic option in treatment of diffuse esophageal spasm.
In this work we isolated a novel crotamine like protein from the Crotalus durissus cascavella venom by combination of molecular exclusion and analytical reverse phase HPLC. Its primary structure was:YKRCHKKGGHCFPKEKICLPPSSDLGKMDCRWKRK-CCKKGS GK. This protein showed a molecular mass of 4892.89 da that was determined by Matrix Assisted Laser Desorption Ionization Time-of-flight (MALDI-TOF) mass spectrometry. The approximately pI value of this protein was determined in 9.9 by two-dimensional electrophoresis. This crotamine-like protein isolated here and that named as Cro 2 produced skeletal muscle spasm and spastic paralysis in mice similarly to other crotamines like proteins. Cro 2 did not modify the insulin secretion at low glucose concentration (2.8 and 5.6 mM), but at high glucose concentration (16.7 mM) we observed an insulin secretion increasing of 2.7-3.0-fold than to control. The Na+ channel antagonist tetrodoxin (6 mM) decreased glucose and Cro 2-induced insulin secretion. These results suggested that Na+ channel are involved in the insulin secretion. In this article, we also purified some peptide fragment from the treatment of reduced and carboxymethylated Cro 2 (RC-Cro 2) with cyanogen bromide and protease V8 from Staphylococcus aureus. The isolated pancreatic beta-cells were then treated with peptides only at high glucose concentration (16.7 mM), in this condition only two peptides induced insulin secretion. The amino acid sequence homology analysis of the whole crotamine as well as the biologically-active peptide allowed determining the consensus region of the biologically-active crotamine responsible for insulin secretion was KGGHCFPKE and DCRWKWKCCKKGSG.
Phyllorhiza punctata (P. punctata) is a jellyfish native to the southwestern Pacific. Herewith we present the biochemical and pharmacological characterization of an extract of the tentacles of P. punctata. The tentacles were subjected to three freezethaw cycles, homogenized, ultrafiltered, precipitated, centrifuged and lyophilized to obtain a crude extract (PHY-N). Paralytic shellfish poisoning compounds such as saxitoxin, gonyautoxin-4, tetrodotoxin and brevetoxin-2, as well as several secretory phospholipase A2 were identified. PHY-N was tested on autonomic and somatic neuromuscular preparations. In mouse vas deferens, PHY-N induced phasic contractions that reached a peak of 234 +/- 34.7% of control twitch height, which were blocked with either 100 mu m of phentolamine or 1m m of lidocaine. In mouse corpora cavernosa, PHY-N evoked a relaxation response, which was blocked with either L-NG-Nitroarginine methyl ester (0.5 m m) or 1m m of lidocaine. PHY-N (1, 3 and 10 mu g ml(-1)) induced an increase in tonus of the biventercervicis neuromuscular preparation that was blocked with pre-treatment of galamine (10 mu m). Administration of 6 mg kg(-1) PHY-N intramuscularly produced death in broilers by spastic paralysis. In conclusion, PHY-N induces nerve depolarization and nonspecifically increases neurotransmitter release. Copyright (C) 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
A ingestão de substâncias cáusticas constitui importante situação de emergência, tendo em vista a gravidade de suas seqüelas. OBJETIVO: Estudar as alterações morfológicas e funcionais do esôfago de coelhos submetidos à infusão esofágica com soda cáustica (NaOH). MÉTODOS: 88 coelhos foram divididos em 4 grupos: G1 (n=22) foi submetido à infusão esofágica com água destilada; G2, G3 e G4 foram submetidos a infusão esofágica com NaOH a 2%, 4% e 6%, respectivamente. Alterações morfológicas foram estudadas em 12 animais de cada grupo e as alterações manométricas, nos 10 animais restantes. Foram feitas análises do esfíncter inferior do esôfago (EIE), número e amplitude das contrações no terço distal do esôfago. Estes estudos foram realizados antes (momento 1 - M1) e aos 30 minutos, 6 horas e 24 horas após a infusão esofágica (momentos M2, M3 e M4, respectivamente). RESULTADOS: Avaliação macroscópica: G1 - sem alterações; G2 - edema, hiperemia e descamação; G3 - aumento do calibre do esôfago, úlceras, descamação da mucosa; G4 - lesões semelhantes as do G3, porém mais intensas, áreas de extensa hemorragia. Avaliação funcional: a pressão no EIE foi mais elevada em M2 no grupo 2; o número das contrações no terço distal do esôfago foi menor em G3 e G4, e a amplitude das contrações foi menor em G4. CONCLUSÕES: 1) a infusão esofágica com NaOH constitui excelente modelo experimental de esofagite cáustica no coelho; 2) a infusão esofágica com NaOH causa lesões na parede do esôfago, com gravidade proporcional a concentração da solução; 3) a infusão causou espasmo do EIE em M2 e redução do número e amplitude das contrações no terço distal do esôfago.
Surgery on the head and neck region may be complicated by vascular trauma, caused by direct injury on the vascular wall. Lesions of the arteries are more dangerous than the venous one. The traumatic lesion may cause laceration of the artery wall, spasm, dissection, arteriovenous fistula, occlusion or pseudoaneurysm.We present a case of a child with a giant ICA pseudoaneurysm after tonsillectomy, manifested by pulsing mass and respiratory distress, which was treated by endovascular approach, occluding the lesion and the proximal artery with Histoacryl. We reinforce that the endovascular approach is the better way to treat most of the traumatic vascular lesions.
JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: A intubação traqueal associada a operações das vias aéreas faz com que complicações como laringoespasmo, broncoespasmo e períodos de redução da saturação de oxigênio sejam frequentemente relatados em adenotonsilectomias, procedimento que, por sua natureza, eleva a incidência de tais complicações. O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar a ocorrência de problemas respiratórios comparando-se o uso da máscara laríngea (ML) descartável com a intubação orotraqueal em adenotonsilectomias. MÉTODOS: Foram avaliados 204 pacientes pediátricos submetidos a anestesia geral para adenotonsilectomias e alocados em dois grupos, aleatoriamente: grupo Cânula Traqueal (CT, n = 100) e grupo Máscara Laríngea (ML, n = 104). Foram observados os níveis de saturação de pulso de oxigênio (SpO2) após a indução anestésica (SpO2-1), após o estabelecimento de campo operatório (SpO2-2), ao término do procedimento cirúrgico (SpO2-3), três minutos após a retirada do dispositivo respiratório (SpO2-4) e na admissão da sala de recuperação anestésica (SpO2-5). As complicações respiratórias foram relatadas. RESULTADOS: Os valores médios e os desvios padrão de SpO2 nos grupos CT e ML foram, respectivamente: SpO2-1: 98,9 ± 1,0 e 98,7 ± 0,8 (p > 0,25); SpO2-2: 97,4 ± 1,0 e 94,9 ± 4,3 (p < 0,001); SpO2-3: 96,9 ± 1,1 e 97,2 ± 1,1 (p = 0,037); SpO2-4: 91,7 ± 9,0 e 95,2 ± 2,2 (p < 0,001); SpO2-5: 94,0 ± 2,1 e 95,8 ± 2,6 (p < 0,001). No grupo ML, em 12 pacientes, foi necessária alguma manobra para ajuste do dispositivo e correção de vazamento durante o ato operatório. A ML foi substituída pela CT em quatro pacientes. As complicações respiratórias foram similares entre os grupos. CONCLUSÕES: Adenotonsilectomias em pacientes pediátricos com o emprego da ML, em comparação com a CT, resulta em menores valores de SpO2 intraoperatórios e, eventualmente, necessidade de substituição da ML pela CT. Apesar de a ML viabilizar a cirurgia, pela segurança, o uso da CT é preferível.
Progressive facial hemiatrophy (Romberg's syndrome) is of unknown cause and uncertain pathogenesis. The main pathogenetic hypotheses are: sympathetic system alterations, localized scleroderma, trigeminal changes, possibly of genetic origin. To test the hypothesis of sympathetic system alterations, we designed an experimental model with ablation of the superior cervical sympathetic ganglion in rabbits, cats and dogs. All the animals were operated upon when 30 days old and were examined monthly for 1 year. During this period localized alopecia, corneal ulceration, keratitis, strabismus, enophthalmos, ocular atrophy, hemifacial atrophy and slight bone atrophy on the side of the sympathectomy were observed. Thus, cervical sympathectomy reproduces in animals the principal clinical alterations of Romberg's syndrome. Our data suggest that the sympathetic system is involved in the pathogenesis of this syndrome.
Background and Objectives - The decision to perform anesthetic and surgical procedures in children with upper airway infeccious disease, due to the possibility of intraoperative respiratory morbidity, has been a dilemma for anesthesiologists. This study aimed at evaluating the incidence of respiratory complications in children submitted to general anesthesia and correlate them to preoperative signs and symptoms related to the respiratory tract, thus determining anesthetic-surgical morbidity. Methods - Participated in this study 284 children, physical status ASA I or II, submitted to general anesthesia. During preoperative evaluation, respiratory signs and symptoms were recorded, as well as types of diseases and corresponding diagnoses. Respiratory complications during anesthesia and in the recovery room were also recorded and analyzed taking into account age, elective or urgent procedure, airway management and presence or absence of signs, symptoms or history of respiratory tract diseases. Results - We found 38% of patients with preoperative respiratory disease history. The most common respiratory disease was upper airway infection. Intraoperative respiratory complications were present in 26.4% of patients. Children under 12 months of age and those with preoperative respiratory disease history had more intraoperative and PACU complications. Conclusions - We concluded that children, specially younger, with respiratory system involvement, like upper airway infections, are at a higher risk of intra and postoperative respiratory complications, thus with an increased incidence of anesthetic-surgical morbidity.
Objective. Juvenile localized scleroderma (JLS) includes a number of conditions often grouped together. With the long-term goal of developing uniform classification criteria, we studied the epidemiological, clinical and immunological features of children with JLS followed by paediatric rheumatology and dermatology centres. Methods. A large, multicentre, multinational study was conducted by collecting information on the demographics, family history, triggering environmental factors, clinical and laboratory features, and treatment of patients with JLS. Results. Seven hundred and fifty patients with JLS from 70 centres were enrolled into the study. The disease duration at diagnosis was 18 months. Linear scleroderma (LS) was the most frequent subtype (65%), followed by plaque morphea (PM) (26%), generalized morphea (GM) (7%) and deep morphea (DM) (2%). As many as 15% of patients had a mixed subtype. Ninety-one patients (12%) had a positive family history for rheumatic or autoimmune diseases; 100 (13.3%) reported environmental events as possible trigger. ANA was positive in 42.3% of the patients, with a higher prevalence in the LS-DM subtype than in the PM-GM subtype. Scl70 was detected in the sera of 3% of the patients, anticentromere antibody in 2%, anti-double-stranded DNA in 4%, anti-cardiolipin antibody in 13% and rheumatoid factor in 16%. Methotrexate was the drug most frequently used, especially during the last 5 yr. Conclusion. This study represents the largest collection of patients with JLS ever reported. The insidious onset of the disease, the delay in diagnosis, the recognition of mixed subtype and the better definition of the other subtypes should influence our efforts in educating trainees and practitioners and help in developing a comprehensive classification system for this syndrome. © 2006 Oxford University Press.
BAKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Negative pressure pulmonary edema has been defined as non-cardiogenic edema, with transudation of fluid to the interstitial space of the lungs due to an increase in negative intrathoracic pressure secondary to obstruction of the upper airways. This is the case of a healthy patient who underwent general anesthesia and developed acute pulmonary edema after extubation. CASE REPORT: A 23-year old female patient, physical status ASA II, underwent gynecologic videolaparoscopy under general anesthesia. The procedure lasted 3 hours without intercurrence. After extubation the patient developed laryngeal spasm and reduction in oxygen saturation. The patient improved after placement of an oral cannula and administration of oxygen under positive pressure with a face mask. Once the patient was stable she was transferred to the recovery room where, shortly after her arrival, she developed acute pulmonary edema with elimination of bloody serous secretion. Treatment consisted of elevation of the head, administration of oxygen via a face mask, furosemide and fluid restriction. Chest X-ray was compatible with acute pulmonary edema and normal cardiac area. Electrocardiogram (ECG), echocardiogram and cardiac enzymes were normal. The condition of the patient improved and she was discharged from the hospital the following day, asymptomatic. CONCLUSIONS: Acute pulmonary edema associated with obstruction of the upper airways can aggravate surgical procedures with low morbidity, affecting mainly young patients. Early treatment should be instituted because it has a fast evolution and, in most cases, resolves without lasting damages. © Sociedade Brasileira de Anestesiologia, 2008.