50 resultados para Gestão de Projetos

em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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In a supplier of building products were identified difficulties in communication between the Product Development area and other areas of the company that could spoil projects and processes. The process of product development is important in placing the company in the market, and through research and planning, design new products and seek to comply with the costumer in relation to deadlines, quality and cost-effective. The development of a product involves many areas in the company and communication is essential in this process. The goal of this study was to identify possible communication problems permeated by organizational culture and structure of project management working in the company. A survey was applied using a Likert scale in three different areas of the company, with questions including the topics: communication, culture and organizational structure of project management and subsequently conducted the median test and the Spearman test to analysis of responses. With the understanding and analysis of the survey it was confirmed the difficulties of communication between people and the areas of the company, besides there is an influence of the type of culture acting in the company and the current management structure of the project in a good performance of internal communication


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Management information systems such as ERP can bring to businesses many competitive advantages. There is a great demand for systems projects to consulting firms that have knowledge to manage this particular type of project. However, the rate of system projects that cannot achieve success is very high. The methodology of Project Management, standardized by the Project Management Institute, is a globally recognized standard and used even in projects involving information technology. In the present study, was made a case study of an ERP system implementation project in a large company, by a consulting firm. From this analysis and on contributions from the literature, recommendations were proposed for the project management, in order to better direct the PMI methodology in large projects involving systems like ERP


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Pós-graduação em Ciência da Informação - FFC


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L'un des facteurs nécessaires pour qu’une entreprise reste compétitive sur le marché est la création ou l'amélioration d'un produit afin qu’il réponde aux besoins et aux attentes des clients, ainsi, le Processus de Développement de Produits (PDP) est essentiel. Pour la réussite du PDP, il est souhaitable de suivre un système standard de gestion de projet. L'objectif de cette étude est d'analyser la gestion de projets dans le processus de développement de produits dans l'industrie automobile afin d'identifier les possibilités d’amélioration. Par conséquent, nous avons procédé à une revue de littérature sur le sujet, analysé les lignes directrices et les pratiques du processus de développement de produit dans l’entreprise. Comme résultat, il a été obtenu que le système de développement de produits créé par l’entreprise requiert la clarification des outils utiles à la gestion de projet. Un problème de communication et de gestion des coûts a également été constaté dans le domaine du développement du moteur lourd


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Although thetopic of integrationin product development is widely debated in the literature, there are few studies that address the participation by subsidiaries of multinational and R & D centers around the world in development projects of new products. Focusing on the perception of the Brazilian unit, this paper aims to present and analyze integration practices among subsidiaries, headquarters and R&D centers in product development projects in amultinational high tech company. For this purpose, was conducted an exploratory and qualitative researched operationalized by case study. Among the main results, it was noted collaboration betweenlocals marketing and engineering with the R & D centers, important role of senior management in the Brazilian unit to communicate outcomes of the strategic planning of products andtechnologies established by the headquarters to the subsidiary, the adoption of technological and information mechanisms and the application of methods such as technology roadmap.


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia de Produção - FEB


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O desenvolvimento de um processo democrático de avaliação institucional na UNESP, uma universidade multi-campus, envolveu três desafios: garantir o envolvimento de grupos representativos da comunidade no processo de avaliação; atribuir poder e responsabilidade a cada setor acadêmico e administrativo no processo de avaliação; criar uma cultura de auto-avaliação e reflexão que possibilitasse debate crítico e auto-gestão dos projetos acadêmicos. Com base nos termos de referência estabelecidos pela comunidade a CPA desenvolveu uma metodologia de avaliação democrática e investigativa, orientada para a auto-gestão e de natureza quali-quantitativa. Fundamentada em três enfoques teóricos de avaliação, o democrático, o de tomada de decisão e o crítico o processo envolveu três funções: a diagnóstica, a formativo-reflexiva e a de revisão crítica. Atualmente os usos dos resultados da avaliação para orientar políticas e decisões acadêmicas, especialmente nos cursos de graduação, evidenciam avanços no processo de internalização de cultura de avaliação orientada para auto-gestão.


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O desenvolvimento de Sistemas de Gestão da Segurança e Saúde no Trabalho (SGSST) ganha um significado cada vez mais importante no desempenho das empresas, pois, por meio deles, é possível obter a promoção da saúde e satisfação dos trabalhadores e a redução dos riscos de acidentes. No entanto, para que um SGSST obtenha bons resultados, as empresas precisam estar atentas às dificuldades comumente encontradas durante o seu processo de implantação, procurando solucioná-las de maneira antecipada e estruturada. Pelo exposto, este trabalho tem como principal objetivo apresentar diretrizes, baseadas no referencial teórico e nos resultados dos estudos de caso realizados, para implantação de SGSSTs em empresas fabricantes de baterias automotivas. Para o seu desenvolvimento adotou-se o método de pesquisa qualitativa a partir da realização de dois estudos de caso em empresas fabricantes de baterias automotivas localizadas na cidade de Bauru. Os instrumentos de coleta de dados foram entrevistas semiestruturadas, análise de documentos e observação in loco. Ao final do artigo, são propostas diretrizes relacionadas aos seguintes elementos: alta direção, estratégia organizacional, cultura organizacional, departamento de Segurança e Saúde do Trabalho (SST), técnicos de SST, recursos humanos, treinamento, equipes multidisciplinares, comunicação interna, resistência à mudança, indicadores de desempenho, ferramentas gerenciais para solução de problemas de SST, gestão de projetos, recompensas e incentivos, e integração do sistema.


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A literatura sugere que o Seis Sigma trouxe contribuições sob vários aspectos, tanto no âmbito da gestão da qualidade como também da gestão estratégica. No entanto, ainda há certa escassez de informações sobre esse assunto no cenário organizacional brasileiro. Este artigo visa reduzir essa carência da literatura, mostrando uma visão prática sobre as contribuições decorrentes dos investimentos no Seis Sigma para empresas do Brasil. A relevância de requisitos essenciais - como conceito de qualidade; combinação das abordagens estatística e estratégica; sistematização metodológica; formação de especialistas; e gestão de projetos - é discutida tanto em âmbito teórico-conceitual como prático. O método do estudo de caso foi aplicado para obter o embasamento empírico da pesquisa. Os investimentos no Seis Sigma feitos por duas subsidiárias brasileiras de empresas multinacionais norte-americanas (uma de manufatura e uma de serviços) são apresentados e reforçam a relevância dos requisitos supracitados.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Currently, more and more processing activities within companies are seen as projects. Project management, as a theory, is well developed and is accepted today in the market as a required competency for organizations. Various methods and techniques have been developed covering all aspects of a project, from conception to final delivery of the products produced by the same. The overall objective of the study is to report the experience of developing the project planning for the machine safety adequacy in robotic cells pallet manufacturers, demonstrating the importance of knowledge in the area of project management for the productive sector, and focusing on the difficulties encountered in particular project. Thus was developed the scope management by a team composed of different areas of engineering, and implementation strategy of the project was chosen from the tool BVOA, with the possible subsequent definition of the project schedule. Furthermore, the risk planning was analyzed using FMECA tool that predicts and mitigates potential failures. It is concluded that the constant and direct relationship between the different stakeholders generates more efficient results, reaching the demands of the project. The definition of alternatives for implementation enabled the viability of the project, and the study of failures was positive to enrich the analysis of planning


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There are many approaches and techniques about Administration and Management of Projects in order to provide greater agility, efficiency and transparency during the development process of new products. Simultaneously, a pursuit for a management approach more flexible in its planning and strategic changes during the development campaign, such as, comprehend the project's unpredictability level and deal it by monitoring and estimates tools. These features tend to accentuate itself in manufacturers of complex products, as aircraft and other aerospace technologies. By these conditions thus research aims to describe a case when the Agile Management Processing of Project Development Scrum was used in the Test area of an aircraft manufacturer. Focused on the Scrum implementation over the area, its adaptation, evolution and achievements the research proposes to analyze the improvements, indicate the obstacles and discuss solutions, contributing then to the theoretical basis of the considered theme and futures updates applicable to the area. The research is classified as qualitative; furthermore the information and data analyzed were obtained by interviews with professionals and observations of the processes from the major aircraft manufacturer