117 resultados para Gestão da segurança e saúde no trabalho

em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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O desenvolvimento de Sistemas de Gestão da Segurança e Saúde no Trabalho (SGSST) ganha um significado cada vez mais importante no desempenho das empresas, pois, por meio deles, é possível obter a promoção da saúde e satisfação dos trabalhadores e a redução dos riscos de acidentes. No entanto, para que um SGSST obtenha bons resultados, as empresas precisam estar atentas às dificuldades comumente encontradas durante o seu processo de implantação, procurando solucioná-las de maneira antecipada e estruturada. Pelo exposto, este trabalho tem como principal objetivo apresentar diretrizes, baseadas no referencial teórico e nos resultados dos estudos de caso realizados, para implantação de SGSSTs em empresas fabricantes de baterias automotivas. Para o seu desenvolvimento adotou-se o método de pesquisa qualitativa a partir da realização de dois estudos de caso em empresas fabricantes de baterias automotivas localizadas na cidade de Bauru. Os instrumentos de coleta de dados foram entrevistas semiestruturadas, análise de documentos e observação in loco. Ao final do artigo, são propostas diretrizes relacionadas aos seguintes elementos: alta direção, estratégia organizacional, cultura organizacional, departamento de Segurança e Saúde do Trabalho (SST), técnicos de SST, recursos humanos, treinamento, equipes multidisciplinares, comunicação interna, resistência à mudança, indicadores de desempenho, ferramentas gerenciais para solução de problemas de SST, gestão de projetos, recompensas e incentivos, e integração do sistema.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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This work aims to identify the main motivations and difficulties faced by Brazilian companies to obtain ISO 9001 certification. The key quality management practices that provide support to this certification and the relationship with other types of systems, such as ISO 14001 (Environmental Management) and OHSAS 18001 (Occupational Health and Safety Management System), were also investigated. A survey research was conducted with 191 companies. The main motivations for implementing ISO 9001 are the following: internal organization improvement, production efficiency increase, and brand reliability improvement. Employee resistance was the greatest challenge found during the implementation process. On the other hand, the main benefits identified were: quality processes improvement and increased employee awareness of quality. The results reveal that the most common quality programs and tools used are: 5S, brainstorming, and Ishikawa diagram, while the least common are SERVQUAL and QFD.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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This article aims to disseminate the results of a university action which occurred through the Extension Course entitled Management and Health at Work, conducted from March to September 2011 and offered by “Coordenadoria de Saúde e Segurança do Trabalhador e Sustentabilidade Ambiental” (a kind of Workers' health and safety and environmental sustainability agency) - an agency managed by “Pró-Reitoria de Administração - PRAd/Unesp”. This action had the audience of the technical and administrative staff of the several Institutes (Units) of UNESP in positions of Leadership and Supervision. The course was proposed to equip managers to deal with issues related to health and safety at work in daily labor. Six hundred managers of all UNESP Institutes participated in the course. The meetings were logistically designed respecting the proximity of the participants’ Institutes. The methodology adopted was based on qualitative techniques such as group discussion, role-plays, analysis of film, reading and discussing texts, together with the preparation of a proposal for health promotion by the participants. As a result it was considered that the course offered a convenient and timely opportunity to reflect on and discuss the theme of health and safety at UNESP, as well as to make leaders and managers effective agents to implement programs of disease prevention and health promotion at work.


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The paper analyses the application of the AHP method together with the attach A of ISO 9004:2000 in order to evaluate the performance of two industrial organizations, both possessing quality management systems with ISO 9001:2000 certifications, based on the specific requirements of quality, environment, occupational health and management systems. The evaluated organizations were a government-owned company from the science and technology sector that works in the nuclear area, and a private company that works in the automotive and railroad area. The open software Web-Hipre version 1.22 from Helsinki University of Technology, Finland, was used. The results demonstrated that the AHP method together with the attach A of ISO 9004:2000 is adequate to evaluate organizational performances. Both organizations presented similar performance levels.


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This study aimed at apprehending and analyzing the perspective of Primary Health Care managers concerning nurses’ work in Children’s Health Surveillance in a city in São Paulo state. The study population consisted of eight professionals from different professional categories with direct activity in the city’s management of the population’s Health Surveillance. It is a descriptive, qualitative study. Data were collected by means of recorded semi-structured interviews. The framework used for data analysis was the thematic Content Analysis Method. The results were systematized into three themes: 1- Managers’ conceptualizations concerning Children’s Health Surveillance and its application in practice; 2- Managers’ perspectives concerning nurses’ work in Children’s Health Surveillance; 3- Qualification of Children’s Health Surveillance under the view of the municipal management. The conceptualizations concerning Children’s Health Surveillance that were apprehended showed to be convergent as they indicated this model’s appropriateness to identify and prioritize children’s care in vulnerability conditions in the territory where they live. However, some managers did not include, in their statements, health promotion aspects as one of the cornerstones of their managerial action. Nurses were considered to be fundamental in the Children’s Health Surveillance process due to their competencies and responsibilities undertaken in this health provision level. The main difficulties for adequate implementation of Children’s Health Surveillance in Primary Health Care and the proposal to overcome them were pointed out. It was concluded that, under the managers’ perspectives, nurses can greatly contribute to Children’s Health Surveillance in Primary Health Care as members of the health care team; however, to that end, they need professional qualification, structural conditions and institutional support with that regard


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The work and work organization influence the evolution of the health-disorder process by establishing a causal link with the work and the disorder. The present study aimed to verify the presence of the disorder of the sleepwake cycle triggered by non-organic factors, by identifying the possible effects on physical health, mental health and the social and family relations ten watchmen of a public institution of higher education. It was found that 80% of respondents had one or more of the symptoms that meet the criteria for the diagnosis of this non-organic disorder of sleep-wake cycle. We emphasize the need for specialized diagnostic, medical, psychological and social support for this population


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Saúde Coletiva - FMB


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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O princípio da precaução (PP) é uma diretriz em saúde que vem ganhando relevo nos últimos 20 anos. Seu propósito é orientar medidas nas situações em que o conhecimento científico está ainda incompleto, denotando a incerteza. As condições de economia de mercado estimulam o uso de produtos e processos inovadores, dependentes do desenvolvimento científico e das novas descobertas em curso. Suas implicações para a saúde nem sempre estão inteiramente avaliadas, expondo a população trabalhadora às incertezas. O exame da literatura mostra que o uso do PP, embora sob consenso dos órgãos reguladores em diferentes países, ainda é objeto de intenso debate na comunidade científica. em coerência com os propósitos básicos, a proteção do meio ambiente conta com milhares de citações do seu emprego, em contraste com as poucas recomendações de uso para as exposições ocupacionais. Entre estas, o PP vem sendo entendido como pouco adequado ao âmbito dos especialistas e mais indicado à proteção de populações vulneráveis. Investigações históricas mostram que a noção de precaução foi quase sempre usada em sentido inverso, fazendo-se uso da dúvida para conter as possíveis melhorias de proteção no trabalho. Conclui-se que o uso do PP depende do pressuposto da incerteza científica, caracterizada pela noção de risco, em detrimento do determinismo da causa, condição ainda não superada nas relações de trabalho.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)