21 resultados para Geostatistical inversion

em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"


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The spatial distribution of Rotylenchulus reniformis on cotton cultivated in crop rotation with sorghum-peanut-velvetbean was studied using geostatistics. The experimental field, which had been continuously cropped with cotton for 20 years, comprised two 32 x 48 m-grids, each divided in sixty-four 4 x 6 in sampling plots. For all crops, 300 cm(3) soil samples were taken at the center of each plot at crop germination (Pi) and again at harvest (Pf), from which the numbers of nematodes were determined. The results revealed that the spatial distribution of R. reniformis was highly aggregated and with the aid of geostatistical techniques the nematode intensities were mapped and the risk areas accurately identified. Consequently, geostatistics is here considered a useful tool for planning nematode control strategies, particularly in precision agriculture.


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In recent years, the productivity of cotton in Brazil has been progressively decreasing, often the result of the reniform nematode Rotylenchulus reniformis. This species call reduce crop productivity by up to 40%. Nematodes can be controlled by nematicides but, because of expense and toxicity, application of nematicides to large crop areas may be undesirable. In this Work. a methodology using geostatistics for quantifying the risk of nematicide application to small crop areas is proposed. This risk, in economic terms, can be compared to nematicide cost to develop an optimal strategy for Precision Farming, Soil (300 cm(3)) was sampled in a regular network from a R. reniformis-infested area that was a cotton monoculture for 20 years. The number of nematodes in each sample was counted. The nematode number per volume of soil was characterized using geostatistics, and 100 conditional simulations were conducted. Based on the simulations, risk maps were plotted showing the areas where nematicide should be applied in a Precision Farming context. The methodology developed can be applied to farming in countries that ale highly dependent on agriculture, with useful economic implications.


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A distribuição espacial das espécies de cigarrinhas (Dilobopterus costalimai Young, Acrogonia sp. e Oncometopia facialis Signoret), vetoras da Xylella fastidiosa, agente causal da Clorose Variegada dos Citros, foi estudada com o uso da geoestatística. As avaliações foram feitas em um pomar comercial de laranja 'Pêra' (Citrus sinensis [L.] Osb.), objetivando estabelecer meios para melhor controle dos vetores e da doença. O monitoramento da ocorrência das cigarrinhas no pomar foi feito através de amostragens mensais, utilizando-se armadilhas adesivas amarelas de 3 x 5, distribuídas uniformemente em 50 pontos na área, dispostas em laranjeiras à altura de 1,5 m do solo e substituídas mensalmente. Acrogonia sp. foi a espécie prevalente nas amostragens. Os resultados possibilitaram ajustar modelos aos semivariogramas da distribuição espacial das três espécies no pomar estudado. Durante os três anos consecutivos de amostragem, as populações de Acrogonia sp., D. costalimai e O. facialis apresentaram modelos de distribuição agregada somente nos meses de verão, inverno e primavera, respectivamente, mostrando a necessidade de monitoramento constante desses vetores para reduzir a sua população em épocas favoráveis ao seu desenvolvimento. Através de parâmetros geoestatísticos foi possível calcular a área de agregação das cigarrinhas no pomar. A espécie Acrogonia sp. apresentou área média de agregação de 15.760 m², enquanto para O. facialis e D. costalimai foi possível constatar áreas médias de agregação de 11.555 m² e 10.980 m², respectivamente. Esses resultados indicaram que para um levantamento seguro de cigarrinhas é necessário pelo menos dispor de uma armadilha por hectare.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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From the geotechnical standpoint, it is interesting to analyse the soil texture in regions with rough terrain due to its relation with the infiltration and runoff processes and, consequently, the effect on erosion processes. The purpose of this paper is to present a methodology that provides the soil texture spatialization by using Fuzzy logic and Geostatistic. The results were correlated with maps drawn specifically for the study area. The knowledge of the spatialization of soil properties, such as the texture, can be an important tool for land use planning in order to reduce the potential soil losses during rain seasons. (c) 2011 Published by Elsevier Ltd. Selection and peer-review under responsibility of Spatial Statistics 2011


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Cytogenetic investigations based on conventional and differential staining analysis (C-and replication R-banding and Ag-staining) were carried out on eight specimens of Phyllopezus periosus, 17 of P. pollicaris pollicaris, and one of P. pollicaris przewalskii collected from different localities of Brazil. P. periosus and P. p. pollicaris share the same diploid number of 2n = 40 chromosomes, and their karyotypes are very distinctive regarding to the number of biarmed and uniarmed chromosomes. After careful side-by-side comparison of R-banded chromosomes in both taxa, pronounced homology between, at least, eight pairs was revealed. The R-banding patterns allowed us to postulate that karyotype differentiation could be due to pericentric inversion events. P. p. przewalskii (2n = 38) exhibited a very similar karyotype to that found in P. p. pollicaris, except for the presence of one metacentric pair, which probably resulted from a Robertsonian rearrangement. Single and multiple pairs of NOR-bearing chromosomes, showing variation in number and location, were detected among the three forms of Phyllopezus. Similar C-banding patterns were found in P. periosus and P. p. pollicaris. Sex chromosomes were not positively identified.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The karyotype of a new species of Paratelmatobius from the P cardosoi group is described. As with other Paratelmatobius and Scythrophrys karyotypes, Paratelmatobius sp. (aff. cardosoi) shows a diploid number of 24 chromosomes, in addition to other similarities with the former karyotypes. The Paratelmatobius sp. (aff. cardosoi) karyotype differs from that of P. cardosoi in the morphology of pair 4, the NOR location and the C-bands in pairs 3 and 8 (exclusive to Paratelmatobius sp.) and those of pairs 7 and 9 (exclusive to P. cardosoi). Both karyotypes also differ in the amount of heterochromatin in pair 1. The presence of interstitial heterochromatin in the long arm of pair 1 and the interstitial C-bands in both arms of chromosome 5 are apparently synapomorphic characters of P. cardosoi and Paratelmatobius sp. (aff. cardosoi), since they are absent in the other Paratelmatobius and Scythrophrys karyotypes. In Paratelmatobius sp. (aff. cardosoi), the nucleolus organizer region is on the short arm of a small metacentric chromosome (pair 9), an arrangement similar to the NOR-bearing chromosome pair in the karyotype of P. poecilogaster and in karyotype 11 of Scythrophrys. A conspicuous heteromorphism unrelated to the sex determining mechanism was also observed and probably arose from a pericentric inversion.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Drosophila sturtevanti (37 strains) showed eighteen inversions, five new and thirteen previously described. Among these strains, 24 were maintained for seven to 21 years under laboratory conditions, eight for less than 1 year, and six were natural samples analysed in the first generation after collection. Flies from natural samples were the most polymorphic in the number of different inversions as well as in the frequency of flies bearing heterozygous inversions. In all cases, chromosome III presented the greatest number of inversions, and most of them occurred in strains from the Amazonian region. The data obtained were consistent with the hypothesis that the inversion variability of a species is proportional to the variability of its habitats.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Cytogenetic studies conduced on a sample of 19 specimens of rainbow trout (Oncorhyncus mykiss) showed that 6 presented two chromosomes with a single subterminal AgNOR on the short arms and 13 presented one chromosome with a single subterminal Ag-NOR and a second chromosome with two small subterminal Ag-NORs. Synaptonemal complex studies showed the presence of a pairing failure involving the two lateral elements (LEs) of the NOR-bearing chromosomes only in those specimens with two different NOR-bearing chromosomes, suggesting that the chromosomes with two Ag-NORs originated from a paracentric inversion involving a terminal segment of the original NOR-bearing chromosome. A comparative analysis between three normal and three heterozygous fishes suggest that in the latter group the LEs of the NOR-bearing chromosomes initiate the synaptic process in a more delayed manner, the synapsis develops more quickly, and the nucleolus stays associated with chromosomes for a longer time.